One of the great things about being old is that you see patterns repeat enough times the sequence and results become familiar. There are really just four strategies employed in the political elite playbook -> Delay - Deny - Destroy - Buy <- often used in combination. These tactics are deployed to eliminate enemies and bury liabilities.

Cuomo like Anthony Wiener, Jeffrey Epstein and Fauci are "friendlies" who got caught facilitating the crimes that support some elite agenda to they are rescued from the spotlight with a meaningless tawdry scandal that obscures the dangerous portions of their activity and consumes a distracted public.

Textbook case for deploying these tactics against threat to power is Julian Assange rotting in Belmarsh Prison London for committing acts of journalism exposing US war crimes, Clinton DNC corruptions and truly unforgivable CIA Vault 7 hacking tools and dirty tricks that rival Snowden's exposure of NSA global spying.

While the tactic of removing Fauci as the puppy killer aims to remove the GoF and vaccine issues from the news the heavy handed censorship and incessant lying that has defined all things COVID has driven mistrust of government and media from the general public to levels I haven't seen since Watergate. It has forced so many to stop being passive consumers of information and build networks of voices like yours and others on Substack and Rumble and live in the streets and that does make me very hopeful we the people and truth can prevail.

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Humans appear to be the best lab rats for their psychological dissonance .. why?

.. show them a suffering beagle - TRIGGERED

.. show them a suffering bunny - TRIGGERED

.. interview and show them a young adult permanently disabled from one of Fauci & Cos mRNA vaccines .. representative of the 10s of 1,000s who have to date, either died, been injured, and/or continue suffering illnesses at historically unprecedented levels from these Experimental vaccines, and we get -


.. or ..


.. *click* .. the channel is changed ..

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I had to stop reading several times, I couldn't see through my tears. I have been calling fraudci the next Josef Mengele for quite awhile, and then we find out he's even more of a monster than we already knew.

Oh my gosh, how can this disgusting little beast continue not just holding a medical license and a job with power; how is he allowed to continue living amongst us? The deepest, darkest, darkest dungeon is still too good for this atrocious, inhumane troll masquerading as a human.

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I believe that you are correct, too many people want Fauci out and he will be a great "fall guy" when vaccine failures are impossible to hide. They will say "this is all Fauci's fault", although of course it is not.

Doing my part to show vaccine failure, I wrote an article "UK Vaccine Hell predictably worsens in one week", that explains that case rates among the fully vaxxed are OVER TWICE the rates in unvaxxed, and that vaccine protection from death is dropping by 4% a week.


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"there is a lot of terrible medical research that gets done. some of the cruelty to animals is surreal. all of it is evil."

Yes. And very little of it results in any research that is reproducible, let alone aids humanity. It is just a gravy train for arrogant, narcisstic, ethics-less principal investigators. (Biomedical investigator here by the way.) These creeps and the ethics-free universities that enable them take the big grant money to the bank while doing things lopping the limbs off of chimps. then cutting open their skull and seeing what it did to their brain.

You are right the public would never stand for most of it. These people are exploiting the generally positive view the population has of scientists and threaten to do yet more to betray the public trust.

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Tony Fauci is indeed a monster. He exploited a pandemic to aggrandize himself at the expense of the public, all in the name of “public safety”. Robespierre too claimed to be protecting public safety.

I suspect he’ll be pushed out, like Collins and Cuomo. They are embarrassments at this point, as even many of their erstwhile defenders can see.

He certainly can’t stay on when Republicans reclaim the Congress. It won’t just be Rand Paul grilling him. And he can’t keep lying under oath with impunity.

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The cruel experiments on beagles are psychotic. The people who designed them, implemented them, and funded them are sick. And, yes, whoever is behind this plandemic is likely amplifying this revelation to take St Anthony out of play because he's become a liability.

If this revelation works to dethrone him, I'm all for it. As long as we don't allow ourselves to be distracted again and move on. We need answers. We need these people stopped before they do even greater damage. And let's not replace him with another psychopath.

Gotta say...there was almost radio silence when it was revealed in May that Fauci funded experiments at the University of Pittsburgh in which scalps from aborted fetuses were transplanted onto rats to see if they would grow. Whatever your position on abortion might be, can we at least acknowledge this horror? Can we admit that it is worse than the beagle experiments? Who they hell does this? How sick must they be?


I recommend the following videos. Some have seem them. They're worth watching again.


I also recommend Mikki Willis's book Plandemic. It was released last week.

And this interview of Mikki Wilis by Mercola...


Do you know when you're being manipulated?

Do you know when someone is trying to divert your attention or focus?

Can you see the trees? Can you see the forest?

Ultimately, it's our fault that we have allowed these people to take control...and it's our responsibility to take control back.

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Last Thursday's CBS Morning show -- Gail King questions Fauci about boosters and her expression of horror by his answers doesn't work with her script. Guess she didn't get the acting lessons required for news anchors.......Fauci tells her to choose your booster shot based on your gender because although "rare, rare", there has been an issue with heart problems in young men with the mRNA vaccines. So Fauci says you just have to get your gender ID right -- make sure you know what category you're in and all is well!! Gail responds: Thank you, thank you Dr. Fauci as she frowns and look upset. He also tells her she's protected from severe disease without the booster, but she needs the booster to prevent severe disease. A grumpy Brandon morning.......

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This is how it works….everyone knows you are responsible for the deadly virus and the deadly injections, killing millions; but Dems will let you retire for abusing puppies.

The problem is deaths from both of these crimes may drag on for years, and hopefully someone will get back in power in our government that has balls. This cannot be ignored as simply politics gone awry. It will continue until the players are convicted for crimes against humanity. What they are forgetting is there is no statue of limitations for murder or being an accessory in murder…….especially millions.

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Thanks for your in-depth, and very correct, coverage of this. I have little faith that we'll get much of the truth, but we'll get NONE of the truth if we don't push hard for it.

"fauci, like the public health herpes that he is, is forever." - GREAT line

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Fauci is a sociopath;

The writing on the wall has been there a long time;

As you point out, he (and everyone else) is only used until expending them is more advantageous;

It's the destiny of the parasites and cockroaches - they all eventually eat their own (sort of like the Sith);

They all know this when they sign up, but always believe it'll never happen to them;

Then there are those who "can't" believe it'll ever happen to them..... because they're sociopaths;

The distraction cycle continues, ever serving as cover for something else.

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your kids are still in masks and he's pushing them into vax's and you're mad about puppies (this isn't directed at anyone in particular)

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I completely agree! Great column as usual. Peter Daszak and Tony Fauci are the Leopold and Loeb of this century. They have committed the "Crime of the Century", but most importantly- the powers that be do not want you asking- WHO funded this? DARPA? CIA? DOD? No, let's focus on the distracting cruel beagle tests (obviously disgusting by any standards- truly abominable and wasteful). But sadly, today's society is more concerned about animal welfare than humans. Just look at Afghanistan, it wasn't the loss of human life, our soldiers or children with a drone. It was the dogs in the airport that generated the most outrage. Disturbing.

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You nailed it. This is a way for Fauci to be let go without implicating the 'leaders' for their terrible crimes.

But on the other side......... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/gop-calls-fauci-investigation-resignation-mount-after-nih-admits-funding-gain-of-function-research

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Completely agree this is just a sleight of hand.

The sad fact is that Americans tend to care more about their pets than their neighbors.

Fund illegal and immoral research that ends up releasing a virus into the wild that causes the whole world to shit down and results in massive civil liberties violations? The public says “Meh, tell me where to wear my mask and get an untested vac into myself and my kids, Uncle Sam, I’m too stupid to care.”

Kill Fido in a gruesome experiment? “Hang ‘em, hang ‘em high monsters!!”

This will likely end Fauci and then completely hide him from culpability. No, it wasn’t his massive collusion with the Chinese and big pharmaceutical companies, it’s the fact that he tortured a dog that matters.

Look, what they did to Snoopy is heinous, obviously. But what he and his pals did the the world is far worse and created far deeper problems.

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Yes, always ask not just what's being reported by WHY it's being reported.

On the other hand... I don't think this theory works. Getting rid of Fauci might be in their interests, but DISCREDITING him is not. He could be handed a gold watch and shuffled off with the thanks of a grateful nation, some cushy sinecures, and endless media gigs. The last thing they want is to paint him as a monster and validate his critics retroactively. Besides, none of the usual suspects seem to be pushing this story into the mainstream.

There's a more mundane explanation: attention bias. Stories like this pop up every few years. This just happens to be the first one that popped up after people started paying attention to Fauci and NIAID specifically. Heck, I'm involved in animal welfare locally here in Faucistan, home to NIH, so I was probably more aware of the beagle-butchering stories than average. And even I didn't spot the connection to until just now. It was always just a faceless "NIH" doing this stuff. No normal person was paying attention to Fauci or even NIAID at the time.

He can weasel out of responsibility for this anyway -- mistakes were made, closer review of our practices, etc. The whole Sir Humphrey Appleby routine. You don't get to where he is in the bureaucracy, and stay there four decades, without knowing how to do that.

Still, it's right to hammer him for it -- this stuff is monstrous in itself, quite apart from what it says about him more generally.

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