I have a hard time trusting one single piece of "official" data regarding COVID.

I can only assume that many other feel the same. And this is very dangerous for any kind of resolution.

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I trust nothing from any governmental agency.

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I will never trust the CDC again.

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Tornado/severe thunderstorm warnings? Sure there are the occasional false positives, but NWS can't inject you with severe weather preparedness serum.

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Well, maybe. But I don't live in Tornado Alley and I can see out my windows. I trust enough to look at radar, and then verify.

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Right. And ultimately "tornado warning" doesn't mean "you're about to get hit by a tornado", it's more "there are reports of a tornado on the ground headed in your direction" or "the radar is showing a whole lot of rotation and we can't confirm or deny there's a tornado underneath it, so assume there is for the sake of safety".

Plus it's pretty hard to fake tornado statistics. Either a big rotating column of wind trashed the place or it didn't. Though ARGUABLY I guess you could count deaths from a fear-induced heart attack as a tornado death..."death with tornado, not death from tornado". And periodically people who die of heart attacks shoveling snow after a blizzard get counted as blizzard deaths. But there aren't 20000+ of them and nobody accuses you of killing grandma if you point that out lol.

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They've disappeared inconvenient data FAR too many times. The fact they even consider data inconvenient means we shouldn't be trusting what they put out. Even if it's 100% correct, how do we know what they AREN'T putting out now?

The whole thing is disgusting.

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Like the Warren Commission Report? Still hidden, after all these years ...

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The very data sets they propagandised to bounce us into getting vaccinated, is now revealing the futility of getting vaccinated. Ironic.

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My working assumption now is that all numbers - infections, "cases", hospitalizations, vaccination rates, COVID fatalities, gene therapy injury and death rates - are, if not entirely made up, so regularly massaged as to be effectively meaningless.

Combined with the managerial class's proclivity to simply change the definition of words, and we're basically living in virtual reality at this point.

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I've seen no reason to put much trust in the US government since Johnson lied us into the Vietnam War. I believe history will show the entire "COVID-19 Pandemic" to be a similar scam. for power and profit.

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Yes, but go further back in time.

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Yes, I know there were earlier such events - but Vietnam was personal - I was in the Army '62='65, so I remember it well.

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"Follow the money!"

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Yes. This is my frustration. I want to support transparency but how are we to ever trust governmental reporting agencies again??

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If anything, the past two years has proven neither the CDC, many state health departments and definitely not the NIH are to be trusted…. sad state of affairs in the US, but grateful for folks like Gato with their eyes wide open. Still wondering why Biden nor Fauci have yet to catch Covid, but most everyone around them have??

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Silly... They haven't caught it because THEY ARE NOT VACCINATED!!!

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Probably so. But even unvaxxed people get sick. And it appears Obama, Warren, Psaki,,etc who got it didn’t get seriously ill.

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Katie. The question for the vaccinated isn't how sick they were when they got c19... The question is what happens when they get it again... And again... And... AGAIN!

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Yup. Or how they are destroying their immune systems, their bodies by shot after shot.

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I have not heard of one person who vas unvaxxed and had it several times, and I read from several doctors it does not happen. But it seems the vaxxed ones do get it multiple times, or at least they say so.

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My observation is that the vaxxed are more prone to get C19. However, I am not vaxxed and got Omicron twice. Go figure. I am 72 and let it run its course both times. No drugs (meds). I have been much sicker many times but I did not like how long the fatigue lasted.

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Useful to know. Since it is so difficult to get accurate public data now, I value anecdotal information a lot.

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I’ve had it twice. Once in 2020, and recently. Different variants. And there are well-known people, Glenn Beck, Clay Travis, etc. However, over the winter a was around a number of people who had Delta, and I didn’t get it. I guess my antibodies ran out. I’ve been much sicker in the past.

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Yep. You can definitely get it more than once. Please see my comments to Sheryl Rhodes.

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My neighbor, allegedly. He got it in mid-2020, then tested positive again during the Omicron wave a few months ago. Said the second go-round was basically just a cold.

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Good info. Please see my comments to Sheryl Rhodes. The "immunity" certainly does not last for long.

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Our son-in-law (perfectly healthy 32 year old at the time) got the Crud back in May of 2020. It affected him like a moderate case of the flu except that he did lose ability to smell for several weeks. He's self-employed and so was able to avoid being vaxxed. Last December, when so many people got the Omicron, he did too. Very mild, but a positive test and our daughter also caught it.

Two more points of interest: First, he got hold of some, uh, horse-paste when he didn't regain his smell in 2020 and that symptom disappeared in 48 hours. Secondly, they moved to Texas last year because they want their best chance of avoiding the woke and heavy-handed B.S. we've had shoved down our throats.

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Good info. I am totally against the covid vaccines but we need to let people know that the "immunity" one can get after having C19 can be very weak and not last long. I think it is because the virus was messed with in a lab to make it more transmissible (gain of function). Or, someone might simply say it is like the common cold (also a corona virus) that one can get a number of times in one year.

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Yes, it can happen to both. But it seems more common in the vaxxed.

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Infections in general are more common in the jabbed. Effective!!!

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I know these people. Covid at the beginning and then omicron.

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Well, they likely all have HCQ, IVM, and fluvoxamine in their medicine cabinets and not to mention, they’re pandered to with the best healthcare perks money can buy.

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Now THAT is because they did get vaxxed LOL. No serious, most people I know who had it, did not need to see the doctor, they got just something like a light flu. Only 4 or 5 were bedridden, and I know of a few that died, but were previously ill.

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I think a lot of people just don’t test if it feels more like a cold. In psakis case or other DC folks, they have to test.

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Yep, unvaxxed wife and I caught it in September 2021. Was like a mild flu mixed with a hangover for a week for me. Completely kicked her butt, she was in bed with a 104-105 fever for a little over a week. But her immune system was worse due to sustained insomnia, plus she had asthma as a pre-existing condition. Both of us are still alive...

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Could it be the people who got it did not get seriously ill because the strain going around now is milder? Unvaxxed people who are getting this are also not getting seriously ill.

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You're new around here?

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Given that the PCR tests come back positive if you've got half a broken nucleotide up your asymptomatic nose, I suspect a great many of those who "caught" COVID, didn't.

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I think ‘CoVid’ has become The Thing to have. I started to notice years ago how few people were getting mundane Colds, instead it was ‘flu or ‘chest infection’. Much more dramatic.

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Now that’s a good question.

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Because they took saline (they already knew it wasn't working) and are taking ivermectin as prophylaxis...Prove me wrong!

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That’s what I think honestly it is. Kamala probably too.

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I believe it!

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Gooooooood question !

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The lies and deceit that we've been talking about for 2 years are now coming to a head, they can't maximize the hospitalizations because then it shows all those scared and fearful elders who got 4 boosters still get COVID and are in the hospital--because their CHF got exacerbated or their diabetes and so on. Old enough to remember how it was a pandemic of the unvaxxed. The bottom line that we've thought and said, elderly people and those with massive comorbities are vulnerable NO MATTER WHAT to this virus. Hell, they're vulnerable to the bacteria in their own colons. The sad hard truth that the public hasn't learned is that when you're old, you have a higher chance of death, no matter the cause. Americans expect to live forever, including putting their 99 ear old grandpa on dialysis. A deeper discussion about illness, old age, waning immunity and the inevitability of illness and death has been completely shunted out the window.

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"Old enough to remember how it was a pandemic of the unvaxxed."

I too was alive four months ago.

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Perhaps he means ‘memory age’, a lot of people’s memories don’t go back 24 hours.

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This is exactly correct, and there's literally no way to save these people as long as we're counting anybody with a tiny bit of covid in them as a covid death. If X% of your population has a virus, you EXPECT that roughly X% of your deaths will have the virus in them -- even if it has nothing at all to do with what killed them.

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exactly, the death rate will never be zero because there is always a new disease or condition to cause death, even if minutely small, but here there's a financial incentive to "capture" every +PCR. We've never done this for the flu. More likely it's the additive effect of a cold superimposed on coronary artery disease, diabetes, congestive heart failure, obesity, kidney disease, etc that cause increased mortality but NO DIFFERENT FROM HOW IT EVER WAS with a cold, a flu, a sinus infection, etc/

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What about the hospital reimbursements for treating Covid patients. Have the hospitals found a way to get these reimbursements without reporting Covid patients to the CDC? Or is the CDC just changing reported data?

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Hospitals still test every single patient admitted. The positive result gets reported to the county health dept. which then reports it to the CDC. The CDC just gathers this info but they changed the criteria under which the positive test is reported. Is it an incidental positive? Yes, the vast majority are this. There are very few people now being admitted for covid pneumonia, covid dysentery, etc. Let's go back to the blanket "every patient is tested" bureaucratic step. Hospitals are incentivized to do this because a + gets them a bounty/bonus when billing and coding the claims to CMS --the vast majority are Medicare patients. (they claim they need extra $ to pay for all the masks and gloves and gowns that staff have to don just to see the + positive even if the patient isn't sneezing) And yes, this bonus is still on the books under the "federal health emergency" which has been renewed like 11 times going over 700 days, and the medical-industrial complex wants it to stay on the books because it pads their balances after the hemorrhaging from canceling lucrative elective surgeries like knee replacements. This is why the vaccines and tests are "free" to you at pharmacies, it's the emergency order, you better believe they're all getting paid from the feds. The CDC doesn't monitor whether the ICD-10 or CPT codes sent o CMS concur with the data of who is actually infected and sick or who is a + incidental. So the theater continues. END THIS EMERGENCY!!!!

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Thanks for explaining this circle jerk so well. Isn't the emergency declaration tied into the Medicare expansion in 2020? And if the declaration dies, so do the $$ the Feds give the states for the expansion. Money drives this whole thing.

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Medicare did not expand in 2020, in fact the funding for traditional Medicare was cut BECAUSE monies had to be diverted to the covid costs, and the new Alzheimer drug Aduhelm which costs $50K annually per person. This is now being rethought, they spend the money, get into trouble, then go 'gee maybe we shouldn't have done that" after harms and cuts have ensued. Most of my patients on Medicare have their retiree employer plans converted to Advantage plans which have much more restrictions for health but cosmetic/cute perks like Silver Sneakers plans at gyms and free haircuts.

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It is likely I'm confused, but hear me out. first, I meant Medicaid expansion. I am on Medicare and am aware of the push to those so-called Advantage plans.

I remember reading in several places that one reason for extending the emergency declaration over and over is that HHS needs money and authority it will not have unless the declaration continues in force. I thought this was needed due to Medicare expansion. Remember anything like this?

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Medicaid is completely separate from Medicare but both are under the CMS umbrella, and CMS itself is under the HHS umbrella. HHS is a monstrous federal agency dept that does many things, such as refugee border health checks, funding the NIH, and they needed $--also responsible for the pandemic response to cover the entire nations' testing, the free tests to the homes, the remdesivir/antibody cocktails and vaccine costs regardless of Medicare or Medicaid or insurance status of the patient. Medicare did not expand. Medicaid did in some states, it is a part fed/part state enterprise.

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"END THIS EMERGENCY!!!!" ---> Amen!

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I wonder if they have gotten word that the spigot will be running dry soon. I wish the spigot would run dry. That money has created crappy incentives.

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Where did those incentives come from? Unintended or intended consequences?

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"Unintended or intended consequences?" Important question indeed.

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Foreseen consequences can never be unintended.

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the incentives came under the federal health emergency act and the money will run out soon ,congress has not renewed more trillions for something that is now a cold.

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Thank you eagle-eyed feline for spotting this and pointing it out. It shows what the book aptly titled "How to Lie With Statistics" told us about so long ago.

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It is about manipulation but they do it by constantly changing how the rules are defined. They make data inconstant and as useless as possible. They see the end approaching.

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You know what this is....THE

Ministry of Truth has corrected things.

Thank you for collecting and conserving what virginal data still exists. I fear the day has come when data has no meaning anymore, and exists only to be perverted :(

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Too late! 'They' have been lying to us for generations. (centuries?) Very little of the data we are allowed to see today has a basis in reality. Its like political polling - no need to see the numbers. Just tell me who is paying for the poll, and I'll tell you the result. Data is used to support requests for funding, and increases in staffing. And to justify actions that have been, or will be, taken.

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Exactly. Those with the power and the money create their own reality.

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Sadly, it has ever been thus.

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it was inevitable...inflating positive cases through significantly over-amplified PCR tests, inflating hospitalizations and deaths in the unvaxxed by virtually counting any who ended up in either place as Covid positive...until the vaccines! Then everything was better. Except it wasn't. They forgot to inform national and state health services to completely change their definitions and counting mechanisms on the same day to prove vaccine efficacy...and so by their own methods we saw the inefficacy of vaccines and the solo efficacy of natural immunity. They're getting around to it, the definitional and methodological changes required to defend their narrative, but alas the gato is out of the bag. It's a shame that just TOO many people don't know this.

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Which goes to show you that having a Republican governor and state legislature and largely libertarian state ethos is no protection against data malfeasance.

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But all I have to do is note the huge surge in cases (mostly positive test with almost no symptoms to mild symptoms) in vaccinated people I know and the mysterious lack of cases in the unvaccinated people I know. One family had a perfect score. The three vaxxed members got covid in January and were cared for by the unvaxxed family member who for some strange reason didn't get sick.

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The only "data" I trust anymore is what I see with my own eyes. 7 people I know who got experimented on with the "gene therapy" have nothing but problems now. Anyone I know who didn't take part in being a guinea pig are doing just fine (including those who had so-called "covid"). No chart, map, or news story can change what I've seen with my own eyes.

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"iis new england covid hospitalization data being retroactively adjusted down?" Is water wet?

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The American data is by far the least transparent and accurate.

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I don't know about that. In Australia we have the TGA, the Therapeutic Goods Administration responsible for data collection and we are having a terrible time getting any true numbers from them. Injection deaths one week disappear the next. Many are saying it's corrupt to the core.

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That is a lot to say! Spain is hard to beat. I am pretty sure that some percentages they get are negative. They then use ABS() function in excel and problema solved.

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The numbers are transparant and accurate depending on who is president at the time.

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I don’t bother looking at any data from any source any more. It’s all a sham, and a waste of time.

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The Science of CoVid is the same as The Science of Climate Change, when the data is not showing what you want, change it with something made-up which fits. The Global Mean Temperature Anomaly Record has just been ‘updated’ to remove the embarrassing flatline and slight decline in global temperatures since 1996 and now show the ‘predicted’ continuing rise.

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"somehow, i doubt this is being done in the pursuit of accuracy as opposed to politics…"

Whatever the motives history is subject to change on the fly so even more important for folks to archive at Wayback and use capture timeline to flag the changes.


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If the same states that are adjusting their hospitalization definition report hospitalization by vaccine status a mash up of the two datasets could be quite revealing.

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With the DOD leak they rejigged previous years numbers.

In the UK they stop publishing numbers that bust the narrative of a pandemic of the vaxxed.

And in these states they simply fake the numbers.

I am not sure why they go to all this trouble - the MSM will ignore it ... so it does not exist. If you try to show this data to the CovIDIOTS they will tell you it's fake news - f789 off with your conspiracy bullshit....

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