I have a hard time trusting one single piece of "official" data regarding COVID.

I can only assume that many other feel the same. And this is very dangerous for any kind of resolution.

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Apr 24, 2022·edited Apr 24, 2022

If anything, the past two years has proven neither the CDC, many state health departments and definitely not the NIH are to be trusted…. sad state of affairs in the US, but grateful for folks like Gato with their eyes wide open. Still wondering why Biden nor Fauci have yet to catch Covid, but most everyone around them have??

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The lies and deceit that we've been talking about for 2 years are now coming to a head, they can't maximize the hospitalizations because then it shows all those scared and fearful elders who got 4 boosters still get COVID and are in the hospital--because their CHF got exacerbated or their diabetes and so on. Old enough to remember how it was a pandemic of the unvaxxed. The bottom line that we've thought and said, elderly people and those with massive comorbities are vulnerable NO MATTER WHAT to this virus. Hell, they're vulnerable to the bacteria in their own colons. The sad hard truth that the public hasn't learned is that when you're old, you have a higher chance of death, no matter the cause. Americans expect to live forever, including putting their 99 ear old grandpa on dialysis. A deeper discussion about illness, old age, waning immunity and the inevitability of illness and death has been completely shunted out the window.

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Thank you eagle-eyed feline for spotting this and pointing it out. It shows what the book aptly titled "How to Lie With Statistics" told us about so long ago.

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You know what this is....THE

Ministry of Truth has corrected things.

Thank you for collecting and conserving what virginal data still exists. I fear the day has come when data has no meaning anymore, and exists only to be perverted :(

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it was inevitable...inflating positive cases through significantly over-amplified PCR tests, inflating hospitalizations and deaths in the unvaxxed by virtually counting any who ended up in either place as Covid positive...until the vaccines! Then everything was better. Except it wasn't. They forgot to inform national and state health services to completely change their definitions and counting mechanisms on the same day to prove vaccine efficacy...and so by their own methods we saw the inefficacy of vaccines and the solo efficacy of natural immunity. They're getting around to it, the definitional and methodological changes required to defend their narrative, but alas the gato is out of the bag. It's a shame that just TOO many people don't know this.

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Which goes to show you that having a Republican governor and state legislature and largely libertarian state ethos is no protection against data malfeasance.

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But all I have to do is note the huge surge in cases (mostly positive test with almost no symptoms to mild symptoms) in vaccinated people I know and the mysterious lack of cases in the unvaccinated people I know. One family had a perfect score. The three vaxxed members got covid in January and were cared for by the unvaxxed family member who for some strange reason didn't get sick.

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The only "data" I trust anymore is what I see with my own eyes. 7 people I know who got experimented on with the "gene therapy" have nothing but problems now. Anyone I know who didn't take part in being a guinea pig are doing just fine (including those who had so-called "covid"). No chart, map, or news story can change what I've seen with my own eyes.

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"iis new england covid hospitalization data being retroactively adjusted down?" Is water wet?

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The American data is by far the least transparent and accurate.

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I don’t bother looking at any data from any source any more. It’s all a sham, and a waste of time.

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The Science of CoVid is the same as The Science of Climate Change, when the data is not showing what you want, change it with something made-up which fits. The Global Mean Temperature Anomaly Record has just been ‘updated’ to remove the embarrassing flatline and slight decline in global temperatures since 1996 and now show the ‘predicted’ continuing rise.

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"somehow, i doubt this is being done in the pursuit of accuracy as opposed to politics…"

Whatever the motives history is subject to change on the fly so even more important for folks to archive at Wayback and use capture timeline to flag the changes.


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If the same states that are adjusting their hospitalization definition report hospitalization by vaccine status a mash up of the two datasets could be quite revealing.

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With the DOD leak they rejigged previous years numbers.

In the UK they stop publishing numbers that bust the narrative of a pandemic of the vaxxed.

And in these states they simply fake the numbers.

I am not sure why they go to all this trouble - the MSM will ignore it ... so it does not exist. If you try to show this data to the CovIDIOTS they will tell you it's fake news - f789 off with your conspiracy bullshit....

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