Breyer, Hagan, and Sotomayor have proven that their sitting on the bench of the Supreme Court is actually above their pay grade. And whatever sources are for their misinformation, the fact that they actually are blind does not make it justice.

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Sadly all their questions were about Covid..this is REALLY about the Constitution not about any disease really

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You're comment is 100% accurate. The entire concept of Administrative Law is unconstitutional but the courts have allowed this pernicious disease to infect our lives without surcease.

On top of this cancerous growth, using crises to blur our constitutional boundaries even further has become yet another tool of an unbound government. Pandemic brings an emergency which leads to a completely lawless government where peeling back the onion back is not even considered.

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If I were a law firm, and any of those clerks applied to work for me, I wouldn't hire them and tell them how poorly they briefed their justice.

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Progressive, commie lite.

But it sounds so much better 8f you say you have PROGRESSIVE views

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That's just it. I was astonished by Sotomayor's comment in that it revealed that she had done ZERO HOMEWORK before listening to an important case. And she hadn't even really been paying attention to the news. We're going on year two of this thing and she STILL doesn't know that children are the least-affected group?

Chalk up yet one more formerly "hallowed" institution that has lost my respect in the last few years. We are literally living in "Idiocracy." Sheesh!

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And when they change "it" there sets the precedent for future destructive actions!

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Absolutely! Which is why I tuned out, because no one was focusing on the real issue!

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They get to believing the myth of their super-high IQs and think that they are experts on everything.

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Quite a good point, one that many miss. Facts about covid don't really matter except in terms of the meaning of imminent grave danger (OSHA). Hardly matters how many children might be ill or how many cases are happening per day. If an infected person shows up in the workplace will that result in immediate death to co-workers.

The justices even getting into the medical aspects is silly. The OSHA usage requires the grave danger standard.

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And I remember reading somewhere that OSHA In 2019 or 2020 said they would not intervene. If it wasn't needed then why is it now?

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Come on man! Our children aren't listening to us, can't we do something? Well boss it won't get through Congress. With all these agencies can't we find a way? Well boss we could try to push a workplace rule with OSHA but it probably is illegal. We did the eviction thing anyway, right. So do the OSHA stuff. OK boss but they won't like doing all the required stuff. Well skip those things and get it done. Yes sir, you are the most powerful person on the planet.

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Just a little workaround, right?

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Yes that is exactly right. They are being asked to practice law not medicine. Assuming they even know the law, they should stick to it.

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it is obvious they are focus2d on law/constitution, but rather making policy. it is embarrassing.

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Which also demonstrates the error of ever appointing these activists. Jurists are supposed to LISTEN to the facts presented, ASK clarifying questions related to the arguments presented and make a JUDGEMENT based on those as they relate to the law, not inject their BELIEFS into the argument.

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They are living embodiments of The Pedro Principle (The Peter Principle renamed in honor of Pedro Pierluisi, the POS governor of Puerto Rico, “Pedro” not coincidentally being the Spanish version of “Peter”).

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Have friend living in PR sheesh.. what a nightmare! He recently told me "My daughter had an orthodontist appointment yesterday. They require a negative test because she’s not vaccinated. Of course, most omicron cases are among vaccinated, but they don’t care… Anyway, my dad took her to get tested. After 3 hours in the car and only moving like 100 feet, I told him to forget it. I decided just to tell them she couldn’t get tested. Well, we went and they didn’t even mention the test. I guess they know it’s impossible. "

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I had a regular teeth cleaning appointment at my dentist in early December. I get there and the receptionist asks for my vaxx card. I go, “I’m not vaxxed. Why would I take an experimental drug??”

Long story short, the dentist wouldn’t make an exception for me, so I switched from my PR dentist to a dentist in NH. Will have to pay OOP, but NFW will I ever get jabbed.

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Drug stores here in central FL mostly saying "We are out of home Covid tests." I found my bottle of tincture of iodine ($8 for a one ounce bottle???) and while waiting at the checkout, right after a woman had been told "no tests" and left, I see two packs in a display on the counter. I point this out to the cashier and saying, "I don't want them, but..." 😅

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Using this from now on.

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

I could not believe that people this intelligent(?????) could say something so stupid. But do they only watch CNN & MSDNC?

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Possibly. But the greater effect is the DC bubble they live in.

Too bad most of government lives in its own echo chamber.

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Knowing a lot does not make you smart. In fact, the more you 'know' the less street smart most are

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And you can’t “learn” street smarts. Anyone can learn anything from a book or a teacher. You don’t have to be spectacularly intelligent to be taught any topic. But street smarts are God given.

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Reminds me of the stupid "the more you know" promos on TV. Suposid in the know people who actually know nothing. They should change it to "the more you watch, the less you will know".

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But they don't 'know a lot,' either; they apparently 'know' only lies.

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Yes, it's really depressing. Let's just blow the Supreme Court building up into rubble to promote diversity and tolerance. Or something.

As for intelligent.... People today can't, ....don't distinguish smart with virtuous. Both important. Both completely different things, right? Smart often isn't "good" (meaning "virtuous").

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That would be the Canadian Supreme Court.

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Lawyers aren't necessarily intelligent. We've got this self-serving mythology that law is sort of like applied philosophy. The reality is more like applied bureaucracy. It's about navigating and manipulating the rules, not questioning them. We follow authorities, not logic.

Granted: because law is adversarial, it forces you to think through and deal with opposing arguments. That's valuable. But those arguments are ultimately judged by how well they conform to authority. The trick is to show that the authority actually supports what you want. You don't get to argue that the authority was wrong.

Best course I took in law school was "Legal Theory", which required actually breaking down legal thinking into premises and conclusions and making everything cohere logically. It wasn't a required course, almost nobody took it, and it wasn't something potential employers were looking for.

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Intelligent? You didn't use enough question marks. LOL!

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Oh my God. What a clown show. So embarrassing.

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Someone needs to fact check them .

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OH it's all over Twitter how stupid Soto is sheesh

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THIS MORNING I told my neighbor that she reminds me of Soto. She thanked me. I am getting so rude. I crack myself up.

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All over GAB and GETTR, too.

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Are the really that stupid, or is it exactly their pay grade that is prompting such utter nonsense? You know, that pay grade above and beyond any official remuneration, the one about which we don't get to know the exact details.

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It's all about the agenda. Reinforces that the MSM is right if SCOTUS says the same thing well for those that watch/listen anyway. Like kitten has said it's about the psychological curve and they are still riding when it's all over

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They all exceeded The Peter Principle upon graduation from high school. Dolts!

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Doufoses or is it Dofi???

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The questions I read they're asking suggest they're not stupid. Corrupt possibly but almost certainly ideologically possessed.

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Probably got promoted because they were no good in lower courts, just like some people become the boss because they can't do the work

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But HOW did they graduate law school? How did they GET INTO law school? I thought they had standards? Well, I guess affirmative action, in Kagan's and Sotomayor's cases.

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By going to a liberal school and being indoctrinated!

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Sotomayor seems to come from a poor family and worked her way up. At least that is what she stated when she was nominated. I did not fact-check. But now she sunk lower than she has ever been IMO

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Not much different than Obama

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OH it's all about making law not following what we already have

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I just coached my uncle through an unpleasant but tolerable case of Omicron. We weren’t able to get IVM in time, but he did all of the other usual supplements (vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, vitamin C, garlic, ginger, etc.) and got over it in a couple of weeks.

He is in his 60s and not in the greatest of health (has sleep apnea and damaged lungs from his Air Force days of painting with aerosols w/o protection), but he survived and now has natural immunity for life!

That said, he is still feeling very fatigued, so it will probably take a bit longer for him to fully recover. It’s worse than a cold but not nearly as bad as it’s made out to be.

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Speedy recovery to ur uncle 🏋️🏋️

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Your description aligns with my experience. Not "mild" like the type of cold you get and aren't sure if it's just seasonal allergies, but on par with a mild flu.

One thing the medical community may not have figured out - with the healthcare system shut down everyone has had to learn home self-care with traditional remedies. These coward doctors will and should be run out of business by garlic and ginger. Hopefully they'll be pushed so far that we can extract major concessions in federal legislation - a patient's bill of rights that holds pharma and HCPs accountable for their actions, and gives us easy, prescription-free OTC access to medicines like Ivermectin, azithromyacin, NAC, etc.

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I read a news story that in a huge attempt at government overreach, responding to a surge of interest in NAC to help treat COVID, the FDA has been trying to block acces to NAC supplements??

Are they now by definition against anything that is not a patented product for treating COVID?

I mean, the safety profile of NAC is as safe as you can get ...

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Yes, I experienced this unabashed corruption when I found my monthly Amazon Subscribe & Save for N-A-C was suddenly canceled, and I couldn’t find it anywhere online (I think this started last summer or so). Fortunately, I was able to find it at my local Natural Grocers and stocked up in case it would stop being sold entirely.

I am immensely relieved to hear about the lawsuit against the FDA for this blatant BigPharma conciliation.

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N-acetyl-L-cysteine is supposed to help with fatigue. Apparently, the virus can wreak havoc on mitochondria. NAC is a precursor to glutathione. It might help.


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Yep, I told him about that, too :-)

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I read a news story that in a huge attempt at government overreach, responding to a surge of interest in NAC to help treat COVID, the FDA has been trying to block acces to NAC supplements??

Are they now by definition against anything that is not a patented product for treating COVID?

I mean, the safety profile of NAC is as safe as you can get ...

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He was likely unaware of the need to use a saline nasal spray and mouthwash. Adding a very low dilution of hydrogen peroxide might have also helped. Be careful with H2O2 dilution if using food grade stuff.

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Oh yes, I sent him Dr. Paul Alexander’s instructions on povodine iodine mouthwash swish, but I don’t know if he actually did it.

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Check out the FLCCC's I-MASK+ protocol. https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/FLCCC-Alliance-I-MASKplus-Protocol-ENGLISH.pdf

I've also heard good things about nebulizing food grade hydrogen peroxide.

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Haha, I sent that to him, too! Excellent resource, thank you for reminding me.

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Xlear nasal spray and Listerine Cool Mint or Crest Scope gargles should work if he doesn't want to do the betadine.

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Good to know, and thanks for the tip!

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Cold for the Young flu for the elderly. Flu can be serious for weaker organisms. Goodbye pandemic. You could have been more serious. But u woke up the hidden Monsters of our declining "liberal" societies

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I think part of the problem where I live in Canada is that not all covid cases are omicron just yet, or at least not the serious cases still in hospital. Here's my anecdotal evidence: I know of 2 people who were/are seriously ill with covid. The 1st person (late 50's & asthmatic) became ill in late Nov/early Dec 2021 and was in hospital for about 2 weeks. Husband was also quite ill but was only hospitalized for a few days. Because of the timing, I suspect they did not have omicron but rather delta but since we're hearing 'omicron, omicron, omicron', people will associate that level of illness with omicron. The second person is still in hospital, has been for a few weeks and is in critical condition with covid; I don't know any other details besides the fact that she is in her late 60's.

I'll add that I've heard of many people having very mild disease also.

I will also add that I know of 4 people who had heart attacks in the last 2 months 1 of whom died. 3 of these were vaxxed, 1 don't know about the 4th (75 yr old who died of heart attack). Of the 3, 1 was young, good shape, 1 month after vaxx, 2nd was middle age, good shape, few months after vaxx, 3rd was 70ish, good shape, several months after vaxx.

I don't ever remember knowing that many people having heart attacks in such a short period of time.

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N all those professional soccer players

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The Death Vax. My sister-in-law has a group of friends in which in just the past month 6 people have died, 60s and 70s. This is not normal. I know they are older but all had been in great health. All heart attacks with the exception of one stroke.

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And I am living proof—Day 3 of Covid, positive on 1/7. Age 59, unvaxxed. Had 2 days of fever (101.2 max), felt “flu-crappy”. Pulse ox never went below 93%. Took IVM and the whole FLCCC deal. Temp 99.6 today, but am feeling overall like myself. I know it’s not done yet, but I feel super grateful for what I’ve experienced, in comparison with many.

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Similar experience here. Mid 50s, unvaxxed, normal weight, very healthy, no comorbidities. I started feeling sick late in the day 1/5, felt “flu crappy” for 2 days with a 100-101 fever and a splitting headache. I’ve been following the FLCCC protocol and am feeling much better today. I was hoping that I’d acquire natural immunity sooner rather than later, particularly after Omi became prevalent and am thankful I didn’t get too sick.

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How's this compare to ur worst ever cold or flu? Feel better 🤞

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Basically the same as previous flus. My colds are not usually this bad, but really, could have been so much worse. Thank you.

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Similar -- I"m 57, not shot, normal weight, no health problems. I do not have IVM but have been doing the FLCCC preventative vitamins for months, except Quercetin. Someone I know had Q and brought it to me, so I'm taking it and doubling the Vitamin C and D. I am on day three and feel well on the mend (knock wood). Never had a fever, but I had chills all day 2. Felt "flu-crappy" for about a day and a half, and unable to think. Now I just feel run down, but not desperately unable to make up my mind about anything!

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Woohoo! Glad you’re on the upswing, too. Good to get it over with.

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That's right, the unable to think clearly is common. Ur almost home free🤸🤸

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I must have had it, too.

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I think I've had it twice in two years. One w loss of smell n both had weird temp that left n came back over several days. Glad ur better 👍

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I did an at-home test for Covid, which came up positive. I waited until about 36 hours after the first symptoms, because I know they are often negative in the first 24 hours. My doctor's office doesn't want to see anyone in person, but the nurse I talked to said that given the prevalence of Omicron here and the symptoms I described, it sounded like Covid. I never had a fever. The nurse told me almost all cases of flu have a fever, and that the previous versions of Covid did as well, but the norm for what they're seeing of the new variant has been no fever. Other symptoms she pointed to were it hitting all of a sudden (no "I feel it coming on!") and the cough that developed right away.

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Interesting that no fever is more typical with Omicron.

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I don't know whether it is or not -- that's what my doctor's office told me. Who knows? It's very hard to find reliable information about Covid, I've found.

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Sure, but you can't take them until a while after you have it -- the Kroger site says four weeks.

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I tested positive, but I do wonder if I also had the flu. Doesn’t matter, really, I guess.

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It matters to me, because I want to be able to say I already have it if people keep trying to get me to have the shots. I will do a blood test later to find out for sure.

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I've had bouts with the flu far worse than the "Omicold" I'm just now getting over. Thurs night chills, Friday in bed with fever mild head and body ache, and here I am Sat morning having breakfast on the patio feeling close to normal. Started with HCQ and Zpack, remained stable, then woke up nearly symptom free after first round of Ivm at 0.45mg/kg. Starved this flu like no other, just water, cranberry juice, beef broth, and a few saltine crackers with butter for the Ivm. Otherwise nasal and throat sanitization and vitamins per FLCCC. Grateful to feel this well so quickly and prayers for all still getting through.

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Yes, everybody knows that Covid 19 is over by March. My guess is that the WHO is just trying to desperately milk for money before it disappears. In fact I think this is the most dangerous part of the pandemic. Public health authorities are going to start getting desperate as they realize that they are about to lose all of their power and so they are going to try to double down on things like vaccine passports and social distancing in order to maintain relevancy. They need to be fought even harder right now. If we can reach March without the implementation of the vaccine passports at a large scale, we might be in the clear.

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You're absolutely correct: Canadian health minister just announced general vaxx mandates coming up. Hopefully, the fear mongering will fail before he succeeds.

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Canadian, and I will not comply.

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Yep. The Wuflu will be over but they would love to keep those measures going. Forever.

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They needn't worry; the Xi'an variant is on its way and all hell will break loose when it gets here. Let's pray that it never does.

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Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

When people didn’t know what was going on with COVID, the media personalities and public health liars (but I repeat myself) could make up scary stories.

Now, everyone I know in a liberal enclave has either gotten and recovered from extremely mild COVID, or knows roughly a hundred people who have done so.

Their legs are now too well qualified to discern urine from rain for the charade to continue.

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Rain? We are in a drought because Climate Change!

Reason and evidence are not exactly bedfellows of liberalism. I agree that the sun is rising but am a great deal more skeptical that the "end of Covid" will mean the end of: (a) the moral hierarchy and social status associated with the submission to State/"Experts"; (b) the return to social-economic normality of the before times (not that this is anything to strive toward); or (c) the unwinding of unlawful State power, the managerial state bureaucratic ascendancy, and widespread State sponsored technocratic and medical tyranny.

All of this is institutional and social power that will not give way because the Truth is emerging. Similarly, massive wealth transfer behind the Covid scam has established a number of mechanisms and precedents and field-tested economic levers that were successful for TPTB and cooperating useful idiots beyond measure.

Much like the End of Trump did not quell TDS but instead was mutated into Branch Covidian derangement and then leveraged by TPTB to further punish deplorables and any other form of opposition to the Narrative. There is no such thing as a temporary tax or temporary State tyranny. Expect the next chapter to be anything but 'normal'.

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Oh, they've got their hand on the stick-shift and they've only progressed to 2nd gear. It's about to go a helluva lot faster. We have to 'not comply' on every level -- and convince others to do the same.

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Very well stated!

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Lol are you talking about Seattle?

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These global organizations have always been whores but seein' 'em stark naked and covered with suppurating sores right in front of our eyes is still a shock to the senses.

I recall with shame that not all so very long ago, I was thinking myself in sympathy with the concepts of "globalism" rather than a proper appreciation for what it means, philosophically, to e an American. I stopped pledging allegiance when I was 15 years old and realized there wasn't really "justice for all." While some international traveling and sojourning hasn't put my hand back over my heart, it damn sure smacked me into reality. I happened to be visiting friends in the UK during the Brexit vote and some of the young'uns were heartbroken. Hope wisdom will someday follow.

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I watched a Kitco video last night regarding financial predictions. The speaker stated that as bad as it is, the United States is still the best on the block. Put your one hand over your heart but use the other to try to fix the troubles.

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I still don't believe in performative loyalty oaths. But I've always spoken up even when it was very costly to do so, and my world has always been equally divided between them's what loves me, and them's what hates me, and I take great satisfaction in seeing who my enemies are...

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There have been postings on medical web sites for doctors by doctors that are saying the garbage misinformation the leftist judges used came from an Amicus brief submitted to the court by the leftist PAC the AMA.

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N they willing repeated them. Like a middle finger to everyone truly informed 🙄

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We all knew it would come to this. It's taking longer than we thought, but - you can fool some of the people all the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all the time.

Oh, you and I are clearly not "all" ;)

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I could be the poster boy for Comorbities, unvaccinatdd, and I have had Omicron since Wednesdsy. It's a bad cold. Now I had Alpha in 2020, and that was hell, but there were no approved treatments, I weathered it with vitamins and a double dose of ADVAIR.

Big my assistant caught Delta in move, but and I didn't get it from him, even though I brought him his food his two weeks in hell. He caught Omicron too.

Omicron clearly evades vaccines and natural immunity the way in which Alpha and Delta did not, but its just a cold. People do die from colds, but Omicron is a blessing. It's going to end the Pandrmic and the charlatans running this will lose their leads if they don't drop it.

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So glad you are well and can spread the word. I know a man who has such a heart condition that he could not get his spine operated on because the anesthesiologist thought it was too risky, he is very very heavy (but gets lots of vit D thru the sun and lots of exercise) - he got the original COVID in I think May when ppl where scared sh*tless and he said it was like a hard flu. He took no supplements. He told people how it was and I think some (like me) really appreciated it. You should share your experience with ppl still afraid. I know they don't seem persuaded not to jab by real tragic stories, but maybe if they know you it will make a diff. be well JJS. Thanks for sharing.

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May 2020.

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I woke up this past Wednesday with a sore throat. Didn’t really think much of it. But by the end of the day I started to feel fatigued. Went home and had dinner and then went to bed by about 9 PM. The next morning getting up and preparing for work I felt completely rundown. Cough and chills. So I called in sick. I had a Covid test done yesterday and was told it will take 24 to 48 hours. But I would say what I have is the equivalent of a moderate case of the flu. Chills, bad cough and a headache. That pretty much describes Omicron.

I’ve been loading up on fluids and vitamins per usual. Hoping to kick this thing by the end of the weekend.

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It also describes season flu, Vincent. Why bother getting tested with a test that cannot distinguish between the two? The treatment is the same anyway. Speedy recovery, mate!

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 9, 2022

Because I work in a cardiology clinic and cannot go back to work unless I get tested. Believe me… I wouldn’t get tested for this if I didn’t have to.

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I’ll let you know when my tests results come back 👍🏻

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And it’s positive for SARS COV 2. Not that it changes anything. I’ve been treating it as if it already was.

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rest and sudafed/mucinex to avoid those things which are hallmarks of URI untreated - sinus infection or bronchitis. But luckily not much in the way of pneumonia

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I’d urge caution with Sudafed. (Just trying to be helpful here, not contrary ;). I used Sudafed once, followed instructions to the letter and ended up turning a mild cold and congestion into a miserable/terrifying experience including trip to urgent care. Only after the fact did I read all the warnings included with Sudafed and realized that all my worsening “symptoms” were actually known side effects to Sudafed. Inability to breathe, feelings of impending doom/death, intense anxiety... Since my experience I’ve heard the same from several ppl I know who had intensely negative reactions to this drug. Some ppl swear by Sudafed and take it regularly with no problems. But there is clearly a risk of very bad outcomes for others. Sry for rambling - just hoping to help prevent a horrible experience for someone else :) Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery!

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Yes. Sudafed causes tachycardia in sensitive individuals. Years ago I used it freely for my allergy symptoms until I figured out it caused my racing heart and anxiety. I only use Mucinex (guaifenesin) now but make sure to drink plenty of fluids while taking it.

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Yes it is possible people can be sensitive to it. I have always relied on it for clearing out sinuses periodically. But it can raise your heart which can induce further anxiety and HPB

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A word of warning about Sudafed. My husband has an enlarged prostate. Several years ago he took some for a sinus issue. Several hours later he couldn’t empty his bladder. He wound up in the ER where he had to have a catheter put in. He wore it for a week to allow his prostate to recover and then had it removed. There is a warning on the package about this but it is often missed.

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What helped me was lots of citrus, ongoing water sips, up to 100 oz, as many naps as I could n looked for day 3-5 for peak symptoms. Once I peaked n I knew it, it gave me hope n sailed home in better spirits. Speedy recovery to u🏋️

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Check out Masterjohn's summary of Kennedy's book and you will see a method to WHO's madness


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I read it... Woooooow. Eye opener.what's happening more sense now 👍👍

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I don't want to jinx myself, but... I have Covid right now. Home test, not doctor test -- my doctor's office said not to bother coming in, and that my symptoms indicated it was probably not flu (no fever). Just got over a long cold before Christmas that knocked me out for almost two weeks. Again, not to jinx myself, but I'm on day three and it's mostly gone. If Covid weren't going around and almost ubiquitous, I would be thinking of it as a typical winter virus, and planning to go to the grocery store and church tomorrow, and to work Monday. As it is I will stay home until Tuesday. I'm 57, no shot, normal weight, no health problems.

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Look good for u 👍👍

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I think the architects plan for it to never be over. They apparently have an end goal in mind (fascism) not to mention that they must be worried about the growing awareness of vax side effects which could potentially lead to many facing justice. The MSM will try to keep it going. There will continue to be a push to vax and booster so as to not have a control group(s). It will be over when a certain mass of people say it is over. Then the fascist klingon bastards will manufacture some other crisis so as to continue with their plans. We can not forget. Having them face justice is the way forward. The crimes against humanity will not go away, they can not be undone.

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Legacy media is failing badly. Compare Joe Rogan's viewers to CNN's viewers. Joe wins by a landslide. Russell Brand is another; wins by somewhat smaller landslide. Substacks are a phenomena only gaining in popularity. That has to have an effect sooner or later.

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Yes. I'm sure that worries them and they will likely try to increase censorship and their pronouncements will become even more and more absurd.

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It will be over when enough people decide it's over. Too many people waiting for a pol to wave a magic wand and say, "We're done here!"

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I've seen. Great video. That is why alternatives to MSM are important.

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Jan 8, 2022·edited Jan 8, 2022

Just to be clear about SCOTUS this past week. There should have been ZERO discussion of Covid cases, hospitalizations, whether the vaccines work, etc.

That is NOT HOW our legal system is supposed to work.

The ONLY QUESTION!!! The ONLY ONE should have been is this mandate legal, i.e. Constitutional? Does the Executive Branch have the Constitutional Authority to mandate this thru one of it's agencies, in this case OSHA?

The fact that they were actually discussing all the other nonsense they were means we are screwed. I have seen some, but not enough, outrage at this fact.

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Agree. But I’d edit: This is not how our legal system is SUPPOSED to work.

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Good point. I will. Any charge for the editing?

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No charge. This one’s on me ;)

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