Thank you for the clear explanation of what OAS is. I’ve avoided the vax because I want to let my immune system do it’s thing because it is finely tuned, God given. There seems to be an arrogance in public health in trying to control this virus.
Right. It’s hubris. Public health officials have a kind of god complex, it seems. They greatly overestimate their own abilities and knowledge, while they shamefully underestimate the natural resilience of the human body and its immune system, which has been forged through evolution over millennia precisely to deal with pathogens like this one.
We are not all immunocompromised. So why do Fauci & co keep treating us as if we were?
The actions of many health "professionals" appear to be intended to cause harm, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence that it will do so.
Equally, their unwillingness to even consider that there are viable alternatives, is nothing short of criminal, for someone supposedly "highly" trained to look after your health.
They’re shameful on many accounts as it comes to pregnancy and birth care resulting in the worst, yet most expensive maternity ‘care’ system. Routinely rigging trials to further introduce interventions to justify their pocket books.
( I have been accused of being behind-the-times + old-fashioned many times…my reply is always, ‘thanks! I take that as a compliment!’” The return expressions are priceless 🤣
Even midwives, who until recently encouraged “less medical intervention during pregnancy and birthing” are pushing the vax on moms-to-be. (3 daughters have had a baby during the covid era)
Tony Fauci is a sociopathic narcissistic creep. It’s just been one of the great tragedies in American history that we had Fauci instead of someone like Tegnell or Kulldorff in charge of our pandemic response.
Fauci lies about everything. He’s pathological. And I have no doubt that, after he’s finally pushed out, he will find a nice sinecure at some pharma company. Perhaps Moderna.
This is the game he (Fauci) enjoys. The guy's old. In a well-functioning world, he should be retired and enjoying all the fruits of his labors (ill-gotten or not). But instead, he stays away from retirement and keeps getting up each day to play this game he's been playing since the 80s. There's nowhere to push him to. If he's out, he'll live in retirement. He doesn't need and isn't interested (per se) in some sinecure. That's a game for the younger set who wish to be retired but cannot. He can, and won't. He believes he's on a mission...
You can say the same for our current Resident, and a good deal of US Senators too. I'm sure there are more.
This isn't "work" to them. Work that they'd like to be unburdened of in retirement, if they could afford to, like typical people. It's passion. They LOVE this stuff! They're in their equivalent of a Superbowl game now. Money is nothing to them now, it's about the _score_.
Sure. I observed that pre-2020, he seemed to be on track to be the UK version of a Trump. He appeared to be really popular (in the UK) because of this potential similarity. Then he got COVID and went dark inside some hospital. When he came out, he was totally different. And has acted so ever since. What /happened/ in there? It's as though he was finally read-in on "The Plan" and given an ultimatum: cooperate or else. And he's vulnerable to whatever their "or else" was. --just an observation from another Yank.
I sometimes feel that he is being held hostage when I see him speak on television.
He has that look of weary despair about him.
However, that does not excuse the path that the government has chosen during this pandemic and the complete lack of any dissenting voices from qualified experts.
You don't need god complexes, only that "it's hard to make a man understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it".
Public health as a group exists in order to control disease via public i.e. state interventions. The one idea that unites them that they _cannot_ ever let go of, is the idea that state interventions work to improve collective health. If they did then they would stop being public health workers, almost by definition, and thus we'd be back at square one where all public health workers believe that idea.
Honestly, very very occasionally I feel a bit sorry for them (not for long). If they accepted the magnitude of the failure here and quit their jobs in public health, where do they go next? For many of them, they have no particular skills the private sector would want, and for others their skills are just nothing special. And their experience, their social status, all of that would be gone. Back to the start, career wise and maybe earnings wise. Then how would they pay their mortgage, their divorce settlements, their children's schooling? Their health insurance!
No, unfortunately for everyone, they are stuck there with no way out, which means we are stuck. They must Publicly Health people regardless of whether we or they want it. That is their role, it's the game they must play. The only way to "fix" this would be to just systematically defund all public health agencies and systems, flush them all into the private sector and go fully libertarian, but probably even El Gato Malo wouldn't want to go that far - I note the praise for the FDA under Gottlieb, which makes a doubly deep impression given the cat's short temper for public health incompetence. Apparently at least some public health agencies were useful, once upon a time. Would it be an over-reaction to get rid of all of it? Given the last two years of COVID nonsense it doesn't feel like that now, but maybe it would be.
Still, the sector seems like it badly needs to be cut down to size somehow. Only question is - down to what size?
Public health is an extension of the unelected Administrative State and they know everything about everything. Hence they get to tell everyone else what to do. It's for our own good.
I have come to consider that this whole mess is because we all rely on 'experts', who in their own narrow domain only see what fits their tunnel (and as such are either fools or can be manipulated by others) or are indeed nefarious on their own. Or simple Blackmail, everything with money. Consider for instance Andrew Hill of the University of Liverpool. One very prime example of this corrupting influence of the real big money and therefore the real big power.
Trying to get people to make sense of this stuff on their own is simply impossible, because most if not all of them simply refuse to believe their holy experts might be wrong or corrupted. Inluding all of the media outlets and government agencies and so on and so forth. Even entertaining the possibility, that people with good intentions just either get played or simply succomb to phenomena best desribed with social phychology. I'm so, so grateful for the handful of countries doing things a bit different, like Sweden. It provides this little bit of 'control groups' we so desperately need. Thank god there is even unvaxxed people in the first place to compare to!
It is a big fight to win, but I'm feeling more positive by the day.
Or worse, not even MDs, but "dashboards" and "real time test results" and fitbits--bs gadgety bells-and-whistles they are perfectly happy to delegate all critical thinking and bodily awareness to. SMH.
ADE Season is upon us. Let the cytokine storms commence. This is a depraved IQ tests of sorts, and the cult running this depopulation program are handing out Darwin Awards hand over fist while the recipients virtue signal away straight into their death chambers.
Luke Montagnier covered all of this well over a year ago.
This to me seems like a natural consequence of continued leaky boosters. But we are not yet seeing the deaths that should occur from ADE. I suppose Omicron could show this, but so far cases are mild which indicates vax or some other immune response is holding. Even less virulent omicron should kill if ADE is occuring.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement occurs when antibodies are not a great match for pathogen, so they grab on to the antigens (ie, spike) on the virus but do not bind great. Once a virus is apparently neutralized by antibodies, other killer cells (Macrophages, etc.) think they can swallow them and destroy them, but once inside, the virus can still replicate because the virus is not completely covered with suffocating antibodies. So, in effect, the antibodies help the virus get inside a cell. This is the result of poorly binding antibodies.
Original Antigenic Sin can lead to ADE because our immune system may not have a perfect fit for the new antigen (ie, mutated spike), but thinks it does because it is close to the one that antibodies worked on last time. So, the deployed antibodies bind to the antigen (spike), but not tightly enough to neutralize the virus for destruction. If it gets inside a destroying cell because the cell thinks it is neutralized, then you have ADE since the antibody actually helped it get in.
This is why I am amazed any medical professional would posit that this C19 vaccine is in anyway as good as naturally derived immunity. The sicker you get with C19, the more immune memory you will develop. But even if moderately sick, your immune system should develop memory for not just the spike but for a wide range of antigens in and on the virus, especially the main body of the virus. Even if the spike or other surface antigens mutate, which they are more prone to, the main cellular body does not mutate that fast, so immunity for those antigens should stay valid for a very long time. The C19 vaccines, target only the spike and only 5 or so proteins on the spike. As these mutate the vaccine becomes useless, not withstanding the apparent lack of immune memory to boot.
It is called OAS because it is a perceived flaw in our immune system that seems to indicate the immune system is a little lazy and will deploy antibodies it already has from a previous infection that it deems close enough to neutralize the pathogen.
So those with a healthy immune system should be able to fight off C19 even if the deployed antibodies aren't quite the "right" ones initially. Is this why Zinc and Quercitin are in the preventative protocols because they prevent the virus from getting into cell and replicating { if i understand correctly)
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. I really appreciate it
All the Protease Inhibitors (Ivermectin, HCQ/Zinc, etc.) stop the long chain mRNA pathogen from replicating in cells as the long chain needs to be cut in half to work. The inhibitors seize up the scissors for lack of a better explanation. But this only helps early on. Once in hospital or very sick, Protease inhibitors become much less viable. This is why the study Fauci did with HCQ in South America etc. was flawed; did it with late stage patients where it will have little or no effect. "See, does not work".
Your question on immune system response is what many are worried about. If you have alot of Abs circulating in blood that are a bad match but still bind you may get ADE. But even if they dont have affinity for the virus, they crowd out or delay better matches or other responses.
Our natural systems are so complex and if healthy are so good. For most of us, these C19 vaccines are messing with a better internal response. If immune compromised, maybe a vaccine is an option for C19. But remember, you are not injecting immunity with vaccine; your immune system needs to be strong enough to respond to the vaccine in order for it to have any effect later.
This is the most scary potential outcome of leaky vaccines and continued boosters. Thankfully we are currently seeing less virulence, unlike Marek's that mutated into a more deadly strain. This is what Geert is most concerned with in terms of C19 as we vax into a pandemic.
I think ADE is occurring, but ADE has a definition problem. I think that in the literature, ADE is probably associated with enhancement of disease. BUT, to my understanding, that's not chiefly what ADE is. ADE is (again, as I understand it) chiefly an enhancement of infectivity. If it's the case that Omicron just so happens to be a much less virulent form of SARS-CoV-2, it's just out supreme dumb luck that ADE-boosted infectivity doesn't translate into increased disease.
My take is that just because increased disease isn't happening, doesn't mean ADE is NOT.
Heaven help us if that comes to pass. As much as we'd like to see the foolish get their comeuppance, the reality of that coming to pass would be a destabilization the likes of which we've not seen around the globe for a real Age. The survivors would be able to cling to justified righteous indignation at the whole affair, but despite this, (we) they'd be far poorer for a good while. It would be quite the project to clean up the rubble and rebuild ourselves to our former (2019) standards of living.
I fear the breakdown has started. Watch a controlled demolition of an old brick tower, and you see that the fall seems to proceed inexorably slowly, at first...and for a good many seconds. Then, it's all down, almost all at once. We might been in that deliciously horrible early tottering phase right now. A nightmare!
Agree - if this occurs it will be horrific. Yes, there are certainly a great number of people (mostly on twitter) that I would not shed a tear for but the overwhelming majority of people just took the vax because they trusted people they should not have. Ultimately it is their "fault" and they must own the consequences but they were deceived and lied to.
The world will be a very ugly place and it will be unpleasant for all, vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.
yeah, it's happening and the tremors started a long time back. It didn't have to be this way, but as somebody smarter than I once said, "It may not be profitable to slow decline."
IQ test of some sorts? The vaccine hesistant are some of the dumbest and smartest groups in the population. Normies are in big trouble if they rushed to get a vaccine without prior infection.
Ironically, the response in the face of OAS would just be to create more and more vaccines and administer more and more boosters as the money printers go brrrr
My question is, when so much evidence is already pointing to the ineffectiveness and outright harm caused by the vaccines…what is it going to take for this to be stopped? Is it too many deaths? Deaths of children? Clearly not enough people are resisting so it’s not going to come from the people is it? So what on earth is ever going to stop them?
I think people are so far into mass formation, and the powers that be certainly aren't going to tell them, that we are indeed walking into a box canyon from which there will be no escape.
People are literally consumed of their fear of covid. This is re-implanted in their minds by all the non-sensical measures that could never work but have the sole purpose to feed this fear. What we can do to convince somebody:
1. Take fear of covid out! Put covid in perspective: globally 8Mil people die as a consequence of smoking, while for 2 years 6M people died with covid. You choose your example: alcohol, drugs, flu, obesity
2. Focus fear somewhere else! Point to the dangers of mass vaccination: side effects, but people seem to be believing it is unsciency to think medical treatments can be dangerous, despite medical errors being the third largest cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular disease. Also the dangers of OAS/ADE
I think indeed a refocusing is going to be the only solution. You're never going to get a people more worried about freedoms than about infection and death so the only viable solution, as I see it, is to redirect the focus towards decision-makers.
They made 1001 promises about the vaccines and none of them came true. We have to be spreading questions about the basis on which they decided in 2020 (way before they had solid data) that vaccines were the only solution and why they never prepared a plan B (and still don't). I believe these are questions that even double-maskers and triple-jabbers would want answered.
The advantage of directing anger towards the state is that there are tried and tested defusal mechanisms: the individuals who are seen as responsible can step down and be replaced.
So in the scheme of things where does that leave totally unvaxxed people that are very healthy in their mid 60s on IVM Prophylaxis and vitamin supplements that have never had Covid and are negative for antibodies in your opinion?
Age is a risk but comorbidities are a much larger risk (and actually make it hard to differentiate what is a virus death and what is unrelated). You should be completely fine
I'm 72, spouse is 75. We're incredibly healthy at slim weights, we're physically active and we mountain bike, we ski in winter, we're never sick other than something sporadic and seemingly mild, we eat healthy foods etc etc. But most people in our age group are in shockingly poor shape and clearly have multiple serious health issues in addition to mostly being overweight, inactive and on an average of 6 to 12 different medications. Our own doctors are continually shocked that we take no meds at all, almost like it's unnatural in today's world.
You don't have to turn into a physical wreck in your 60s and 70s. We belong to an "over 70 ski club", which has healthy, active members in their 70s, 80's, 90's and a few that even ski (slowly) at 100. These folks are my inspiration! It's a choice to be healthy, but a choice a great many people don't make. My sister-in-law is a good example. She's 68, I'm guessing she's about 100 lbs overweight, just a physical mess. She eats junk and spends most of her life sitting down and watching TV or on her computer. Zero activity. Her attitude is that she's older, this is inevitable, and she can't do anything to change it. I say it's all in your choices (unless you get run over by a truck or something).
A lot of people are wedded to the idea that life stops at 40-50 years old. Maintaining healthy body weight is too much/vanity/other excuses, valid physical restrictions notwithstanding of course.
You’re welcome! The amount of articles & studies I have bookmarked is mind boggling. This one in particular is infuriating bc public health officials are persistent in causing panic. Here we have Dr Catherine O’Neal our gov loves to trot out. “If you don’t choose vaccination, you choose death.” And “it is coming for your children.” I have dubbed her Dr. Death based on this study.
Oh, wow. Thank you, Kathy. I had no idea that fear-related disorders was something you could check for in this situation. I know a bunch of people who tested positive for the virus in 2020, but the only one that had some sort of complications (he's fine) was the hypochondriac in the group. Mental health is so important, and the government with the help of the media keep pounding on it.
And not mess with it w the shots... My understanding is that's why kids have been relatively immune from this mess is because they have naive immune systems and once they catch covid, it's the best form of long-term protection. That's why I'm puzzled by the desire to give them shots🤪
Yes. I heard that in Bret Weinstein’s podcast with Dr. McCullough. A vaxxed kid won’t probably be able to develope such a good immunity as an unvaxxed kid, apparently
If you are on IVM prophylaxis you will probably never get covid. But make sure to save some IVM in case you do get it.
IVM 0.6mg/kg for 5 days or until well
Then follow the FLCCC protocol I-mask or the McCullough covid protocol for early treatment.
Because you are 60 I would also go get
Bamlanivimab monoclonal antibody infusion. Based on 6 studies with over 17,000 patients, this monoclonal antibody showed 79% improvement in symptoms when given as early treatment (better than regeneron).
Don’t get the VAX it is causing heart attacks. Especially Phizer vaccine lots beginning with EW…”. Those lot numbers appear to be extra deadly.
But do protect yourself. Be smart. Get treatment immediately when you do get it. We all will get it.
Call one of the doctors of the FLCCC website. Use one of the pharmacies on the FLCCC website. If you try any other pharmacies or doctors you are wasting you time.
No no no no!!!! Do NOT take animal ivermectin!!!!!! Don’t joke about it! Don’t be clown!
We are WORKING TOO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO STAY STUPID THINGS LIKE THIS! This is what the haters at the FDA and the CDC want everyone to think - that we are ignorant clowns sucking down animal paste.
No! El gato would not condone this! Go get some real human ivermectin or some monoclonal antibody.
Take Human ivermectin only! Human ivermectin won a Nobel prize for safety and has been used SAFELY with no side effects in over 4 billion people. Use it properly!
If you are actually sick with covid go see (or you can call them via telemedicine) any of the doctors on the FLCCC alliance Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance website. Then go get a prescription for HUMAN ivermectin filled at one of the pharmacies recommended on the FLCCC website.
Just look at stats. Only 3% of C19 cases die without co-morbidity and their average age is 80 (6years past due date). If you are healthy and younger, no problem unless brutally unlucky.
Don't bother with the vax if don't have to. I think I've got the Omicron variant in central CA. My public school teacher wife got it first, but for her just chills giving way to coughing and fatigue starting a week ago. She didn't any miss school. One student was complaining about similar symptoms. On Wed, I started feeling it. Fatigue and chills like I've never experienced. The chills really sucked. After some ups and downs, i've got my energy back and no chills. Now it feels like my covid experience a year ago, 2-weeks of cold symptoms with loss of smell. This time around my wife and I have again lost our sense of smell, which i didn't think was a symptom for Omricon, so maybe it's not. The up & down non-linear progression and loss of smell tells me it's covid. I gave into pressure and got the J&J vaccine in August. I think the current vax & boost is ineffective against this strain. Don't even bother. The chills really sucked, but overall not terrible. Not worth the risk of the vaccine.
It’s because you are taking the WRONG kind of vitamin D.
Calcifediol also known as 25-hydroxy vitamin D is the form of vitamin D that naturally circulates in your body. We often don’t get enough of it through diet and the sun. And, typical vitamin D supplements don’t provide calcifediol. They are actually vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, which must be processed by the liver, creating the calcifediol that circulates in the blood.
calcifediol doesn’t need to be processed by the liver, it can be absorbed right into the bloodstream and throughout your body. That's why calcifediol is 3x more effective for raising vitamin D levels when compared to regular vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) on an equal microgram (mcg) basis.
If you can’t get your blood vitamin D levels up - this is why. Switch to the D.vellop Vitamin D brand. It works.
I started way back in March 2020...started with 5,000 IU's a day plus MK7...took a while. Then last Spring got a check at 52....and then looking at the increase in cases of the jabbed in Spring, I boosted it to 10,000 units a day. Now I am doing 10- 15000 a day, depending on my mood. Make sure you get magnesium and a titch of copper too.
Furr-Holden is an epidemiologist and associate dean of public health at Michigan State University!
Omicron in Oakland: How a Wisconsin wedding with ‘super responsible’ vaccinated people led to outbreak
Furr-Holden said the revelation that even this group of “risk-averse” and “super responsible people” could have let their guard down enough to become unwitting vectors of COVID-19 shows just how vulnerable even vaccinated people remain to the virus when indoors and in groups.
It’s time to “stop calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” @DrDebFurrHolden
, an epidemiologist who thinks she contracted covid at “super-responsible” wedding, tells @juliejohnson
. “We’re seeing more and more breakthrough cases in the vaccinated.”
I see in Robert Malone's own substack he was in Puerto Rico meeting with various interested parties regarding fighting back against the forced narrative of the vaccines.
I’ve never understood the relentless push to force vaccines on people who are at little risk from Covid.
It seems that many of our public health officials are under the delusion that they can eradicate Covid with enough restrictions and enough vaccinations.
But they can’t. This is a kind of hubris and purblind folly. Covid will be with us for a long time, like flu or cold.
And it’s deeply unethical to force medical treatments on people who do not want of need them.
It’s the same fallacy as with flu / vax the kids to protect the elderly with a leaky, ineffective vaccine. Then came aP (current pertussis) which also protects only the vaccinated person giving you milder ir asymptomatic infection. Then came the idea to give it to all adults to protect infants but it doesn’t compute obviously so they moved to giving it to pregnant women. While it does result in some antibody level in newborns, it reduced the infants’ immune response to their primary shot series below age 1 which is the danger zone. Messing with immunity and leaky vaccines NEVER delivered as promised.
It’s all very frustrating. I wish I could get some straight analysis. I’m having serious doubts about continuing to give my children the flu shot, especially my 9 month old, who hasn’t had one yet.
I have never given my children a flu vax. It’s not recommended by the WHO even. Not for under 60 in Germany. Some 40-60% depending on the year of us parents skip this. My oldest is 14, my youngest is 1. My peds never even combatted me on this.
interesting. Now I find myself thinking of all the medical people I have dealt with and argued against the vaccine, only to hear them proselytizing the vaccine. Now I wonder if the "science" will actually become part of their lives.
So they'll succeed in permanently disabling the immune system of vaccinated humans, forever. And make every vaccinated human physiologically dependent on state mandated drugs, forever.
Yeah, they'll want to literally kill all the unvaccinated at some point. Unless they can trick us into eating it with our spinach or something.
Dozens of known respiratory viruses circulate the globe each and every year. Why should this one be any different? Why would anyone who has spent more the 20 minutes studying this issue believe that some magical state can ever exist that would cause the virus to simply go away? Get over it. It is not, whether you are vaxxed or not, some version of this virus has your name on it. And, if you take care of yourself, you will be fine. And if not, guess what, we all are going to die … get used to it and go enjoy this beautiful world while you can.
I just read this info from a 2012 article, the numbers may be greater now:
There are 219 virus species that are known to be able to infect humans. The first of these to be discovered was yellow fever virus in 1901, and three to four new species are still being found every year.
I think we are well into OAS. Three teachers (vaxxed at least one boosted) in my school walked around with Covid, one gave it to her husband who died, two others required about 50 kids to be sent home...El Gato, you nailed the Vaxxed as superspreaders...this is EXACTLY what is going on. Others are not testing postive for Covid but they are sick as dogs for like 4 weeks, and test inconclusive for Flu. They are couging and hacking all over, but think they are immune. My best friend just got her booster and teste positive for Covid. How long can TPTB IGNORE this? Honestly, people are so BRAINWASHED, they still think it is the kids infecting THEM, the union just sent a BOLO. They have NO CLUE they are infecting others or might feel just fine and continue to spread it.
The one who gave it to her husband didn't even have symptoms but got tested because he got tested at hospital. And if they NEVER can develop immunity because of the jabs, this is a NIGHTMARE for the rest of us.
Thank you for the clear explanation of what OAS is. I’ve avoided the vax because I want to let my immune system do it’s thing because it is finely tuned, God given. There seems to be an arrogance in public health in trying to control this virus.
Right. It’s hubris. Public health officials have a kind of god complex, it seems. They greatly overestimate their own abilities and knowledge, while they shamefully underestimate the natural resilience of the human body and its immune system, which has been forged through evolution over millennia precisely to deal with pathogens like this one.
We are not all immunocompromised. So why do Fauci & co keep treating us as if we were?
Your immune system generates no money
Hubris, or malice?
The actions of many health "professionals" appear to be intended to cause harm, even when confronted with overwhelming evidence that it will do so.
Equally, their unwillingness to even consider that there are viable alternatives, is nothing short of criminal, for someone supposedly "highly" trained to look after your health.
Don't be silly. Obviously the American College of Turning Pregnancy Problems into New Audis recommended an experimental vaccine for pregnant women out of innocent groupthink
They’re shameful on many accounts as it comes to pregnancy and birth care resulting in the worst, yet most expensive maternity ‘care’ system. Routinely rigging trials to further introduce interventions to justify their pocket books.
I thought pregnancy problems turned into new Lamborghinis
Don't be ridiculous. Lamborghinis are so 1990's.
All the ob's in my area drive Tesla's
I stand corrected!
( I have been accused of being behind-the-times + old-fashioned many times…my reply is always, ‘thanks! I take that as a compliment!’” The return expressions are priceless 🤣
Hey, it's that allegiance to groupthink that gets them the big bucks.
Even midwives, who until recently encouraged “less medical intervention during pregnancy and birthing” are pushing the vax on moms-to-be. (3 daughters have had a baby during the covid era)
Follow the money. Fauci and his minions need to keep their empire going and need to keep collecting royalties on all the drug patents that they hold.
Also follow the power-hunger.
Tony Fauci is a sociopathic narcissistic creep. It’s just been one of the great tragedies in American history that we had Fauci instead of someone like Tegnell or Kulldorff in charge of our pandemic response.
Fauci lies about everything. He’s pathological. And I have no doubt that, after he’s finally pushed out, he will find a nice sinecure at some pharma company. Perhaps Moderna.
Hopefully just at the point where they are sued for trillions and their staff jailed or executed.
This is the game he (Fauci) enjoys. The guy's old. In a well-functioning world, he should be retired and enjoying all the fruits of his labors (ill-gotten or not). But instead, he stays away from retirement and keeps getting up each day to play this game he's been playing since the 80s. There's nowhere to push him to. If he's out, he'll live in retirement. He doesn't need and isn't interested (per se) in some sinecure. That's a game for the younger set who wish to be retired but cannot. He can, and won't. He believes he's on a mission...
You can say the same for our current Resident, and a good deal of US Senators too. I'm sure there are more.
This isn't "work" to them. Work that they'd like to be unburdened of in retirement, if they could afford to, like typical people. It's passion. They LOVE this stuff! They're in their equivalent of a Superbowl game now. Money is nothing to them now, it's about the _score_.
Astute observation that rings true.
Fauci is a sociopathic narcissistic criminal.
Isn't he like 80?
Because we let them. Period.
"Boris Johnson? What a hot mess."
Sure. I observed that pre-2020, he seemed to be on track to be the UK version of a Trump. He appeared to be really popular (in the UK) because of this potential similarity. Then he got COVID and went dark inside some hospital. When he came out, he was totally different. And has acted so ever since. What /happened/ in there? It's as though he was finally read-in on "The Plan" and given an ultimatum: cooperate or else. And he's vulnerable to whatever their "or else" was. --just an observation from another Yank.
I sometimes feel that he is being held hostage when I see him speak on television.
He has that look of weary despair about him.
However, that does not excuse the path that the government has chosen during this pandemic and the complete lack of any dissenting voices from qualified experts.
I say this all the time. That has to be what happened. Probably held a Covid antidote over his head.
You don't need god complexes, only that "it's hard to make a man understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it".
Public health as a group exists in order to control disease via public i.e. state interventions. The one idea that unites them that they _cannot_ ever let go of, is the idea that state interventions work to improve collective health. If they did then they would stop being public health workers, almost by definition, and thus we'd be back at square one where all public health workers believe that idea.
Honestly, very very occasionally I feel a bit sorry for them (not for long). If they accepted the magnitude of the failure here and quit their jobs in public health, where do they go next? For many of them, they have no particular skills the private sector would want, and for others their skills are just nothing special. And their experience, their social status, all of that would be gone. Back to the start, career wise and maybe earnings wise. Then how would they pay their mortgage, their divorce settlements, their children's schooling? Their health insurance!
No, unfortunately for everyone, they are stuck there with no way out, which means we are stuck. They must Publicly Health people regardless of whether we or they want it. That is their role, it's the game they must play. The only way to "fix" this would be to just systematically defund all public health agencies and systems, flush them all into the private sector and go fully libertarian, but probably even El Gato Malo wouldn't want to go that far - I note the praise for the FDA under Gottlieb, which makes a doubly deep impression given the cat's short temper for public health incompetence. Apparently at least some public health agencies were useful, once upon a time. Would it be an over-reaction to get rid of all of it? Given the last two years of COVID nonsense it doesn't feel like that now, but maybe it would be.
Still, the sector seems like it badly needs to be cut down to size somehow. Only question is - down to what size?
Your sentiments are right over my target! Bravo for your comments!
Public health is an extension of the unelected Administrative State and they know everything about everything. Hence they get to tell everyone else what to do. It's for our own good.
People don't take care of their own health. They outsource health care to MDs, with dubious outcomes.
The wish to be taken care of, no matter what we children.
I have come to consider that this whole mess is because we all rely on 'experts', who in their own narrow domain only see what fits their tunnel (and as such are either fools or can be manipulated by others) or are indeed nefarious on their own. Or simple Blackmail, everything with money. Consider for instance Andrew Hill of the University of Liverpool. One very prime example of this corrupting influence of the real big money and therefore the real big power.
Trying to get people to make sense of this stuff on their own is simply impossible, because most if not all of them simply refuse to believe their holy experts might be wrong or corrupted. Inluding all of the media outlets and government agencies and so on and so forth. Even entertaining the possibility, that people with good intentions just either get played or simply succomb to phenomena best desribed with social phychology. I'm so, so grateful for the handful of countries doing things a bit different, like Sweden. It provides this little bit of 'control groups' we so desperately need. Thank god there is even unvaxxed people in the first place to compare to!
It is a big fight to win, but I'm feeling more positive by the day.
Or worse, not even MDs, but "dashboards" and "real time test results" and fitbits--bs gadgety bells-and-whistles they are perfectly happy to delegate all critical thinking and bodily awareness to. SMH.
And, appallingly, a substantial fraction of the country likes it that way.
“Thank you sir, may I have another?”
A time to separate the wheat from the chaff..
The Darwin Awards
I'm with you! Off withstood pressure from All My siblings and a couple of my kids, since I naturally recovered few months ago 😁
Good for you for withstanding it. We’ve not been pressured, even by docs.
ADE Season is upon us. Let the cytokine storms commence. This is a depraved IQ tests of sorts, and the cult running this depopulation program are handing out Darwin Awards hand over fist while the recipients virtue signal away straight into their death chambers.
Luke Montagnier covered all of this well over a year ago.
Do NOT comply.
Cytokine storms? Must be climate change
yes, or course, climate change is the twin scam of PSYOP-19. both lead to the same ends.
pope biden of climate covidian.....
This to me seems like a natural consequence of continued leaky boosters. But we are not yet seeing the deaths that should occur from ADE. I suppose Omicron could show this, but so far cases are mild which indicates vax or some other immune response is holding. Even less virulent omicron should kill if ADE is occuring.
What is the difference between ADE and OAS?
Antibody Dependent Enhancement occurs when antibodies are not a great match for pathogen, so they grab on to the antigens (ie, spike) on the virus but do not bind great. Once a virus is apparently neutralized by antibodies, other killer cells (Macrophages, etc.) think they can swallow them and destroy them, but once inside, the virus can still replicate because the virus is not completely covered with suffocating antibodies. So, in effect, the antibodies help the virus get inside a cell. This is the result of poorly binding antibodies.
Original Antigenic Sin can lead to ADE because our immune system may not have a perfect fit for the new antigen (ie, mutated spike), but thinks it does because it is close to the one that antibodies worked on last time. So, the deployed antibodies bind to the antigen (spike), but not tightly enough to neutralize the virus for destruction. If it gets inside a destroying cell because the cell thinks it is neutralized, then you have ADE since the antibody actually helped it get in.
This is why I am amazed any medical professional would posit that this C19 vaccine is in anyway as good as naturally derived immunity. The sicker you get with C19, the more immune memory you will develop. But even if moderately sick, your immune system should develop memory for not just the spike but for a wide range of antigens in and on the virus, especially the main body of the virus. Even if the spike or other surface antigens mutate, which they are more prone to, the main cellular body does not mutate that fast, so immunity for those antigens should stay valid for a very long time. The C19 vaccines, target only the spike and only 5 or so proteins on the spike. As these mutate the vaccine becomes useless, not withstanding the apparent lack of immune memory to boot.
It is called OAS because it is a perceived flaw in our immune system that seems to indicate the immune system is a little lazy and will deploy antibodies it already has from a previous infection that it deems close enough to neutralize the pathogen.
So those with a healthy immune system should be able to fight off C19 even if the deployed antibodies aren't quite the "right" ones initially. Is this why Zinc and Quercitin are in the preventative protocols because they prevent the virus from getting into cell and replicating { if i understand correctly)
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. I really appreciate it
All the Protease Inhibitors (Ivermectin, HCQ/Zinc, etc.) stop the long chain mRNA pathogen from replicating in cells as the long chain needs to be cut in half to work. The inhibitors seize up the scissors for lack of a better explanation. But this only helps early on. Once in hospital or very sick, Protease inhibitors become much less viable. This is why the study Fauci did with HCQ in South America etc. was flawed; did it with late stage patients where it will have little or no effect. "See, does not work".
Your question on immune system response is what many are worried about. If you have alot of Abs circulating in blood that are a bad match but still bind you may get ADE. But even if they dont have affinity for the virus, they crowd out or delay better matches or other responses.
Our natural systems are so complex and if healthy are so good. For most of us, these C19 vaccines are messing with a better internal response. If immune compromised, maybe a vaccine is an option for C19. But remember, you are not injecting immunity with vaccine; your immune system needs to be strong enough to respond to the vaccine in order for it to have any effect later.
Thank you very much. This explanation helps quite abit. Where does the Marek effect come in.
This is the most scary potential outcome of leaky vaccines and continued boosters. Thankfully we are currently seeing less virulence, unlike Marek's that mutated into a more deadly strain. This is what Geert is most concerned with in terms of C19 as we vax into a pandemic.
Great explanation! Has he stated what's in the "boosters?" Are they the same as the initial dose?? Thank u
Sounds very scary. Is Geert here on substack?
Besides the first one being real?
I think ADE is occurring, but ADE has a definition problem. I think that in the literature, ADE is probably associated with enhancement of disease. BUT, to my understanding, that's not chiefly what ADE is. ADE is (again, as I understand it) chiefly an enhancement of infectivity. If it's the case that Omicron just so happens to be a much less virulent form of SARS-CoV-2, it's just out supreme dumb luck that ADE-boosted infectivity doesn't translate into increased disease.
My take is that just because increased disease isn't happening, doesn't mean ADE is NOT.
Heaven help us if that comes to pass. As much as we'd like to see the foolish get their comeuppance, the reality of that coming to pass would be a destabilization the likes of which we've not seen around the globe for a real Age. The survivors would be able to cling to justified righteous indignation at the whole affair, but despite this, (we) they'd be far poorer for a good while. It would be quite the project to clean up the rubble and rebuild ourselves to our former (2019) standards of living.
I fear the breakdown has started. Watch a controlled demolition of an old brick tower, and you see that the fall seems to proceed inexorably slowly, at first...and for a good many seconds. Then, it's all down, almost all at once. We might been in that deliciously horrible early tottering phase right now. A nightmare!
Agree - if this occurs it will be horrific. Yes, there are certainly a great number of people (mostly on twitter) that I would not shed a tear for but the overwhelming majority of people just took the vax because they trusted people they should not have. Ultimately it is their "fault" and they must own the consequences but they were deceived and lied to.
The world will be a very ugly place and it will be unpleasant for all, vaxxed and unvaxxed alike.
yeah, it's happening and the tremors started a long time back. It didn't have to be this way, but as somebody smarter than I once said, "It may not be profitable to slow decline."
So many zombies are willing to get on the train to the Covid chambers. Sad to see.
The cult running this genocide considers us "human cancer upon the earth" and have implemented their "end of cycle formula" in the jabs --
"How Long do the Vaccinated have to Live?"
IQ test of some sorts? The vaccine hesistant are some of the dumbest and smartest groups in the population. Normies are in big trouble if they rushed to get a vaccine without prior infection.
I wouldn’t say “dumbest” and “smartest”. I’d say “least uneducated” and “most educated”.
Ok. Ill admit, that's a better way to put it
least educated surely?
Right! Thanks!
Ironically, the response in the face of OAS would just be to create more and more vaccines and administer more and more boosters as the money printers go brrrr
Grade point! Seems like the Golden goose all over again! They're creating their own clientele and forcing them to stay clients🥺
My question is, when so much evidence is already pointing to the ineffectiveness and outright harm caused by the vaccines…what is it going to take for this to be stopped? Is it too many deaths? Deaths of children? Clearly not enough people are resisting so it’s not going to come from the people is it? So what on earth is ever going to stop them?
I think people are so far into mass formation, and the powers that be certainly aren't going to tell them, that we are indeed walking into a box canyon from which there will be no escape.
People are literally consumed of their fear of covid. This is re-implanted in their minds by all the non-sensical measures that could never work but have the sole purpose to feed this fear. What we can do to convince somebody:
1. Take fear of covid out! Put covid in perspective: globally 8Mil people die as a consequence of smoking, while for 2 years 6M people died with covid. You choose your example: alcohol, drugs, flu, obesity
2. Focus fear somewhere else! Point to the dangers of mass vaccination: side effects, but people seem to be believing it is unsciency to think medical treatments can be dangerous, despite medical errors being the third largest cause of death after cancer and cardiovascular disease. Also the dangers of OAS/ADE
3. Focus fear on the loss of our freedoms.
4. Be a good example - no vax, no fear
I think indeed a refocusing is going to be the only solution. You're never going to get a people more worried about freedoms than about infection and death so the only viable solution, as I see it, is to redirect the focus towards decision-makers.
They made 1001 promises about the vaccines and none of them came true. We have to be spreading questions about the basis on which they decided in 2020 (way before they had solid data) that vaccines were the only solution and why they never prepared a plan B (and still don't). I believe these are questions that even double-maskers and triple-jabbers would want answered.
The advantage of directing anger towards the state is that there are tried and tested defusal mechanisms: the individuals who are seen as responsible can step down and be replaced.
yeah, this many deaths is not the plan. The number is orders of magnitude bigger
So in the scheme of things where does that leave totally unvaxxed people that are very healthy in their mid 60s on IVM Prophylaxis and vitamin supplements that have never had Covid and are negative for antibodies in your opinion?
Age is a risk but comorbidities are a much larger risk (and actually make it hard to differentiate what is a virus death and what is unrelated). You should be completely fine
I'm 72, spouse is 75. We're incredibly healthy at slim weights, we're physically active and we mountain bike, we ski in winter, we're never sick other than something sporadic and seemingly mild, we eat healthy foods etc etc. But most people in our age group are in shockingly poor shape and clearly have multiple serious health issues in addition to mostly being overweight, inactive and on an average of 6 to 12 different medications. Our own doctors are continually shocked that we take no meds at all, almost like it's unnatural in today's world.
Your post is very inspiring 👏👏👏
You don't have to turn into a physical wreck in your 60s and 70s. We belong to an "over 70 ski club", which has healthy, active members in their 70s, 80's, 90's and a few that even ski (slowly) at 100. These folks are my inspiration! It's a choice to be healthy, but a choice a great many people don't make. My sister-in-law is a good example. She's 68, I'm guessing she's about 100 lbs overweight, just a physical mess. She eats junk and spends most of her life sitting down and watching TV or on her computer. Zero activity. Her attitude is that she's older, this is inevitable, and she can't do anything to change it. I say it's all in your choices (unless you get run over by a truck or something).
A lot of people are wedded to the idea that life stops at 40-50 years old. Maintaining healthy body weight is too much/vanity/other excuses, valid physical restrictions notwithstanding of course.
I read an article and correlation was with: obesity, fear-based illnesses, like panic disorders, and diabetes.
It was a cdc study that I have bookmarked.
Page 11
Much obliged, Kathy. I couldn't remember where 👍👍
You’re welcome! The amount of articles & studies I have bookmarked is mind boggling. This one in particular is infuriating bc public health officials are persistent in causing panic. Here we have Dr Catherine O’Neal our gov loves to trot out. “If you don’t choose vaccination, you choose death.” And “it is coming for your children.” I have dubbed her Dr. Death based on this study.
Oh, wow. Thank you, Kathy. I had no idea that fear-related disorders was something you could check for in this situation. I know a bunch of people who tested positive for the virus in 2020, but the only one that had some sort of complications (he's fine) was the hypochondriac in the group. Mental health is so important, and the government with the help of the media keep pounding on it.
As an unvaccinated person, I’m curious about this too.
I guess that leaves you in the healthy side. If you get covid you will develop a complete immunity capable of recognizing different strains.
This is what I understand from all my reading. Not a scientist.
And not mess with it w the shots... My understanding is that's why kids have been relatively immune from this mess is because they have naive immune systems and once they catch covid, it's the best form of long-term protection. That's why I'm puzzled by the desire to give them shots🤪
Yes. I heard that in Bret Weinstein’s podcast with Dr. McCullough. A vaxxed kid won’t probably be able to develope such a good immunity as an unvaxxed kid, apparently
If you are on IVM prophylaxis you will probably never get covid. But make sure to save some IVM in case you do get it.
IVM 0.6mg/kg for 5 days or until well
Then follow the FLCCC protocol I-mask or the McCullough covid protocol for early treatment.
Because you are 60 I would also go get
Bamlanivimab monoclonal antibody infusion. Based on 6 studies with over 17,000 patients, this monoclonal antibody showed 79% improvement in symptoms when given as early treatment (better than regeneron).
Don’t get the VAX it is causing heart attacks. Especially Phizer vaccine lots beginning with EW…”. Those lot numbers appear to be extra deadly.
But do protect yourself. Be smart. Get treatment immediately when you do get it. We all will get it.
Where is the best place to get IVM? Ive had family who tried to get it from Speak With An MD and they could never get through.
Call one of the doctors of the FLCCC website. Use one of the pharmacies on the FLCCC website. If you try any other pharmacies or doctors you are wasting you time.
It's at Walmart.
No no no no!!!! Do NOT take animal ivermectin!!!!!! Don’t joke about it! Don’t be clown!
We are WORKING TOO HARD FOR PEOPLE TO STAY STUPID THINGS LIKE THIS! This is what the haters at the FDA and the CDC want everyone to think - that we are ignorant clowns sucking down animal paste.
No! El gato would not condone this! Go get some real human ivermectin or some monoclonal antibody.
Take Human ivermectin only! Human ivermectin won a Nobel prize for safety and has been used SAFELY with no side effects in over 4 billion people. Use it properly!
If you are actually sick with covid go see (or you can call them via telemedicine) any of the doctors on the FLCCC alliance Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance website. Then go get a prescription for HUMAN ivermectin filled at one of the pharmacies recommended on the FLCCC website.
Be smart!
The EUA for bamlanivimab alone has been revoked
Can you send me the link? I can’t find it. They are still giving Bamlanivimab all over Texas.
only the combination is authorized now
Just look at stats. Only 3% of C19 cases die without co-morbidity and their average age is 80 (6years past due date). If you are healthy and younger, no problem unless brutally unlucky.
Don't bother with the vax if don't have to. I think I've got the Omicron variant in central CA. My public school teacher wife got it first, but for her just chills giving way to coughing and fatigue starting a week ago. She didn't any miss school. One student was complaining about similar symptoms. On Wed, I started feeling it. Fatigue and chills like I've never experienced. The chills really sucked. After some ups and downs, i've got my energy back and no chills. Now it feels like my covid experience a year ago, 2-weeks of cold symptoms with loss of smell. This time around my wife and I have again lost our sense of smell, which i didn't think was a symptom for Omricon, so maybe it's not. The up & down non-linear progression and loss of smell tells me it's covid. I gave into pressure and got the J&J vaccine in August. I think the current vax & boost is ineffective against this strain. Don't even bother. The chills really sucked, but overall not terrible. Not worth the risk of the vaccine.
I'm in the same boat. I am hoping my vit D levels are up around 90. on IVM prophylaxis. Don't know about my antibodies.
How do you get D levels that high? I take 8000 IU every day and only in the 60s level.
It’s because you are taking the WRONG kind of vitamin D.
Calcifediol also known as 25-hydroxy vitamin D is the form of vitamin D that naturally circulates in your body. We often don’t get enough of it through diet and the sun. And, typical vitamin D supplements don’t provide calcifediol. They are actually vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, which must be processed by the liver, creating the calcifediol that circulates in the blood.
calcifediol doesn’t need to be processed by the liver, it can be absorbed right into the bloodstream and throughout your body. That's why calcifediol is 3x more effective for raising vitamin D levels when compared to regular vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) on an equal microgram (mcg) basis.
If you can’t get your blood vitamin D levels up - this is why. Switch to the D.vellop Vitamin D brand. It works.
I started way back in March 2020...started with 5,000 IU's a day plus MK7...took a while. Then last Spring got a check at 52....and then looking at the increase in cases of the jabbed in Spring, I boosted it to 10,000 units a day. Now I am doing 10- 15000 a day, depending on my mood. Make sure you get magnesium and a titch of copper too.
Are they starting to figure it out?
Furr-Holden is an epidemiologist and associate dean of public health at Michigan State University!
Omicron in Oakland: How a Wisconsin wedding with ‘super responsible’ vaccinated people led to outbreak
Furr-Holden said the revelation that even this group of “risk-averse” and “super responsible people” could have let their guard down enough to become unwitting vectors of COVID-19 shows just how vulnerable even vaccinated people remain to the virus when indoors and in groups.
It’s time to “stop calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” @DrDebFurrHolden
, an epidemiologist who thinks she contracted covid at “super-responsible” wedding, tells @juliejohnson
. “We’re seeing more and more breakthrough cases in the vaccinated.”
I see in Robert Malone's own substack he was in Puerto Rico meeting with various interested parties regarding fighting back against the forced narrative of the vaccines.
wha tis his substack link?
thank you!!
"waning immunity" was always just a cover story for Original Antigenic Sin. Immunity is not something that "wanes" in under 6 months.
I’ve never understood the relentless push to force vaccines on people who are at little risk from Covid.
It seems that many of our public health officials are under the delusion that they can eradicate Covid with enough restrictions and enough vaccinations.
But they can’t. This is a kind of hubris and purblind folly. Covid will be with us for a long time, like flu or cold.
And it’s deeply unethical to force medical treatments on people who do not want of need them.
They will do anything for money and power.
It’s the same fallacy as with flu / vax the kids to protect the elderly with a leaky, ineffective vaccine. Then came aP (current pertussis) which also protects only the vaccinated person giving you milder ir asymptomatic infection. Then came the idea to give it to all adults to protect infants but it doesn’t compute obviously so they moved to giving it to pregnant women. While it does result in some antibody level in newborns, it reduced the infants’ immune response to their primary shot series below age 1 which is the danger zone. Messing with immunity and leaky vaccines NEVER delivered as promised.
It’s all very frustrating. I wish I could get some straight analysis. I’m having serious doubts about continuing to give my children the flu shot, especially my 9 month old, who hasn’t had one yet.
never should have and you should stop now.
I have never given my children a flu vax. It’s not recommended by the WHO even. Not for under 60 in Germany. Some 40-60% depending on the year of us parents skip this. My oldest is 14, my youngest is 1. My peds never even combatted me on this.
interesting. Now I find myself thinking of all the medical people I have dealt with and argued against the vaccine, only to hear them proselytizing the vaccine. Now I wonder if the "science" will actually become part of their lives.
So they'll succeed in permanently disabling the immune system of vaccinated humans, forever. And make every vaccinated human physiologically dependent on state mandated drugs, forever.
Yeah, they'll want to literally kill all the unvaccinated at some point. Unless they can trick us into eating it with our spinach or something.
Dozens of known respiratory viruses circulate the globe each and every year. Why should this one be any different? Why would anyone who has spent more the 20 minutes studying this issue believe that some magical state can ever exist that would cause the virus to simply go away? Get over it. It is not, whether you are vaxxed or not, some version of this virus has your name on it. And, if you take care of yourself, you will be fine. And if not, guess what, we all are going to die … get used to it and go enjoy this beautiful world while you can.
I just read this info from a 2012 article, the numbers may be greater now:
There are 219 virus species that are known to be able to infect humans. The first of these to be discovered was yellow fever virus in 1901, and three to four new species are still being found every year.
I think we are well into OAS. Three teachers (vaxxed at least one boosted) in my school walked around with Covid, one gave it to her husband who died, two others required about 50 kids to be sent home...El Gato, you nailed the Vaxxed as superspreaders...this is EXACTLY what is going on. Others are not testing postive for Covid but they are sick as dogs for like 4 weeks, and test inconclusive for Flu. They are couging and hacking all over, but think they are immune. My best friend just got her booster and teste positive for Covid. How long can TPTB IGNORE this? Honestly, people are so BRAINWASHED, they still think it is the kids infecting THEM, the union just sent a BOLO. They have NO CLUE they are infecting others or might feel just fine and continue to spread it.
The one who gave it to her husband didn't even have symptoms but got tested because he got tested at hospital. And if they NEVER can develop immunity because of the jabs, this is a NIGHTMARE for the rest of us.
I recommend Geert Vanden Bossche's latest articles on this subject.
Good stuff! Thanks for the link and I subscribed 👍