I was at a pool party yesterday, floating around, music was pumping, drinks were flowing, and as I looked at all of the little kids running, floating, yelling, crying (there were 10 under 5), I thought about covid vaxx mandates for school and I couldn't help but think that almost all of our large corporations and entire government is run by pyshcopaths.

Happy 4th! Celebrate Freedom, and be prepared to defend yours.

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^The answer right there.

People must make their families stronger than the state. And if they had been doing that for the past 50-70 years, we'd not be in this situation.

One of my best friends is 60, her ex is 80, their kids are roughly 20 and 24? Homebirthed, homeschooled, no college, no jabs. (Atheists, too, so they're not part of some religious community.) All the kids' choice.

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Absolutely! I homeschooled my four children starting back in the '90s, and now they're homeschooling their children. I can't understand how anyone who has a choice can leave their kids in government school nowadays.

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You are a trendsetter! 😁😁😁

We started homeschooling in the year 2000. We will be starting year 23 in August.

There are so many choices now for homeschooling.

Number one… Find out your state laws concerning homeschooling. HSLDA is a good resource. If you contact them, they can give you a whole bunch of information.

Number two… Look for recommendations for a good curriculum. There are so many it’s quite overwhelming. I would be happy to share what we have used in the past.

Number three… relax! Take a couple of weeks or a couple of months to slowly get into it. As a teacher you will be learning as well. I have learned so many things I did not learn in public school by homeschooling my own kids. Fascinating stuff…

Number four… They should’ve been number one actually… Pray and enjoy your children! Teach them the things that truly matter!

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This is what freighters me as well - the mandates for all children to be vaxxed is gonna be baked in to preschool+ attendance. I feel it in my bones. The left is unflinchingly religious in their zeal to vaccinate and they honestly feel like the mandates were successful. If you’ve ever spoke. To a die hard vaxxer/current mask wearer, you know this incredible disconnect from reality is absolutely true.

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i wish i could disagree w u, but it is both sad and terrifying: every liberal i know has unflinching faith in the covid narrative and worships the vaxx like it's an infallible god.

covid is not over, the mandates are not over, the covidians still fully believe that they can vaxx your kids and babies, and if u dont agree u need to be committed or banished.

i wish i could say this is a smallish sliver of the population (10%-20%?) that can just be ignored or sidelined, but unfortunately they are the sliver that controls journalism, culture, academia, the DC bureaucracy etc...they are not going to admit they were wrong anytime soon.

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I am a liberal, in no way would I get this jab and haven’t had any jabs of any kind, in fact, since the 70s. I have several liberal friends and acquaintances who are not vaxxed, too. And I know and know of several conservatives who are vaxxed. Guess it depends on where you live, who you associate with. But, yeah, my blue state is vax and mandate crazy. Really tough for the unvaxxed getting into some venues, no matter which side of the fence you are on.

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Indeed. They are the ones who control whether or not you have to wear a useless mask.

Or worse have children cover their face at school all day long without breaks.

We have to make our voices heard.

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Not, like the once did.

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Totally worked on waking up my 80 year old aunt visiting over the last two days. I dropped some hard truths and even gave her an paper in written in a medical publication...but not only is she an admitted hard core Chicago liberal, I sense that she is actually afraid to know some of the counter-narrative info I dropped on her.

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"Sometimes people refuse to accept the truth because they will be unable to do anything if they do."

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That was a sense I had....like, ignorance is bliss.

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It burdens my soul.

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Jul 4, 2022
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Agreed. "Be prepared to defend yours..." makes me think of this awesome tee-shirt https://americanstrong.com/products/1776-sure

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Awesome shirt! American Strong may owe you a cut of sales. while I was on there (less than 4 minutes), they had "sold" 7 of the 1776% Sure T-Shirts! Boom!

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One thing I've learned about all these various government functionaries is to NEVER give a single one of them the benefit of a doubt. Never. I don't trust any of them.

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"Be prepared"

Indeed. And others' as well.

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And, despite being 2% of the overall population, 80-90% of these psychopaths, billionaire CEO or Chief Scientists of convid pushers, 50% of trannies, and nearly 100% of the leaders of anti-Western invectives...are comprised of this 2% Tribe. And, if you notice this, you might be doxxed, fired, vilified, and called names that preclude them from any natural critiques.

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Shhhhh, you're not allowed to be a noticer.

Now go strap your baby boy down and cut off his...

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50% of trannies, really? I never noticed

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Let’s not forget that Pfizer’s definition of “life threatening” probably excludes if a baby is comatose/ vegetative and can therefor still receive “nourishing”, “life-long” pharmaceutical and medical care. Ka-ching, ka-ching!

Nuremberg 2.0 can’t happen soon enough.

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at this point, i'm honestly not sure if pfizer would classify actual death as life threatening...

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Hey, if you’re dead, you don’t have a life to threaten!

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if you're dead, they can't do a followup.

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It would have been worse if she hadn't been vaccinated.

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Yup. Not a big fan of cynicism, but it's a critical learned attribute these days.

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Maybe they mean if the baby threatens someone else's life...

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Yet they describe a cold as life threatening. Truly upside down world we live in and only a small percentage of the population see it.

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Well, technically speaking, life is an STD :P...

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My husband thinks I've lost it, I laughed way to loud out this!

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That's a protocol deviation obviously they need to be kicked from the analysis

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With the Nuremberg Code never ratified, don't expect any new Nuremberg Trials.

Also remember that the ones they didn't hang, they gave visas to.

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Or put in positions of power and influence. Fritz ter Meer: IG Farben executive, convicted nazi mass murderer. Only served 7 years and made Bayer chairman shortly after his release.

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Yes, that too.

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That's MOST of them... and they came right on over to the US of A and worked for the CIA.

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I tried to search this, whether the US actually signed the Nuremberg Code or not, because I have long thought we did... I can't find anything definitive. But as far as things not being ratified, the US income tax never was, and I STILL haven't received my effing refund, sent on FEB. THIRD... I trust the govt. as far as I can THROW the entire "House of the People."

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The exigencies of the real world often demand that at least at times high moral principles be set aside. Yes, Paperclip and similar operations are among the darker American history, at least what little we know of.

If you wish to remain on your moral high horse (by the way, that's supremely easy to do, when from today's easy chair vantage point, we deign to judge past people and events, often lacking any context whatsoever as we do)....

Consider the possibility that, solely in the case of the clean up after the Allied victory at the end of WW II, if we had executed all the Germans who deserved that fate, rather than import some of the more valuable ones, there is a very good chance that history would have turned out differently. At a minimum, the West would have lacked many of the scientific and other advances (military and spin-off) that we actually had. The old saw that most of Europe would be, in that case, speaking not German but Russian, is a distinct possibility. I submit to you that might have been one of the less dire outcomes if we hadn't imported some smart scientists by the back stairs.

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Wow, am I hearing what seems like major apology for what turned out to be the beginnings of DARPA, Big Pharma's major post-war sprawl and the envelopment of some serious evil medicine into the CIA, and the very smooth dismissal of war crimes and Crimes Against Humanity by those German doctors, while we undermined and blatantly broke our treaty and our word (no honor in that!) with the Russians, who lost VAST MILLIONS of their soldiers fighting the Nazis, and without whom we would almost certainly have not come out with the ending we did? No, Russia is not perfect, nor angelic, but I'm a little tired of it being the constant scapegoat when much of the troubles in our world today are caused by the US/UK/NATO Western Hegemonic Cabal, with the USA as the Military Might for the Economic Crush that is the WEF, the IMF, et al, and the only hegemony of the past century at least, and the cause for countless suffering and death--- and yet most of the American people can't even understand this, much less have any actual education on it because it's much easier to blame others and continue to operate as an Evil Force, the world's biggest bully. Our fiat currency escapade is coming to an end, and we can only hope that when the USA falls, that other entities will not be as cruel as our Powers That Be have been.

Just sayin'.

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Seeing as that would have meant executions in the tens of thousands, and that the russians nabbed quite a few germans themselves (leaving the table scraps for Britain and France), it's a highly plausible scenario.

Want even more nightmares? Europe fully under Stalin sans Britain would have meant nuclear war between US and USSR in Europe before 1960.

Or going further back: if Himmler's group had had less influence, the purging of the sciences would have simply rebranded all scientific achievments by jews to have been "aryan" instead, meaning no loss of scientific progress in Germany before the war.

Or if a certain italian had been listened to in his home natio during the 1920s, he wouldn't have emigrated to the US, and it would have been Italy and Germany who first developed the concept of high-altitude bombing campaigns against infrastructure and logistics.


It is humbling I think, to consider how small events make up the greater ones: what events occurring right now are we blind to, which will be obvious fifty years later?

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Yes, one can always find an excuse for doing what one wants.

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That's true? I didn't know that.

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Operation paperclip 📎

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Exactly. Perfect analogy Monica!

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Not an analogy... that's the name of the CIA operation to "save" those Nazis.

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I know that. They were sent to South America

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Thanks for sharing.

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On August 19, 1947, the judges of the American military tribunal in the case of the USA vs. Karl Brandt et. al. delivered their verdict. Before announcing the guilt or innocence of each defendant, they confronted the difficult question of medical experimentation on human beings. Several German doctors had argued in their own defense that their experiments differed little from previous American or German ones. Furthermore they showed that no international law or informal statement differentiated between legal and illegal human experimentation. This argument worried Drs. Andrew Ivy and Leo Alexander, American doctors who had worked with the prosecution during the trial. On April 17, 1947, Dr. Alexander submitted a memorandum to the United States Counsel for War Crimes which outlined six points defining legitimate research. The verdict of August 19 reiterated almost all of these points in a section entitled "Permissible Medical Experiments" and revised the original six points into ten. Subsequently, the ten points became known as the "Nuremberg Code." Although the code addressed the defense arguments in general, remarkably none of the specific findings against Brandt and his codefendants mentioned the code. Thus the legal force of the document was not well established. The uncertain use of the code continued in the half century following the trial when it informed numerous international ethics statements but failed to find a place in either the American or German national law codes. Nevertheless, it remains a landmark document on medical ethics and one of the most lasting products of the "Doctors Trial."

So--nice, but no cigar.

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:( Bummer. Well, we also have the US Constitution, the Human Bill of Rights, and our own personal sovereignty, which NO ONE can ever take away, and that is the main event, backed by the first two items above. cheers!

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I've soured entirely on the UN but otherwise...

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Me, too, but I think the HBR stands regardless of their fuckery.

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usa/eu more fascist than hitler's regome!

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The usa/eu worked WITH the Nazis. All behind the scenes, of course. We still have a bunch of companies in the US that operated in and with Germany before, during, and after WWII... such as Coca Cola, IBM (Bill Gates' mom is connected), Kodak, IG Farben, now Bayer/Monsanto...

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Not hardly, but rowing in that direction mighty fast.

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fuck their liability protection, some heads need removing

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The 28% of parents who jabbed their 5 to 11 year olds likely have younger kids in this category and must know something more than they did six months ago. Think Gato is right, after November the tables will really start to turn. No amount of jail time is punishment enough, and sadly the most culpable will escape with yachts intact. But at least the public will never trust these ghouls again.

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You yhink they'll escape with their yachts intact? I don't.

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Hope you’re right and I’m wrong.

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God bless you. May the most vulnerable be protected from these Monsters, and may all be protected from them.

Ot, Facebook simply WON'T kick me off. I put "Nuremberg code violations and then hangings "on gates, who, wef etc, post substavks of anti Covid 19 everywhere etc etc.

Last time, 2 yrs ago, so livid I posted fb head and Goebbels etc about 45 min...

Next day I was still on. What gives? Twitter, youtube gave me Death penalty.

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Twitsfere booted moi permly over a year ago - would not give reason. Decided to start up another account under new email several months ago. Got on. A little wonky, but I get to weigh in and offer alternative thoughts. I figure it is just a matter of time before I get booted again - but it is the thrill of the chase :^)

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I got on for 18 glorious hours, when I got new tablet but phone number clued them in and I was off

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John -

Continue to be bold. It is righteous!

Thank you!

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Ryan , I'm gonna screenshot this and hand to me wife...

Cuz she's, mom, daughters Most certainly don't agree with me.

I'm gonna say, well I was gonna give up, buy you need to take up w Ryan

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I am more than happy to be a resource for anyone on these stacks.

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Same, I think FB gave up because I don't give up!

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I am sure they shadow banned ne.

Because I don't go onto fb to post pics of my freaken dog...

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Probably, they threaten me every once in a while that my posts will be shown lower in everyone's feed for 30 days when I post something that hurts their feelings.

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Yup, they'll probably get a variance for violating the Nuremberg code.

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I hope not.

Another angle is that most the people who did vaxx their young children are more prone to do the same with their infants.

Why wouldn't they? The decision making process, based on the facts, is virtually the same.

Perhaps a good portion of those parents are impervious to rational thinking. Their mass formation could very well be cast in stone.

I'm struggling not to be cynical.

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I fought like hell not to vaxx my 6 year old at the time. I lost. My wife won. Almost ruined our marriage. The social pressure from family (many doctors) and friends (also doctors) was extraordinary. Facts were meaningless. It was surreal.

Since then, I’ve become more emboldened and made it clear that under no circumstances will our other kids (now 5 and 1.5) get it. (I was shocked to hear that our pediatrician was still pushing the booster for our oldest. Criminal...) So far, my wife isn’t putting up a fight. I’ll take it. I think it’s partly due to studies I’ve shown her (the negative VE for kids in NYS is compelling). But mostly due to the changed climate. Our doctor family and friends are all still pro vax, and would never admit being wrong, but they’re much less aggressive and almost sheepish about the vax now.

Anyway, just one person’s story. I’d be curious to know how common it is for two parents to be on opposing sides. I don’t wish it on anyone.

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I could have written that comment. I lost the fight for my 6 (now 7) year old. My wife. Would. Not. Listen. She was in pure fear mode. Terrified that he'd get any number of rare conditions when he got infected. Convinced, utterly convinced, that the vaccine meant he wouldn't get those conditions.

You cannot reason someone out of a position when they did not reach that position via reason themselves.

I managed to let her talk to our pediatrician about it. Unfortunately, my respect for him dropped significantly. He strongly recommended it. No hesitation. Benefits clearly outweighed risks. Blah blah blah. I had no leg to stand on.

Now, our youngest remains ineligible, since Canada has not - yet - approved the toddler vaxes (I give it, oh, another month). The game change is that Covid just swept through our house. Kids were just fine other than some fatigue and tummy aches. So I will go to the wall to say, look, kid #2 had Covid. She was fine. Her immune system has learned all it needs to learn. Absolutely ZERO benefit to jabbing her. All risk!

We shall see though. My wife, on night #2 of feeling like crap, bemoaned that she hadn't gotten her FOURTH jab! I couldn't believe it. I told her that she can't inject herself over & over for the rest of her life, she already took three, got sick anyway, needs to accept the possibility that the vaccines are snake oil. She didn't respond. I dunno if I can break through the matrix to find her. She's in pretty deep.

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"You cannot reason someone out of a position when they did not reach that position via reason themselves." So true.

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Very true Sophia, my husband kept trying to get me to see about 10 years ago and I claimed I knew but I had no idea only snippets. It was when they started pushing the death shots on everyone that I saw it and started digging and I am still learning something new everyday. You show people information but they aren't always going to see what you're seeing. They have to want to see it with their mind and not just with their eyes. They need that Eureka moment!

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Yes. "So true."

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I’m sorry, I.M. There are so many different ways to approach people about this, and people are receptive to different things. In my case, I do better talking about waning-to-negative VE and think (hope) I struck a nerve when I explained that the vaxx prevents kids (and everyone) from developing natural immunity and stunting their innate immune system. My next goal is establishing that they are far riskier in terms of adverse effects than other medications we give our kids.

Anyway, let me know if you ever want to discuss a particular strategy or approach or just want to talk through this in general, either here or over email or something.

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My husband and I disagree as well but at least our kids are adults now. (I have no control over them if they get jabbed). My husband did get boosted but says that he won't boost anymore. I don't understand how people can be that afraid. Your kids had covid and handled it fine. Why would you have them get jabbed to prevent covid when they already got it? Ugh I hope your wife listens to you!

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I'm so sorry I.M. 😔

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My wife doesn’t really follow the vax issue very closely but she is more anti vax than I am. She crosses her arms frowns and says NOPE!

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I’m so sorry to hear this. Keep fighting for your babies.

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A lot of us have experienced similar. It's still hard for me to understand.

Today will be the first time in 2 years that I've seen my dad because somehow he convinced himself that it was a duty to get vaxxed. He literally disowned his oldest child (me)

It was shocking. He knows he's wrong. But I suppose he was brainwashed. So I will forgive him.

What's most perplexing is that he was the one who taught me to question everything...especially authority.

That's how powerful the mass mind rape was. He drank the Kool-Aid. Fear, shame, guilt and humiliation are powerful tools the experts knowingly exploited

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Opposing sides with my husband….he could not talk about it without resorting to name calling. At any rate, he vaxxed our kids and I only found out at a later dr appointment with one of the kids when the dr said “I see you already have your Covid vax”…yep, nearly marriage ending

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I am so sorry to hear this. Its bad enough the plandemic has destroyed friendships and further divided our country and the rest of the planet.

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That's what they intended. Sickening

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I’m so sorry, Heather. That’s terrible, and I pray I never find myself in that situation. Hopefully he’ll agree not to do that again with the booster (or whatever other annual “flu shots” are rolled out).

I know how isolating and frustrating this can be. I’m happy to listen if you ever feel like venting. (There should be some kind of support group or message board for this!)

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He hasn’t woken up to the vaxx just yet but possibly came to realize what a betrayal it was to me as his wife taking the kids for a medical procedure without telling me and then all 3-of them lying (by omission) to me for months…he stated he won’t get them boosted, but as you can imagine, my trust level is extremely low

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I believe he violated Nuremberg code.


Kids can't give consent, it's an experimental medicine...

But I don't know.

I'd be furious

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I am so sorry! My heart aches for you. This is unbearably sad.

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Tell her a wife should submit to her husband.

If wife is sane one, wife should tell her husband it's immoral to follow an evil command

Saint Thomas Aquinas has got all covered on ghis

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Time to bring back "honour & obey".

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My wide hasn't taken it, but she thinks I'm crazy. I think some of my facts have permeated.

She is a coward intellectually on other fronts. Like all so calldf mass shootings occurred. She thinks Francis is Pope, so she joins vastly over 99 percent of the world in being intellectually cowardly or apathetic.

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I’m afraid this is the case. I’ve got a five year old nephew who is already boosted. Three year old sister already got the first shot last week.

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Dear lord. Fear is a powerful elixir

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My niece cannot wait to get her nearly two year old jabbed. May have already. I worry a lot. But she is really into vaccinations. I’ve never seen my grand nephew because I’m not vaxxed, not just for covid but the tDAP. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I have a three month old grand niece too. Worried about her, too. I have never said a thing to either parent because they trust their doctors like SO MANY others. They would not listen to me, or this frightening, clearly articulated blog, or anyone else not vaxxed that I’m aware of. 😥

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That’s how my relatives are too. I’ve met my niece once. They won’t visit bc they wouldn’t be in control of the Covid protocol. And no one will visit them because of their insane rules.

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Ryan, it's simply a very real possibility you're considering.

It's unbelievable to us... but to them, we have no idea what's (not) in their brains.

I'm in another huge psyops, and people here in this one have Unimaginable depth of desire to be deceived. We , the few of us who saw it, had very dark humor about it. We were aghast, appalled about them.

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Yup. Most of us have known this to be true from the beginning. It's still hard to grapple with.


Based on that experience we should focus our time on the individuals who have recently started grappling with this.

We can draw from that experience to create common ground.

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Many many people put a lot of trust in their doctor. They don’t question. It’s astounding.

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my neighbor had her 8yo daughter double-jabbed. The little girl told me "it was nothing -- no big deal." Well, she just had her third (booster) shot, and felt awful, terrible headache, weak and sick for a couple days. The neighbor is a brainwashed hypochondriac, and there is no getting through to her. If they haven't yet (and I bet they were first in line), the 3yo little brother is next.

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Dani - I cannot imagine how difficult it is to watch that. God help our innocent children.

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These people should just take one before having sex, in case conception occurs. Then the baby will be up to date on the schedule

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And be a good little communist party member

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i would have hoped they wouldn't trust pfizer, merck or any of the others with what had happened prior to Covid...

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Most don't know. Rather than doing any due diligence, they just followed the herd.

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They absolutely will trust them again. The left has basically turned govt into a religion and are incapable of exhibiting skepticism. They have become marks and rubes for predatory bureaucrats and the only they could ever distrust them is to admit their worldview is a lie. It will never happen.

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I can't move on with my life until these psychopaths are exposed and punished.

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Brilliant. I've been trying to figure out what I've been feeling for over 2 years and you nailed it.

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How many more years do we have to add to that? I’m getting old. I didn’t realize this would be a fight to the death. O well, I am in.

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I am edging near the biblical three score and ten lifespan, have two autoimmune conditions but as long as I have a breath in my body am personally ready to go over the ramparts to take these demonic bastards down.

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I have several autoimmune issues as well, all of which are under control with diet, supplements, & exercise. When this jab situation started; I said no way in hell b

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Dr. Linda. Me too and me too! I’m 63

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Harness it. Be a change agent.

"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"

Mark Twain

This is a fact. Act on it.

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LOL I love this quote! So basic but true.

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How many of them do we (the government) know were Maxwell's pedophile clients, and STILL we (the public) can't expose and punish them?

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this is screaming for investigation. this is screaming for investigation. this is screaming for investigation

Jesus fucking Christ

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Investigation by who? The data laundering operation for the pharma cartel known as the FDA?

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If we had a functioning Congress....

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What? - 535 Congress critters - and one - precisely ONE - has even used the word (Covid) "vaccine injury". He is up for re-election in Nov and said to be vulnerable; Dems looking to throw 40 mil to removing him from the Senate. ("Brought to you by Pfizer")

Steve Kirsch is drumming up support and campaign dollars for him:


I can't remember the last time I made a campaign contribution - but it felt pretty good: a small blow against the feeling of helplessness that is threatening to submerge me!

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There is zero chance they dont rig the election in favor of whoever is running against Johnson. He has no chance up against people who dont play by the rules.

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Until recently, I had never made a campaign contribution. I was more than happy to for Ron Johnson, as well as others that Jeff Childers (Coffee and Covid) does a “multiplier” for.

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Same-first ever to Ron, i dont like his chances though.

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But we can all pray.

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I did say "if".

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I don’t know. I don’t know. It’s like the whole watchmen thing who watches the watchmen is there a regulatory agency or government authority above these people what happens when the whole thing is fucked. I don’t know I’m just angry

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Exactly, most of the "watchmen" are captured. The GAO is charged with ensuring Congress does what it says it is going to do and properly spends what it says it's going to spend. Judging by how many billions and billions of dollars are wasted every year without anyone being held accountable, I think it's safe to say that this agency is, for all intents and purposes, neutered.

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I haven't seen Jesus intercede yet.

"God helps those who help themselves."

That's from Ben Franklin not the Bible.

We can help ourselves by helping others. Most are victims.

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A toddler learning to walk cannot see a parent behind him ready to catch the child if s/he tumbles. A seven year old learning to ride a two-wheeler may not be aware that a parent is holding onto the back of the bike seat as s/he goes down the street. Have faith, my friend. This ain't over yet. How many people, normally quiet and shy, have been inspired to be brave, and to challenge the madness?

Americans sing "God bless America," yet many refuse to repent, to turn their hearts God-ward. In Canada, citizens sing, "God keep our land glorious and free," yet many, too, refuse to turn away from serious sin. They want God as the "man upstairs" when it is convenient and refuse to at least read one of the Gospels. God wrote a book ...

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I understand you're sentiment.

It's time for those people to stand up. There's been a shocking lack of people willing to pay that price.

It's been over two years of the little ones being robbed of their future.

Are there any more excuses left?

As a parent of small children, I am utterly gobsmacked that parents who don't have small children....said NOTHING.

I only saw one parent, without small children, show up at school board meeting to challenge the board on covering childrens faces all day - including at recess! That parent was an 88 year old great-grandmother. She read them the riot act.

I have never been so proud of someone in my life.

Where are those Christians? Where?

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Oh, what a challenge to us all. Thank you, Ryan.

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The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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i'm a little worried we've reached the:

"the beatings will improve until morale continues" stage.

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Oh, yes.

I always worry when someone is trying to kill me, too.

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Kill us without even pretending it’s not happening. What a nightmare

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You mean killing our species?

Destroying reproductive fitness and exposing infants to Russian roulette, seems like a pretty good strategy, to meet those ends.

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Have you seen this insane “prediction/warning/programming” from the show Utopia? 😳https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2QNnoqc3XU

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This is CRAZY. Thx for sending to me!

Good grief

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No. I'll watch it

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I have two comments. First, don’t think the legacy media is only untruthful when it comes to the pharmaceutical industry. They out and out lie about everything they report on. The safest way to handle them is to distrust everything they say.

Second comment. How can you ever perform a trail on a baby without them being monitored completely 24/7. By monitored I mean connected to blood pressure monitors, EGG’s, brain monitors and anything else you can think of. It’s not likely the baby can tell you if something doesn’t feel right. By the time outside observers see a problem it is already a very serious adverse event. I’m my mind it’s criminal to do these trails on someone that can’t communicate any issues. Never mind that, it’s criminal to do trails or give experimental drugs to anyone who is in no danger from the disease!

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Turn off legacy whore media...

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Save the occasional view of a mainstream web site, I haven't watched TV news, listened to radio news, in decades (less some unavoidable exposure, such as in a waiting room). Clearly, media companies have been consolidating, changing, etc. for many years. But it's no secret that many old-line once respectable periodicals have been on life support for years. Just witness CNN's decline, and long ago they were highly trusted. Many prominent newspapers or magazines are to a large extent propped up by billionaires (Zuckerberg owns the Washington Post; Steve Job's widow funds The Atlantic; etc. etc.) resulting in them being little more than make-work programs for writers espousing political and social views that would make Lenin or Marx seem like a conservative Christian Republican.

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bezos owns the washington posts, but you point is the same

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Yes. Unbelievable!

The only one step Vin chart I've seen. Skip the analysis and choose thr opposite.

Really simplifies the decision making flow chart.

In this case, past performance IS indicative of future results.

I think they're making this easy to plant seeds of doubt with the go-along-to-get-along crowd.

Turn the public health officials weapon against them.

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How fucking broken is your brain as a parent to vaccinate a 43 day old baby? Vaccinating ANY kid is deeply problematic but an infant?

What the fuck is wrong with these people? I would go so far as to say they should be held criminally liable for their deeds.

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They're were slowly broken over time. We have a nation full of Patty Hearsts'

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Its beyond child abuse. And the number of people who cannot think critically or do some basic research before making a life-altering decision is truly frightening.

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Dude, I’ve read a lot of great summations of the last two years’ absurdities, but you’ve done it better than any of them. Well done.

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One of the most disturbing posts I saw last week was by a woman with a Masters in Public Health whose baby died at 2.5 months without explanation. She was vaxxed while pregnant, was a very vocal proponent of getting vaxxed while pregnant, and as far as I know is still denying that was the cause.


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Those people are lost. They represent opportunity cost.

Let's focus on the 2 shot and done folks first and then the ones who are waiting to see the results of these human experiments.

Just an opinion

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Yes 100% this is all we have left. Dreading the flu season this fall in chinada...if we don’t have at least a large minority of people refusing the masks etc here, I fear this country is done for.

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Find like minded people; band together, person to person, at the community level and RESIST.

There's enough people on these stacks to get that done if we do that at the community level.

You have to start there first. Count on no one else. They're not coming.

Courage is exponentially levered in numbers!

Go out of your way to seek those people out and organize your resistance.

That price must be paid or you can expect more.

Also seek out influencers of like mind that have large spheres of influence.

They exist in every community. They are often, the least likely to be paralyzed by trepidation.

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If a woman lives in a state where abortion is no longer legal, who is responsible for the killing of her unborn baby, by lethal injection of the mother?

If a baby is born who was still inside his mother's womb when she was injected by a bioweapon and then dies within 2.5 months after being born, who is responsible for that child's murder?

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Sorry I meant to post just the Twitter photo:


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Non scientists can see lack of checks and balances, fraud, deceit. Utter arrogance. This is not science, a search for truth. These are gangsters

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Gangsters cloaked in fancy suits of pride, concealing fraud, deceit and wickedness!

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Jul 4, 2022
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Wow. Good one D. Twain!

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Jul 4, 2022
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In their lust for power and profits, and to get this onto the pediatric jab schedule at all costs, no matter how many children were maimed, sterilized, or murdered, they may have pushed it too far. We need pitchforks, ropes and torches for Bourla, Bancell, Fauci, Birx, Walensky and all the other co-conspirators.

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We need an org chart... the people you mention aren't running it.

Who's running this... if you see them, they aren't the ones in charge

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I'll start with the low hanging scum and work my way up.

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Start with those who have a hint of skepticism.

Better results. The most ardent, regardless of chain of command, are also the most recalcitrant.

There are better opportunities to be a change agent with those who exhibit doubts about taking the first two shots. That's our target audience.

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Ok with me...With one caveat...

Any intelligence op:

You must get them to talk first.

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WEF has entered the chat.

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Harrari is deeply disturbed. More so than gates.

THAT'S saying something.

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Could you briefly elaborate? All I know of Harari is that he thinks all the eventual useless eaters will need to be hooked up to the meta verse because they have no usable skills.

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Bitchute.com has some maniacal rantings of him... I just grip my baseball bat tighter and tighter....

Go there, but not 6 hours before you want to go to sleep. Cuz uou you won't be able to

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I wrote Klaus.schwab@weforum.org and said, Klaus, you're a madman

I'm thinking of applying for a job there.

I CAN'TWAIT til yhey run a backgroundcheck of me... 😂😃😄😁.

Metav too!

I have been amusing myself for 62 years... my only friends are at dog park. 🐕

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I think Epoch Times actually has something like that.

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More, Epoch G

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"either many doctors all over the world are badly injuring babies by experimentally jabbing them with unapproved product" careful now, if Leanna Wen was the doctor and there were a bunch of not quite in the age of the trial/study I'm sure she'd have no issue jabbing up as many out of scope children for "science" she's just that evil... there are many more like her with an MD

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Please recall UW Medicine Seattle doctor Helen Chu went outside of the scope of the FDA to test for coronavirus early in 2020.... doctors operating outside of the scope (test test test)

and here we are, thanks Helen!

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they've been stuffing kids into masks to "protect the old people" completely with no regard to personal belief or legal standing you think they won't or haven't been jabbing everyone that volunteers regardless of legality? There are lots of parents happy to have their kids jabbed and there are lots of cases where people abused the shots and had more boosters than rec'd (twitter documented) do NOT put it past crazy to go above and beyond for satan

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Using children as shields, provided by Satan.

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that don't even work so it has never made any sense

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Just read an article from someone in CA who already had 3 boosters

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Made me think of Maddie de Garay - the 12 yr old whose life was ruined by Pfizer and then she was tossed aside like a piece of litter. This is what Pfizer do to their trial participants.

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Her life was ruined because her mother with an MD is a complete and total moron.

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This stops when people say no. And not before.

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Right. No!

We will not back down and we will not go away!

They must FEEL that. It's work and requires courage.

We have all the knowledge/tools we need.

It's a full tool kit. Let's use it!

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Or suffers from Munchausen by proxy syndrome (or rather, poor Maddie suffered from it). I find her mother insufferable. She is a doctor and should have known better. Allowing, even encouraging, two children to take part in this experiment--any experiment--is the equivalent of offering them up as sacrifices to the demons of "The Science" cult.

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Martha - I din't know she was a doctor. That's pretty sad that she did this to her own kids. 😒

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I'm pretty sure she's a doctor. Possibly she's a scientist. I remember seeing an interview with her and she kept talking about how she and her husband weren't "anti-vaxx" (blech!) because they were doctors and/or scientists. I can't quite remember the details, but they are certainly part of that science-medical-pharma-academia complex, where brains (and evidently souls) go to die.

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Ding ding ding! Right here. Ordinary people may be excused. Not doctors. How can you be so utterly stupid as to enroll your child in an experiment when their life is not at risk? The kid did not have terminal cancer.

The mother is now obviously suffering. No need to punish parents like this. Their grief is censure enough in itself, really.

Sadly there will need to be much more parental anguish before all this stops. Experience is the only way people learn.

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Gosh - didn't know that. That's horrendous. Poor girl.

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I have way more sympathy for the parents who mistakenly leave their toddlers in a car on a hot day. Because that’s an accident. Not willful stupidity or neglect in service to a cult.

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Oh God. Why did you do that?!...;)

I had a horrible nightmare about that a couple nights ago

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How much crippling/near deaths/deaths of adults and children will it take for the 'narrative' to not feel so comfy and cozy and self-righteous any longer? I'd REALLY like to know because I'm gobsmacked over the continued almost purposeful ignorance STILL going on. It's like a special 'la la land' for the true believers that just can't seem to be shaken.

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People are still sending their kids off to new wars even though they killed 4% of the population in various wars last century.

People are stupid. And their capacity for suffering at the hands of the state is nearly limitless.

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Declaritive thought experiments, expecting no reply work.

Or just saying hey man you figured it out way sooner than most...whether they did or not. Make them right.

It is rare to get an answer, but the meaning is clear. Let them deal with it on their own. Just provide the seeds.

It gives them cover and lays a line in the sand.

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If an infant screams in mortal anguish in a Pfizer clinical trial and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound? FDA advisory panel votes unanimously that it does not.

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