They cancelled people for being sceptical; simple, thoughtful disagreement became a scarlet letter. Assholes. 

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They created 2nd class citizens who were treated like vermin.

I'm not sure I'll ever be able to let that go.

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You and me both. And I expect it from the government. It's the people I would have called "friends" that did the same that I'm having a hard time with.

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Covid exposed people’s true nature. People were revealed during this time period… we saw them more clearly.

The crazy ones.

And The stoic and solid ones.

The ones that live in daily fear.

The ones that live fearlessly.

The ones who can’t think for themselves

And The critical thinkers.

The followers

And the leaders.

those who are Godless

And those that believe in God.

Now you know who the brave and smart people are in your life. Hold those people closer.

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It ain't got anything to do with god or intelligence. It has everything to do with the ability to question authority to the point where you will say "NO" and stand your ground. Most humans don't have that. Seems to be a personality trait.


In my country of Soviet Canuckistan only 14% of the adults refused. They are ALL types of races, religions, cultures but with 1 thing in common. Their survival instincts are still functioning.

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I would hold them dear. If only I could find them.

NO ONE in my close circle of family & friends refused the jabs, but at least I know a few who now have admitted regrets and have pushed the Stop button. I respect them. But none seem to comprehend that their DNA is a holy and unique creation and thus never to be knowingly tampered with. And when I (rarely) mention this concept I don't get any response at all.

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That’s a bitter pill to swallow. I am so sorry for you.

We were lucky in that 2/3 of my very immediate family was able to see through the BS and not take the vaccine… but I think that’s very rare and not everyone could be reached once jobs were threatened.

I’ve decided

There is a remarkable lack of intellectual curiosity among most people. A lot of people don’t think for themselves… or want to.

And a percent doesn’t think at all. Frankly. There is a percent of Americans that are completely brain dead and just not smart at all.

there really is ‘an ignorance is bliss mentality’- type- just tell me what to do… and I’ll do it.

And then there are the virtue signalers- who got vaccinated for likes and popularity- on social media

And then the people who wanted to be like those people- it was all the rage mentality - I’ll jump off a bridge if you do too mentality- felt a lot like high school to me. ‘Everyone’s doing it’ types.

There were the types who saw it as a financial opportunity- to promote the vaccines to make money … celebs and people like Martha Stewart recently

Then there were just the followers- they bought the propaganda hook line and sinker. Never doubted it for a second.

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In some ways it's liberating. Many, many high level professors Phd's etc etc bought the narrative hook line and sinker. What that might tell us is that all that glitters in academia is not gold. My carpenter friend saw through it as did I

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Once my BS detector went off around week two of the pandemic, I did a lot of research and shared it with as many people as I could to ward off the hypnotic effect of the Covid fear porn, but to no avail. Other than me and my therapist, I don't know anyone who didn't get the shot. As time has passed, I know some family members have come to regret their acquiescence.

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I don't watch TV. I think the majority who fell in line are habitual TV watchers. Also, I was already informed by RFK Jr., Sherri Tenpenny and others for 4 years before the hoax hit. I admire the people who figured it out on their own. I had an old high school friend who got me thinking early on, and I owe her my life.

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That’s true.

I wish I could quote verbatim.

I read an interesting comment yesterday.

Democrats have a group think mentality, more so than conservatives.

Conservatives just want to be left alone, take care of business, family, life.

Where as Democrats have been trained not to think for themselves, critical thinking skills, non existent. In fact, deemed Racist, somehow…

You get the gist.

It’s true.

Granted, some conservatives took the jab, but not to post on FB or brag.

That FB group think I heard about, I was appalled.

But that’s how they were able to turn people against others. Group think.

No different than all the other horrific Group thinks in history.

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You have all of us. Although scattered by geography, this brotherhood and sisterhood (although no they-hood) helped keep me strong and sane... or as sane as I get!)

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Maybe it’s time for you to find a new family. Just because you were born into one doesn’t mean that they will be the true “family” in your life.

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Or minimally- they will not be your only family. You can have your blood family, but also have your tribe. Totally different.

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I'm a spiritual agnostic, meaning I'm pretty "Godless." But being "Godless" I know life is short, there's no guarantee in what comes after, there's no one coming to save us (no deus ex machina), and there's no point in hiding, and I don't even want to. If we're all going down in flames, I want my family and friends around me before the end.

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Regarding the ungodless---seriously, read the Book of Jude. (its only one page with 24 verses, right before the Book of Revelation.) The quote from Enoch, 7th generation from Adam, speaks of the warning to the godless -- especially verse 15.

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Also hold those who got snookered close as well. Pray for them.

They may not be around many more years.

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You are 100% right. It's hard to remember this some days, depending on how they chose to treat us.

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So true! Someday I may use these words in a FB post if I have your permission... it really hits the nail on the head!

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Governments use fear to control its citizens and propaganda is the method deployed toward that end. What we learned from the last three years is that most people's minds can be hacked if they are subjected to enough fear. It is a tragedy for those who are hacked and for those who are not.

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Unfortunately, my two military sons were forced to get the shots-despite one of them having recovered from Covid already. 💔It was the lockstep government(s) reactions that clued me in that something was wrong. And the complete ignoring/suppression of off-label use of drugs when that had never happened before. The one-size-fits all vaccination push stank to high heaven for a .02 cfr.

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And family

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I was lucky enough not to have family like that. I can't imagine.

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At some point, write them off.

They got inundated by the fear and critical thinking took a back

seat. Unless something monumental happens, they most likely will

not come around soon.

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Totalitarians have ALWAYS created "2nd class citizens". Browse through history. Every totalitarian state has, (or creates), it's "other". The enemy of the state. In some times those enemies of the state were forced to wear yellow stars, and executed en masse. And in other times they were imaginary - existing only as creations of the propagandists. Every totalitarian state has needed to focus hatred - on someone, or something, other than itself.

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Agree. I think we've entered a new age where the power of the media, technology, communication platforms, etc. accelerates this process by monopolizing the ownership of ideas and language.

It is easier to create enemies of the state when your neighbor is proactively spreading that hate via the same means (mass communication platforms).

"Empires of the future will be Empires of the mind"

- Churchill

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How interesting that El Gato is all about institutions today - who delegated/who is responsible/who schemed when and how. But the commentariat is having none of it! - its all individuals down here! Who - including of course, "I", did what when and why. I recently ran into this bit of Emerson I think more than obliquely touching on our current horror: "Every reform was once a private opinion, and when it shall be a private opinion again, it will solve the problem of the age."

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Love that quote.

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Totalitarians depend on creating groups of people to pit against each other. While the groups are fighting among themselves, the "leaders" are free to act with impunity because relatively few are actually watching what they do.

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It has ever been so!

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It's easier and chaper to create an Other you fully control, such as "toxic masculinity" or "heteronormative" or "the patriarchy" or "racism",than to actually try to fight (doesn't have to mean war by any means, just a fight as in struggle between competitors) a real external Other.

That Other might retaliate, might even win, and will act under its own control, not yours.

Compare the US/Globalist stance towards Russia with the same gangs stance on the Saudi genocide in Yemen.

Othering Russia is relatively harmless, it doesn't tick any of the triggers for the internal nominally controlled Others; confronting Saudi and treating them the way Russia is treated due to the state-sanctioned murder of over 300 000 civilians (not 'collateral damage', targeted strikes aimed at maximzing the death toll of civilians) would destroy US/Western economy overnight, and trigger a real race war in Europe, between moslems and everyone else. I.e: the Other would be out of control.

Or for even more fun and games, compare and contrast US response to Israeli apartheid policies, racial/religious segregation and persecution, theft of land, occupation and so on, with how the US acted towards Serbia for less than 1/100 of what the israelis have been doing for decades. (Which is in no way support for the palestinians terrorist state, their backwards literally inbred culture, and religion.)

Control. Create an inner enemy to control. If that inner enemy can be a defenceless group labelled WrongBadEvil, so much the better.

It's the same in business: the company is taking it in every orifice? Blame the ground staff, lay off 10%, borrow against inventory to pay out dividends to shareholders and hope that kicks the stock upwards.

At least the spartans, athenians and romans were honest about it. Foreigner? 2nd class, period. Which didn't prevent some who started as slave class to become heinously rich and important.

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"the company is taking it in every orifice? Blame the ground staff, lay off 10%, borrow against inventory to pay out dividends to shareholders and hope that kicks the stock upwards"

Your observation would make an excellent replacement for the current multi-page jargon laden synopsis of the MBA program at the institution that employed me as a contract lecturer for almost two decades. The only drawbacks would be - your summation is concise, accurate, and honest. None of which have ever been part of that program.

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Well said. Very true.

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Hence my “avatar”

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I'm ready for my "2 minutes of hate" BB


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They are still doing it. In Alberta, Canada, there is a lady who will not be given a lung transplant because she isn't shot up with this crap. The fact that lung transplant rejections have been reported AFTER the shots in New York and cornea transplant rejections in Japan, is lost on them. Several of these rejected organs were stable for years. It was only after they got the shots that rejection occurred but "It's not the vax because it's never the vax".

The College of Physicians & Surgeons (Canada) and the State Medical Boards (USA) need to hang.

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Disgusting. Shame these people to hell!

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The worst in this story is this lady sued the hospital and the judge ruled in favour of the hospital: No jab, no transplant.

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To let it go or not let it go-- this is to signal which kind fo society one wishes to live in. Me, I never thought much of Nazi Germany or living behind the Iron Curtain. And moving to China isn't on my list for this lifetime.

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No need to move to China - China is moving to you. The CCP owns or controls nearly half of the world's economy, and ALL of the politicians.

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And people are still being persecuted: The licensing board is trying to revoke Dr. Ryan Cole's medical license, Dr. Panda in his substack post and Jordan Schachtel in a twitter post mentioned a plastic surgeon from Utah who is facing serious trouble because he gave kids saline shots rather than the covid shots (with the parents full knowledge and consent). It's a long list unfortunately.

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They're still cancelling people for being skeptical and still pushing the most sacred miracle elixir.

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For me, there is a question of at least co-equal importance to who, and that is WHY. Yes, greed and control are there, but we need a much finer grained understanding of these broad terms. The Old World Order is under a concerted attack such as we have never experienced in my life-time, and if we don't get to the absolute bottom of who is who and exactly what their agenda is we will be incapable of stopping them. If you are bleeding from a massive gash on your head, putting a bandaid on a scratch on your elbow is not going to help.

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Well said,but let me be problematic.

On the who question the answer is quite disconcerting.: my wife, my brother, my sister, my colleagues, my neighbours, the Canadian political establishment, the Canadian broadcasting corporation. There was a feeding frenzy, assholeness was endemic, it isn’t really about the masters of the universe, it’s about everyone around us, and this begs a question.

While it is interesting to contemplate who are these men of lust greed and glory, what of your kin folk? I bet you hid your true thoughts didn’t you, I did.

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Diamond Boy, the people you list are the followers. They're not the leaders. This article from today asks the same question as Mickey Free with some additional relevant detail:


Mr. Clarkson is right, we are in a war. I think the WEF is at the forefront, but they too are being let by someone who leads a small but powerful group who lead the WEF. For me, the WEF is a catch all for the BIS, IMF, WHO, UN etc. I don't fully understand the 'why'. Perhaps you have to have a deviant mind to understand the 'why'. And I'm not talking about malign creativity which we do understand and love.

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I love your allusion to Supertramp, "Crime of the Century", you word smith!

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They cancelled US, you and I! And now everyone is turning to us for detoxing and legal help. Right. NOW we're the geniuses...

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Have to disagree. Assholes have a useful function. Anal warts, perhaps?

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Jan 22, 2023
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I think the most effective tool of the Tyrant is to develop machinations that allow them to rule by dominating and terrorizing humans from within.

Why kill the "cockroach's" when you can get them to "control" and have contempt for their neighbors to serve the Tyrants interest?

This contempt for others often leads to self contempt.

Which is why I think Einstein was right when he said this:

"The more cruel the wrong that men commit against an individual or a people, the deeper their hatred and contempt for their victim".

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I think we're more like ants and ants work in colonies, underground. The tyrant billionaires have big tech, the media and the bureaucrats. All this and they're still not winning. We're exposing them, using their own tools. Social media is a double edged sword. Their disciples are vaccinated and and it's not going well.

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Disagree with your last sentence, PT. Dictators don't necessarily "want you and your family in the ground". They simply don't care. Our lords and masters simply view the peasantry as they do your allegorical cockroach. Out of sight - out of mind. Only when we occasionally scuttle into their view do they bother to stomp on us.

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That’s harsh: deservedly.

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From the nurse in the docs office to the radio announcers to the talking bobble heads in Hollywood....to the health ministers and Prime Ministers and Presidents of the world, they should ALL, each and every one be tried and convicted by the Nuremberg code/court

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I'm a retired Canadian RN who has lost friends and freedoms because I'm not jabbed. I'm happy when I find my fellow outcasts. I'm amazed at the willfully blind who believe the powers at be care for them. Greetings comrades.😺

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You are a bit toxic, I dig that, you are not a typical feckless Canadian. We are reputed to be polite, but that’s not the case, it is simply passive aggressive, so your overt aggression is refreshing. Keep up the good work. 

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Hey, he's not the only toxic Canadian! I'm hurt and broken now :) I'm a proud Canadian too! And unjabbed. And a misogynist. And a racist (because 'racist' is now defined as 'anyone who doesn't agree with Trudeau and his supporters')

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So then with me that makes three: toxic-wise.

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I believe that makes 4 of us in the thread 😉🥰

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Actually it's 5 of us

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Hello comrade!❤️

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No longer a proud Canadian unfortunately. But I am a proud pre-firstpostnationalstatist. FJT

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Canada is the quintessential post national nation.

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This is troubling: Ten years ago, two-thirds of Canada's population increase was courtesy of immigration. By 2030, it is projected to be 100%


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Love this . Fjt indeed! 🖕

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An explanation I give about the differences between Canadians & Americans.

Americans will say "F'off and die" (FOAD).

Canadians will say "Please F'off and die" (PFOAD).

Because even when telling people where to go and what to do when they get there, we feel obliged to say "Please". LOL

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Woah, woah, woah... It's "Please F'off and die, eh?"

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Holy shit! It's getting toxic here I'm going to hide under my bed!

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...and then summarily hung. Publicly, like back in the good old days (if their crime indicates the punishment administered so)

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Of course, if we were to use their own modus operandi, we'd shoot them first and try them later on...

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Amen bruh!

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Something stinks though El Gato. This ‘ Government bad’ storyline is coordinated across the globe just like the OG covid fear porn was. So are the masses supposed to think that the media is suddenly on their side and gonna get all the political baddies? Sure right. Just like the new PM in NZ is so much better than Jacinda. Seems like a set up to lull people into complacency once again. “ We WON.’ Uh huh. Not when the commies at the WEF are still propping up an mRNA super shot or digital ID or when puppets from third world nations are ‘demanding equitable access to vaccines’.

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Yup. Jeff Childers linked to a great substack article on "the cooling down" phase of a con (iirc at Naked Emperor). The con artists who fulfilled part 1 of the mission (eg Biden, Collins, Adern, Fauci, whoever else "resigns" in coming days & weeks) will be replaced by "sympathetic" (for now) con artists whose mission is to console & prevent lawsuits, riots in the streets, pol heads on pukes, etc).

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

But I think part 2 will fail. The jab deaths are rising & will continue to rise. The mRNA is going nowhere ( unless it is shed). Covid just keeps circulating & mutating among them.

The jabbed are now increasingly aware they are ticking tome bombs.

Their friends - relatives will not be going quietly into the night.

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Jeff Childers Substack always gives me hope. He writes plainly and is loaded with information and sources. He is someone in the know who actually fights for us.

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Indeed. Majority of “breakouts” at WEF focused on coming climate calamity, mRNA “vaccines” for every living, breathing human/animal & new ways for corporations & governments to control & monitor our individual agency for the good of the state. Have maintained for better part of 18 months+ that vaxxpasses were/are Trojan horse for digital id & social credit and it will all be marketed to the low info majority as good for them and society writ large. Just watch how the under 40 crowd snaps up digital currency given that they are out proudly waving their phones for payment. Will be marketed as safer & more convenient. Once digital ID/currency are launched globally across G20, game, set and match for the ghouls. Last one left turn out the lights.

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Yep, the trojan horse indeed. Of course we were conspiracy theorists for bringing up such a ludicrous idea. You can bet your $$ that when they slap a conspiracy label on anything, you are bull’s eye on target.

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Exactly. The 3rd world was late to the start so they are still pushing there. Gotta make that 95% kill quota everywhere. They've got the vast majority of the western world done with some places being over 95% (Iceland, Ireland, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, Chile).

In North America most medical "authorities" still demand the covid shots before you can get an organ transplant even though studies in New York show lung rejections after the shots and cornea rejections in Japan.

They are still pushing Digital ID (aka Vax Passport) and all digital currency controlled by the central banks.

Eye of the hurricane folks. Stay sharp and keep fighting.

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Exactly. Eye of the hurricane people, eye of the hurricane. Stay sharp and keep fighting!

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Jan 22, 2023
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What a great sentence:

*The enormity of the crime is its best camouflage, but once the camouflage wears off the enormity becomes its greatest liability

Time is our greatest liability and they are counting on that before their camouflage wears off.

I hope we are prepared to go the distance and strip them naked of their camouflage.

I think it may take longer than one wobbly domino starting the process. There are myriad arrangements of dominos, not one arrangement with a first and last domino.

Their camouflage is akin to aliens from the movie 'Predators'.

It is hidden in plain site from the public by the Governments/Pharma's gargantuan "ecosystem".

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Agree on multiple domino streams, but most lead to the financial system as the enabler, and thus to the communications infrastructure. It's the landslide effect.

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But does the public even know there are domino arrangements?

I'm torn on the landslide effect. Is a landslide even noticed if the public isn't paying attention or doesn't care? And can we effectuate a landslide without an outcry from the public?

I just don't think landslides of this nature are emergent.

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The public probably doesn't know or think about the domino arrangements, but they are there in the same way complex systems in a global economy are interconnected. The public will eventually pay attention when the services start disappearing. Every service you can think of (garbage collection, electricity, credit card transactions, deliveries, ...) now requires internet and financial connections. Those require 24/7 electrical service and comms. Generators are good for about a week for cell towers and hospitals unless resupplied with diesel. Skilled labor maintains all of this. And so on.

I don't think of landslides as needing our help, but as something unavoidable when a tipping point (lack of maintenance, spare parts, etc) occurs.

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I suspect we have been teetering on that "tipping point" for some time now. ALL of our systems are vulnerable. Witness recent events. It appears that a single computer error can disrupt or even shut down air travel. Health care has long since become indistinguishable from pharmacare. Education has been replaced by indoctrination. Most 'western liberal democracies' are well advanced as they work diligently to eliminate the nuclear family. We can no longer guarantee a reliable supply of water to much of the population. The "information age" has degenerated into a to-the-death contest for what is left of the minds of the populace.

Not only will this not end well - it may well end soon!

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Ah. I see.

It's crazy to say this; but I hasten that day.

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"The level of aggression used to push vaxx was unlike anything this WORLD has seen in living memory (maybe ever)" - and it's definitely EVER

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I agree with you in that they are not all seeing , all knowing gods. They are mere psychopaths. What stops me from buying in completely is that I believe ( and I may be wrong ) that they KNEW the lethality of the jabs well before they rolled out the hustle and they knew the rough percentage of the population that would be affected. AKA it was a feature not a bug. When considered from that perspective that they knew that the lethality would be “detected” they had a plan for that. Sociopaths/Psychopaths lacking conscience as they do along with their sense of entitlement enables them to plan and anrticulate actions which are unthinkable to the non personality disordered human.

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What a strange plan. The vaccine injured includes artists, comedians, athletes, doctors, scientists, lawyers, all the professions we highly respect. Why didn't they go after the nobodies only? Scott Adams (Dilbert) has pointed out that the lower your education is, not your intelligence, shows that you are less likely to take the vaccine. He has numbers on it. He's on Twitter and just set it on fire. He has great regrets being vaccinated. He said the unvaccinated won. The globalists didn't count on our common sense.

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The most educated in the West are in many cases the most brainwashed and indoctrinated. Their compliance with cultural narratives ensures their In Group inclusion .

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But still, this means they harmed the obedient ones, and left the thinkers to survive. No doubt that will soon change with the WHO plans for one health!

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It's my hope that we bring down the corrupt WHO. They are already banned in Africa. The vaccine injured will want retribution. Cycle Theories says history has fought these deadly battles before and we're in a war cycle now. Cycle Theories and The Fourth Turning are subjects worth reading.

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It is mine too!

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All these roles can and will be replaced by AI and bots. Redundant professions: useless eaters

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Well what you say about psychopaths is certainly true, and they war-gamed the operation quite thoroughly. But apparently they forgot about needing unjabbed pilots. That is just the first (known to us) oversight. More will follow.

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Did they really forget about them though? Consider this: the globalist purveyors of this poison ( literal and metaphorical ) don’t want the masses mingling , traveling and communicating or sharing experiences . They want us local , dependent and controllable . Reducing air travel or even just creating the perception of unsafe air travel is a win in their book. What looks like failure to most sane people may in fact be a win for a psychopath . It all depends on what your goals are. And the goals in this war against humanity are many layered. In any war the strategists know fully well likely casualties and repercussions. Very little is left to chance. We are at war and when viewed through that lense I believe more of what seems non sensical makes perfect sick ( pun intended ) sense.

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Yes indeed they have made it clear that they don't want us flying or even driving very far. But they forgot that they would need a "special" cadre of pure pilots for their own elite use.

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I have a feeling there is a stable of elite well paid military trained pilots who got the memo and received saline if anything.

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Yeah - when "they" need someone to grow their food, build their houses, keep the lights on - hell change light bulbs, cut their hair or pop their pimples, they'll be sorry!

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Yes and people want to ‘get back to normal’. That’s their plan though,.....remember gaits is going to ‘do a much more noticeable’ job in 2025.

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"Get back to normal " That's what scares the crap out of me. Too many will be happy with that!!!!! This cannot go unpunished. If not punished, they will rear their ugly heads again.

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I agree........we have seen where vigilance Will be ongoing for us.

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Where's that clandestine patriot team of navy seals and special forces, like you see in the movies. We need them to.....you know....take care of business and save the planet.

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Wow. Porge my spellcheck won’t spell your name. And ‘they CAN’T do anything. Geez

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I don’t know what to tell you Porte .......except I have this idea that they can do anything until the balance of power has shifted to our side......hmmm not sure where that sentence came from......I was going to say, ‘ the balance of awareness has increased , but maybe it’s the same thing. We have to take care of ourselves and do this and go for looooong walks.🥰

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I was literally going to look up your article in tag it. Fascinating that the con artist will always leave someone behind to calm down the mark.

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Great writing, as always. I do get a bit tired of hearing "the tide is turning" and "a reckoning will arrive". But I suppose I should be patient. Just hope we don't get this all swept under the rug (wait, China invades Taiwan, forget about all this old vaccine stuff!)

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I recall a Covid blogger saying back in 2021 that the narrative would collapse in two months. It did not, but I'm not going to blame him; his warnings more than anyone convinced me not to take the heart dart. I think it's part of holding the line. Recall that August 2021 was when Comirnaty received FDA approval, with mandates following shortly thereafter, this AFTER the CDC admitted that the Provincetown data proved the vaxx did not prevent transmission.

There was a great snowfall of gaslighting, to mix a metaphor. The snowfall has dropped off, but in the middle of a blizzard a forecaster's main job is to keep you out of the storm and promise you that it will end. Now all that gaslight snow is piled up on the hills over Covidians in their warm lodgings down in the valley.

EGM and others see each person who was snowed under and is now shoveling out as another contributor to the avalanche that will build and crush the Covidians without the sense to depart.

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Snowfall of gaslighting is the perfect mixed metaphor. I first read it as "snowball of gaslighting".

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Thanks. It drops slowly but surely.

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Right on!

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snaky little bastards will pass the buck and nothing will happen. tony blair is still running around saying tyrannical shit at WEF meetings despite his crooked past and being amongst the most hated men in the country

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And hancock getting his performative 'i believed I was doing the right thing' schtick in early on 'Im a Celebrity'.

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The supertanker of Washington state that's aimed right at this giant Iceberg is not only maintaining course, but has told the engine room "Full Speed Ahead".


So the end result and the real question of this action is, how can I trust that my doctor is telling me the truth when he knows (and I know he knows) that what he says might cost him his license to practice?

How can I trust that his advice, his diagnosis, and his prescriptions is based on his judgment concerning my medical condition instead of based on fear of losing his license to practice medicine?

How could this NOT be a chilling message to every physician licensed in this state that if they don’t toe the official line, they are out.

Here in Washington state, every single interaction a person has with the medical system, from appointments missed to prescriptions refilled, is reported to the Wash state Insurance Commission.

The Insurance Commission is telling/pressuring doctors about what they can/cannot say, diagnose, and prescribe because the bureaucrats absolutely know everything about your health and what your doctor is telling/diagnosing/prescribing you.

Last spring, the doctor I have been seeing for years announced he was “retiring” and moving to NW Florida…at 54 years old.

I ran into him in the grocery store before he left town and he told me the primary reason for his leaving was that he was increasingly being pressured by the State, Medicare/Medicaid, and the insurance companies about what he is allowed/not allowed to do. He said this all really started with Obamacare and that the interference from above had gotten exponentially worse during Covid. Yes, it is tyranny, and I don’t know how I can trust what any doctor tells me anymore.

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It won't be the first time they've passed the buck. Following FOI requests in 2021 they admitted that they had not analysed the raw patient data from the Pfizer trials prior to granting EUA. When pressed, they said that Public Health England had analysed the data, but PHE replied to a FOI request that they did not.

"In other words, the MHRA (the UK drug regulator that is tasked with ensuring safety of new drugs) failed to analyze the Pfizer data itself. Furthermore they claimed to have given this job to Public Health England who stated categorically that they had no access to the data, let alone conducted data validation or analysis."


June Raine should be charged with malfeasance at the very least and brought in front of a court to answer to the charge.

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Good post.

The drug "regulators" across the Western world are funded and so inevitably conflicted due to the funding from Bigpharma. (the very organisations they are regulating !) What could go wrong?

Corruption, conflicts of interest, malfeasance and downright incompetence are bound to follow.

Add in groupthink, mass hysteria/hypnosis and Governmentt fearmongery via nudge units and a cocktail of various factors leads to the last 3 years of the 'mad hatters tea party.'

Is there an overarching agenda via the Globalist organisations currently keeping the 'trade' in business at Davos? I doubt it...they can barely tie their own shoelaces.

Prosecutions? They should follow but who has the political guts to start the ball rolling?

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And that smarmy little POS Hancock was then paid to go on a reality show. I actually felt pure anger every time I saw his little smarmy face appear on the TV. ( I don't watch these programmes, but he'd appear in the ads). People actually were saying "oh he's not such a bad guy" and I'm screaming out What the actual ****. Seriously , have half the population of the UK got mashed potatoes for brains ? He is a mass murderer and the quicker him ( & Whitty/Vance etc) are held accountable the better. And btw I SUPPORT ANDREW BRIDGEN MP 💪💪💪💪💪

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Don't be distracted by the guy left holding the bag. Look for the shifty bastards slipping away down the alleyway.

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Look, there is nothin nefarious in all of this missing documentation. It was all dipped in bacon grease and accidentally dropped on the floor at the local kennel.

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like the CDC claiming they never forbid the use of ivermectin, but the government is trying to block the doctors who used it. Which one is it? allowed or not? forbidden or not? I hope the judges will open their eyes, and set these doctors who saved lives or at least tried to, free.

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I hope so too. I’m one of them. 🙏

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My guess: there will be some lip service until the world is on to the next thing....and down the memory hole the CV-19 vax will go. (Sort of like identifying the Supreme Court leaker but on a slower timeline.)

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I'm cynical. They'll find scapegoats for all of this. In fact, they have an obvious one already. Donald Trump did it by cutting the red tape and pushing to have a vaccine by election time. Of course, they'll forget that Trump may have gotten it on the market, but he wasn't shoving it down all our throats and that we only heard skepticism *until* Biden was "elected," and then it was full steam ahead on a medical dystopia. But it will be Donald Trump's fault.

What I'm interested in is how the CDC is going to define "side effects" so they can keep spinning this story.

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Another coincidence? Virus emerges exactly one 1 year before usa election - possible re-election for sitting president. Presented with vaxxes as only solution what choice did Donald have but warp speed. Coincidence? Of course not.

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Dog ate the paper trail. Never happen with a cat.

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Not true. I have a 25 pound Maine Coon Cat whose favorite thing is to claw up <and chew to pieces> any thing in his path that is made of paper. Paper bags, School Papers, Paperback Books, Magazines, Car Titles, you name it, he's eaten it or damn near enough for government work.

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Ha! Ha! Apologies to your Maine Coon. Never received a “cat ate my homework” excuse in over 40 years as a university prof, but I guess there’s always a first time. Better hurry, though, I retire in May! 😂

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Good for you! I retired late 2020 and haven't looked back once. And this from someone who had never planned to retire! It is a good time to leave academia.

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He actually did tear up some homework I left out on a desk, but it was still legible, LOL, so I did get credit.

It was a surprise though, He was a kitten at the time and we were just learning what he considered 'fair game'.

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It will be amusing (and infuriating) to see the jersey switching, gaslighting, and scapegoating that will happen over the next several months. I bet they'll eventually settle on blaming the whole thing on Trump.

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Yes, that's coming. I made a wager in June that by June 2023 my opponent would be calling them the Trump vaccines.

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I already call them Trump vaccines. I love seeing the liberals squirm. I would never take that warp speed Trump vaccine. They never have a response.

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Trump didn't ever mandate the jabs. He didn't want the lockdowns. He was advised by doctors and scientists. No matter what he does he will get blamed. The globalists were not threatened by anyone more than Trump. Bullets just bounce off him.

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He may be the last hope for American democracy.

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Right, but that's not the point. You and I know that, but as soon as Buffoon boy assumed the fraudulently gained Big Chair, it was his 'genius' that was going to 'save the world'. And the acolytes of his bought it, hook, line, and sinker.

Now we get to rub their faces in it, those plagiarizing idiots. And rubbing they deserve. Make sure they can't get the stink out of their noses ever again.

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It's even more diabolical than Brandon. Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says the U.S. government is so fraudulent that it will self-destruct much sooner than later.

Sasha Latypova & Dr. Meryl Nass -" How Military Intelligence Agencies Controlled Covid Shots & Policy."


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Same. Haha 😄

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