The next thing to watch is rise in cancer diagnoses / rise in cancer for younger age groups as it is when our immune system that keeps cells in check.

Every six months they will subject people, especially those with other comorbidities (read: inflammatory illnesses overtaxing immune system) with an immune suppressor. (Wonder if there are any oncologists following this storyline?)

Believe in yesterdays talk between Drs. McMillan, Malone and Vanden Bossche one of them mentioned a noticeable rise in autoimmune disorder diagnoses. Was not said explicitly but am thinking rise in numbers above what is consider "normal" for populations.

So in addition to looking at increase in All Cause Mortality numbers, we need to watch for increase prevalence of non-infectious diseases.

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"The next thing to watch is rise in cancer diagnoses" Quite right. Dr. Ryan Cole out of Idaho has a pathology lab. He's seen an uptick of 20x of cancer cases.

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Del Bigtree posted another interview with Ryan Cole on Friday. It's bad.


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So if this is in fact playing out, it will be seen in the "expected life expectancy" numbers trending down, which would decrease the number of cancer treatment treatments provided.

Fewer chemotherapy treatments delivered will be a serious financial blow to medical systems and certain pharmaceutical companies.

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They will blame any uptick in cancer deaths on missed care, especially in countries with nationalized health care.

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Sep 26, 2021
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I believe this is exactly the scenario we face.

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Thank you for posting this.

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“A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is but saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.”


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I know you said you don't like videos, but...Dr. Ryan Cole by Del Bigtree on Friday (9/24) regarding the suppression of toll-like receptors and the uptick in cancer diagnosis. I'm afraid this is about to get much, much worse. I watched an interview Dr. Vladimir Zelenko by Bigtree a couple weeks ago. He's thinks the Israeli "health experts" have doomed half their population. He used the world holocaust to describe what's coming...and he lost much of his family at Babi Yar. He also prays he's wrong.


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The fact that Israel (Israel!) is doing this is so mind-boggling and heartbreaking, I can barely fathom the level of devastation they might have wrought upon themselves. I pray we're all wrong about all of this.

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Gracias GatoMalo,


Though people explain immune suppression as a general feature, I believe it's a small fraction of the AEs. Vaccinated don't catch severe Covid from SARS-Covid2. The timing is too sequenced and too numerous. What we are seeing is Vaccine-induced Covid ie vaccinated get similar severe Covid symptoms from the jab.

And it' sonly normal, if say 50-75% of the LNPs end up in the blood, that's 20-30bn LNPs and transfected endothelial cells. This is 20-30 sq.m. of endothelial walls (ar every jab), ie being skinned alive 10-15X!... With bleeding and clotting most where concentrated, microvessels !

Then immunocompromised or naive (1rst jab) will produced 10E4-10E6 spikes per transfected cells... Recovered will destroy Transfected cells in no time (risk mainly of clotting) . These will all be released in the blood as T-cells trigger apoptosis.. So the first jab would theoretically create more spike, except if the sheer number of Spike as serious diminished the immune capacity, which would be disastrous bc then another huge load of spikes would be delivered into the blood causing major disruption to the BBB, heart, pathways, circulating immune cells, etc....

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IMO, they are detecting vaxx mRNA with PCR tests. The case (PCR+) curve and death curve are compressed compared to last year with no evidence yet that the Delta variant is more virulent.

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Gato- I tested this theory of yours on just the local data set here in my county (~500,000 in size). Case curve and deaths curve had the 15 day delay the entire pandemic until Sept. 13. At which point cases broke higher but deaths detached and plunged. Coincidentally, 2 days after Biden’s mandate speech our first dose vaccine rate dropped 68%. What I observed is new first doses more closely trending with local Covid deaths than the cases. I have been looking for a reason why one county in my state with the highest vaccine % in the state did WORSE with Delta than the larger more-dense less vaccinated area.

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Possibly discrepancy in the use of monoclonal antibody?

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Thanks for the hard work you're doing!

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How can the "high death rates and media reporting drive people to vaccination" explanationbe controlled for? Is there even a way? To me the curves seem pretty tightly linked for it to be all down to public perception of threat...

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i think that the fact that vaccines peak ahead of deaths gives us a further sense of what is driving what and appears the more probable relationship, but i'm not sure we can rule the other one out definitively at this point.

i just want to be clear on all the possible confounds and limitations here and try to lay them out and address them head on. i think a lot of people are playing a but fast and loose with data and what can be concluded from it and am trying not to fall into that trap.

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Important not to discount learning/behavior changes. If this relationship becomes accepted, not crazy to think that individual quarantines might be required after getting a 1st or 3rd shot.

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In the Pfizer Study submitted to the VRBPAC, regarding boosters, Pfizer eliminated 34/268, or 13%, of the immunogenicity part of the study, due to a diagnosis of C19 up to 28 days post booster. page 26 https://www.fda.gov/media/152161/download

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First of all, thanks Gato for all you do.

Wanted to post a link to another substack that others might be interested in that might explain culturally the large vaccine uptake in Israel (although certainly the mandates and passports in that country could account for more). George Grosman thinks that Israelis have a more religious-like devotion to and trust in their government than most other places, see here for his explanation: https://georgegrosman.substack.com/p/israel-the-blind-trust-conundrum?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjozNDA0Nzc0OCwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDE4MDI1NTIsIl8iOiJRVjdEbiIsImlhdCI6MTYzMjY5NzU1NCwiZXhwIjoxNjMyNzAxMTU0LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMzc4MjQ4Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.i4Q04IzMC9aX6zyYKJYqGlOBOPXJJa4x_5zEWF_yIjA

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