I have people close to me, both conservative and democrat, who still are living under the auspices that the vaccine is safe and effective. But if you walk them through it, they can't argue much against the points made such as questioning why something is mandated that only may help the person receiving the vaccine.
I have people close to me, both conservative and democrat, who still are living under the auspices that the vaccine is safe and effective. But if you walk them through it, they can't argue much against the points made such as questioning why something is mandated that only may help the person receiving the vaccine.
I think the existential threat to the survival of the republic are not people who believe all this, but rather the mechanisms of propaganda that perpetuate it. And from the people that I know personally, a lot of these beliefs are held by both conservatives and democrats. So while it may be political it is less partisan than we might think, but rather based on those, either left or right, who still have some faith in the integrity of the state.
There is no integrity of the state.
How many conservatives stood up from the beginning and spoke against Covid? How many speak out against it now? Aside from a few notable exceptions most are silent in regards to this issue.
Here is what I know, the purpose to which representatives are voted into a position is to uphold the precepts, values, and principles as stated in the Constitution of the United States. That means that you...represent the people, but more importantly what is best for people which is the ability as much as they are able to, make decisions about what it is they wish to do with their lives. First and foremost is that there has to be a very good reason to enact any law, provision, or restriction on liberty.
"I think the existential threat to the survival of the republic are not people who believe all this, but rather the mechanisms of propaganda that perpetuate it."
Yup. I have said for years that the alphabet legacy media are the real cancer among us, that if the media were just honest and straightforward, with integrity, the Democrat Party would be at most a fringe element in American politics. Without the near-complete support of the "mechanisms of propaganda", the Dem Party would be nothing.
Wanna fix America? First, burn down the alphabet legacy media and salt the earth where they stood.
And as we've seen over the past 24 hours, yeah, "there is no integrity of the State".
Another battle line drawn. Either people are indifferent, or think it was "justified" (which to my mind means, they're pleased) or they are openly thrilled about it (half my family, I'm sorry to say, don't know for sure as we don't talk). Those folks. Then there's the rest of us, who are sickened, appalled, enraged and very, very worried. For God's sake, this November, even if you think the GOP are mostly all feckless cowards and losers, please just hold your nose and vote for them. We have to do what we can to stop these people. If they pull off another cheat and then do it again in 2024, we will be utterly lost.
I have people close to me, both conservative and democrat, who still are living under the auspices that the vaccine is safe and effective. But if you walk them through it, they can't argue much against the points made such as questioning why something is mandated that only may help the person receiving the vaccine.
I think the existential threat to the survival of the republic are not people who believe all this, but rather the mechanisms of propaganda that perpetuate it. And from the people that I know personally, a lot of these beliefs are held by both conservatives and democrats. So while it may be political it is less partisan than we might think, but rather based on those, either left or right, who still have some faith in the integrity of the state.
There is no integrity of the state.
How many conservatives stood up from the beginning and spoke against Covid? How many speak out against it now? Aside from a few notable exceptions most are silent in regards to this issue.
Here is what I know, the purpose to which representatives are voted into a position is to uphold the precepts, values, and principles as stated in the Constitution of the United States. That means that you...represent the people, but more importantly what is best for people which is the ability as much as they are able to, make decisions about what it is they wish to do with their lives. First and foremost is that there has to be a very good reason to enact any law, provision, or restriction on liberty.
"I think the existential threat to the survival of the republic are not people who believe all this, but rather the mechanisms of propaganda that perpetuate it."
Yup. I have said for years that the alphabet legacy media are the real cancer among us, that if the media were just honest and straightforward, with integrity, the Democrat Party would be at most a fringe element in American politics. Without the near-complete support of the "mechanisms of propaganda", the Dem Party would be nothing.
Wanna fix America? First, burn down the alphabet legacy media and salt the earth where they stood.
And as we've seen over the past 24 hours, yeah, "there is no integrity of the State".
What's happened in the last 24 hours specifically that highlights this?
Another battle line drawn. Either people are indifferent, or think it was "justified" (which to my mind means, they're pleased) or they are openly thrilled about it (half my family, I'm sorry to say, don't know for sure as we don't talk). Those folks. Then there's the rest of us, who are sickened, appalled, enraged and very, very worried. For God's sake, this November, even if you think the GOP are mostly all feckless cowards and losers, please just hold your nose and vote for them. We have to do what we can to stop these people. If they pull off another cheat and then do it again in 2024, we will be utterly lost.