Yes. The mask was the gateway drug... to the real drug. I knew it as it was happening. I read up on the dangers of the mask. And the second I said I won’t do that to myself, and I won’t do that to my child, I was labeled a horrible evil person who didn’t care about anyone and wanted to kill people. I will never forget this ever.

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I know of several people that lost their jobs for not getting the jab. None of them had any redemption after nearly a year. Some have ongoing court battles. To this day, there has been no accountability nor barely any emergency powers revoked.

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I literally LOL'd when I watched that video and she said they were "moving at the speed of science." What on earth is that? Is there an equation that describes "the speed of science"? Whoever came up with that bit of propaganda should be fired.

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you must wear a mask and get vaxxed and stay 6 feet away from ME to protect ME.

and oh, btw, you can’t try ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine to protect you, juswantedyoutoknow.

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Much of this was also a product of the shabby lie that was the claim that individuals could be spreading even if they were asymptomatic. Basic epidemiology states that this almost NEVER happens.

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The "stay at home" poster is absolutely real. Amplifier.org is a paid propaganda company that specializes in visual art and is exclusively employed by government and government-adjacent orgs using social justice messaging.

I guarantee you've seen them before. I know some of their posters were all over Puerto Rico and they've saturated NYC in the last few elections. They're AOC's art department.

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"get vaccinated to prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed" this was frequently said in Canada. Noone focused however on the fact that the socialized healthcare system is ossified and inflexible and unable to cope with a crises. If they had a free market health care system, there would be no risk of the hospitals being overhwhelmed

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I am, and plan to continue to be, a selfish bastard when it come to *my* and my family's health, safety, and liberty. Sorry, but it's the truth, I do *not* care about someone else's poor choices and inability to do their selfish duty to worry about their own health and safety. No, we are not, and never have been, "in this together." Herds go over cliffs together.

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People forget that "Flattening the curve” didn’t mean covid would necessarily infect or kill fewer people, but that lengthening the time period over which the crisis occurred would help hospitals handle covid without being pushed to the brink. But hospitals were never close to being overrun. In fact, inpatient admission rates went down in every month:


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Once again, our Bad Cat insightfully cuts through the propaganda to reveal the horrific truth. Prediction: the Covidian fascists will next pivot to Climate/ Eco fascism.

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I shared Rob Roos' video widely and that means to the majority who participated in the great gene therapy trial and the responses as predicted wandered aimlessly between "so-what" and plain ol' silence - no-one has responded with 'Holy S**t, what did I just do?". The magnitude of this is so immense, so over-the-top scandalous, so devastating that many folk cannot comprehend - it's simply too much. Talk about being brain-washed; and these folk are the prefect candidates for the next set of climate lock-downs coming our way, at least according to that master of the universe, Bill "Trust Me Honestly, I'm Not A Doctor But....." Gates!!

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During late 2021, a relative of mine, upon hearing I wasn't vaxxed, became rather indignant. I was "irresponsible...and putting others at risk". When it was pointed out that the inoculations neither prevented infection nor transmission of the virus, this person's response was "... that's not the point." I kid you not.

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"We had to move at the speed of science."

What in the everloving fuck does that even mean, in any form of ordinary human language?

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For people who bought into the hysteria, however, it had value. Payoffs like "feeling morally superior" are intangible but real. Indeed, social status is one of the most basic payoffs there is.' Our primate brains evolved for status-seeking. Covid hysteria inverted the normal values of the hierarchy. Suddenly low-status behavior (fear, submission, isolation) was approved and rewarded, and vice versa.

You can imagine why certain people were desperate for that to be the "new normal". Not just leaders who prefer that people be fearful, submissive, and isolated. Also those people who are themselves wont to be fearful, submissive, and isolated anyway.

This explains their otherwise bizarre hostility to good news, like low IFR or the near-zero effect on children -- and their perverse enthusiasm for the most fanciful, speculative, or downright incorrect bad news. They weren't afraid of the virus. They afraid of losing their new tool for gaining social advantage.

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still searching for the end game to all of this..... the available data cannot be more clear. if the suppressed data were broadly available, it seems like a tsunami of clarity would be revealed and paths forward, lit like a runway. But, why hasn't this already occurred? seriously, WTF is the end game of this idiocy?

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Agree, this dynamic, message was key. Same thing the communists got away with for years. Sacrifice! Suffer for the future health and prosperity of the world brotherhood. All slogans and lies. When you are asked to sacrifice for X -think deeply about the messaging and intent of those propagandists.

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