New Zealand is a sheep farm ruled by a horse fascist. She traveled to America to inspire future technocrats at Harvard, then lick her master's boots at Blackrock.
The irony is that 9% ivermectin horse paste (really more of a gel) is formulated to deliver 0.2 mg/ kg of ivermectin, which is the FDA approved human dosage for stomach parasites. The syringe is marked in 50 lb increments so that even the most math impaired human can determine the correct dosage without any help from Mr. Ed if they know their weight in lbs and can do simple ratios. For example, to double the dosage to 0.4 mg/kg, just double your “horse” weight in lbs. And so on. I seriously doubt the for veterinary use standard is lower than the comparable human standard. Would Dr Malone give his beloved horses an inferior product? Easy peasy Wilbur.
the dog version has the same easy math. It comes in powder capsules. Of course as human you would have to take 8 or so capsules. But if that cures you who cares.
You'd be surprised. Her poll numbers are in the toilet, she can't go out in public without a protest, and I'd estimate 60-70% aren't doing the mask charade anymore based on what I see.
People are not happy and they're making it known. Maybe not enough, I agree, but the wind is not in her favor.
At the University of Canterbury (in Christchurch, not to be confused with the University of Christchurch in Canterbury) the overwhelming majority of students are wearing their face diapers, more than half of them doing so even when outdoors. This is the university which hosted Karl Popper when he was writing "the Open Society and its Enemies" during World War II.
Fortunately not the case in provincial New Zealand. On a recent visit to New Plymouth saw very few wearing them.
You aren't wrong. "Lex Luthor" Luxon isn't inspiring much hope, but we're in such a position that anyone short of Pol Pot is preferable to this slow-motion trainwreck.
That said.
We have to get out of this mindset of what "they" will do. There's nobody coming to save us.
Kiwis are such defeatists and so used to listening to what some fatass bureaucrat in Wellington says that they can't see that it is up to US and nobody else.
This country is small enough that local movements could seriously move the needle. But so many sad-sacks have already given up and won't even try.
"Ask not what your government can do for you but what you can do for yourself if you get of your arse, stop moaning and refuse to embrace victim culture"
I was proud to be a New Zealander pre covid. Then there was all the celebration of the "resilience" of the laptop class, cowering under their covers for 8 weeks while food banks exploded and the poor delivered them mighty ape packages and stocked their supermarket shelves....taking most of what little risk there was.
And that was setting aside all the data showing lockdowns do very little and the virus was never particularly dangerous for anyone but an easily defined group.
The lack of conversation in NZ about children, particularly poor children in any of this covid mumbo jumbo has been breath taking, and humbled what I thought it was to be a New Zealander. That kids in South Auckland should miss a year of school, and then suffer endless disruptions, masking, pointless vaccination mandates (my son was forced to vaccinate to keep playing football) and the fear of "killing Granny" is a damning indictment on how weak our country has become mentally....and if you look at the All Blacks physically as well.
That pseuodoscientists like Siouxsie Wiles would pay lip service to caring about vulnerable people while repeatedly throwing the most vulnerable (poor children) under the bus, all the while being lauded with awards, shows that we have become a nation that virtue signals what it used to mean to be a New Zealander rather than representing any of those qualities. That a clearly borderline obese person should endlessly lecture me about what I need to do to protect my health, when she cannot even protect herself from walking past the pie shop.....particularly sticks in the throat.
It is a caricature of the New Zealand that bred people like Hillary.
It's hugely depressing. I admire your faith that small local movements can move the needle and I hope you are right. It did not seem to happen in the Wellington protests and that had some force behind it.
The West is eating itself. I don't know if we can remedy the fallout from our collapsing Western Empire.
Except now the psychopath is picking on the kids. She knows most sensible adults are over her bs and won't do the masking circus so she is trying to force the schools to do her dirty work and impose masks. She is a cruel, heartless, narcissistic ahole.
ya but people here voted for her twice.... most of them refer to here as Jacinda ... as if she was their sister or something... (I call her J'ASSinda).
If I have to endure another one of her Blue Steel pouting posing I'm going to swallow bleach.
I bet she sits in front of the PR Team and practices that ... give us a little more empathy... not sad enough more sad... thing of how you felt when you found out Clarke was f789ing the nanny... ya that's it - sadness + anger --- that's our new look...
Ok let's get the camera in for the photo shoot -- look into the camera... sad... angry... angry .. sad.. perfect!
I'm guessing you haven't seen much of the leader of the main opposition party in New Zealand - Christopher Luxon, who thought Ardern's policies didn't go far enough and would have mandated the whole country. I suggest you look him up, interesting business ties ...
I don't much about NZ politicians other than that they are all useless and controlled by higher powers...
However I did vote in the last election --- I happened to be out and saw a sign Vote Here --- and like a good boy I responded to this call to action - and I took action! I walked up to the voting centre and had a look around - asked the nice lady how it all works... ah cool - she checked my ID... all good ...
To be honest I wasn't sure going in which party Ardern represented... it's Labour though - right?
I looked at the list of options and Outdoor Party caught my eye... I like the Outdoors and I like to Party ... I assumed they must be all for legalizing pills and powder so ya I ticked that box
I am surprised that J'ASSinda isn't the leader given her DJ background...
I later found out that the Outdoor Party had a grand total of 17 votes or something.
And that they do not support legalizing pills and powder.
More recently I received a packet in the post -- local elections --- hurrah. After being burned by the Outdoor Party I didn't even bother to open the envelope - straight into the fire.
I am generally anti-democracy to begin with --- consider the fact that over 90% of NZers have injected an experimental substance into their bodies permanently f789ing themselves.
Does anyone honestly believe that these people should be allowed to vote and influence the direction of the country?
Look at what they've done in recent years -- they voted in a DJ not once but twice.
And now she's trying to roll out a police state.
This is what happens when you give MOREONS democracy.... Freud knew this.. Eddy Bernays knew this...
The MOREONS are so easily controlled - that they need to be controlled. They are dangerous and stupid
Tho' in Kiwi's defence the booster rates drop, about a million less kiwis, per dose.
Kiwis do tend to be highly trusting. Kiwi's don't have the depth of education, that has survived in other countries and they have generally forgotten the stories that drove their ancestors to the edge of world, Irish Potato famine, Scottish Highland Clearances etc.
Good to hear you did your civic duty, I too voted - it was like the South Park episode.... it really has been no choice since the eighties and foreign investment is highest priority ... Luxon (National) attended week long business people conference put on by Bill gates - twice, only kiwi to attend. He introduced bracelets with microchips for minors travelling alone on AirNZ, removed most of the economy seats so he could get rid of Freedom Campers. He called for whole country to be mandated, removal of benefits if no-vax etc. Really where there should have been opposition, National supported more authoritarianism + restrictions + penalties.
Tho' I do think smaller parties will be helpful in the future - not much traction at moment and many are so similar to big parties - whats the point?. More so the population needs a sense of being ungovernable, the Florida ethos. ( I cannot speak positively to the outdoors party - very negative personal experience with their leadership.)
Hope things are going well for you in your corner of NZ,
I remember reading Anne Frank's diary in 6th grade thinking who could have fallen for this? Now I know. And I'm right in the middle of it too. I live right in the city of Boston. My state senator Will Brownsberger, went to Harvard undergrad and Harvard law. I sent him the book about Fauci and he wrote a blog about how crazy Bobby Kennedy Jr was. When I protested the outdoor mask mandate my Republican governor put out in November of 2020, that required me to be masked outdoors wherever I was, no matter how socially distanced, my senator wrote back to me and said "if you lived in China, they'd lock you in your house." I spent that winter in Florida. I bought a property there a year ago. I'm back in Boston for now, and I'm never going to let them forget what they've done to us, and what they are continuing to do. I'm not ready to make a full-time move yet. God still has plans for me here.
His policies were praised by progressives all over the world as a model for the future. Just like her policies. Sad reflection on the public in the devaluation of freedom.
Yes, they are. I attended Boston College and sent the administration a letter again yesterday. I'm sure they'd love to take away my degree. I sent them Dr. Marty Makary's recent blog. The info. from CHD on Paul Offit voting against the fall booster, and the paper Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT wrote with Dr. Peter McCullough et. al. in April.
We're not all sheep... unfortunately many are, even in the face of their own destruction. I think you'll find this true worldwide though. We do have a very "special" over-achieving leader like Canada ;>( True it's not looking good here, but we still keep fighting.
Hi Lorraine, I live down in Southland. Yes, still fighting. Where I am they are so obedient and still maskabating hard out. The only entity I will vote for will have a policy to dismantle and burn the covid legislation. As they stand active, we are still not safe.
Hi Nelly, I live a little north of Chch. They're maskabating (great word!) here too. I'm sure it will continue especially now that the govt is saying it is kind to mask and saying the anti-maskers are the ones calling in the bomb threats to the schools--can you say false flag? We need to get rid of the emergency status I think to get rid of the rest of it. In the mean time, let's continue to NOT COMPLY!
Haha yeah! My thoughts immediately went to the hypocrisy of JT when I saw that book cover…crushing democracy in Canada and then touting the virtues of democracy at the European Parliament….at least the world saw him for the dictator he is
most of Europe is lost as well. Only a few of the former East block like Hungary and Croatia and to a degree Romania, stand up against the EU dictatorial laws. Dad agreed with me this morning, a miracle, that Belgium is now ruled by communists. Both prime minister and vice premier are WEF and so is the royalty
They think their Coup is "nearly" completed. We shall not only "see" but "feel" if that is true or not in the coming months. (not years). "Feel' is not to be confused with "feeling", Comrades.
People have a hard time understanding that there are "Not People".
Bolsheviks, aka Communists, Nazis, are All Tyrants and All Socialists pursuing not just their Own Goals, but Their Own Goals for Us.!!! They Must Mandate Everything for Everybody. This is What We must understand. They cannot control themselves; So compulsively they must control everyone else. Yes, it is insanity. Conduct yourself accordingly.
Looking at the daily death chart, you have to wonder what the publisher is thinking right now. "Maybe we shouldn't have given her such a large advance?"
I suspect that with books that are obviously not going to be read by anyone the advance is paid by the same people who are running the Covid Con....
Think of this as a reward for doing their bidding -- or an advance on doing even more bidding going forward.
Biden claims he's made many millions from book sales... prior to being installed as POTUS... really? That said a tell-all book about him and Hunter would be a best-seller...
I got unfriended by a friend of 20 years (who is a heavy duty CovIDIOT and was offended when I insisted lockdowns were a joke back nearly two years ago...) when I referred to Ardern as a 'donkey-faced retard'
He doesn't even live in NZ but informed me that she 'is one of the most admired leaders on the planet' - and that he finds my use of the word retard offensive because his kid was called a retard - even though he's not retarded.
If I had used my personal term for retards --- MOREON... I wonder if that would be been PC enough?
Wow, that title- it's just amazing how these people live in a bubble full of sycophants. It's really a feudal system and they get sunshine blown up their backside all day long by their minions (who fear being fired) and Jacinda definitely kicks her court jester on a regular basis...
Young women who work for ‘powerful women’ can really idolize them. Often though they get chewed up and spat out. These powerful women are often screaming banshees. Terrible with their staff. We have a famous Green MP - Elizabeth May - here in BC. Stories leak out about drunken tirades and throwing things at staff etc. But the press won’t follow it up. And the abused women quietly quit. Kamala is another one.
Man, that picture... I kind of expect her lips to pull back around an extendable jaw that snaps forward and open to bite the head off something. Possibly a small child.
I can almost hear the photo sessions:
"Ok... that was great madam prime minister, but maybe less energy, more quiet wisdom? Can you keep your mouth together a little?"
"Like this!?"
"Oh god... oh... that's... that's great... never saw someone eat a muffin in one bite like that, not without using their hands anyway..."
"I was hungry! Are we almost done?! "
"Uhm... yeah, sure, I think we got it ... that was great madam prime minister. Let's wrap this up while I still have a head... er... while we are ahead."
New Zealand is a sheep farm ruled by a horse fascist. She traveled to America to inspire future technocrats at Harvard, then lick her master's boots at Blackrock.
I see no reason to insult horses. What in hell did horses ever do to you?
if the country were ruled by horses, this would never have happened. The horses would have certainly shared their horse paste
The irony is that 9% ivermectin horse paste (really more of a gel) is formulated to deliver 0.2 mg/ kg of ivermectin, which is the FDA approved human dosage for stomach parasites. The syringe is marked in 50 lb increments so that even the most math impaired human can determine the correct dosage without any help from Mr. Ed if they know their weight in lbs and can do simple ratios. For example, to double the dosage to 0.4 mg/kg, just double your “horse” weight in lbs. And so on. I seriously doubt the for veterinary use standard is lower than the comparable human standard. Would Dr Malone give his beloved horses an inferior product? Easy peasy Wilbur.
the dog version has the same easy math. It comes in powder capsules. Of course as human you would have to take 8 or so capsules. But if that cures you who cares.
I take it Apple flavored. Yummy.
My ponies do their best to share their paste! 😁
I had to rely on the heartworm med of my dog, but she made no objection, So far I have not needed it !
I bought dog/cat heartworm meds for me from the far east.
thanks for mentioning it ! I got mine from Ukraine. Probably one of the labs that are now dismantled.
Indeed, mine was stopped at the border and destroyed by Medsafe, the people who allowed the Pfizer poison into the country. These people are lunatics.
Our horses definitely shared! Personally I believe the number of horses and horse people still in Oregon are the real reason for our low numbers, lol!
Im in Communist Oregon too. Hi neighbor.
I TOTALLY agree!! The horse is a noble animal, and a messenger between heaven and humanity in many cultures. Do not insult them so!
Things get too much worse for her, there might just be a glue factory in her future.
Even Kiwis have limits.
Really? Seems like much of the population likes their servile life, as long as they get to dominate "others" that have been targeted by their masters.
You'd be surprised. Her poll numbers are in the toilet, she can't go out in public without a protest, and I'd estimate 60-70% aren't doing the mask charade anymore based on what I see.
People are not happy and they're making it known. Maybe not enough, I agree, but the wind is not in her favor.
At the University of Canterbury (in Christchurch, not to be confused with the University of Christchurch in Canterbury) the overwhelming majority of students are wearing their face diapers, more than half of them doing so even when outdoors. This is the university which hosted Karl Popper when he was writing "the Open Society and its Enemies" during World War II.
Fortunately not the case in provincial New Zealand. On a recent visit to New Plymouth saw very few wearing them.
Lets hope bud. Although the "opposition" has just gone along with pretty much everything she has done so what are our hopes come election time?
You aren't wrong. "Lex Luthor" Luxon isn't inspiring much hope, but we're in such a position that anyone short of Pol Pot is preferable to this slow-motion trainwreck.
That said.
We have to get out of this mindset of what "they" will do. There's nobody coming to save us.
Kiwis are such defeatists and so used to listening to what some fatass bureaucrat in Wellington says that they can't see that it is up to US and nobody else.
This country is small enough that local movements could seriously move the needle. But so many sad-sacks have already given up and won't even try.
"Ask not what your government can do for you but what you can do for yourself if you get of your arse, stop moaning and refuse to embrace victim culture"
I was proud to be a New Zealander pre covid. Then there was all the celebration of the "resilience" of the laptop class, cowering under their covers for 8 weeks while food banks exploded and the poor delivered them mighty ape packages and stocked their supermarket shelves....taking most of what little risk there was.
And that was setting aside all the data showing lockdowns do very little and the virus was never particularly dangerous for anyone but an easily defined group.
The lack of conversation in NZ about children, particularly poor children in any of this covid mumbo jumbo has been breath taking, and humbled what I thought it was to be a New Zealander. That kids in South Auckland should miss a year of school, and then suffer endless disruptions, masking, pointless vaccination mandates (my son was forced to vaccinate to keep playing football) and the fear of "killing Granny" is a damning indictment on how weak our country has become mentally....and if you look at the All Blacks physically as well.
That pseuodoscientists like Siouxsie Wiles would pay lip service to caring about vulnerable people while repeatedly throwing the most vulnerable (poor children) under the bus, all the while being lauded with awards, shows that we have become a nation that virtue signals what it used to mean to be a New Zealander rather than representing any of those qualities. That a clearly borderline obese person should endlessly lecture me about what I need to do to protect my health, when she cannot even protect herself from walking past the pie shop.....particularly sticks in the throat.
It is a caricature of the New Zealand that bred people like Hillary.
It's hugely depressing. I admire your faith that small local movements can move the needle and I hope you are right. It did not seem to happen in the Wellington protests and that had some force behind it.
The West is eating itself. I don't know if we can remedy the fallout from our collapsing Western Empire.
Power shifts are always messy.
Except now the psychopath is picking on the kids. She knows most sensible adults are over her bs and won't do the masking circus so she is trying to force the schools to do her dirty work and impose masks. She is a cruel, heartless, narcissistic ahole.
I wrote about that just today.
you may, and yes many do. But also many loathe her and the serfdom we are heading for.
The veil has definitely been lifted- we see who is exactly who now, for sure.
ya but people here voted for her twice.... most of them refer to here as Jacinda ... as if she was their sister or something... (I call her J'ASSinda).
If I have to endure another one of her Blue Steel pouting posing I'm going to swallow bleach.
I bet she sits in front of the PR Team and practices that ... give us a little more empathy... not sad enough more sad... thing of how you felt when you found out Clarke was f789ing the nanny... ya that's it - sadness + anger --- that's our new look...
Ok let's get the camera in for the photo shoot -- look into the camera... sad... angry... angry .. sad.. perfect!
I'm guessing you haven't seen much of the leader of the main opposition party in New Zealand - Christopher Luxon, who thought Ardern's policies didn't go far enough and would have mandated the whole country. I suggest you look him up, interesting business ties ...
I don't much about NZ politicians other than that they are all useless and controlled by higher powers...
However I did vote in the last election --- I happened to be out and saw a sign Vote Here --- and like a good boy I responded to this call to action - and I took action! I walked up to the voting centre and had a look around - asked the nice lady how it all works... ah cool - she checked my ID... all good ...
To be honest I wasn't sure going in which party Ardern represented... it's Labour though - right?
I looked at the list of options and Outdoor Party caught my eye... I like the Outdoors and I like to Party ... I assumed they must be all for legalizing pills and powder so ya I ticked that box
I am surprised that J'ASSinda isn't the leader given her DJ background...
I later found out that the Outdoor Party had a grand total of 17 votes or something.
And that they do not support legalizing pills and powder.
More recently I received a packet in the post -- local elections --- hurrah. After being burned by the Outdoor Party I didn't even bother to open the envelope - straight into the fire.
I am generally anti-democracy to begin with --- consider the fact that over 90% of NZers have injected an experimental substance into their bodies permanently f789ing themselves.
Does anyone honestly believe that these people should be allowed to vote and influence the direction of the country?
Look at what they've done in recent years -- they voted in a DJ not once but twice.
And now she's trying to roll out a police state.
This is what happens when you give MOREONS democracy.... Freud knew this.. Eddy Bernays knew this...
The MOREONS are so easily controlled - that they need to be controlled. They are dangerous and stupid
Tho' in Kiwi's defence the booster rates drop, about a million less kiwis, per dose.
Kiwis do tend to be highly trusting. Kiwi's don't have the depth of education, that has survived in other countries and they have generally forgotten the stories that drove their ancestors to the edge of world, Irish Potato famine, Scottish Highland Clearances etc.
Good to hear you did your civic duty, I too voted - it was like the South Park episode.... it really has been no choice since the eighties and foreign investment is highest priority ... Luxon (National) attended week long business people conference put on by Bill gates - twice, only kiwi to attend. He introduced bracelets with microchips for minors travelling alone on AirNZ, removed most of the economy seats so he could get rid of Freedom Campers. He called for whole country to be mandated, removal of benefits if no-vax etc. Really where there should have been opposition, National supported more authoritarianism + restrictions + penalties.
Tho' I do think smaller parties will be helpful in the future - not much traction at moment and many are so similar to big parties - whats the point?. More so the population needs a sense of being ungovernable, the Florida ethos. ( I cannot speak positively to the outdoors party - very negative personal experience with their leadership.)
Hope things are going well for you in your corner of NZ,
New Zealand is a Chinese dude ranch sheep farm ruled by a horse fascist.
I can't believe she came to speak at the inauguration at Harvard and received standing applause 😱
That's funny, I find it completely predictable.
Pretty sure Mussolini was given standing ovations when he visited the "cleansed" colleges and universities of Germany.
He had tough competition.
Adolf Hitler was Time magazine's Man of the Year 1938
I remember reading Anne Frank's diary in 6th grade thinking who could have fallen for this? Now I know. And I'm right in the middle of it too. I live right in the city of Boston. My state senator Will Brownsberger, went to Harvard undergrad and Harvard law. I sent him the book about Fauci and he wrote a blog about how crazy Bobby Kennedy Jr was. When I protested the outdoor mask mandate my Republican governor put out in November of 2020, that required me to be masked outdoors wherever I was, no matter how socially distanced, my senator wrote back to me and said "if you lived in China, they'd lock you in your house." I spent that winter in Florida. I bought a property there a year ago. I'm back in Boston for now, and I'm never going to let them forget what they've done to us, and what they are continuing to do. I'm not ready to make a full-time move yet. God still has plans for me here.
at least you have a foot on safe ground
!!! :)
In that vain, I nominate Gates.
Saddam Hussein was re-elected with 100% of the vote.
His policies were praised by progressives all over the world as a model for the future. Just like her policies. Sad reflection on the public in the devaluation of freedom.
Seriously, I can't stop making the comparisons
You can't believe a globalist elitist received standing applause at Harvard?
I didn't think they could get any more stupid, honestly. I was apparently and obviously very wrong. 😖
I got locked out of twitter over my welcoming tweet to her 😂
I was happy to see they got slapped with a lawsuit 👏👏👏👏
Too bad they left out Birtz!
I never jumped on that Twitter train. I hope it completely derails itself now that Elon's not going to buy it.
Can you repeat it here? 😁
I can't even remember it now. I never went back!
Most universities are lost.
Yes, they are. I attended Boston College and sent the administration a letter again yesterday. I'm sure they'd love to take away my degree. I sent them Dr. Marty Makary's recent blog. The info. from CHD on Paul Offit voting against the fall booster, and the paper Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT wrote with Dr. Peter McCullough et. al. in April.
this tells you the intelligence being taught at Harvard. Beware for big everything, including big names.
One does not attend Harvard to expand their knowledge, one attends to expand their Rolodex.
Especially big names!
What do you expect from Harvard? You are in Cambridge, heart of democrat territory.
So deeply disgusting and so true. Humanity, where are you? Please, please, please STAND UP!
We'll stand up when the CDC tells us to stand up.
And not a minute before!
We're not all sheep... unfortunately many are, even in the face of their own destruction. I think you'll find this true worldwide though. We do have a very "special" over-achieving leader like Canada ;>( True it's not looking good here, but we still keep fighting.
Those of us who are blessed to see what is going on, must resist. 🙏
Hi Lorraine, I live down in Southland. Yes, still fighting. Where I am they are so obedient and still maskabating hard out. The only entity I will vote for will have a policy to dismantle and burn the covid legislation. As they stand active, we are still not safe.
Maskabating. Hadn't heard that. I will be using that term to greet someone still doing that, on some occasion soon, I'm sure 👍
Hi Nelly, I live a little north of Chch. They're maskabating (great word!) here too. I'm sure it will continue especially now that the govt is saying it is kind to mask and saying the anti-maskers are the ones calling in the bomb threats to the schools--can you say false flag? We need to get rid of the emergency status I think to get rid of the rest of it. In the mean time, let's continue to NOT COMPLY!
"Horse fascist" it, I couldn't say better...
"A wonderfully written book by a leader with unbridled horse sense!"--Ivor Mectin, Dublin Times
The subtitle had two extraneous letters: an "a" and an "h". It should have been "Leading with Empty".
Sorry, that title is unavailable as it's already been claimed by justin turdeau.
Haha yeah! My thoughts immediately went to the hypocrisy of JT when I saw that book cover…crushing democracy in Canada and then touting the virtues of democracy at the European Parliament….at least the world saw him for the dictator he is
Not the British government who disgustingly welcomed him last month and forced our Queen to
meet him.
The Queen and Charlie boy are WEF.
most of Europe is lost as well. Only a few of the former East block like Hungary and Croatia and to a degree Romania, stand up against the EU dictatorial laws. Dad agreed with me this morning, a miracle, that Belgium is now ruled by communists. Both prime minister and vice premier are WEF and so is the royalty
Leading With Empathy, Following With A Baton
More like a cattle prod
It’s a mostly peaceful empathy.
Love it! 23 syllables says everything we've spent paragraphs saying!
It's poetic!
Geez, between this lovely tome and Scarf Lady's, the hubris is *nearly* overwhelming.
They think their Coup is "nearly" completed. We shall not only "see" but "feel" if that is true or not in the coming months. (not years). "Feel' is not to be confused with "feeling", Comrades.
These people never repent because they're not even people.
People have a hard time understanding that there are "Not People".
Bolsheviks, aka Communists, Nazis, are All Tyrants and All Socialists pursuing not just their Own Goals, but Their Own Goals for Us.!!! They Must Mandate Everything for Everybody. This is What We must understand. They cannot control themselves; So compulsively they must control everyone else. Yes, it is insanity. Conduct yourself accordingly.
I think it's a typo and is supposed to be "Leading with Entropy."
No no Idiocy
Well yes, though you can roughly equate entropy with chaos.
Seeing this book so badly panned is just meowsic to my ears.
Looking at the daily death chart, you have to wonder what the publisher is thinking right now. "Maybe we shouldn't have given her such a large advance?"
Dark humor . I like it.
I suspect that with books that are obviously not going to be read by anyone the advance is paid by the same people who are running the Covid Con....
Think of this as a reward for doing their bidding -- or an advance on doing even more bidding going forward.
Biden claims he's made many millions from book sales... prior to being installed as POTUS... really? That said a tell-all book about him and Hunter would be a best-seller...
Funny shit. You had your Wheaties this morning. Lol
Quiche, actually. :)
I got unfriended by a friend of 20 years (who is a heavy duty CovIDIOT and was offended when I insisted lockdowns were a joke back nearly two years ago...) when I referred to Ardern as a 'donkey-faced retard'
He doesn't even live in NZ but informed me that she 'is one of the most admired leaders on the planet' - and that he finds my use of the word retard offensive because his kid was called a retard - even though he's not retarded.
If I had used my personal term for retards --- MOREON... I wonder if that would be been PC enough?
How do you hang with these people?
Of all people, you
! Indeed
Wow, that title- it's just amazing how these people live in a bubble full of sycophants. It's really a feudal system and they get sunshine blown up their backside all day long by their minions (who fear being fired) and Jacinda definitely kicks her court jester on a regular basis...
Young women who work for ‘powerful women’ can really idolize them. Often though they get chewed up and spat out. These powerful women are often screaming banshees. Terrible with their staff. We have a famous Green MP - Elizabeth May - here in BC. Stories leak out about drunken tirades and throwing things at staff etc. But the press won’t follow it up. And the abused women quietly quit. Kamala is another one.
Let's not forget HRC....well-known for nasty tirades and throwing stuff.
Yes. On their first night in the White House, I read she screamed at Bill and threw a lamp at him.
She actually threw Bill on election night 2016.
Add Amy Klobuchar to the list.
Alternate titles:
"Unbridled Enthusiasm"
"How Dark is My Pasture."
"A Carrot for my Thoughts?"
"How I Turned the Saddle and Whip on Unsuspecting Countrymen"
"Hay - the New Kiwi Diet"
"Apocalypse - Who Needs the Other Three?"
Discovering really good things on your stack!
You win! Very, very funny!
Cracked me up. Love it. 🤣🤣
Leading with empathy? Who are these ppl kidding??
Leading with Orthodontistry.
Guffawed Out Loud!
Man, that picture... I kind of expect her lips to pull back around an extendable jaw that snaps forward and open to bite the head off something. Possibly a small child.
I can almost hear the photo sessions:
"Ok... that was great madam prime minister, but maybe less energy, more quiet wisdom? Can you keep your mouth together a little?"
"Like this!?"
"Oh god... oh... that's... that's great... never saw someone eat a muffin in one bite like that, not without using their hands anyway..."
"I was hungry! Are we almost done?! "
"Uhm... yeah, sure, I think we got it ... that was great madam prime minister. Let's wrap this up while I still have a head... er... while we are ahead."
Jacinda the Xenomorph, indeed! Where is Ripley with a loader and airlock when you need her?
She's defiant in every way.
She and AOC appear to have the same dental misses...I am sure there must be a cure.