They can change jerseys, but not their numbers.

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Or their colors.

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Dang it. I should've thought of that.

Good one

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Good news is we have so many videos of these people.

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One of the few benefits of social media. Nothing better for these midwits than to hoist themselves on their own petard.

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Facebook and twiiter doing a big delete today from stuff over a year old.

Better save those videos with these people saying stuff...they will disappear tomorrow.

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Also delete all email and phone providers who track and censor you - google.

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Napoleon -

I've had conversations with my wife, on a hike, with our cell's off and the next morning whatever we were talking about was the first thing in our feeds.

I have no misgivings. But I don't give a shit anymore. They can come find me in FL for all I care.

I agree though....:)

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Ryan... leave the damn thing at home, in an old microwave oven that you don't use anymore (it is a Faraday shield, the only way to truly keep it from communicating). They know everything, the 'off' button just turns off the display and disables (sort of) the touch screen. I'm a degreed electrical engineer, retired Professional Engineer, Life Fellow of my professional association, owner of my own manufacturing company... and I won't have a cell phone. Landline at home, last I've heard they can't use them to spy on us.

Our TV is the last generation not to be internet-enabled, and our 'cable' TV that runs over the internet, we unplug (take away its power completely) when we're not using it. No '1984 telescreen' for us.

Sadly most in the present times are seduced by the convenience of all this. I know how it works and sorry, no thanks. It's not just Huawei we have to be concerned with.

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Good call Duchess!

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Well I have been poking the bear I guess inadvertently....but really, we need to move away from every app on our phones, and I am going to be deleting facebook soon as my 20 days are up.

I think there are other options...but yeah, I'm about to delete most phone apps and get a de googleized phone.

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Or their teams

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It is getting harder to tell the teams apart though. : (

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Remember that they change ends at halftime...

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Good one Ryan!

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Which is... 666

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So true!

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Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

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Nah, it's a piece of cake. Denial. Any proof in the form of video or audio clips of me saying the exact opposite are being taken out of context and came from the vast right-wing conspiracy (remember that?). Deep fakes! Yes now that's something we can add to the diversionary tactics!

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Cowards and narcissists never admit their mistakes nor apologize.

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Exactly right because they never make mistakes.

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The Anointed are infallible. Anything that goes wrong is the fault of someone, or something, else.

Do not question or challenge them. "Resistance is futile; you will be assimilated."

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If someone, anyone, actually calls them on this 180, they will simply say "we did the best we could with limited information at the time, and always had the greater good in mind."

And the sheeple will absolve them because they like being ruled.

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I'd be satisfied if they simply acknowledged that the skeptics turned out to be right, and then apologized for muzzling and punishing us because we had a different point of view.

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Expect that to happen some time after hell freezes over. Which of course it can't because of Global Warming. So there you have it.

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Yeah, I don't think that will ever happen.

"Our views are nuanced and ever changing, like The Science. Now shut up you dirty unvaxxed prole. Why aren't you dead yet?"

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I hope you have a plan B to achieve satisfaction ;-)

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Well, I never actually expected them to own up to what they've done to us, so no -- there is no plan B for satisfaction. 😀

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Keep dreaming!

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We'll know the jig's up when The Fighters Foo team up with 'The Boss' for a re-make of the Social Distortion classic "I Was Wrong." I'll ignore it like that Grohl/Jagger "Easy Sleazy'" abomination but the gesture will not go unnoticed.

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Excellent. I love it. The passing of the buck only works when we didn’t save receipt. That’s fabulous! 👍🏻

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Wtf are the Republicans gonna do if they take the House?

My prediction is they'll dog and pony Fauci about the GOF.

And that's it. How could they do otherwise?

They are all complicit EXCEPT for DeSantis.

DeSantis for president!!!

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Trump for President, DeSantis for vice. Then he can run in 2028 at the top of the ticket and hopefully get two terms. Not that I have much, if any, faith in the GOP it will at least keep us safe from Democrat scorched earth policies for the better part of a decade.

And if Trump gets another turn the Left will lose what little of its collective mind it has remaining. They will concentrate 100% of their efforts into once again trying to take him down rather than pushing their Marxist agenda on the country. Diversion can cut both ways.

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I'd rather Trump not come back

his boomerism and ego is a ball and chain that prevents him from doing anything of substance

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I don't think DeSantis is ready yet. Election security in Florida is still going backwards if I understand correctly.

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Bingo. Can't we move on to a better choice? Is this the best we can produce?

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If you can find a better choice, that would be great.

Meanwhile Trump seems to be the only one who can fire up the crowds and get 50,000 fanatics to a stadium for a rally.

When you only have one horse that isn't lame, then that's the horse you ride into battle.

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Are you actually saying his policies have no substance?!!😳

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They can’t run together unless one of them moves out of Florida.

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Points for actually reading the constitution! That is true, but also with an easy workaround. Trump has many residences and the resources to buy one of the smaller states if he so chose. Establishing residence outside FLA is easy, in fact he probably already has (may still be a legal resident of NY).

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I hear establishing residence in South Dakota is dead easy.

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It is. You only have to spend one night there to call it home then return once a year. Hotel stays count.

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It is not that complicated. I don't agree completely with this complicated interpretation. The constitution isn't that complicated (though the arguments of those trying to justify circumventing it get can get complicated). They make several valid points, however: the prohibition is on how electors vote, and not how a running mate is chosen. The later came into existence when political parties corrupted the electoral process and is not part of the constitutionally defined process.

So yes it is possible, when a national party can control electors in many states, to gain sufficient votes to workaround the prohibition in Article II, section 1 of the Constitution. But an easier workaround in the 21st century is for one or the other establish residence in another state. In this example, that would be Trump who already can claim residence in a number of states.

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Can we risk that though?

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At this point anything is a risk, nothing is assured. The only absolute is that we cannot stay on the path we are on. And may be too far down that path to recover.

I have great faith in DiSantis and believe he has a bright future. But I want Trump to go back and finish what he started, hopefully choosing a better team this time around. DiSantis in place of Pence would make for a great start, don't you think?

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The key to changing course is not the Whitehouse. It is Congress.

Too much emphasis on who sits in one chair in the WH distracts from the true problem: all law, all spending, and power to enact policy by the executive branch agencies requires action by congress (well, according to the constitution). Trump's main fault IMO was not using his veto power (not once). A veto in most cases would not have meant much, to be fair: there was really no opposition in Congress from the GOP to most of the damage, and more than enough votes to override a veto. But it would have been a positive gesture IMO, drawing attention to where the problem really lies (sic).

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It really takes both to get anything done. Controlling the Congress w/o the WH is rather pointless unless you have enough leverage over the WH to extort things through. And as you point out, the GOP controlling is not all that different than the donkeys at the end of the day. Swamp is gonna swamp. Even when GOP had both houses in Trump's first 2 years, they worked nearly hand in hand with the donkeys to cut him off at the knees. There is no reason why the southern border wall could not have have been largely completed in this time had the GOP bothered to support it. Once Fancy Nancy got her gavel back it was "come on in". Even the false Messiah managed to blow up the health care system in his first 2 years.

What D.C. needs is a full on Heracleaseian Augean Stables cleaning to flush out all the shit.

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I just want to win. We are now living in a period, where if we have a couple more years of this effery, we will never come back.

My other thought is that DeSantis is not tethered to the lockdowns and vaxx. Trump is and it's already being exploited; unfairly, but that is the cold hard truth.

I want justice; imo DeSantis gives us more opportunity for that than Trump.

Remember I have kids; so I see through that aperture.

That said, D's are pure evil imo.

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Absolutely, we have to win. A second 4 years of this administration or anything remotely like it would most certainly spell the end the America we once knew. But more than winning, we also need someone who is a fighter as you said. Someone who can suffer the slings and arrows of both a rigged, partisan system and mass media which demonstrably aligns with one side as well as your own party -- where you hope at best won't try to undermine you but can't be relied upon for support either.

Then, as TIOK pointed out, control (or at least leverage) over the Congress is also necessary. Otherwise you end up in stalemate and incapable of undoing the damage of the past 20 months. Executive orders only go so far. Though the first order of business for the next Republican President should be a single sweeping E.O. wiping out every single one issued by Joe "what am I signing?" Biden.

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Trump had me at "Only Rosie O'Donnell"

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Or, say, Kari Lake...

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Another dimension to consider if Trump either decides not to run or runs and is "defeated" at the ballot box is that it would more or less legitimize the left's tactics on how to take down a rival. Multiple baseless impeachments, non-stop FBI and IS propaganda, meddling, and leaking to the media, made-for-TV show trials that would make Stalin blush, all topped off with a pre-dawn, day long home invasion to rifle through the former First Lady's panty drawer.

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Honestly Brad this is what I'm fighting against. Pure Leninism/Stalinism.

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Many of us are. But are "we" enough? When will the masses awaken from their stupor?

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Nothing can actually legitimize those tactics, not legally, morally, ethically or constitutionally. But I get your point. They will take it as validation because it worked. And by worked I mean suppressed real opposition and enacted retribution on those that dared to think they could change the power structure. Only power matters. If 2020-22 has taught us nothing, it should have taught us there is NO extreme too great to suppress the outsiders and real opposition to retain and expand power.

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And this is why Trump is such an existential threat to the Administrative State. He can call them out on their bullshit as he is largely self funding, not beholden to donors and their agendas the way the rest of Washington is. He's not perfect, and he's not eloquent, but I still believe he is the only one who can break up this cabal.

DiSantis is a more polished speaker to be sure, but do you honestly believe he would be treated any better than Trump if he were to dare oppose the Swamp as well?

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Yes, I meant legitimized as in "we got away with it, it worked, and we'll do it again." Beyond that there is nothing legitimate about how our government and its ever-expanding goon squads operate.

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I hadn’t thought about that.

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people need to stop thinking there is any difference between elected republicans and democrats - they are all the same (except on one issue).

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That's why we are working to elect the non-Establishment candidates.

We can't have McCarthy as Speaker again, either.

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I trust McCarthy about as far as I can throw a piano. He has always seemed like one of "them".

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McCarthy is as Swamp as they come. Tits on a bull.

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We need fighter's

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Well "armed" fighters! With support.

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My predictions are similar. Should the establishment GOP secure new house seats in November they will proceed to use the leveraged gained to accomplish nothing of substance. At MOST we can hope for is some high profile grandstanding and promises to block the next trillion dollar spending fiasco, which will ultimately pass the house anyway.

Intangible Tony will be retired, and untouchable. So the dog and pony may be about Tony and/or the CDC but without a live appearance from the star. Maybe he'll zoom one in for dramatic effect.

DeSantis won't be in the house and will continue to have little or no influence on the GOP as a whole. He will continue to leverage his "outsider" status, irritate the media and both dominant parties. If he actually becomes impactful, he'll be dealt with harshly.

DeSantis for president? Great idea. That would be entertaining for sure!

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we're on the same page.

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If the Republicans take the House in November, their new majority should make Trump Speaker. (Constitution does not require the Speaker to be a member of the House.). That would put him third in line for the presidency, and in a sufficiently powerful position so the media can't ignore him.

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You're right! No balls either!

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little tic-tacs for cojones and inverted...er...units.

Sorry for my language.

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Ha! No apologies required!

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and Ron Johnson

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They will continue on as things are now. Covid and control. Except the left gets to start virtue signaling about all the things we've been saying for three years. Once the demonrats start saying it, it is now the truth, when we said it, it was false. Right message, wrong messenger. See how that works?

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She wouldn't be trying it if it didn't work. She knows there are plenty of dolts out there that will lap this crap up.

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People like her know most people aren't paying attention.

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It goes beyond that. Not just inattentive, but longing to belong, to believe. For reasons unclear to me for many people The Party is important. Having adopted loyalty to The Party, they accept anything that reinforces that choice. Anything that supports their faith and loyalty. Rejecting anything that causes doubt. This is apparently a typical trait of humans to desire to belong to a group and believe in the superiority of those "in charge". Fascinating. And destructive.

There are humans, aware of this trait, who instead of seeking "to belong" instead are driven to exploit the rest. These humans provide the reinforcing narrative, replete with promises inconsistent (usually orthogonal) to their actions. Another essential tactic is to have a common enemy. When ever the fraudulent narrative looks to be weakening it's grip, introduce an enemy to hate.

It goes well beyond "what?"

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Yup. Most people who watch TV have the memory of a house fly. 2 seconds.

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The first state governor that declared any kind of "lockdown" should have been dragged from his home and hanged on his front lawn as a warning to the others.

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"And here is one of Trump's elderly victims...."

Another spit-out-the-coffee line. Luv Tucker.

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“God did answer our prayers when vaccines were developed against the coronavirus. All of you, yes, I know you’re vaccinated, you’re the smart ones, but you know there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants. I need you to be my apostles…Jesus taught us to love one another and how do you show that love but to care about each other enough to say, ‘Please get the vaccine because I love you and I want you to live’?”

-New York Governor Kathy Hochul (speaking at a church service and wearing a vaccination necklace around her neck)

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I'd say she's lucky she didn't burst into flames, but the sad fact is that most churches are fully corrupted, their pulpits filled with snakes. She might as well have been speaking in a dung pit or abattoir.

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Churches were shameful during this mess. Right after schools imo.

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I’m still waiting for my local church leader to share a homily suggesting that parishioners reflect upon their actions during Covid and society’s inhumane discrimination against the unvaccinated.

Honestly most people are still unaware or generally unbothered by what transpired. Was talking with a parent who just had their 7 & 9 YO children boosted before school starts. I asked why and they said they were at the pediatrician for checkups and just thought it would be a good idea. (Btw vax not required for school or activities where we live.)

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So sad. There's many people that will never wake up.

I just don't think the cognitive dissonance is something they are able or willing to work through.

In fact, most people just want this to go away, with casual indifference.

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Firemen would busy. Unless she turns from evil and actually believes in the saving grace thru Christ, there will be no extinguisher big enough to quench her house of flames.

Lots of worldly churches implored their congregation to get jabbed and refused to provide parishioners vax exceptions. Not good. God keeps a book.

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If this quote is accurate its one of the most despicable things I've ever seen.

Had to look it up, she claims to be a Catholic and got her JD from Catholic University in DC (my parent's alma mater coincidentally, who both said it was a terrible school).

What a perverse twisting of the scriptures. Jesus commands us to terrify others to manipulate them into having an experimental chemical concoction injected into them? Gee what happened to the dozens of biblical exhortations to, "Trust God and fear not"? How about the explicit biblical command to not cause division within the church (i.e. vaxxed and unvaxxed)? What about the human body being a temple of the Holy Spirit? How about the vax development using fetal stem cells that were derived from abortion?

There is nothing worse than a secularist who attempts to cloak their words in biblical terms to manipulate the devout. My old pastor had a saying that those who caused the most evil in the world were those claiming to act in Jesus name but did not actually know Him.

I can't see her heart so who knows what is really motivating her, but this looks really bad.

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The 'Ho is a fake Catholic, just like Xiden and Puglosi. Oh and the Pope. God is not pleased and has eternal plans for all four.

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This is the meaning of the third commandment, "You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain". To slather lies and abuse in divine authority, to cheapen words like "love"... I wouldn't want to be in her position at judgment.

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Those who invoke God's name for evil violate the... what's the number? 3. Don't take the Lord's name in vain.

Wish I could say I am shocked nobody stood and admonished her. Especially the pastor.

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I despise her and her demonic eyebrows.

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Too much gas in the gaslight will burn the house down.

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The tail is wagging this shaggy dog.

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Just got word that Ontario is disbanding the Covid Advisory Committee (I think that's the right name)


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WOW. This rat-scattering really is at breakneck speeds!

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Put the PCR cycle threshold (Ct) high enough, and you can find a conscience in anyone!

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"This one goes to 11."

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find a good physio, the whiplash around all this sis going to be epic.

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The party is always right.

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Catchy tune too, Lied der Partei, easy to hum along to. Knowing a little german helps of course.

'Die Partei, die Partei, die hat immer recht'

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Yes, The Party is always right!

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Thanks! Gonna put Shaggy on the hi-fi straight away.

And to hell that witch from NY!

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the worst is that some are changing jerseys because the former wearer dropped dead on the field

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