Too bad they can’t vaccinate against stupid.

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Ah, but they can. Indeed, they have. The die-offs and sterility have only begun.

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She's a graduate of UC Berkeley and Harvard Law School, with a later fellowship at Yale. Not that our credentialing institutions are hollow or anything.

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Proves that studying does not make you smart

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I have seen this stupid "inflation favors debtors" trope all over the world of Magic Money Theory. It is a clueless Marie-Antoinette-level rich person's view of the poor. In fact inflation favors anyone who can invest in securities and funds that will likely rise with inflation. What it discriminates against are people who have actual monetary savings including underbanked people who have no option but cash.

This idiot thinks inflation favors the poor because she thinks of her white bread friends with 150K in student loans from their Master's in Anthropology as poor. Sure it might take the edge off their student loans. It will destroy actual poor people.

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It's basically true. You borrow now and pay back with inflated money.

And nobody is in more debt than the US government.

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Because of inflation your daily costs increase to the point where you're unable to repay debt - which continues to grow due to the high interest rates. It's eternal financial slavery to the lenders.

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Unless you can hold interest rates down artificially via the Federal Reserve........

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I'd say she has a room temperature IQ but I don't wish to insult those with room temperature IQs, because she couples hers with a deep vein of nastiness rarely seen in human beings who aren't named Caligula or Joe Stalin. Or Tse-tung.

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Damn, this is like Twitter for the Twitter banned. I have a home now ; )

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she proly had mao's little red book.... and wants you in a dunce cap 6 feet high.

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Wow. Has she tried to buy any groceries lately?

Or is she one of those people who gets to expense all their door-dash-delivered meals....like, literally, a useless eater....

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"it was the best of times, it was the blurst of times" - typewriter monkeys

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Well, they almost mastered Dickens, so Shakespeare is next

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very cute!!!

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Has she noticed that rich people's assets tend to rise in value with inflation? And price changes in necessities are basically irrelevant to them?

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If she were smart, she would notice that every time congress passes a huge bill, the rich people get free money out the ass, while 'regular people' are lucky to get anything.

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And have to pay for it. Rich people don't pay taxes

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This cunt probably has a higher net worth than me, and inflation is annihilating what little wealth my family has earned. Everyone I know is terrified and absolutely no one in this small farming town is "rich people."

The view from your racist bubble must be lovely, you piece of shit.

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the ruling party is after the us' standard of living.... they are not building anything better, unless you are a marxist!

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She is proof that education is failing not only on the public level but in ivy league schools as well.

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I've tutored/academic advised for about 10 years. Ivy league universities have not been turning out quality educations for QUITE a long time. I routinely encounter public state/city college graduates with a better body of academic knowledge.

The main thing Ivy League colleges accomplish is the consolidation of social networks and contacts that graduating students leverage for the rest of their careers. This has probably been their only major advantage over low-cost state schools for at least several decades.

I went to thoroughly unremarkable public universities through two graduate degrees and regularly encounter posh peers with a poorer knowledge base. But they sure have a lot of well-connected friends.

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How convenient. Only people she follows or mentioned can reply. Such courage of her convictions. Garbage American.

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That's from about 5 years ago when she upset a few people with a bunch of tweets about how happy she is that whites are a "dying race" and can't wait for "mayocide" to finish the job.

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She's been doing that for 5 years? She's not just a garbage American. She's an entire dump.

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I can't begin to tell you how explosively furious I was when she got the job a few years ago, the tweets surfaced, and the NYT carried water for her, defending their position to hire her by saying that she "mimicked the vitriol of her harassers" and other choice gems.


Someone wants me to die and exterminate my race? No coming back from that. I hope she's eaten alive by badgers, the smug little millennial racist piece of shit.

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1000 out of 1000 monkeys would refuse to write that crap. But throwing it? That’s a different story.

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Isn't Sarah the chick that despises old white men?

Least she could do is to deploy a lil' iambic pentameter in those low information tweetz.

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I was just trying to recall whether or not she was the one. I get my latter-day racists confused.

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“latter days racists” 😹😹😹 made me lol

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She despises ALL white people. She's eager for "mayocide" and hopes we will "just die" already, preferably of skin cancer.

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There is some kind of twisted set of definitions of "Mayocide". Can you help?

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Don't forget, this is the same person who eagerly awaits "white genocide" and hopes that we all get skin cancer, and other wonderful treats.

So, if you're here, she's an utter piece of shit racist who hates you, and <50% odds would literally like you to die.

Fuck her and her opinions and her bullshit New York Times job and her bullshit communist opinions.

Yeah, my net worth is <$500,000 and I'm fucking terrified at how much more expensive everything is and how much my taxes are going up while my earnings are stagnant. I'm clearly a "rich person flipping my shit." But hey, I'm white, so I'm already scum who should just die.

Fuck Sarah Jeong forever.

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Get your savings out of the dollar. They are going to inflate its value away.

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Yeah, I know, I just have no idea what to do. Gold and silver is silly.

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Land if you can, btc if you can't, run up all the credit cards you can if you can't do either :p

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She reminds me of that song... Ten little monkeys jumpin' on the bed. One fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, No more monkeys jumpin' on the bed.

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Absolutely priceless! The New York Times will never again have the collective wit or intelligence to post anything comparable to this!

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This person either does not do shopping or has way too much money. My usual shopping cart used to be about 150 bucks. Now it was 250

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Gave up on the gray bitch in the seventies. In the past fifty years she has since gone brain dead…why anyone continues to pay money for it is beyond me…

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If this isn’t proof that a diploma and actual intelligence have little correlation today, nothing is.

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My car must be a parasitic asset, because it's not doing as well as it used to, say 9 months ago, on a dollar of gas.

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A dollar of gas would just about get me to and from the gas station right now.

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nyt is playing to a small room of deluded people.

here is a run down on the consumer goods part of the inflation:


sort of techie but i mostly agree with dr sheffi.

i read the doe balance sheet every week, wednesdays at 1030 release. on gasoline/diesel: it don't help that usa oil drilling is down 5% and imports up 14.4% while the economy picks up and fuel stocks are sliding slowly..... that is a dept of energy and president decision. so sad opec won't lower prices and pump more!

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At first I thought it was a snowflake parody. Seriously. A friggin cartoon. So inflation doesn't hurt poor, hourly paid workers, and middle class people ??? I guess when your team is driving the train its all okay. It couldn't possibly be the fault of The Party or Fearless Leader.

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I smelled my first NYT rat back in the '80s during the Iraq-Iran war. When Saddam was our adversary, the Iranians were presented as heroic warriors against the monster. When Saddam was our friend, the Iranians lost their glow...this was of course shocking (sorta) to me because way, way back in time, my sixth grade teacher presented the NYT as one half-step down from Divine Writ in sanctity. (Of course, she didn't tell us about Walter Duranty, so there's that...)

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This chick is DUMB.

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CRT brain rot

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Really it's astonishing that the NYT would hire her.

One racism is not better than any other racism.

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What racism? It's only old white men she enjoys being cruel to.

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Well I just learned from my liberal arts educated daughter that white people (especially white men) can’t be victims of racism. Wish we sent her to trade school. Would be $250k richer and she would likely be on her way to a six figure income with lifetime job security and a fast track to working for herself. Instead she lives with us at home, is working part-time (although she thinks it is full time!), makes sure I am aware of how unfair our meritocracy is on her way out the door to pick up her $7 Starbucks drink. Can’t wait to tell her she starts paying rent January 1st.

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Mr. Vandelay, re: charging daughter rent: do it! My (deceased) father-in-law used to tell the story of how the eldest daughter (born 1948 - beginnings of baby boomers) full time student and no job, started becoming "enlightened" while attending university and would run her mouth about the evils of "the man". She would criticize her parents about the size of their house, their cars, their jobs, etc., while the king-sized irony flew right over her head. Her poor father worked two jobs, mother had one, in order to keep her and her two siblings in a very nice home, good neighborhood, nice schools, nice clothes, plenty of everything. Plus, she had the audacity to keep taking certain classes over and over until she got straight As. Her perfection being paid for by dear old dad. LOL!

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Well we all get old, and old is relative. So all white men then. And as she believes in gender then it includes all white women too, including the ones with penises. And as you can identify into any racial category that you want, I guess that's everyone?

A misanthrope.

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So Orwellian. Exactly the opposite is true. Assets of the rich are doing great, while living costs for the rest of us are rising a lot faster than our wages.

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confirms my decision to never support the nyt.....

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Hahahahahaa! NY Slimes just gets crappier and crappier.

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The "inflation is good for you, you ungrateful peasants" narrative is going to wear thin pretty fast. Maybe the NYT can bring Judith Miller back in to help gin up a nice little wag-the-dog war somewhere to distract from the proles getting uppity.

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I always like the fact that these “journalists” limit replies to those people that agree with them. No point having your bubble burst by reality if you’re working for the MSM.

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Delusional. I wonder how badly she got ratioed, but it looks like she's protected herself from that.

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This from the #cancelwhitepeople CUNT

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Tl;dr Sarah Jeong is almost as good at economics as she is as being a massive racist sexist bigoted asshole.

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Well, all I know is that 10 years ago I spent 100$ at the grocery store and now I spend 250$ for the exact same items. Don't take this wrong because I know how important this issue is but: Personally, I don't give a damn who's fault it is! All I know is my reality. And I'm definitely not blaming the "rich". (Hmm except for those who have become obscenely rich over the last 18 months from OUR money being transferred to them in the name of a "virus" and that's another rabbit hole entirely... sorta)

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Funny how Bidens is ending Trump's student loan forbearance while thinking little kids need vaccines masks indefinitely. I'd make the trade loan payments for return to normal but they're going to try running with both... take back ur freedoms.

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I believe that's what they call a run on sentence in Journalism School. Or 5th grade English.

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In the schools of my youth (1940s), 5th-graders could write a lot better than that.

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A lot of these 'journalists' seem to me to be like some kind of '5th column' within the media. I wonder who they're *really* working for?

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“all this stuff you see written” … in my not NYC bougie neighborhood, what I see is $5.00 a gallon gas *today* and tents with junkies shooting up popping up everywhere. But sure, in the Metaverse where “Sarah” likes to hang, it's all about the parasitic investor class whining (aka the guy in the 5th avenue penthouse in the building where “Sarah”'s body lives).

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What boggles the mind is not necessarily that they *think* this but they actually type it out and think it deserves to be shared with the world.

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Uh, my investments have been doing extremely well. What the fuk is she talking about?

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Is she a Chicom asset?

Rich people did great over the last 20 months.

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Yes, and I am not rich.

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My favorite comment I see when I frequent these types of posts is "People are sick of working for so little", as if they have a realistic choice now that the UI benefits are gone.

Meanwhile, the politically connected get billions and billions rained upon them every single time DC passes a new bill. And the dollar signs are only going up.

It should be obvious what happens from here.

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Lack of political diversity is political corruption, and the NYT as many other places in America have a leftist majority.

Any place where leftists have majority is politically compromised: Universities, Big Tech companies, Media, public institutions and government agencies.

When all key social structures are controlled by a single political force the the society is totalitarian by definition.

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fiat credentials or feinting idiocy? This is a crazy take from economic genius, clearly inflation for her don't affect poor folk somehow

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She's not an "economic genius." She's the NYT tech writer, which means she checks intersectionality boxes and maybe knows some linux.

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excellent insight

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I think you meant 1,000 bats!

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side note: We are in trouble if those monkeys even get to a kinder reader. Spoiler: They won't. Dumb math teacher. You could put a trillion monkeys on the typewriter and... nope. No kinder reader.

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The editorial desk maybe told the reporters, "Time to come up with another enemy so the peons blame someone other than the real perps." Rich people got picked. How cliché. Yawn.

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Let this piece of shit follow a small farmer around for a day and fills his diesel truck for 30% more then tries to buy potash and hire workrs for a reasonable amount of money. Unreal how craven these punks are.

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Ok i know english is not my first language and i don't have an ivy league degree but what is she trying to say exactly? What's the message ? Maybe this is so deep and knowledgeable so that the pleb suffering from inflation cannot understand.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure assets aren't impacted in nearly the same way as currency? Little me with his savings in the bank is impacted far more than Musk and his Tesla stock?

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Sarah Jeong: Saying the shit that native-born Americans simply will not think.

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