The tyranny rule book doesn’t change. Only the imaginary enemy.

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If I remember correctly, the Nazis first turned the populace against their Jewish neighbors by claiming they spread diseases.

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So we all must be aware of what is likely coming next. I try to keep a positive outlook but every day there’s another cranking of the ratchet of authoritarianism. I do think our current regime is extremely incompetent. That doesn’t mean they can’t be accidentally successful. Soon another 4.7 Trillion worth of oopsie to weigh us all down. Looking at decades of stagnation at best. Does anyone have a white pill for me? Perhaps some catnip?

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No catnip, but to lighten up here's a joke going around Vienna in 1944, with Backe giving the same punchline Jerome Powell is fated to face:

"Hitler calls a meeting with Göring, Goebbels, and Food Minister Herbert Backe.

Hitler says to Göring: “How long will our planes and fuel last?”

“Five years, my Führer,” Göring answers.

Hitler turns to Goebbels: “How long can your propaganda keep the people in line?”

“Ten years, my Führer,” Goebbels answers.

Hitler then turns to Backe: “And how long can you kept us fed?”

“Twenty years, my Führer,” Backe says.

Hitler is delighted. “Then we can keep waging war for a long time yet,” he says, whereupon Backe timidly raises his hand: “Um, I only meant the four of us.”

("Dead Funny: Telling Jokes in Hitler's Germany" - Rudolph Herzog)

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Thank you for the levity.

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Unit 3 of World History covers trendsetters like Goering. Patience, Grasshopper.

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Goering's prescription is like totalitarian Tylenol: it is effective with any sort of concocted crisis or enemy designed to terrify the Capite Censi into giving up yet more pesky liberties and justify ever-greater extractions of wealth by the ruling class.

Wars foreign and domestic, be they waged against people, plants, poverty or political violence; super-scary Existential Climate Crises™, be they descending into another ice age (1970s) or frying in an overheated world. And, of course, global "pandemics" with a 99% recovery rate.

It is all bullshit. All of it.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

~H. L. Mencken

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We appear to be on stage 5 of the 10 Stages of Genocide, as per Knightley.

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“The phenomenon we have witnessed in Germany was nothing less than [an] outbreak of epidemic insanity. . . No one knew what was happening to him, least of all of the Germans, who allowed themselves to be driven to the slaughterhouse by their leading psychopaths like hypnotized sheep.”

Carl Jung, After the Catastrophe

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I think one of the biggest shortcomings of historians and academics is focusing on a particular leader for the evil perpetrated by its citizens. Doesn't the fault lie with the citizens? So the analysis and studies should've been "what were the conditions in place that led to such a downward spiral of the citizenry?". Economic depression? Food insecurity? Fear of invasion? Decadence? Breakdown of social cohesion? Persistent fear/anxiety was lkely the common thread.

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How about arrogant, lying progressive Presidents named Woodrow whose re-election campaign slogan was "He Kept Us Out Of War"?

"America should have minded her own business and stayed out of the World War. If you hadn’t entered the war the Allies would have made peace with Germany in the Spring of 1917. Had we made peace then there would have been no collapse in Russia followed by Communism, no breakdown in Italy followed by Fascism, and Germany would not have signed the Versailles Treaty, which has enthroned Nazism in Germany. If America had stayed out of the war, all these `isms’ wouldn’t today be sweeping the continent of Europe and breaking down parliamentary government – and if England had made peace early in 1917, it would have saved over one million British, French, American, and other lives."

– Winston Churchill 1936 interview, the New York Enquirer

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Wow, this one sure didn't make it into the history books. Something to think about.

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sadly, once the peeps get afraid they seem to lik it...... so next we will have fraidies all overwhelmed worrying about how many solar panels the slaves in china can give them.....

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thank you for all of your excellent work. I feel like Im living in an insane asylum. Like watching my entire society commit suicide. This really must have been what Germany was like in 1935

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