They should just drop the pretense and call it the "Look! Squirrel!" Commision.

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RemovedJun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022
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Shouldn’t you be on a pole somewhere?

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America's ruling class: somehow managing to combine the best hits of Nero, Caligula, and Marie Antoinette.

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Let's hope our ruling class follows their career trajectory...

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Nero burned. Marie Antoinette was beheaded. I don't know how Caligula died. --- Pelosi needs burned at the stake, because she's a witch. Obiden can be beheaded. I guess that leaves Kameltoe to get what Caligula got. 😏🤨

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There have been politicians I've not liked, of course, but never had I experienced such contempt as I currently have for this current crew of degenerates.

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My 87-year-old mother and I agree with you.

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Caligula was killed by three of his bodyguards. They stabbed him over thirty times.

Nero after being ousted and while on the run committed suicide. Some sources claim he lost his bottle attempting it and had to be finished off by a servant.

Marie Antoinette was indeed beheaded by guillotine; what is interesting is the charges. mismanagement of finances leading to depletion of the national treasury, high treason and conspirating against the security of the nation.

If such charges could be brought by the people against politicians... well, there's a reason the french and russian revolutions (and many others) have been thoroughly demonised in all media down the ages, while the conditions making armed revolution the only way out for the people are hushed up.

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I didn't know that about Caligula. Poor Marie meant well when she said "Let them eat cake." She is pilloried for saying that when she meant heck, let them eat cake like I do, too. Oh dear. . . Of course she was out of touch!

Pelosi flying 100s of family members on military jets with liquor and high end snacks at taxpayer expense? Nancy, Shumer, and McConnell - Talk about high treason and conspiring against the security of the nation!

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Sen. Debbie Stabenow: "Let them drive Teslas!"

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Ah ha ha!!! Perfect!!!

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If you want to know more about Caligula and Rome in general, there was a great series on PBS called I, Claudius, based on the book by Robert Graves. Recommend both highly; the series is available on DVD.

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Fantastic book. The sequel was good, too. I had my dad read both of them a few years ago as a dark foreshadowing of where our society is going.

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Thank you!

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Thanks! I will check that out~

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It is quite unlikely that Marie ever said that. Like so much that is "known" today, it is just more leftist bullshit.


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Thank you! I didn't know that alleged incident had no sourcing - I have in the past wondered about the emphasis on Marie supposedly saying that. Appreciate the link.

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"I thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards, to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone; that of sophisters, economists, and calculators has succeeded, and the glory of Europe is extinguished forever."

~ Edmund Burke’s speech on the death of Marie Antoinette

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As usual. Can't be out done. At least I get to learn everyday. Thanks libertate!

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Better question is why even a pen-knife should hav been raised in defence of an aristocracy that had had no qualms about bleeding their own people dry for centuries, sentencing dissenters to death by execution or death by imprisonment, forced conscription, and much more and worse.

But then again it wasn't Burke's class of people who saw their children starve to death while aristos complained about gout.

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Marie Antoinette was not personally responsible for any of that, and was likely quite oblivious to it.

To execute her, and thousands of other innocents, including children, for the crimes of others, is barbarism.

Also known as leftism.

As for aristocracy, all societies have them. The only difference is if status is earned or pilfered.

After roughly two centuries of progress in this regard, we have most assuredly regressed to the latter.

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Huh. I thought Nero burned with Rome. That's what I get, huh?

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No criticism meant, my friend. It's just that the decadent emperors are such a well-spring of eye-poppers, it becomes a reflex to chime in whenever one gets the chance, and I'm just a rank amateur - you should have heard some of my tutors at uni arguing details from 2 000 year old court cases...

Caligula, meaning "little boot" is also said to have commanded the entire merchant and military naval vessel roped together to form a land bridge across a bay, just for his pleasure. Of course, some of stuff attributed to him there's no contemporary sources for, only writings of historians under the rule of later emperors. So caveat historiae or whatever it is in real latin.

Some historians claim Nero's (alleged) arson of Rome was an insurance scam. That sure would be something, wouldn't it? A leader destroying his own citizens' property to make a buck.

Come to think of it, it does have a familiar sound to it....

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I wasn't offended. I meant, "that's what I get" for not paying attention. While I took Latin and it always fascinated me, I never cared much for Roman history, just parts here and there.

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Wasn't it Caligula who made his horse a Senator? Biden took a horse's* ass from the Senate and made her VP.

* Careful, now.

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Incitatus, Caligula's favorite horse, never achieved high office but his master proposed making him a consul, as a smack in the face to his Senate - they weren't what you'd call chummy. He also had the horse fed oats mixed with gold flakes. Talk about the economy going to shit!

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"Obiden can be beheaded." How would one be able to tell the difference?

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The good news is the guillotine wouldn't have to work double time

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😂🤣 His ugly, daft face wouldn't be there.

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Would beheading him make any difference? I don't think that's a functioning part of his anatomy.

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This site gives details of Caligula's death, he was a horror. Seems appropriate! :


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Very interesting. Thanks.

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Jun 11, 2022·edited Jun 11, 2022

Thank-you for the link. --- That's all? I thought it would have been more and they might have been more creative.

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I call her “Kneepads Harris”

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I like that one, too. 🤣

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In early 41, Caligula was assassinated as a result of a conspiracy by officers of the Praetorian Guard, senators, and courtiers - sounds about right to me.

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How many times - how many times - have I wished we had such a thing as a Praetorian Guard. Seems like historically they've been best put to use doing away with lousy rulers. With the occasional good ruler thrown in, but you can't have it both ways I guess.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

Nero was forced to commit suicide, but he was so cowardly that he couldn't do it himself, so he asked an aide to stab him, then tried to flee. An ignominious end to a really bad emperor. Caligula was stabbed by several of his own Palace Guard on his way to the baths. Hmmm...

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Caligula was famously stabbed en masse by his bodyguard, Nero did not burn, but committed suicide when threatened with the same fate by an unamused praetorian guard.

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It’s almost like watching the Fall of Rome but with internet.

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I think it's becoming more and more widely accepted that we are the tail end and an eerily exact mirror of the Roman Empire. Mad, bad leaders, pointless wars, internal problems, invading hoards...it goes on...

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none of them had to consider thst there are more gun owners in the usa than sham votes tallied for brandon!

and many of us know more that than shooting deer may be needed.

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Ladies in robes chuckling whilst mutilating children and making our lives unbearable.

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And Joe Stalin. Never forget Joe, for he is one of their Messiahs!

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You forgot Mr Bean...

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I haven’t forgotten the D team burning down cities all summer and now it looks like they are going to do it again…

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Burning, Looting, and Murdering across the country - in DC included - was just mostly peaceful protest supporting Our Values Democracy.

MAGA meemaws annoyed by the theft of an election and expressing their annoyance by taking selfies during an impromptu tour of the people's house, however, is the darkest day in history and an existential threat to Our Democracy.

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"Our Democracy" is simply a brand for coastal and big Blue city oligarchs and their supporters among the latte-sipping, "gender-affirming" (read: child-mutilating), and racial-grievance and huckster set.

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With both the POTUS and VP spurring them on to violence. Will there be a commission??

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Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn’t matter either way (imo). Have you seen any of the other GAO/Senate hearings, like for the IRS nonsense under Lois Lerner, Benghazi, or for Fast & Furious, for example? What a ridiculous waste of time and money.

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Well Trey Gowdy and his sidekick who I forget got a Fox News gig so turned out well for them and their dog and pony shows.

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Just wait until the government floods the inner cities with military-grade weapons, and they start terrorizing the suburbs. Everyone else will be begging for gun control then.

That’s my prediction.

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Jun 12, 2022·edited Jun 12, 2022

Why do you think they keep bringing military-age young men across the border and salting them through the cities. Gun control means keeping guns from the hands of citizens. The lawless hoards will get them regardless, as you pointed out. We'll have our own "Fast and Furious", make no mistake.

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I think they’re bringing in the young men to help foster unrest and destabilize/destroy the existing power structure. “Order out of chaos” and all that...think “problem, reaction, solution”.

Like I said before, we’ll be BEGGING for the government to take the guns from us before this is finished. How else would they be able to get guns away from the 30-40% of us who are the “cold, dead hands” type (like me)?

Fear is a VERY powerful motivator.

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Todays NYT headline: “ Breaking News: U.S. gas prices have reached an average of $5 a gallon, driven by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and a rebound in energy use amid the pandemic.”

Just one blatant lie after the next.

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Yup. We need to treat or re-treat ourselves to a reading of 1984 and encourage everyone we know to do so as well. Seriously. Buy copies and hand them out. Then move on to Msgr Robert Hugh Benson’s dystopian and prophetic novel, Lord of the World, written c 1905. Both point emphatically to the global l’ennemi du jour - the enemy of the day, or, “so, let me check, who are we supposed to hate today?”

We are fed endless lies, creating hate and division, and many who refuse to access innate logic or reason swallow it daily. Those who have read Orwell or Huxley (and Benson) can recognize the manipulation and blatant deceit. We once thought it fanciful fiction (snort, guffaw, we are too smart for this to happen to us) but here we are.

And if you want a prophetic, jaw-dropping, eye opener on the shenanigans in the RC hierarchy, read Fr Malachi Martin’s Windswept House written c 1995. I am RC and love my faith but am not blind to the foibles and sins of churchmen (and, of course, my own grim sinfulness).

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I'd recommend adding C.S. Lewis's "That Hideous Strength" to the list. (Really his whole Space Trilogy, but the last one is the key one.) I have an ongoing series comparing it to 1984 starting here https://dochammer.substack.com/p/that-hideous-strength-and-1984-part?s=w

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Yes, of course. Good reminder to dust it off. Thanks for your work on it and the link!

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Interesting that you should mention "Lord of the World." When Obama first came to power (I use that phrase deliberately), every time he made a pronouncement, one of my friends and I would say to each other, "Felsenburg."

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Thanks for that, I hadn't come across it before. I had a longtime dislike and mistrust of Obama when all around me were gushing praise. It was nauseating. Your comment was appropriate.

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I KNEW BHO was evil in 2007. Reverend Wright’s church was exposed for a very short time, then disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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The first thing I thought when I first saw Obama speak was the way he tilted his chin in the air like Mussolini. Look at some pics....the similarity in his chin up arrogance is startling.

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LOL!!! My friend and I did same.

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I'd also recommend reading some of Orwell's essays. He has a lot to say about fascism and the left and also the distortion of language.

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This is actually a great idea--buying the books and handing them out.

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I have “Windswept House”…Quite Frankly just used this book for his book club. Listen to the old broadcasts of Art Bell. He interviews Martin extensively. Talk about chills up my back!

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My liberal friend, who reads the NYSlime, enlightened me about this article. He finished with “no one in this administration knows what their doing. And I don’t know what can be done about it”. I smirked and didn’t say a word….. He’s finally seen the truth.

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One red-pill at a time

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NYT has been lying since WWII. How does anyone still read newspapers or watch television?

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A cause for rejoicing when someone takes the first steps.

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Although I think they know exactly what they are doing! But eyes of friends and family opening is always a wonderful thing! 😀

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I’m not at all interested in this Jan 6 commission. And I don’t personally know anyone who is!

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You may not be interested in the J6 Commission, but the J6 Commission is interested in you.

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Interested in “the commission”?…nope

Interested in why capital trespassers have been in jail for 18 months, while “summer of love” fire-bombers are walking free…


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Energy is not necessary. That is why it is excluded from core inflation. So we can all relax. Everything is fine.

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I like the idea of electric cars and the dystopian idea that it is clean energy. I live very close to a coal-burning facility that produces electricity. Too many people are stuck on stupid.

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I live at the receiving end of the sulfuric acid.

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Add to that the cancer-creating misery that will befall those who mine the special metals needed to create the electric car batteries. Karen Hunt wrote an essay on this mostly unknown latest chapter in neo-colonial plunder.

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Good I was worried that everything wasn’t fine

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Apparently neither is food also not included in official inflation stats.

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Yes we can all freeze when there isn't enough energy. That's not important.

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Gas went up fifty cents over night in Ramona, CA Thursday night! Thats what I remember about the Jan 6 hearing.

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My bf paid $7.09…and that was “cheap”.

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I love how the leftists solemnly intone the word "insurrection", and the sputtering that results when one points out that it was the only "insurrection" in history where the "insurrectionists" were unarmed and the only casualty was an "insurrectionist".

Just asinine.

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*Casualties. Babbitt shot, and the woman who was beaten to death by police under the tunnels.


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They seem real interested in those videos of the would be pipe bomber too

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And I thought it was really weird that 4 cops killed themselves over this? NOT!

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Who is Ray Epps?

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Because INSURRECTION means that Trump can never run again if he’s found guilty of it. Words matter. And INSURRECTION is in the Constitution.

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Yep. This is all about smearing Trump and anything Trump-adjacent.

But even the idiots know they refuse to release all the video footage.

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Trump screwed up their plan big time! If Trump did nothing else, his place in history uncovered the Deep State and all the lies we’ve been told for decades! Alex Jones was right. They know he is right. That’s why he’s always been made fun of and been called a conspiracy theorist. Now they’re treating us the same way. We’re over the target.

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It's also about the midterms and persuading voters not to vote for Trump endorsed candidates.

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Poor Chewbacca

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If it makes our transatlantic cousins feel better - less worse perhaps - here in Merry Old England, regular unleaded is £1-88 per litre at the local filling station , which is $8-78 per US gallon.

You are not alone in your pain.


Soaring inflation, rising energy, motor fuel and food prices, shortages, economic recession is common to all Countries in the ‘free’ developed World. It almost looks organised on a global level like the Covid response just coincidentally seemed to be, but I am sure that couldn’t be so, even to think such a thing would be a case for the Disinformation STASI.

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Almost looks organised? That seems to be clearer each day. Odd isn't it, how international responses are the same everywhere and the same misfortunes are occurring to make everything worse? It all looks pretty suspicious.

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And… they use the same phrases - Build Back Better - and the same excuses, the unvaccinated, Putin.

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They allowed cities to burn and businesses ruined but this little, whatever it was at the capital, is a big deal🙄

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And don't forget that some of the things that were burned during the Mostly Peaceful Protests were Federal courthouses and other government buildings.

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Not satisfied with an attempted impeachment of Trump over the events of 1/6, Democrats have formed the (highly illegal) January 6th committee in order to focus on (what they think) is a winning political position: continuing to attack a president that’s been out of office for years. (To be fair, they can’t really run on their competency, can they?)

By now, the 1/6 prisoners have been in custody for 17 months. The vast majority of these people aren’t charged with violence or destruction of property or anything major.

All this stands in major contrast to the riots of the preceding summer. During those riots, protest was American (and who says it has to be peaceful?), rioters were bailed out by political organizations at the highest levels, and violence was focused directly on government officials and buildings. No talk of insurrection. No sedition charges. No cell phone or social media monitoring.

This is how it goes when you’re a Friend of the Swamp. (Or at least useful to it) Michael Sussmann lied to the FBI. We have the receipts. But when you’re a Friend of the Swamp, that doesn’t matter because ‘lying to the FBI shouldn’t be a crime’.

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And Peter Navarro was arrested at the airport as well as the Republican nominee. They’re going after all their political opponents. Just like a communist regime.

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And a beautiful church across from the WH.

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Who remembers when a leftist mob attacked and occupied senate office buildings way back in 2018?


Or when another leftist mob set fire to DC's St. John’s Episcopal Church?


Or how about when Trump was evacuated to a bunker when a leftist mob attacked the White House, throwing rocks and pulling at barricades?


Bueller? Anyone?

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The Ds haven't shown more media-nurtured outrage over Jan 6 since Trump was elected or perhaps when the GOP freed their slaves.

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yes gas was much cheaper on that date

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The reason they ended the negative COVID test requirement for international travel to US:

"'Widespread uptake of highly effective Covid-19 vaccines, the availability of effective therapeutics, and the accrual of high rates of vaccine- and infection-induced immunity at the population level in the United States' have all helped lower the risk of severe disease and death, the agency said."

-Ministry of Truth

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I sure wouldn’t want to be on a flight with all those ADE “ticking time bombs”.

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All thanks to the invention of SADS!

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The Founders pretty much knew it’d come to this. They understood that the first couple generations would get the idea that power to govern comes from the people but also recognized that those that were supposed to govern would become corrupted as all people with power do. I think, however, they over-estimated that average people would actually hold politicians accountable via the ballot box or even revolution.

The election of Trump scared the living shit out of the “ruling class” but they also had entrenched themselves into the Administrative State to the point that the soft revolution of Trump voters (which was a vote directly against them) could be managed via the Administrative State and deep corruption (hence, when he was re-elected they made sure he wasn’t).

All this does is kick the can down the road. Assume a GOP “wave” in the mid-terms (possible but voter fraud is an accepted process now, so maybe not) - something similar to the Tea Party would still happen. Many will end up becoming nothing more that corrupted politicians and it’s likely the entrenched GOP “leadership” won’t change. So we’d still be in Hell.

Question is - when will the average American truly sweep these people not only out of office but into prison? It’d take massive change at the Administrative State level. I mean wholesale purging at the DOJ, FBI, State Dept., etc. It’d take closure of the Dept of Education, EPA, etc.

OR… and maybe easier, secession of a number of States. Not in violent revolution. Just leave. The US wouldn’t invade TX and FL and other states.

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I’ll go with secession.

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There sure are a lot of gun states surrounding FL and TX. Soft insurrection for sure

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Unfortunately, the time for secession was about 10-12 yrs ago, when the geographical distribution of opinions was much clearer and the left wasn't quite so emboldened as they are today. Of course, at that time, 0bama was in the WH and any secession would have easily been branded "racist" and labeled as a repeat of the 1860 episode.

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I sure miss that evil guy who was President then.

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Me too. I think he was hilarious. I watch some of his old “material”, especially directed at HRC: “BECAUSE YOU’D BE IN JAIL.”

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🍊 👨

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The 1/6 trials are just Stalin show trials with better production value.


I’m sure tonight’s “special report” will be full of breathless hyperbole, ridiculous conjectures, and outright lies. (Spoiler alert: it was) The entire thing smells like a Stalin-esque show trial, right down to its professional production. It is designed to send a message to all Americans: oppose us at your peril. You don’t have to even be in the city for us to charge you. We will brand you a terrorist and steal your assets.

If we must have a multi-million-dollar investigation into the events of January 6th, then let’s ACTUALLY DO IT RIGHT. Let’s release ALL the video surrounding that day. Let’s form a legal committee that has legal subpoena power and ask people — under oath — about January 6th. We’ll start with Nancy Pelosi.

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