so it looks like maybe the NIH has had to admit that the facui friends at ecohealth were working on bat viruses in wuhan.
jeez, i hope nobody tells congress because that would sure look like perjury.
but they say it could not possibly have been THAT bat virus and that they will ask EHA to tell them about all the stuff they have been doing about which they still haven’t told them.
and this is like the 5th time they’ve asked that, so i’m sure mr peter is going to take it seriously this time!
Probably not. Just admission and then moving on. No shortage of crimes to ignore in this lunacy. It will take decades before history screams in outrage.
Unless and until every right minded citizen screams for justice and is actively, deeply threatening the livelihoods of their corrupt politician representatives nothing will happen. This requires a groundswell that out sizes the media and tech oligarchs and scares the living daylights out of the bureaucrats and politicos.
only after being publicly humilated and spat upon. I really am usually a good and decent person but I am so angry about all this that my worst side is showing....what they have done is unforgivable, starting with gain of function in wuhan....
Well, I was going to say hanged upside down in a Chinese bat cave... And other ideas... But I'd settle for a hang, draw and quarter. As long as I get to draw him then drag him in the streets.
I know we are all good people and would never partake in such barbaric acts, we can't allow ourselves to be those kind of people. but the frustration that they can call it acceptable mortality and all the sterile words they use, dehumanizing all of us. I want these feelings all purged but i see no foreseeable end in sight at the moment. but drinking some tea, have dark chocolate sea salt caramels and watching dr pimple popper
actually drinking honey and lavender tea. I am just so angry about all the deaths...from gain of fx to the gene therapy jabs. all the wasted deaths. so many families in grief. i can't remember the last time i was so angry about anything.
There has also been no admission, no apology, no remorse what-so-ever. In fact, quite the opposite repeatedly. An example needs to be made, but revenge is a very dark pathway that I wish to avoid.
Hebrews 10:30-31 says: For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
I keep telling myself to be content with that, but man, this man and the Biden administration have really done a number on the entire world. And they continue to do so as I type this. It's tough.
You are right. I am a lady of faith and feel horrible when I have such thoughts of revenge. But falling so far short of true divinity, my human side, the darkest part of it slips out. But yes, you are right.
what, if anything over the last 20 years, has proven that truth and justice will prevail? with the billionaires controlling the media and our politicians, and the media telling the majority of our country what they should think and how they should feel, with the masses eating it up and salivating at the chance to thumb their noses at the “others” - this happens whether you’re glued to fox or to cnn - where do you think this groundswell of outrage will stem from? maybe there’s a minor retraction buried in the pages, with some other “wag the dog” scenario pushed to garner peoples attention away from the real truths. this country is lost and until we’re all out in the streets, together, nothing is going to change.
Yes Bob, I agree, protests are called for. Peaceful and unrelenting starting at DC. the good thing is many of us have not drank the kool aid and are already proactive in our own communities. Its a start and one should always have hope. If you don't than you might as well dig your own grave and jump in.
I pray that day is coming. Not all the police are bobbleheads. They have families and concerns just the same as we do and they must know in their heart of hearts that this stinks to high heaven.
My Representative is Doris Matsui, who was actually born in Potson War Relocation Center in Arizona during WWII, because she is of Japanese descent. You would think, that of all of the Representatives in Congress, she would be the one to active work against banning people from society.
Same with George Takei and his wide range of general assholery. But he's been very authoritative re: COOF mandates all while still referencing the Japanese internment camps when convenient.
With George, he's just a pompous ass who will say and do anything to maintain the surge in popularity he's gained in the past 15 years. The renewed tiff between him and Shatner this week says it all.
Can we finally get out the pitchforks and torches already and burn fauxi at the stake? As a demon, it might not even hurt him much but I’m all for trying.
Me too, it seems that except for those who are full-fledged bill cooper alumni (Phil Schneider too, both warned a fake pandemic would happen as an excuse for a vaccine) most people were fooled, at least at first. Now we know how affable a face true evil can take.
“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolved, and the people recovering their true sight, restoring their government to its true principles. It is true, that in the meantime, we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war, and long oppressions of enormous public debt.” —Thomas Jefferson, 1798, after the passage of the Sedition Act
They’ve made a mockery of his words, the Constitution he helped frame, and the republic for which he stood—no surprise that the ignorantti (to borrow a phrase coined by one of my subscribers) would take their sledgehammer to his physical representation as well 🤦♀️
When oh when oh when is attention going to be focused on Peter Daszak? Both he and Fauci are central to all of this. For the most part, he has been ignored.
Maybe this is an elaborate game of tennis. If they keep the ball in play Fauci may not be prosecuted for perjuring himself in Congressional chambers. And his trial for mass murder can be delayed for a bit.
You know, if someone with two X chromosomes accuses him of being creepily flirtatious, that will bring him down faster than mass murder. It seems to have worked with Cuomo.
so true and unbelievable. Cuomo's sexual harassment got more press than America's grandmas and grandpas dying alone in nursing homes. That is something I just cannot ever forgive.
Given Fausti's big fat ego and the power that he's been entrusted with, I'm 99% sure he's pinched or grabbed a fanny or two. Let's hope they're not the suffer in silence kind.
love that NIH took the time to assure us about the origins of the mutant, man-made SARS Cov-2 from wuhan, china *in the same breath* as admitting it lied about laundering money through NGOs to fund mutant, man made viruses in wuhan, china. ALL THE EXPERTS AGREE GUYS!
Jimluk - thanks for the link and resource. I'll read it tomorrow, and probably sign it too, when I'm not quite as angry. Thanks - we need very large "choirs" singing the same tune to get and hold their attention.
If anybody believes any of the crap being sold in that letter I have a great deal for you on the Brooklyn Bridge. Am I supposed to believe ANYTHING these government agencies say... I don't think so.
Hi KRW, In case you did not see... sorry, I guess I didn't explain. Pfizer is part of Mr. Global, a major player at this point. All these huge global companies making trillions of dollars on us. To me the fact that they are "sponsoring" all these media shows, events, etc. is just part of Mr. Global's propaganda campaign... they have bought these guys hook line and sinker. Or at least that's the way I saw it... hence... fake news as the saying goes. If you don't have a twitter account you can't see it. I just made a fake one... I don't post there, waste of time to me. I just use it to see things like this
Even the [possibly wrong site] still shows an interesting video demonstrating many MSM sponsorships by Big Pharma, but doesn't appear to be from Mr. Global.
Sorry guys, I guess I didn't explain. Pfizer is part of Mr. Global, a major player at this point. All these huge global companies making trillions of dollars on us. To me the fact that they are "sponsoring" all these media shows, events, etc. is just part of Mr. Global's propaganda campaign... they have bought these guys hook line and sinker. Or at least that's the way I saw it... hence... fake news as the saying goes. If you don't have a twitter account you can't see it. I just made a dake one... I don't post there, waste of time to me. I just use it to see things like this.
Yes, they traded their souls for money and power. imagine, not 1 person willing to stand up for what is right and moral......that stuns me to my core....not 1 person NOT motivated by money or power....not 1. btw, i do not have twitter but saw the mr global link and it was fascinating...while pissing me off at the same time.
I wish it didn't cause anger... but even Jesus got angry when His Father's house was being violated in a somewhat similar situation... greed... so I pray He forgives us... and pray even harder.. . He helps us...
David Becker - thank you for that explanation and thank you to the others demonstrating that I wasn't *completely* bonkers.
The first of your two links (awesome by the way!) does talk about "Mr. Global." At times, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich [the speaker in the first of your two links] seemed to talk about Mr. Global as if that appellation referred to a single person and, at other times, as if it referred to a group of people [which is easy to believe]. I guess I'm getting old, but, to me anyway, "Mr." *usually* refers to an individual rather than a group and that's the way I took it and expected to find a video sporting George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab or someone. I'm still learning!
Btw: the 55 second video to which you refer in the second link is an excellent recap definitively showing Big Pharma pouring tons of cash into a complicit MSM to further the goals of all three groups.
So, puzzle solved. Thanks for the explanation AND the links!
Hi "Mr." Cat, This time meaning the one and only unique and special YOU! No worries, seems a lot of life is confusing these days, I miss those simpler days of yesteryear... seems they were not all that long ago... but I guess as you get older, you acquire more knowledge of the world, and as the bible says... with knowledge comes sorry. But DO NOT despair anyone, as long as we look out for each other, we'll be okay and God will take care of us. Amen
Howdy Mr. Becker! Don't know how "special" I am but I appreciate it. The rest of your reply is spot on.
Interesting verse, Ecclesiastes 1:18. I haven't seen that one in a while. As we age, we accumulate more and more data. If we can process and apply that data appropriately, it can blossom into wisdom. Certainly, some wisdom brings sorrow.
Now, relate that to the world in general. The RATE at which "knowledge" is increasing is, itself increasing and, in fact, its speed is accelerating. I need a 13 year old to unravel the mysteries of my "smart devices and pc's" but I grew up with them. With age comes the realization that NO ONE can truly keep up. If death or the rapture don't call me home soon, I may become the stereotypical basket case! I suppose that's a good reason to maintain a large basket of friends! :)
Well that's interesting. Wonder what's wrong at my end????
When I click on his second link it takes me to a [ Kelly Bee Honeybee @ke11ybender "Brought to you by Pfizer." ] tweet/video and I find no references to "global" anything.
I have no membership on Twitter. Perhaps that's it?
This has ALWAYS been obvious since WE HAVE THE FUCKING RECIPTS!
Fauci has been trying to re-define "gain of function" so this doesn't quality, but this was the very definition of gain of function research before the ass covering started.
So what we know for sure -- Fauci ran dangerous virus research in a shoddy Chinese lab. 100%. Even if it isn't THIS EXACT virus, Fauci still ran dangerous virus research in a shoddy Chinese lab. (And he even admitted this during one of his grillings by Paul when Rand insinuated that covid might be Fauci's fault. Fauci claimed the experiments being done weren't on this virus.)
Why does this guy have a job still? Why is he not awaiting trial?
Peter and EHA will end up being the patsy and Fauci and Collins will come out mostly unscathed. There is no real accountability in the federal government anymore. Maybe Fauci takes a little heat and decides it’s time to retire and spend more time (and some of that patent money) doing activities he enjoys. Like torturing animals or something.
Everyone is focused on post 2018 research at Wuhan funded by NIH. We must not neglect the fact that NIH also funded SARS-CoV vaccine research at Wuhan and at a privately owned US research facility as early as 2004. It seems there may be much more to the story here.
With regards to this, please take a look at a recent paper from ACS Med Chem Lett that assess structural data regarding SARS/COV2 and concludes from first principles that it must be of non-natural origin. This is not some fly by night journal but published by the American Chemical Society. Despite this I have not seen this article mentioned or discussed anywhere. You can find it a the address below, and if you cannot access it let me know how to send you a PDF.
Good but not sure we should be enthusiastic about siding with R. Ebright's nefarious and fascist vaccine mandated loving opinions (even if they align with ours, at times)
“Senator Paul, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” I guess maybe he did. (Never doubted it for a moment.)
Damn right!
First they laughed.
Then they denied.
Now they're exchanging blame.
Next is admissions and public outrage.
I'm ready for the last stage!!
Probably not. Just admission and then moving on. No shortage of crimes to ignore in this lunacy. It will take decades before history screams in outrage.
Admission and then ... distract, divert, censor (rinse & repeat).
Unless and until every right minded citizen screams for justice and is actively, deeply threatening the livelihoods of their corrupt politician representatives nothing will happen. This requires a groundswell that out sizes the media and tech oligarchs and scares the living daylights out of the bureaucrats and politicos.
you have nailed it there, they need to fear us not the other way around, they are cowards and will turn on each other or run for the hills.
so true.
Yup, we all knew this. Fauci is a real piece of work. Can't wait for his fall from grace. It will be spectacular and much deserved.
I look forward to a legion of his cohorts following him into the fiery chasm too.
only after being publicly humilated and spat upon. I really am usually a good and decent person but I am so angry about all this that my worst side is showing....what they have done is unforgivable, starting with gain of function in wuhan....
I guess I'd like him to be HANGED.
I can top that, here goes the bad side again, tar and feathered and quartered. I think I topped you Zade....
Well, I was going to say hanged upside down in a Chinese bat cave... And other ideas... But I'd settle for a hang, draw and quarter. As long as I get to draw him then drag him in the streets.
That just slipped out, sorry.
no need to apologize, we are all so angry about this.
I know we are all good people and would never partake in such barbaric acts, we can't allow ourselves to be those kind of people. but the frustration that they can call it acceptable mortality and all the sterile words they use, dehumanizing all of us. I want these feelings all purged but i see no foreseeable end in sight at the moment. but drinking some tea, have dark chocolate sea salt caramels and watching dr pimple popper
That is too good!
Laura are you angry covid drinking tonight? I've had a few of those nights myself. 🤣
actually drinking honey and lavender tea. I am just so angry about all the deaths...from gain of fx to the gene therapy jabs. all the wasted deaths. so many families in grief. i can't remember the last time i was so angry about anything.
I, too, am a huge fan of the old-school executions. Now I understand why public executions drew crowds... [Insert meme with guy opening folding chair]
exactly, but when it comes down to brass tacks, not a good look for any of us. we can do better by decreasing the bloodthirst.
Laura A, I absolutely agree with you and would add that what they have done is also extremely massive on a global scale.
there are many things that can be forgiven, if admitted from the start and when one shows true heartfelt remorse. But this, is beyond the pale.
True again, Laura.
There has also been no admission, no apology, no remorse what-so-ever. In fact, quite the opposite repeatedly. An example needs to be made, but revenge is a very dark pathway that I wish to avoid.
Hebrews 10:30-31 says: For we know him who said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” and again, “The Lord will judge his people.” It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
I keep telling myself to be content with that, but man, this man and the Biden administration have really done a number on the entire world. And they continue to do so as I type this. It's tough.
100% agree and share your struggle.
Oh, and a decent government would punish the wicked. Ours is calling evil good and good evil.
We don't necessarily have to seek revenge, but we can certainly seek justice!
You are right. I am a lady of faith and feel horrible when I have such thoughts of revenge. But falling so far short of true divinity, my human side, the darkest part of it slips out. But yes, you are right.
I saw some video of him as a younger twit perhaps in his late 20's or 30's, and even then he came across as arrogant as hell.
hubris is not a good look on can people be so daft they don't see themselves acting like indulgent autocrats?
May this be a domino that brings down the whole leftist system.
we can always hope....truth and justice has to somehow prevail at the end of the day.
what, if anything over the last 20 years, has proven that truth and justice will prevail? with the billionaires controlling the media and our politicians, and the media telling the majority of our country what they should think and how they should feel, with the masses eating it up and salivating at the chance to thumb their noses at the “others” - this happens whether you’re glued to fox or to cnn - where do you think this groundswell of outrage will stem from? maybe there’s a minor retraction buried in the pages, with some other “wag the dog” scenario pushed to garner peoples attention away from the real truths. this country is lost and until we’re all out in the streets, together, nothing is going to change.
Yes Bob, I agree, protests are called for. Peaceful and unrelenting starting at DC. the good thing is many of us have not drank the kool aid and are already proactive in our own communities. Its a start and one should always have hope. If you don't than you might as well dig your own grave and jump in.
I hope to see, any day now, an entire police department walk out in support of no mandates! Come on NY. Come on Seatle. Come on Chicago!
I pray that day is coming. Not all the police are bobbleheads. They have families and concerns just the same as we do and they must know in their heart of hearts that this stinks to high heaven.
Bueno gato.
> what can we do about dominating the conversation instead of reacting to their lies?
As long as they are running the narrative , we the rest of the people are not.
Really their infighting and backbiting tells us nothing, serves us little.
Probably we should be aggressively contacting our representatives and demanding justice be served. It's a place to start.
My Representative is Doris Matsui, who was actually born in Potson War Relocation Center in Arizona during WWII, because she is of Japanese descent. You would think, that of all of the Representatives in Congress, she would be the one to active work against banning people from society.
Go figure. She has forgotten her history.
Same with George Takei and his wide range of general assholery. But he's been very authoritative re: COOF mandates all while still referencing the Japanese internment camps when convenient.
Which makes one wonder what dirt "they" have over them, to control the narrative.
Million dollar bribes
With George, he's just a pompous ass who will say and do anything to maintain the surge in popularity he's gained in the past 15 years. The renewed tiff between him and Shatner this week says it all.
have been and no one answers or responds...heavy sigh...
I want them to eat their own....
Can we finally get out the pitchforks and torches already and burn fauxi at the stake? As a demon, it might not even hurt him much but I’m all for trying.
and to think in the beginning I trusted him....
Me too, it seems that except for those who are full-fledged bill cooper alumni (Phil Schneider too, both warned a fake pandemic would happen as an excuse for a vaccine) most people were fooled, at least at first. Now we know how affable a face true evil can take.
Ahh, Phil Schneider. His death was my introduction to the practice of someone being "suicided" for knowing/talking too much.
I opened my article “Dr. Mengelfauci: Pinocchio, Puppeteer, or Both?” ( with the following quote and believe (hoping against hope) we are finally beginning to see the spells dissolve:
“A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolved, and the people recovering their true sight, restoring their government to its true principles. It is true, that in the meantime, we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war, and long oppressions of enormous public debt.” —Thomas Jefferson, 1798, after the passage of the Sedition Act
Jefferson doesn’t count any more with the
WOKE….NY City just announced they are removing his statue.
They’ve made a mockery of his words, the Constitution he helped frame, and the republic for which he stood—no surprise that the ignorantti (to borrow a phrase coined by one of my subscribers) would take their sledgehammer to his physical representation as well 🤦♀️
at least we have this forum where we can support one another and share frustrations...
Indeed! Very cathartic 🤗
When oh when oh when is attention going to be focused on Peter Daszak? Both he and Fauci are central to all of this. For the most part, he has been ignored.
I would hope our Congress would act…..but I fear they lack the courage and intellect.
Many of them are complicit as well. MANY of them!
cowards indeed.
Maybe this is an elaborate game of tennis. If they keep the ball in play Fauci may not be prosecuted for perjuring himself in Congressional chambers. And his trial for mass murder can be delayed for a bit.
It might have to wait for Republicans to get majorities in the House and Senate. Biden/the Democrats are too attached to Fauci.
yes, like a hemorrhoid on ones fanny.
But when he falls........
You know, if someone with two X chromosomes accuses him of being creepily flirtatious, that will bring him down faster than mass murder. It seems to have worked with Cuomo.
so true and unbelievable. Cuomo's sexual harassment got more press than America's grandmas and grandpas dying alone in nursing homes. That is something I just cannot ever forgive.
Given Fausti's big fat ego and the power that he's been entrusted with, I'm 99% sure he's pinched or grabbed a fanny or two. Let's hope they're not the suffer in silence kind.
i have to have hope. clinton fell, weiner fell, cuomo fell...truth will out.
love that NIH took the time to assure us about the origins of the mutant, man-made SARS Cov-2 from wuhan, china *in the same breath* as admitting it lied about laundering money through NGOs to fund mutant, man made viruses in wuhan, china. ALL THE EXPERTS AGREE GUYS!
Jimluk - thanks for the link and resource. I'll read it tomorrow, and probably sign it too, when I'm not quite as angry. Thanks - we need very large "choirs" singing the same tune to get and hold their attention.
Thank you! Maybe there are other FDA folks who might resist/walk out if we speak loudly enough
just signed the petition!
Thank you!
attended covidcon21 last week. drs' ealy, mccullough et al are truly godsends at this time.
If anybody believes any of the crap being sold in that letter I have a great deal for you on the Brooklyn Bridge. Am I supposed to believe ANYTHING these government agencies say... I don't think so.
You should really, really watch this:
Followed by a message from "Mr. Global":
Reiner is one of the great heroes of our dark age!
he is a great man and we all need to get behind him, this guy has balls!
watching the above, wow....
Link isn't working for me either
Hi KRW, In case you did not see... sorry, I guess I didn't explain. Pfizer is part of Mr. Global, a major player at this point. All these huge global companies making trillions of dollars on us. To me the fact that they are "sponsoring" all these media shows, events, etc. is just part of Mr. Global's propaganda campaign... they have bought these guys hook line and sinker. Or at least that's the way I saw it... hence... fake news as the saying goes. If you don't have a twitter account you can't see it. I just made a fake one... I don't post there, waste of time to me. I just use it to see things like this
Wow, David. I like the first one and will review the other shortly. THANK YOU.
they have broken all trust.
David, is your link "from Mr Global misdirecting us to a different site?
It's taking me to instead of they one you list even when I copy/paste your URL into my browser.
Even the [possibly wrong site] still shows an interesting video demonstrating many MSM sponsorships by Big Pharma, but doesn't appear to be from Mr. Global.
Sorry guys, I guess I didn't explain. Pfizer is part of Mr. Global, a major player at this point. All these huge global companies making trillions of dollars on us. To me the fact that they are "sponsoring" all these media shows, events, etc. is just part of Mr. Global's propaganda campaign... they have bought these guys hook line and sinker. Or at least that's the way I saw it... hence... fake news as the saying goes. If you don't have a twitter account you can't see it. I just made a dake one... I don't post there, waste of time to me. I just use it to see things like this.
Yes, they traded their souls for money and power. imagine, not 1 person willing to stand up for what is right and moral......that stuns me to my core....not 1 person NOT motivated by money or power....not 1. btw, i do not have twitter but saw the mr global link and it was fascinating...while pissing me off at the same time.
I wish it didn't cause anger... but even Jesus got angry when His Father's house was being violated in a somewhat similar situation... greed... so I pray He forgives us... and pray even harder.. . He helps us...
Find myself praying all the time...
David Becker - thank you for that explanation and thank you to the others demonstrating that I wasn't *completely* bonkers.
The first of your two links (awesome by the way!) does talk about "Mr. Global." At times, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich [the speaker in the first of your two links] seemed to talk about Mr. Global as if that appellation referred to a single person and, at other times, as if it referred to a group of people [which is easy to believe]. I guess I'm getting old, but, to me anyway, "Mr." *usually* refers to an individual rather than a group and that's the way I took it and expected to find a video sporting George Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab or someone. I'm still learning!
Btw: the 55 second video to which you refer in the second link is an excellent recap definitively showing Big Pharma pouring tons of cash into a complicit MSM to further the goals of all three groups.
So, puzzle solved. Thanks for the explanation AND the links!
Hi "Mr." Cat, This time meaning the one and only unique and special YOU! No worries, seems a lot of life is confusing these days, I miss those simpler days of yesteryear... seems they were not all that long ago... but I guess as you get older, you acquire more knowledge of the world, and as the bible says... with knowledge comes sorry. But DO NOT despair anyone, as long as we look out for each other, we'll be okay and God will take care of us. Amen
Howdy Mr. Becker! Don't know how "special" I am but I appreciate it. The rest of your reply is spot on.
Interesting verse, Ecclesiastes 1:18. I haven't seen that one in a while. As we age, we accumulate more and more data. If we can process and apply that data appropriately, it can blossom into wisdom. Certainly, some wisdom brings sorrow.
Now, relate that to the world in general. The RATE at which "knowledge" is increasing is, itself increasing and, in fact, its speed is accelerating. I need a 13 year old to unravel the mysteries of my "smart devices and pc's" but I grew up with them. With age comes the realization that NO ONE can truly keep up. If death or the rapture don't call me home soon, I may become the stereotypical basket case! I suppose that's a good reason to maintain a large basket of friends! :)
Thanks my friend... here is what I always figured was the progression to Wisdom:
Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Mistakes (this is impart part of it) -> Epiphanies -> Wisdom -> ?.
But after Wisdom then what you may ask... well...
-> Love -> God.
And as it turns out, who and which was there all along the way, the trick is to pay attention to that during the journey. That's TRUE WISDOM _/\_
his link on mr global took me right to it, had no problems....
HI Laura, see reply to Schrodinger's Cat
Well that's interesting. Wonder what's wrong at my end????
When I click on his second link it takes me to a [ Kelly Bee Honeybee @ke11ybender "Brought to you by Pfizer." ] tweet/video and I find no references to "global" anything.
I have no membership on Twitter. Perhaps that's it?
I'm on twitter but get the same result as you.
Hi Argos, see reply to Schrodinger's Cat
I got the presented by pfizer too, all ok there. i dont have twitter either but had no problem with the link.
Well, I give up. Don't know what's happening or what to look for, but it doesn't seem to be working for me.
Nuts. Typo should read "... instead of *THE* [not *they*] one ..." Sorry.
Fauci will attempt to throw EcoHealth under the bus. Hopefully his signature is on the grant approval.
“Untruthful assertions” aka LIES
I expect this will be the paper door used to stifle further lab leak evaluation.
This has ALWAYS been obvious since WE HAVE THE FUCKING RECIPTS!
Fauci has been trying to re-define "gain of function" so this doesn't quality, but this was the very definition of gain of function research before the ass covering started.
So what we know for sure -- Fauci ran dangerous virus research in a shoddy Chinese lab. 100%. Even if it isn't THIS EXACT virus, Fauci still ran dangerous virus research in a shoddy Chinese lab. (And he even admitted this during one of his grillings by Paul when Rand insinuated that covid might be Fauci's fault. Fauci claimed the experiments being done weren't on this virus.)
Why does this guy have a job still? Why is he not awaiting trial?
Peter and EHA will end up being the patsy and Fauci and Collins will come out mostly unscathed. There is no real accountability in the federal government anymore. Maybe Fauci takes a little heat and decides it’s time to retire and spend more time (and some of that patent money) doing activities he enjoys. Like torturing animals or something.
Will The Donald unequivocally condemn Pfauci now? How about Pence?
Does this get filed under: "Nuh-uh!" or "You, Everything You Say Bounces Off Of Me and Sticks To"?
LOL! I read the proposals- the Wuhan lab did exactly what EcoHealth put in the grant proposal.
coincidence/correlation insists further investigation,
maybe we define the cdc as domestic terrorists so the fbi gets off spooking on parents who care about boys in dresses that force sodomy in schools.
Everyone is focused on post 2018 research at Wuhan funded by NIH. We must not neglect the fact that NIH also funded SARS-CoV vaccine research at Wuhan and at a privately owned US research facility as early as 2004. It seems there may be much more to the story here.
Ok, damn it! I DEMAND you allow me to pay you for this! You, my friend, are KILLING it. Thank you and bless you!
With regards to this, please take a look at a recent paper from ACS Med Chem Lett that assess structural data regarding SARS/COV2 and concludes from first principles that it must be of non-natural origin. This is not some fly by night journal but published by the American Chemical Society. Despite this I have not seen this article mentioned or discussed anywhere. You can find it a the address below, and if you cannot access it let me know how to send you a PDF.
Good but not sure we should be enthusiastic about siding with R. Ebright's nefarious and fascist vaccine mandated loving opinions (even if they align with ours, at times)
Fauci should be charged with perjury.
the duty f a patriot is to protect his country from its government,, tom paine
Sadly, NOTHING will happen to fRaUdci
Let the games begin …