compound interest is amazing. remember the classic New Yorker cartoon-Son says "Dad, I want to go into organized crime." Dad: "private or public sector?"

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Gore is just a smart investor. He sold all his properties in 1999 for $1.7million and invested for an annual return of 40%. It's normal that he has $300 million in 2022...

Compound interest works!!!

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40% ? Nice ROI, if one can get it.

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I've always been interested in owning a compound.

Unfortunately for me, I thought I could get one by actually working.

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Don't worry, the fiat currency system is about to collapse.

People will have to really work in order to earn a physical property instead of virtual currencies!!!

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And make things with their hands!...God forbid. Copious calluses for those slackers

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Why choose just one? That's what public - private - partnerships are for!

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I bet that the whole property uses less energy than a firefly!

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Actually it uses fireflies instead of lightbulbs. Once they stop working, Al eats them for dinner. Sustainable.

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seems like he really eats a lot of them.

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A few years back it came out he has about a $30K electric bill/yr. And he has a house bear the shore in CA. In fact a crazy amount of climate activists who claim we are going to be... should have been already under water buy mansions on the water. John Kerry, the Obamas. Guess they aren't too worried.

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Pelosi, Zelenskyy, the whole cabal.

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I am sure it produces more energy than it uses and it is also carbon negative.

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YES - look at those massive solar panels!

Oh, wait!

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Where’s his jet?

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At Davos - isn't that obvious :P?

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Yeah, Old Al's carbon footprint isn't small, lol 🤣 What a fucking hypocrite.

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corruption top to bottom. there used to be 4 boxes of liberty, the soap box, ballot box, the jury box, or the ammo box. it seems to me we’re down to 1.

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I’m going to use your comment… Absolutely brilliant! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Uh what about the "box" in the dirt?...

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I’m 48, been told I was killing the earth since grade 4 and that the earth was going to pay me back one day. Al Gore is one of those assholes

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I'm 51 and inherited all my grandfather's national geographic magazine. There's several, from the 70's, that have alarming covers about an impending ice age

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While I love Aldous Huxley it worth to read his university speech. He was predicting all kind of disaster in the 50s...

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I’m 38 and it’s been my whole life. How was the free 10 years? Haha

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I'm 68 & started hearing it in high school.

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And we wonder why there are so many school shootings . . .

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He's a Gaia Priest...

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Isn’t it interesting how an ex-prez becomes fabulously wealthy like this? Where did all those bajillions of dollars come from?

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Shhhhh…. The sheep might figure it out… 🙄🙄🙄

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I support the current thing!

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Vice prez

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In his own mind, he was the prez 🤣

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From all those funds he and Killary appropriated to remedy hurricane decimation in the Caribbean (the one where she stole all the kids), and the Zika virus scam in Brazil(not Zika but chem herbicides from Monsanto). You know, just your regular everyday D.C. corruption and theft. Been goin on since we've had taxes, er, wealth harvesting...

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thanks - I had not know about the place in CA; in HI neighbors are furious that he is building a huge seawall on his private beach - claim it will cause significant shoreline damage.

But is he happy? - Daily Mail had a photo spread of him inspecting the construction in HI - it's the mail, so some spin but in every of the many photos he was obviously tense, angry, surly, sullen; barely tolerating the presence of the masked construction crew (he without, of course).

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Wherever he goes, there he is...he is a disgusting thing. Isn't he?

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Sophisticated you see? Exemptions abound; including a century-old sea wall variance.

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Murdering brown-skinned folks pays great dividends.

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We know who’s in charge

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Shows just how corrupt Obama is

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Arctic ice loss this month is the lowest in 30 years or so.


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Bet he pleaded with 'Jab Me' Gates, "Bozo" Bezos, "Boost-Me-Again" Branson and BLM Obama " Please don't buy yer pads next to the sea - you'll all be dead in 900 years with those pesky rising sea levels, coral bleaching, and man-eating plankton, or something. Clearly being a complete gobshite is no bar to fine career and fortune.... a wise man once told me.

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Look into the finances of any politician currently associated with the recent mess and it looks bad. Jacinda Ardern; worth 800k 3 years ago, now 25 million, all on a salary of 200k. Tony Blair’s son worth hundreds of millions. Nancy Pelosi…the list goes on…

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Becoming a professional grifter...I mean a professional/career politician pays awfully well 🤣

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Hope Tipper got away with some of it after that tongue down her throat in front of the nation.

Scumbuckets, all of 'em. Not enough buckets, in fact, for all the scum.

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Check out his Panama account

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If you want to know how much he has invested in Murderna and Schizer, contact

Dr David Martin | Covid Terrorism, Murder, and Racketeering

@ https://prosecutenow.com/

He has a strong racketeering case against the Drugs Industrial Complex (DIC) and their investors.

I've seen Al Gore on one of his slides and the Deputy PM of Canadastan.

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I recall it being said that his net wealth post VP and failed run in 2000 was well short of seven figures - not 1.7m. I wonder how that 300m plays in with the 12 year 'separation" from Tipper Gore; Bill and Melinda required all of 4 months to finalize a real divorce. Both "climate" and "vaccines" are high growth potential - that can't explain it. The humble Australian climate scientist, Tim Flannery, spent only 10-15 years scaring people about sea level rise (and depressing the value of coastal properties) and ended up buying not one, but two seaside estates; the second, "as an investment" for his children.

Ah... lifestyles of the rich and famous.

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Lie-styles of the rich and famous. FTFY.

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Back whe-e-e-e-en... I thought Al was a good guy. No gato to clue me in otherwise then. :)

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I never thought the Clintons and Gores were anywhere close to "good guys."

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Y'all were a WHOLE LOT more informed than I was then. I do hope I'm a bit better informed these days.

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Welcome aboard Comrade, plenty of sheeple still out there who like the Clintoons, like the Bushies, OMG!!! the Estab Repubics are in on it too???

Bushies and Clintoons are good friends, who ever would have thunk that?

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When did they all convince themselves we were the problem and privilege included the right to inflict sorrows and decree for us shorten lives.how do they justify vac injuries of Maddie degrary only psycopaths could allow this farce.

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Those days were good spine training for the soon-to-be unvcksxxsckdd and unmsskkkkddd who would endure plandemic. You might call it Learning How to Endure Glower 101. What???!! Your child has not seen "An Inconvenient Truth" 31 times in his various classrooms?! Tsk!!

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Bill was at least coherent. The basement dummy, good grief.

It was reported today the basement dummy was mad his staff keeps translating what he says.

It was reported tonight, the basement dummy will now be sending missiles to Ukraine.

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During the Clinton testimony years ago I had a dog that went nuts barking at the tv when he testified. Smart dog!

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Little did my naive self know back in 2000 that Gore, Bush, Clinton, et al. were all in on it.

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gore and clinton were NEVER good men, NEVER.

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Yep. And I was a blinded follower of MSM back then, too. As I said, no gato and his pals to enlighten me.

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I'm sorry for your loss of innocence. I'm happy that you now see what we others saw and we're glad to have you with us. Welcome!

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But bad men does is not sufficiently descriptive. These men are allowing murder of innocents.law is meaningless to them.

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We all have skeletons in our closets. I once thought the Bushes were decent people.

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Hey. I voted for Obama twice. Ain't gonna judge.

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May 31, 2022·edited Jun 1, 2022

I found a photo of myself with my daughter from 2009. We were all smiles, holding up our peace signs and Obama's photo after his first presidential "win". Man, was I clueless.

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I'm glad not to be alone in my shame...

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well, we only had to look at who was funding him to know what he was

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I believe the promulgation of this plandemic by these PUSTULES is what finally dragged me into the ranks of the truth seers. Prior to the last couple of years, I was not particularly a questioner or a seeker. Today ... thank goodness for all of you guys online. I would otherwise lose it altogether, it's so bad out here.

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I voted for McShame and Rumney, two certified losers. Our sElections were Rigged before We even voted!!!

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I'm very grateful to now live in a state that allows me to vote affirmatively for "none of the above." Should be an option everywhere.

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Errrrgh, so did I. What a big smile and a certain useful immutable characteristic will do for a guy.

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Intoxicated by the historic moment. And here I thought I'd given up getting high when I was 23.

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Yow!! ;)

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It's never too late, welcome to the Red Pill club!!!

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Thank you! Found myself in the Club about, oh, two years ago ... coincidental, huh?

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It was my allergy to sanctimony that tipped me off. Migraines all over.

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

I never thought Al was a good guy. One look at his waist line told you he was a consumer not a conservationist.

I was taken in by the Clintons for a while however. We've all made mistakes!

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Gore is not even relevant anymore, he is a has been. Who even listens to him anymore. Good riddens to that hypocritical pustule.

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oh, you might be surpised.

he got hired as a grifter consultant by kleiner perkins to spearhead their regulation based ESG plays esp in alt energy.

he pushes through and lobbies for the laws that subsidize their products and make them mandatory.

he's still connected where it counts.

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"he's still connected where it counts."

Said no massage therapist anywhere.

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In my world, he has and never will count.

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Pustule 😏 I'm adding that to my vocabulary. ty

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welcome, it is a great word!

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

Lots of those pustules hereabouts these days. That's the REAL plague.

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I think there's a vaccine for that.

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May 31, 2022·edited May 31, 2022

indeed finnbuck. cant wait for all their dirty laundry to be exposed to the world.

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Saving the planet with style 🤡

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🤐 i’m not going to say what I’m thinking… Please Lord forgive me… 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Will people ever stop believing, supporting and voting for these grifters and mountebanks?

Everything these people say is a lie, all their predictions fail, are blatant hypocrites and mysteriously become fabulously wealthy without producing so much as a taco, and still boobus Americanus genuflects before them and gulps their endless bromides and prognostications of doom like a child just introduced to Fanta.

Even after decades of watching this absurd shit show with a mix of dark amusement, horror and dread, I still am at a loss to explain how so many can be quite so obtuse.

If there truly are pearly gates at the end of the journey, and assuming I am permitted to approach them, perhaps St. Peter will be able to explain it to me.

But I'm starting to doubt if he, or even his boss, knows for sure.

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😂😂😂 “so much as a taco” 😂😂😂

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