In Germany the police union has complained that its members are stretched thin. They have too many protests to contain. Not two weeks ago an open letter was sent to government signed by several hundred doctors denouncing mandates and lockdowns and the vaccine itself.

Government is becoming more and more

desperate. They are desperate because they are losing. We will win.

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It is good to hear some hopeful news out of Germany. It has been looking very dark.

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Once again, the squeaky wheel gets the attention. We all must continue to be squeaky. 🚓

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(immediately hides the oil bottle)

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…and the wheel that runs them over, then backs up, and runs them over again.

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You can see my dreams!!

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Start taking garlands of flowers for the police. Get your kids to draw them pictures, saying they want to be free. Try disarming with love.

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I am sure they are consoling themselves with the killing off of the old people and leaving the next generation with shorter life spans from getting jabbed.

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Not to mention sterile.

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Gut. Ich stehe bei dir. Ich bin in Canada und wir müssen bald in die Straße kehren…but it’s fucking cold so we will in Spring. We will also win.💪🏼❤️✌️

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Wonderful to hear. 💪🏽💜

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A desperate government/ruling elite is never an encouraging thing. A desperate ruling elite is an exceptionally dangerous thing. They can't be shamed into submission, they won't be reasoned into admitting their errors and they have a monopoly on the use of force ("legal" violence).

Winning may not be this easy, glorious mere shifting of public opinion or patience that I think many are imagining it will be. We've/They've built this goliath (government) and allowed it to grow out of control for too long now. It's going to take more than a slingshot, a rock and a lucky shot to bring it to its knees now.

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I am sure you have some suggestions. I know the sheep will soon forget what happened. Especially the ones who have been eager for the slaughter.

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If you live in the US move to the most reliably free states and counties you can find. Work to elect the most reliably limited government, liberty oriented representatives you can find. When elections come, vote the ruling class out and the freedom fighters in. At home and with your family hope for the best but prepare for the worst. Remember this will not end until "we" say it does and strip them of their positions because they will never say it does. They will never voluntarily relinquish the control and authority they've been allowed to assume. They will instead cling to it and seek to grow it by any means necessary.

If you're in Germany, Austria, Australia, Italy, Canada or alike.... run!

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This makes Hitchcock look like an amateur.

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"the birdbrains"

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I just can't get Peter Sellers and Birdy Num Num out of my mind! 😂


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Love Peter Sellers! “Being There” is hilarious and prescient—particularly the scene where the cigar-smoking corporocrats are determining the next president …

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Gotta do some binge watch top ups! Not seen "Being There". Last saw him as a kid and remember being in paroxysms of laughter over The Party and the Pink Panther movies. Ah, simpler days.

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Indeed! You could do a Hal Ashby marathon and throw in “Harold and Maude” for even more rollicking fun!

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If you want to sing out, sing out!

If you want to be free, be free!

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🎶 You can do what you want

The opportunity's on

And if you can find a new way

You can do it today

You can make it all true

And you can make it undo 🎶

Perfect lyrics for the moment at hand!

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saw all the pink panthers multiple times. I don't know if I ever saw being there, but gonna watch it tonight !

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Being There - one of my all time favorite movies. Along with Harold & Maude! ❤️

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omg it is on Youtube. I know what I am going to watch tonight LOL

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thank you for the tip. Now I will remember forever !

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I have a parakeet just like that! Little Girl! He's actually a boy but we misgendered him when he was a baby birdie. ;)

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I had one named "kitty". He would come when called "Here Kitty Kitty".

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Apparently he was mis-specied. :)

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I had a friend who had a pet bison he named "Kitty". Good times.

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Very trendy now. Surgery?

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Nah. It works out because his best bud, Pee Wee, is actually a girl who we misgendered as a boy. Does this mean we tick all the appropriate woke boxes? Or are we literal Nazis?

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Ahh..you get brownie points for double mis-iding your feathered friends. Birds are hard to sex I heard. As long as they know what they are, right?

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Best thing we had was the cat of our hardware store. It was a male. Next time we needed something, the male had 3 kittens.

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They seem to be quite clear on what they are.

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Move on folks, nothing to see here. 🤣😎

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I do not know. But probably nazis

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Definitely nazis. You are closing their gender and not they.

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my friend's bulldog is a boy. they named him Sue :-)

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A Johnny Cash fan? 😄

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That happened to two of our budgies. It turns out Rose was the guy and Mickey was the girl. My husband and I figured that if a man can be named Jayne (tv show Firefly), then a boy budgie can be named Rose.

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Jayne is my favorite character on Firefly!!!

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It is so hard to tell when they are little. When they are older, pink is for girls, blue is for boys!! But if you get them young, they are much more trainable!! Especially the boys. I had Kitty Bird for 9 years.

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We had a blue one named Dragon that we were sure was a male. Turns out she was female. I wish they were as easy to gender as humans.

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Yes, our birds had beige beaks for months after we named them. Now blue and pink.

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Well here with the Woke Brigades, we have over 30 plus genders now...along with birthing persons...sigh.

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Gato's humor will get us through this, that's for damn sure!

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el gato this might be worth drawing some attention to (at the risk of making them totally erase the data)

Lovely page with data for Ontario, Canada: https://covid-19.ontario.ca/data

Data updates paused on Dec 24 until Dec 28 for Christmas. Data updates resumed today, Dec 29.

I would like to draw your attention to the very interesting first graph, showing cases per 100,000 split out by unvaxed, partially vaxed, fully vaxed. It shows steep increases in all three categories (since Nov 25, 2021), but steepest of all in fully vaxed category. In fact, on Dec 24, fully vaxed cases per 100,000 exceeds unvaxed cases per 100,000 for first time (in this dataset).

Then the pause hits (Christmas Eve). Then the updates resume (today). Every data set on this page is updated except this one. Wonder why? Fortunately, they give you a link to the raw data, found here:


Will it surprise you to learn that the data (7 day moving average, cases per 100,000) looks like this:

Date Unvaxed Partial Fully Vaxed

2021-12-24 31.93 29.43 32.39

2021-12-25 36.44 34.74 39.79

2021-12-26 39.42 38.77 45.93

2021-12-27 42.66 43.35 51.95

2021-12-28 45.65 47.72 57.67

2021-12-29 49.9 52.43 63.92

I don't know how to paste the graphs, but I'm sure you do. Please, please, please do.

Thanks! Love your work.

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Do you know definition of fully vaxxed? Does it mean 2x or 2x plus boostered?

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Fully vaxxed is 2 weeks past the second dose. From the link with the raw data (no mention of boosters):

"Effective September 13, 2021, individuals are considered fully vaccinated if they have had two doses and the second dose was at least fourteen days ago. Individuals are considered partially vaccinated if they have had one dose at least fourteen days ago, or two doses where the second dose was less than fourteen days ago. Individuals are considered unvaccinated if they have not had a dose, or if their first dose was less than fourteen days ago."

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"There needs to be a hefty bill for those who parroted the narrative." - Lori Keets :)

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That's it. I'm hauling out the parakeet garb for the next march....

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My boyfriend in HS gave me a yellow budgie. I do not like pet birds. I kept it. One day after cleaning its cage I was sitting on the kitchen floor avoiding its exceptionally vicious beak while trying to pet it. Suddenly a black blurr... no budgie outside of 2 floating feathers.. My cat seized the moment, jumped in from the open window, dove in, grabbed the bird and ran out all without touching me. Finger still in the out position. No bird.

Cats are a marvel.

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My cat gave snuck in the house while we were out and ate my blue budgie. He kindly left me a few wing feathers to bury.

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Glad this isn't run by el pajaro.

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Omg, I laughed so hard at this! It made me choke on my breakfast a little, but it was worth it. 😅

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Yikes! Shouldn't there be a trigger warning for a photo showing an unmasked open mouth? Or at the very least a "NSFW"?

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Let’s assume that omicron is a cold. It could mutate again into something more severe.

THe new Merck’s drug can help with that. It seems like a variant roulette

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The new Merck drug that costs a packet and looks a bit iffy, or the not so new one that costs about 2 dollars and works like a charm? 😉

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I was talking about the brand new shit!

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Ann, who pays these people (shasta)....the Feds?

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I think Shasta's one of us and was taking the Mickey! (I was also fooled for a second or two)

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No I am an FBI agent. They are running out of money and now outsource their activities to Spanish people with not very good English…

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Is that why my neighbor is smoking me out?

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😂 Glad we managed to turn you, Shasta! Can we book a place in the bunker?

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You are all going to an Australia-like quarantine camp until you get all your doses.

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And Communism is the last variant on this roulette wheel.

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Help to mutate to something more severe?

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I have read that the mechanism of action is to prevent the virus from replicating itself properly. That creates variants. The idea is that every variant is detrimental for the virus. But, according to what I read, that is too risky and can create more severe variants. It is playing stupid games. Like creating super virus in labs.

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And now we had a world wide panic, will that stop them from playing stupid ? of course not. I read several articles where 'scientists' enthousiastically write about how they made even more contagious and way more dangerous viruses in their labs.

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Gosh, I really needed a good laugh today. And from SNL... "Oh no Mr. Bill!!"

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only laugh from SNL in the last four years

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I needed this today 😂🤣

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"The TJCW finds itself completely defenseless against its tiny foe, because, alas, the TJCW failed to deploy its multiple masks in time."

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great meme, gatito!!!!!

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The pandemic is over!

If you want it.

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hahaha! Bravo, Gatito Bueno!

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i was coming back from the transfer station (npr intellectual term for dump) and tyhe local rock station played.... "smoke on the water" fire in the sky!!

let's take the flare gun and burn covidia to the ground....

"smoke on the water... fire in the sky"!!

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don't talk about smoke. my neighbor is burning leaves and I am about to suffocate. And then all these funnies LOL.. Now sitting here with a wet cloth so I can breathe again !

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Dec 29, 2021
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Hope he doesn't vote!

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Dec 29, 2021
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Ah, that explains AOC!

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Well, make sure he stays there as we don't need him in other places such as "free" states.

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