People hating on Novak miss the point. If they give him an exemption, you shouldn't think "why does he not have to play by the rules that keep us safe?" You should think "Maybe the rules aren't for keeping us safe."

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 10, 2022

They should have been able to see that all along.

Whenever there is a big global event, the elites have not masked up, social distanced, or followed "the rules" and yet every time, the media ignores it and the public just shrug their shoulders.


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As long as the "sophisticated" are allowed to mingle without masks, yet the servants are required to be masked up, the proles will remain in chains of their own making.

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Yes, remember when Obama threw himself a birthday party for unmasked, sophisticated people?

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Remember when lots of Martha's Vineyard citizens contract Covid soon after?? Good times!

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In most pictures of any given event, you can tell if it is R because few or no one will be masked, and D because only the help with be masked.

That's how they roll, and how they've always rolled.

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The masks are not for safety. Masks are so they don't have to cast their eyes upon the faces of the unwashed. The bowing proved insufficient.

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The lepers

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Yeah, but this elite didn't make the rules like boris, DeBlasio etc

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There is always a marionette behind every politician. Always. Money and information=power.

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The hypocrisy is blinding those who follow them.

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Exactly. They should be TORCHING their GOVERNMENT , for impending such stupid, useless rules that don't fix, stop or alter covid in any way. It's all about control.

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Who's hating on him? Lying journalists?

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Correct. He has revealed them for their passive compliance. That is why they hate him.

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You mean that is what Australians should think. This crowd does not abide this foolishness.

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Or the other Jab Worshipers.

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This is exactly what Desmet was explaining in a recent interview he did with Drs. Malone and McCullough. It's the premise behind Mass Formation.

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How comes vaxxed Australians aren't up in arms with employees of BioNTech and Pfizer? They too are exempt from taking gene altering therapy. Legally I may add.

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Add the CDC employees to your list.

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Postal workers, aids to congress.

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Congress. The White House staffers. Adding insult to injury, many Congresspeople did NOT get the jab and are being treated prophylactically wit ivermectin because 'it doesn't work.' More like 'because it doesn't kill or maim you.'

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Really? Unreal. How did you find that out?

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Skip to 6:25 in the video: https://youtu.be/TOT8ElNBbo4?t=385

The CEO is asked why he and his employees are exempt/ legally not allowed to take the vaccine, then pressed again at 7:35.

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Not wanting to sound like a conspiracy theorist... but this is sounding more and more like the plot of Tom Clancy's "Rainbow Six" novel where a small group of leaders from a Pharma company conspire to kill most of the world's population with a aresolized Ebola virus - first by spreading it - and then by giving out a fake vaccine that actually GIVES people the disease. But the Pharma people got the REAL vaccine that saves only them. Clancy was amazingly good at seeing the future and writing fiction that matches it.

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I'm no tin foil hatter either but, today is the 666th day since the US declared a pandemic 3/11/2020. AT&T and Verizon were supposed to roll out C-Band 5G across 46 States today 1/5/2022 but the FAA wanted to do "further analysis". Something about the tech interfering with cockpit equipment etc.

It got delayed 2 days ago to the 19th Jan. Or 1/19. Looks like 911.

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I commented elsewhere: I now wear my tin foil hat proudly. It's an accessory that I've added to my wardrobe during the last 18 months, didn't have one before then.

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Better looking than a mask, LOL!

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I bet it looks fabulous!!!

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Maybe the tin foil hats protect against 4K Ultra, I mean MK Ultra mind control lol

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I'm with you but I've been wearing mine for nearly twenty years. It seems a bit silly to put that disclaimer when the "conspiracy theorists" keep being right! 😎

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The aviation navigation interference issue is absolutely genuine; the FAA has been pushing on the FCC for *years* that this was going to be a problem, yet somehow the FCC rolled right ahead with it until such a fuss had to be made at the last minute that this actually came into view of the general public. The FDA is not the only federal agency that has been hopelessly captured by the industries they regulate; of course if the Secretary of Transportation wasn't an airhead himbo on extended 'maternity' leave whose only qualification for the post is that he bowed out of the primaries and endorsed Biden early, it might not have come down to the wire like this.

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Dr. Devra Lee Davis is an epidemiologist who has worked in the cancer field for most of her career and who has looked at the 5G issue. I first learned of her when I had cancer, she wrote a book called 'The Secret History of the War on Cancer'. By no means a conspiracy theory book, her premise in the book was that way too much money/research is going to hunt for an elusive cure, not nearly enough is being spent on prevention. The book looks at the history of cancer research/treatment going back to the 1800's. Here's one link to her website for 5G and I think there are youtube videos.


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I beg your pardon!! The Secretary is eminently qualified for his position. As a small boy he 'loved trains.' I mean, who DIDN'T?? We all should be running Transportation.

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No industry-funded health studies at all:


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Are you 2 serious about trashing conspiracy FACT FINDERS?

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Well with Omicron appearing to evade both original Covid and the vaccines, but the emergence of it making governments really push vaccines (?) and people starting to keel over and die for no reasons, it is very concerning as a vaxxed middle aged man (OK, Old man). Well, nothing I can do about it now, I just live my life day by day and try to enjoy them as much as I can. It does make me feel better that I wouldn't allow my kids to get the jab. Something ain't right, that is the only thing I know for sure.

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"Something ain't right" ... Funny how some of us seem to get that, right from the beginning of this. My bulls--t - o-meter has been clanging ever since the immediate, world wide, panic-porn erupted out of nowhere. All for a Corona-virus in the Flu family? We're ALL going to get some version of it eventually, and nothing we do can stop it, that's how aerosol-spreading flu viruses work. Most of us will live, but we're all going to get it. (Crossing my fingers hoping I get a fairly mild version. :-) )

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Conspiracies happen ALL THE time

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"Date: 2009 October 20, 06:08 (Tuesday)"

"4. (U) Controversy is mounting over Germany's H1N1 vaccination

program. Several press articles have reported that the German

military, as well as Chancellor Merkel, her cabinet members,

and civil servants responsible for the maintenance of public

order will receive vaccine produced by the U.S. firm Baxter.

This vaccine does not contain the controversial additive

adjuvant or a preservative containing mercury, both of which

are present in the vaccine that will be given to the general

public. According to the press, a spokesperson for the German

Interior Ministry said that the vaccines for the government

were ordered months ago, when there were no clear differences

between the two vaccines. She added that the version for the

public was not a second-class vaccine."


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This CEO uses the media/politicians technique of avoiding a question by deflecting into long winded irrelevant bullshit. And he does it twice, with nonsensical answers. Totally obvious bullshit.

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This was from early on, when the doses were given by priority listings (first the old and most vulnerable, etc). I don't doubt that they have their own rules, but unfortunately I don't think that video gives us much to go on.

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I cannot find any references or videos where he or his employees have now come out and said they've taken the vaccines/boosters.

Imagine how much more credible if TPTB would appear if the manufacturers staff took their own shots, especially as they cannot be sued for say - adverse reactions like myocarditis etc.

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Thank you!

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The YT comments indicate that he has taken the shots. It sounds like he is mixed up with being able to participate in trials vs. getting the shots after they were approved.

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This is from December 2020.

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Oh, I'm "outraged" over #Djokovics's #medical #exemption alright.


Just consider, (as I've long pointed out), that if someone takes the jab, (which I would definitely not recommend personally), and it ends up harming them, then they've only harmed themselves.

If they truly "believed" it would help them be healthy somehow and it ends up harming them then that's a sad tragedy that they got duped but in the end they've only harmed themselves.

It's not my responsibility to care about what consenting adults do to or with their own bodies.

If however someone complies with "papers please" mandates then they are in fact harming everyone because they are helping to usher in the very #tyrannical system that will enslave us all.

That I DO care about very much.

So how does this all apply to Djokovic's #Australian #Open situation?

Well if he goes there to play, even under an #exemption, then he's STILL #complying with the tyranny and as I just explained, that harms us all.

If he was REALLY some kind of #hero for pushing back against the tyranny then he'd tell Australia to piss off now that he's forced a concession out of them.

He'd tell them he will NEVER play there again as long as their tyrannical policies and actions are in place.

And let's not forget that if he does go there to play he could very well find out the hard way that the joke was on him all along.

Just imagine how he will feel if he ends up testing positive as he's "complying" with their segregation protocols and mandates and his ass ends up in an Australian concentration camp.

My hope is that instead he takes this once in a lifetime opportunity to now tell them to piss right off!

But I won't hold my breath because you'd be hard pressed to conjure up even a handful of fingers worth of wealthy athletes and celebrities that have understood the point I've just made here who then offered any relevant and public pushback.

If he actually does go there to play, although he "might" have managed to "save himself" from taking the jab, he will STILL be "complying" with their tyranny, and that is harmful to all of us.

That in its proper context is just #selfishness disguised as #virtue.

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👏👏👏 Absolutely!

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+ 10

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Djokovic needs to now back out and state that he is boycotting the Open because of Australia's unjust, discriminatory policies. Otherwise, who cares that Australia made an exception? Wealthy man gets break...big deal. Does nothing for the demonized unjabbed in that country.

Go for it, Djokovic! History will remember you, it you take this stand.

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Exactly. I hate to say it but his hard stance which I applaud is empty if he doesn’t stand behind everyone’s right to refuse. If he doesn’t, he is nothing more than the poster child for privilege.

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👏👏👏 that would be historic. A Rosa Parks moment

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What he should do is make it to the finals and then back out

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I have mixed feelings, yes, I see your point but it's his choice. I'd love to see an unvaxxed win in a grand way and hopefully he will.

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We don't know if he is LabRatInjected or not, he says it's nobody's right to know, I would love to know what his exemption was other than optimum gate receipts! When it comes to exemptions, 'I'll have what Mt Djokovic is having'. Me and a few hundred million others would like to use jt!

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I suppose they hysterics will get worse before it gets better. Macron going full Hitler yesterday was also a good indication that the scaffolding is collapsing on these tyrants.

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Just like primed minstrel Blackface turdo in Canada and the Corrupt Cadaver in the US ramping up again the puritans against the purebloods!

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I have banned myself from the internet…can you tell me what macron did ?

Many thanks

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He said the unvaxxed are not to be considered French citizens and he will do everything in his power to 'piss them off'. The opposition parties were outraged and whatever government bill Macron was trying to pass to 'piss them off' didn't get passed as I understood it. Some hope at least. Similar statement by Macron's good buddy here in Canada, Trudeau. He made the comment in September that unvaxxed are racist, misogynists etc and he doesn't think we should be tolerated or even take up space. The video clip of Trudeau didn't get much attention until now. Video clip happened BEFORE our last election which he won.

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How many bets that Trudeau won the same way Biden did?

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In Canada, there are so many sheeple, I'm inclined to think that up to now at least, he won by way of the legitimate vote. I don't know really, except for the sheeple part. That is 100%.

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Sadly, the leading opposition party is controlled by the same puppet-masters. The anti-VaxxPass party was properly vilified by the MSM and had a thinly distributed 5% of the vote, likely all from the opposition's previous supporters. So, I am going to propose that only 95% of us go "Baaaahh!"

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I don’t think the words “Australia” and “open” go together anymore.

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If he were a Climate Net Zero Minister, he'd be given a pass. But he is healthy and works in the private sector.

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Djokovic has held the line from day one. I am 100% a fan forever.

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I love the moniker! Made me laugh.

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Haha, thanks! The result of an inside joke and a couple layers of snark.

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And if you take away personal freedoms, maybe you're not in a free country anymore

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Maybe all athletes should present this dossier (https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/athlete-collapsesdeaths-following) documenting athlete collapses and deaths and secure medical exemptions accordingly.

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Exemptions for all the important people! Internment camps for the rest! Seems fair.

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The covid circus is starting to crumble on multiple fronts simultaneously. The collapse is going to be catastrophic for the fearmongers.

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im disappointed in him for not just saying no, not playing in a totalitarian regime.

we need the powerful in our society to stand up, but it may push Aussies into action

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If vaccines would improve athletic performance, like steroids, every one of them will have taken the shots voluntarily. Except that they may be the cause of heart related collapses in athletes worldwide.

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And the athletes certainly know that.

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I'm going to wager that numerous top tennis players are toting the paperwork but are not in compliance with the mandate. Good on Novak for keeping his cards on the table.

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I bet. It's pretty darn clear that this stuff is poison for young, healthy men, and that they have nothing to gain by getting injected. I also bet Serbia would gladly have issued him a perfectly valid certificate, if only someone from his team had made a phone call. After all, he's the most famous Serb in the world right now, plus it would make the local medical totalitarians happy ("Look, Novak took the shot!"). So, if he has no certificate, it's because he decided not to get one.

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Better this way, the Serbian President is now a covid dissident.

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Definitively, I am grateful to him for standing up.

And also to the other sportspeople who did that, and sometimes lost a lot of money.

I don't think it would be very hard to pay a few 1000 $ and get a real vaccine certificate from a real doctor who injected you with saline water.

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Love the watercolored meme! 😹

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I bet people are up in arms because “why can’t I get a medical exemption?”

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The Djoker has already had Covid… this incident illustrates the madness of vaccine mandates that ignore natural immunity:


“Top-ranked tennis player Novak Djokovic announced Tuesday that he and his wife have COVID-19 after he played in a series of exhibition matches he organized in Serbia…” (6/26/20)

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Add to this that he perhaps the single fittest person on the planet, and this was never at any significant risk from Covid anyway… and that the vaccines are leaky and so the negative externalities argument for mandates falls apart.

Novak strikes me as pretty rational. Australians, not so much.

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I think the "fury" is not widespread in real Australians - this is fake MSM whipping up fear porn again.

And good for Djokovic being honest and standing up for basic body health rights!

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Now the proverbial masks fall off and all that’s left is the double talk hypocrisy.

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Trust the science…sure. This just shows how BS these rules are

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 5, 2022

The Women's Tennis Association took a stand against the Chinese over concerns of treatment of their fellow player in China. It is a shame that the U.S. (Men's) Tennis Association is gutless against Australian tyranny.

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They can rename it: Semi Open

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Or: For Club Members Only Open

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This is good news - a control group of both tennis pros and internet felines will be needed down the road. But be prepared for unreasonable offers to leave the control group, like cheeseburgers, catnip, or warm milk.

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Australian Open, or Last One Standing?

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Breaking News: Australia denied entry to Novak Djokovic for the Australian Open after a standoff over the star tennis player’s vaccine exemption.

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I wish he would refuse to play though. Rather than get an exemption, out of principle. I guess easier for me to say than him to do.

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Yeah, but it's SO MUCH MONEY if he wins! And given his opposition will most likely be suffering under covid injection poisoning, it should make it easier money for him! But not anymore...the border police have decided that he doesn't get to earn $$ here... :-(

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I feel bad for all the players who also did not want to get the jab but had to. Djokovic should have gotten the players together and said they were going to boycott the Australian Open unless these mandates were changed. He could have helped the other players and not just himself. I'm furious over Djokovic's handling of this and, or course, that he gets an exemption. It's is sooo not fair!!!

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Novak has been clear on this from the beginning and deserves credit for that. He can not control the field. There are cash prizes and many people invested.

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Lol that beautiful, they had to give it to him. Besides being the best player in history he's intelligent, political and willing to say things. Huge embarrassment was looming either way :)

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It is a FACT that exempted foreign infidels have arrived in Australia days ago. In fact, one such exempted traveler, a French backpacker, managed to catch convid in Queensland and infected people in Western Australia, no less!

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Jan 5, 2022·edited Jan 6, 2022

Novax for Novak!

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It wasn't an open last year when they forced so many tennis players into pokey little non-open-windowed 20m2 rooms for 2 weeks.

Dan Andrews (Victorian Premier) is an extremist little arsehole.

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Come come. You can do better than that!! I'm sure you know a few more expletives ;-)

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I'm in Sydney and I can tell you, Australians are losing their shit over this. If I were Novax I wouldn't want to walk out on that court. I don't foresee a warm welcome.

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Not me. I am all for Novak leading an invasion of the Serbian forces against Danwu Andrews.

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That's gold, Barry!!

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It’s like a tribe mentality isn’t it?

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There's a mentality going on in this country? People have a brain? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! They are absolute TWITS here. At least 90% of them, anyway.

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If I get some time, I'm going to photoshop a dead blue bird on the plate in front of gato malo.

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Just reading the comments: folks, you realize he's been detained (or "is being held," whatever that means) at the airport?

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Dan Andrews at work I guess. I see that Djokovic is challenging it. Time for the other tennis players at Melbourne to announce an immediate boycott of the Open.

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But they won't. Many have succumbed to the covid injections to play. Now they think that he shouldn't get ahead because he didn't jump over the cliff like all the other lemmings. Maybe if he claimed he was sexually abused they might have more care? Honestly, THIS is what this country has come to. They can understand sexual abuse, but don't think there's any such thing as medical abuse.

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GOAT - Thank you NOLE for standing up to this madness.

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A decision was made to convid Novak of trespassing on Australian territory.

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Not all Australians. There are still some anti Karens here. Not many, but some.

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If you play tennis in an OPEN championship and win but the Title Holder is not playing you actually are only in SECOND place so why compete? "If Winning isn't Everything, Why Keep Score?" Any tennis player who competes in this charade is complicit in furthering the gains of the Global Elites and is only following the money when many have sacrificed livelyhoods for their beliefs

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Leftist slave mentality.

Everyone should get an exemption, or at least as many as possible.

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Well, what does a money hungry villain do when the manstar no comply? You can bet they won't let the spectators in without a vax no matter what their reason.

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Someone called him, "NoVax Djokovic!" 😂😂

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with a Greek x I guess.

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"X" for Xiled!

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I don't think they've got to that stage yet, Barry.

If he's at the hotel I'm thinking he's at he should be able to hang off the Balcony and go and have some Italian.

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Have you considered that the guy who made the decision to convid him of trespass is a Croat?!! :)

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At the airport?

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Yes. I understand the decision was made by the Aust Border Force at the airport.

Novax has a strong argument for the tort of negligence. He was entitled to rely on the approval of two officially sanctioned bodies to arrive in Australia. He if of course entitled to sue those two bodies and the Tennis Australia for negligence.

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For Australia... is this the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning ?

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I think everyone who wants a booster in this jerk-arse country should just go and get 3 of them 3 days in a row. Any people left standing after 2 weeks are welcome to share this country with me :-)

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That's the spirit Robyn. I'm with you win this !

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Somewhere in the middle...

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In a way, it makes sense. The other players were forced to anti-dope, i.e. to have a performance-reducing substance injected into them. So... It's not fair that they should be forced to play against someone who wasn't subjected to the treatment.

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They were free to hold their ground. It's not easy, but we still have that choice.

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Oh, I was being sarcastic...

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First of all, thanks for the thoughtful essays. Second, you have me laughing at these posts. It is a tragic laugh, but a laugh nonetheless. I love the meme done as a painting, and I will try to print it off to hang up somewhere.

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He has Covid bone spurs?

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What else to be expected from the legacy of a prison state? The crud that has risen to the top and trashed the mundanes are the genetic progeny of criminals.

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I am UTTERLY ASHAMED to be Australian right now. The world #1, the reigning Australian Open champion, is perfectly within his right to seek a medical exemption. He got the required documents, but the Federal border police asked the STATE of Victoria to "formally support" his visa application, and of course they refused. Wankers (more like Evil Criminal People...).

Honestly, SO many Australians are just a bunch of WHINGERS: "Oh, I had to line up for HOURS for a test, I couldn't buy toilet paper for a month, I had to self-isolate for 25 days, I had to go on JobKeeper, I had an adverse reaction to the injection but I had to take it to keep my job, why does Djokovic get to come into the country without a jab?"

A: Perhaps because he is SMARTER than most of the twits that are called Australians.

However, I think the reaction of the border police (who are making up rules as they go!!) are showing just how NASTY this country has become. Until we try to leave the country, or come back into it, we don't realise that we're being treated as badly as the refugees (well, no, that's not true. We're AWFUL to refugees here. In fact, there's NOTHING good about Australia anymore. Get rid of most of the people and then it might have something good going for it!!).


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It's not really the border police though, it's Andrews & Morrison (along with Harvey Norman) looking for a scapegoat for their RAT shenanigans

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