look, i hate to be a debbie downer or anything, but, is anyone else maybe getting the nagging feeling that we're about 5 minutes away from the CDC claiming that the shock of going back to school without a mask is going to cause heart attacks in kids?
that's the whole point! they're trying to wear you down. they speak nonsense and repeat it until people fall in line. the people who don't fall for it... well, their brains just hurt. ;>(
Which is actually VISIBLE! I was just watching Viva Frei Interview the counter protestors in Ottawa and when approached with a logical question like “if the vaccinated get and spread COVID why the mandates?” You can see the confusion, comprehension then contempt and anger all flash by their eyes (as that’s all you can see if you’re lucky) as they madly scramble their brains looking for an answer as they shout at you “NAZI!”
Thank goodness we have ethical people like Viva Frei who have been doing grass roots journalism to ensure those of us who are not there get to see the truth of what is going on!
Be sure to avoid any interviews with a Jacinda Arden. Only time I've ever wanted to reach through a screen and slap somebody. It was a MSM local NZ newsprogram, they had comments disabled (wonder why) the interviewer deserves a raise for her tolerance and persistence. Ardern ignored questions, talked over her, interrupted, was caught out lying and became hostile with a cruel smile.
“Cruel smile” is likely what body language experts call “duper’s delight.” Remember when Peter Strok got that crazy smile while he was testifying? You have seen It on Leanna Wen and Fraudci and Walensky every time they think you’re believing their lies. Watch for it.
Ooh is that the interview from yesterday (I think, just saw it today here in the US) where Jacinda actually looked a little shaken? I saw about a minute of it, a clip.
Along with Jacinda Arden, Trudeau, many around Biden, and the list is incredible of all the people who have been "selected" to be special reps for the Great Reset/New World.
If this is the best the WEF can do, we're going to be okay. These are not the brightest and the best. Chairman Klaus must be mumbling under his breath at the incompetence of his trainees.
Talk about NOT the brightest and the best have you ever listened to Prince Charles try to explain something? The lights may be on but they operate on a permanent dimmer.
"...What was required, above all for political purposes, was short clipped words of unmistakable meaning which could be uttered rapidly and which roused the minimum of echoes in the speaker’s mind. The words of the B vocabulary even gained in force from the fact that nearly all of them were very much alike. Almost invariably these words — goodthink, Minipax, prolefeed, sexcrime, joycamp, Ingsoc, bellyfeel, thinkpol, and countless others — were words of two or three syllables, with the stress distributed equally between the first syllable and the last. The use of them encouraged a gabbling style of speech, at once staccato and monotonous. And this was exactly what was aimed at. The intention was to make speech, and especially speech on any subject not ideologically neutral, as nearly as possible independent of consciousness. For the purposes of everyday life it was no doubt necessary, or sometimes necessary, to reflect before speaking, but a Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgement should be able to spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets. His training fitted him to do this, the language gave him an almost foolproof instrument, and the texture of the words, with their harsh sound and a certain wilful ugliness which was in accord with the spirit of Ingsoc, assisted the process still further."
And so we have politicians and the press uttering the same, nearly identical poll tested, focus group tested phrases created by scientists. Not sure if a memo goes out daily but it is quite annoying once you see the patterns. Oddly, Fox seems to be one of the few places where they stream the segments. Not sure if that is rearranging minds but the Fox viewer demographics are showing this PsyOps business is less effective as the public becomes aware. The Orwell today reference is useful. Amazing only 30 years off.
You know, I don’t mind people like her finally getting the message (although it appears she HASNT really), and I agree with one Twitter commenter (I clicked on the above link) taking our side to task for not letting people like her change with new data.
But here’s my problem: there was NEVER any data to support masking, unless you want children and adults to use a P100 respirator (hint: looks like a gas mask). Steve Kirsch mentions these BTW.
The jabs have NEVER been anything other than experimental nightmares.
Lockdowns have proven ineffective.
Where are we seeing the least problems? In places where ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were and are accepted. Has she changed her mind on THAT? Doubt it.
And finally, she’s a shill for major media. CNN medical analyst. What was the first clue we shouldn’t listen to her?
I am not gonna say what I want to. I will be kind. You are so right, there was NEVER any data to support masking...and what really enrages me, is that there was precious little data to support children giving adults covid....but there is plenty of evidence that adults give it to kids. So I am pretty crazed right now about masking. I don't want to wear one and I hate hate hate the kids wearing them. Please, kids are rather protective...they don't have big symptoms...can expose you to small dose of virus, and maybe help your immune system gear up and produce antibodies without cytokine storm and all the rest of it. At least, that;s been my experience.And what really gets my goat, is watching all the vaxxed and sick teachers give it to the students. I'm ready to pull all my hair out of my head.
I keep laughing too about the 5 days back to work thing. Ok, so I actually agree with it (no symptoms, the test was probably false positive anyway) but really? Flip flopping on everything and if the employee really does have covid? They ARE still contagious. It’s the arbitrary distinction between vaxxed and unvaxxed. So if you’re vaxxed its 5 days and unvaxxed it’s 10. Really ought to be the reverse.
I totally agree. Why can't we snatch these idiots baldheaded without going to jail? Its so ridiculous it leaves me with my mouth hanging open with every new "rule"...
What no one seems to realize is that the plan was to kill us, particularly those who are older and who skew red in our voting habits. The Schwabs of the world aren't content with having most of everything, they want what WE have, too. That big pot that pays out Medicare and Social Security is just so enticing. And it is my theory that they have used Ukraine as a money laundering operation for US Aid that goes back to the Demoncrats and George Soros and the Biden Klan. THAT is why Biden is frantically trying to keep Putin from invading; his secrets will be toast. And THAT is why they impeached Trump, too.
Power corrupts. What we want is often never enough. It is one reason I submit myself to God . He never demands my surrender. He loves me into it. A fitting message before Valentine’s Day.
Klaus Schwab, George Soros, even Biden, certainly Hunter, Trudeau, I see it in all their faces. They have power, they have money. It is insatiable, clawing. I’ve never been addicted to heroin or cocaine, but It’s like that. They only want more. They are never satisfied, never satiated.
The first clue you shouldn't listen to her is that she was conveniently on scene at the Boston Marathon incident to provide TV commentary there, too. What was unique about that other "terror" event is that they put the entire city and surrounding cities into lockdown and no one was allowed to leave their home! Everything stopped completely! So she is an old hand at this...
I can't watch her at all. Want to stomp on her face screaming shut up shut up shut up. It is so difficult to realize that most people can't even figure out her contradictions and lies.
I can't stand anyone who can kill so cavalierly our unborn. Talk about something that, from early indications, is going to come back to bite us in our rear ends. If what they say about the vaccines and fertility is true, live birth rates are going to plummet.
I find it very interesting that so many of the jobsworths that "they" have installed at the front lines to tell us when to jump, and how high, are Asians: Chinese, Indians. I have nothing against individuals from these groups personally but, 1.) I don't get the impression that these factotums either understand or value Western concepts such as "rights", the First Amendment, Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Constitution as a whole.. and 2.) I don't think they are as invested in Western societies as a Anglo would be. I think they perceive (probably correctly) a country in decline and are just here to pick its bones.
This is happening in the US, UK and Canada more than NZ & Aus. Murthy is our Surgeon General now, and they have Tam in Canada. In the UK, Zahawi and Javid. I don't think this is an accident. On the TV, Wen and Gupta.
The group of MIT grads who wrote that paper about how -surprisingly!- vacx skeptics actually knew a great deal about the subject matter (but -conclusion- they were to be ignored and dismissed nonetheless) came from outside of the West, almost unanimously. It's just a different way of looking at the world: where obedience has greater value than independence.
I wasn't going to say it. You said it perfectly. Americans are descended from people who don't take orders well. We are self selected mostly. We are different, as is our Constitution, and I agree the rest of the world just doesn't get it. Not in their history.
Who is old enough to remember in September of 2020 when Dr. Robert Redfield, Rochelle's rotund predecessor at the CDC, while brandishing a surgical mask no less, said that "masks are the most powerful public health tool we have", and then went on to pontificate that he "might even go so far to say" that the mask is more effective than a vaccine?!!!
Oh WHERE did you come up with this quote....OMG just perfect. Writing it down and will commit it to memory.. Bless Samuel Clemens.
Encapsulates the entire past two years. And I DO remember Redfield saying this crap, thank you for not forgetting and reminding us. It is totally mind blowing how incredibly GULLIBLE people are...and you are right, what the heck is wrong with us (I am thinking of myself, because screaming at the tv does NOTHING to help) that we let this continue??
I think this clip along with your comment "just mind boggling..." needs to be tweeted, shown on TV, put on GETTR and TWATTER and everywhere...people need to be SHAMED, because obviously nothing else is working ....
Mixed messaging and keeping the rubes confused is a significant part of the psychological operation. The messages may look like they are not getting their lies straight, but that may well be part of the operation. Just saying.
Bingo. Any time I hear parents or grandparents saying it will be great to have the kids vaccinated so they can see granny again, I am disgusted with their selfishness.
Actually, if you look at that twitter thread, it is full of people asking for proof that masking is actually harmful. Like good clinical trial proof. Otherwise, how could we possibly know if masking isn't a good thing in general for kids?
Our school board listened to the teachers and the parents who observed and listened to the kids. Masks and in-home learning adversely affected their education, development and most importantly—their happiness. They unilaterally stopped both last spring. In the city near our town, they listened to “the experts” and the kids are still masked. Firsthand observations and common sense overruled “the experts.” The schools and teachers persevered through delta and omicron with a handful of in-home learning days. No hospitalizations or deaths for teachers or students.
This is getting a bit tiresome. Rachel “Two-Mask” Walensky is still banging on about “cases”. I suppose there is still the potential to milk this dead horse (or something) for the hard of thinking. And school kids. Debunking the nonsense is not what it used to be.
I think the intent is to cause as much confusion as possible, till people have no idea what's going on and are too mentally and emotionally exhausted to give a meow.
My mother was a claims representative for the Social Security Administration for 30+ years from the late 1950s to 1990. Part of her job was to interview the people who came in to enroll, which involved either verifying their age and work history, or determining that they were disabled. Most of her career took place before any workplace computerization, so this was all done face-to-face, and the reports typed or handwritten. Over her career, she delighted in collecting odd things about her clients -- weird names (more than one "Virginia" had a somewhat -- different -- spelling on her birth record for instance), odd mailing addresses (her area included southern Indiana and Kentucky, so it was not unusual for someone to receive mail simply address as "Up the Holler") and best of all, country/folk names for various disabling conditions. One woman in particular, who had come in to enroll her son, who had what we would now call a "developmental disability" described him as "He jus' be hard of understandin'."
Well, yeah. Because this is their only chance at producing an absolutely cowed and compliant generation for the infinite future they salivate at. They've already produced a college generation of hysterics and the people we always hope will stand firm keep falling into the bear traps. I was so sorry when Joe Rogan apologized. That one little chink in the armor let's 'em smell enough blood to keep going. Once you accede to the fiction that there are any unsayable words, they will never stop trying to control your thoughts.
In our communities; with family, friends, acquaintances, officials--we should have only one retort, said with as much courtesy as we can muster: show me the data. Time for arguing is over. Be implacable.
The governor of California is currently "deciding" on K-12 public school Covid-19 rules which means he's asking his big donors at the teacher's unions what they want while pointedly ignoring families and communities. Then he'll package up indefinite masking at public schools as "based on The Science". I'll never forgive him and his ilk for forcing public schools to close for 1.5 years. I was a lifelong, loyal Democratic voter but no more. I didn't leave the Democrats; the Democrats left me.
Hey, I have a good idea. Just quit wearing the masks. Do not put one on your children. If all of us ignore them, scoff at them and refuse to obey, the spell is broken. Why let a crazy person tell you what to do?
Case counts has always been a worthless statistic. Anyone that uses this statistic should be removed with prejudice. The masks don't work and testing is a joke.
I feel bad for the children as they don't have much of a choice. As for us adults we do. As someone that lives in the state of Washington that literally just got rid of outdoor mask mandates (nobody seems to have known about) I walk in the stores all the time without a mask and nobody says anything. As long as people keep complying they're going to keep these ridiculous ideas in place.
Yes, the Wuhan Tony (aka the BeagleMonkey Whisperer, Gain of Function) Fauci Diaper, and be sure to double up and wear the face shield also. Can never be safe enough during the Covidopalypse!
Why is the director of the cdc always the last to know……MASKS DO NOT WORK AND CAUSE SERIOUS breathing difficulties, anxiety and communication difficulties.
She’s not the last to know. She’s a master actor. She knows. It’s frustrating watching her justify the .gov positions. She does it soooo smoothly. But really while I consider her a lying criminal conspirator and murderer, I’m not as mad at her as the lynchpins. I think she just works for and is funded by them.
Do you wonder why she always looks so terrified? She has blown the message several times since she was put into office. She is confused because of the endless lies and coverups and she is a BAD liar. As most people are aware Fauci is a maniac with immeasurable control over the whole health care apparatus and she is terrified of HIM. This doesn't absolve her of responsibility but she is only the messenger, endlessly trying to keep up with 'Science Himself' lest she lose her head.
Yes Walensky always has that frozen terrified look. Not smart enough to keep up with her masters' messaging. Yet she chose this post. She chose lying. No mercy from me.
Notice there’s never anything we can do about these mysterious symptoms and afflictions other than get more vaxxed. There’s NEVER talk about health, prevention, ways to combat myocarditis, ways to combat whatever other mysterious plagues they’re uncovering. They are attempting to brainwash us into being compliant victims. They’ve got about 60% of the US population so far.
Yeah... it's a big idiot test. And so many have failed ! This is all about ID'ing who their mind-slaves are. To see how many people are still so stupid and living fear. It's a test. People who refuse to accept that there are other treatment modalities besides being 'vaccinated' are terrified. Wallensky is double masked while she gives her press conference. This is real, not a 'SNL' skit ? Wow. I spoke with a friend in Germany. She said: 'I follow what our Government says.' Double Wow !
“High case counts”?? The case totals have dropped like a stone in the last few weeks. Question… did the CDC legalize marijuana use and only told their employees?? What is she smoking? 😆
There is no longer even a pretense of scientism in the narrative. The relinquishing of power, even pointless, arbitrary theatrics, is an affront to the sociopath's life-long driven purpose of control over others as an attempt at self-actualization.
How do they explain states like Florida Iowa and South Dakota where kids arent wearing masks? How about all the places that have school mandates, but the private schools dont? Its crazy…
maybe she really said "now is the moment to drop the mask mandate" She is double masked. It's hard enough to hear people with one mask on. j/k she isn't that sensible.
I’ve seen news reports twice now that women can actually die of heart problems from a broken heart. 🙄 From this woman’s perspective, women are typically resilient. Unless they’re Karen shot up with vaccines out the ying yang.
May I suggest stop being surprised by contradictory messaging? Because, rule #1 of a mass propoganda campaign? "Create and nurture ongoing chaos." By knowing this, you stop wasting time and energy calling them idiots and instead helps us all focus on the who is behind the campaign, and the why. Let's move on shall we, before it's too late?
I wonder what the reaction would be if people started wearing motorcycle helmets? You know, the fully enclosed kind.
Maybe ditching the tracking device called smart phone, using cash and wearing a helmet would count as terrorism? Reflective visor says "FU" to facial recognition technology.
Rochelle, Rochelle, Rochelle... did yer mammy never ye not to tell fibs? As is with all these pseudo-socialist regimes (Not-Liberals up here or the Dems to the south) the top requirement for any position is loyalty - mediocracy not meritocracy rules the day. Kind of explains the shit shows going on....... if the same philosophy was applied to the private sector, well, we'd be starving for starters. Go Free - Go Truckers!!!!
No absurdity is too far-fetched not to be sold to us as valid - they will stop at absolutely nothing. The terrifying thing about is that the majority seems to gobble all the nonsense up and even repeat it without question.
Yes, the lack of mask requirements that led to the current high case counts and continued hospital capacity issues make it clear that we need to...oh, wait...
Apologies. I forgot about the "It doesn't work, time to double down" rule.
If Breck needs to make a comeback, they could always start working on a vaccine. As I recall, their shampoo was safe and effective. (As for J&J: no more tears...until Mommy dies of thrombosis.)
Ah, smartsky Amurcan convoy-ers traveling in clement weather, whilst truckers and supporters in Canuckistan bravely braved (and continue to brave) a windchill factor of -479 degrees, when I am pretty sure all atomic motion stops. Man, it was cold - even for a Canuck - but, oh-so-worth-it. Yes, yes, we know the truckers were being directly attacked by eejit legislation, so they had to strike while the iron was hot (but, um, cold). But, sheesh, of all times: January when all the Sam McGees have their arms wrapped 'round their blazing woodstoves.
I can’t disagree. I’m sure they’ll be traveling 10 East, which goes thru the warmer part of the country. They are late, but they are doing it and I am not. So I can’t be critical.
There is something about the element of spontaneity that I think helped the Canadians. Not so sure about broadcasting the date. I hope that's a psych effort.
It's the whole organization, top to bottom. Just saw an ad from them on the SuperBowl pre-game. Three lies in a row about boosters: that they prevent hospitalization, prevent death, and, my favorite, that your being boosted saves others from getting sick. And they claim Rogan is responsible for mis-information.
Steve Kirsch recently posted this. These are two retired US Marines doing a pretty decent bioterrorism experiment with three different masks and bear spray. If you want a chuckle AND a lesson on what masks work, enjoy. Ps their point is that if bear spray can get through the holes in the masks Covid can easily do so.....
What the number were shooting for? What’s the threshold below which masks won’t be required? Or maybe, just maybe, this a continuation of the fear required to get obedience to the coming totalitarian regime that Schwab and the WEF types are pushing.
As a resident of commie New Mexico I love shopping at Sams because no one ever asks me to wear my mask. Become ungovernable. If you have to, strat wearing it on your head.
Chief Medical Propagandist Leana Wen said to drop mask mandates. They can’t even get their lying points straight anymore.
I don't think I can take the stupidity anymore. Its so blatant.
that's the whole point! they're trying to wear you down. they speak nonsense and repeat it until people fall in line. the people who don't fall for it... well, their brains just hurt. ;>(
Which is actually VISIBLE! I was just watching Viva Frei Interview the counter protestors in Ottawa and when approached with a logical question like “if the vaccinated get and spread COVID why the mandates?” You can see the confusion, comprehension then contempt and anger all flash by their eyes (as that’s all you can see if you’re lucky) as they madly scramble their brains looking for an answer as they shout at you “NAZI!”
Thank goodness we have ethical people like Viva Frei who have been doing grass roots journalism to ensure those of us who are not there get to see the truth of what is going on!
Viva's livestreams have been invaluable in documenting this historic moment. Go for his fabulous hair, stay for the fabulous journalism.
Yep. When in doubt call names. 🙄 Nothing past a middle school brain cell.
They’re not wearing me down because I haven’t listened to them in 30 years.
Well its succeeding. I don't watch the tv because these talking heads give me a MIGRAINE!!.
Be sure to avoid any interviews with a Jacinda Arden. Only time I've ever wanted to reach through a screen and slap somebody. It was a MSM local NZ newsprogram, they had comments disabled (wonder why) the interviewer deserves a raise for her tolerance and persistence. Ardern ignored questions, talked over her, interrupted, was caught out lying and became hostile with a cruel smile.
Truly seemed insane.
“Cruel smile” is likely what body language experts call “duper’s delight.” Remember when Peter Strok got that crazy smile while he was testifying? You have seen It on Leanna Wen and Fraudci and Walensky every time they think you’re believing their lies. Watch for it.
Ooh is that the interview from yesterday (I think, just saw it today here in the US) where Jacinda actually looked a little shaken? I saw about a minute of it, a clip.
Not stupidity. Psyop. An overdose of irony. Twilight Zone vibes. They mean to do the damage they’re doing.
No, it's strategic
Wouldn't you think EVERYONE by now would be able to see the 'stupidity?' How can they NOT??
It's almost done.
Agree. I am ready to go postal.
“Lying Points” very good
If you have not already seen it, here is a superbly infuriating compilation of the good doctor's quack backtrack.
You know she is a World Economic Forum Young Leader hack, right?
Along with Jacinda Arden, Trudeau, many around Biden, and the list is incredible of all the people who have been "selected" to be special reps for the Great Reset/New World.
Newsome, Facebook guy - don't remind me what it's name is
Buttigegigeg, whatever, also WEF grad. Indiana has got to be proud of that! 🙄
And what will be done to stop it?
Like I always say, "Why even HAVE SEALS?"
Yep—mentioned that in my post yesterday (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department). They lined up all their ducks perfectly, and they still foiled the plot, thankfully.
Don't you mean "fowled the pot"?
So far. . . we don't see all of it. Heck, we didn't even see THIS $hit coming.
I prefer to call it Klaus Kacke Kindergärten.
The initials make the perfect acronym across time and space.
I like to call them The Anal Schwabs.
Oy, point QuaranTina.
Don't think I will forget your one-upmanship. Or one-upwomanship.
Game on.
Oh, I think yours is great, too. We can alternate!! LOL!
Thanks for Lucas Lion..listening to him again. Calms me down!!
Love Lukas!! Have you heard his latest, “The Great Puppet Show”?
Oh I love the Kacke (shit) and Kindergarten (juveniles). And KKK it is.
If this is the best the WEF can do, we're going to be okay. These are not the brightest and the best. Chairman Klaus must be mumbling under his breath at the incompetence of his trainees.
Talk about NOT the brightest and the best have you ever listened to Prince Charles try to explain something? The lights may be on but they operate on a permanent dimmer.
God Save the Queen!!!
How about that actress's husband Charles' son, whatsisname coming out several times against the first amendment?
Again this is strategic chaos
It is indeed but what is being done. WHO is on our side?? WE are but WHO ELSE??
Almost all of those who have the loudest voices and most inane talking points are members of that witches' coven.
Now we are getting somewhere...why are they creating chaos??
Let me think. . .
I'll have to check it out! Have you seen the Leana Wen "evolving messages" video I included in my post yesterday (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-new-york-state-department)? These people must get dizzy from constantly pivoting.
"...What was required, above all for political purposes, was short clipped words of unmistakable meaning which could be uttered rapidly and which roused the minimum of echoes in the speaker’s mind. The words of the B vocabulary even gained in force from the fact that nearly all of them were very much alike. Almost invariably these words — goodthink, Minipax, prolefeed, sexcrime, joycamp, Ingsoc, bellyfeel, thinkpol, and countless others — were words of two or three syllables, with the stress distributed equally between the first syllable and the last. The use of them encouraged a gabbling style of speech, at once staccato and monotonous. And this was exactly what was aimed at. The intention was to make speech, and especially speech on any subject not ideologically neutral, as nearly as possible independent of consciousness. For the purposes of everyday life it was no doubt necessary, or sometimes necessary, to reflect before speaking, but a Party member called upon to make a political or ethical judgement should be able to spray forth the correct opinions as automatically as a machine gun spraying forth bullets. His training fitted him to do this, the language gave him an almost foolproof instrument, and the texture of the words, with their harsh sound and a certain wilful ugliness which was in accord with the spirit of Ingsoc, assisted the process still further."
And so we have politicians and the press uttering the same, nearly identical poll tested, focus group tested phrases created by scientists. Not sure if a memo goes out daily but it is quite annoying once you see the patterns. Oddly, Fox seems to be one of the few places where they stream the segments. Not sure if that is rearranging minds but the Fox viewer demographics are showing this PsyOps business is less effective as the public becomes aware. The Orwell today reference is useful. Amazing only 30 years off.
You know, I don’t mind people like her finally getting the message (although it appears she HASNT really), and I agree with one Twitter commenter (I clicked on the above link) taking our side to task for not letting people like her change with new data.
But here’s my problem: there was NEVER any data to support masking, unless you want children and adults to use a P100 respirator (hint: looks like a gas mask). Steve Kirsch mentions these BTW.
The jabs have NEVER been anything other than experimental nightmares.
Lockdowns have proven ineffective.
Where are we seeing the least problems? In places where ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were and are accepted. Has she changed her mind on THAT? Doubt it.
And finally, she’s a shill for major media. CNN medical analyst. What was the first clue we shouldn’t listen to her?
I am not gonna say what I want to. I will be kind. You are so right, there was NEVER any data to support masking...and what really enrages me, is that there was precious little data to support children giving adults covid....but there is plenty of evidence that adults give it to kids. So I am pretty crazed right now about masking. I don't want to wear one and I hate hate hate the kids wearing them. Please, kids are rather protective...they don't have big symptoms...can expose you to small dose of virus, and maybe help your immune system gear up and produce antibodies without cytokine storm and all the rest of it. At least, that;s been my experience.And what really gets my goat, is watching all the vaxxed and sick teachers give it to the students. I'm ready to pull all my hair out of my head.
I keep laughing too about the 5 days back to work thing. Ok, so I actually agree with it (no symptoms, the test was probably false positive anyway) but really? Flip flopping on everything and if the employee really does have covid? They ARE still contagious. It’s the arbitrary distinction between vaxxed and unvaxxed. So if you’re vaxxed its 5 days and unvaxxed it’s 10. Really ought to be the reverse.
I totally agree. Why can't we snatch these idiots baldheaded without going to jail? Its so ridiculous it leaves me with my mouth hanging open with every new "rule"...
What no one seems to realize is that the plan was to kill us, particularly those who are older and who skew red in our voting habits. The Schwabs of the world aren't content with having most of everything, they want what WE have, too. That big pot that pays out Medicare and Social Security is just so enticing. And it is my theory that they have used Ukraine as a money laundering operation for US Aid that goes back to the Demoncrats and George Soros and the Biden Klan. THAT is why Biden is frantically trying to keep Putin from invading; his secrets will be toast. And THAT is why they impeached Trump, too.
Power corrupts. What we want is often never enough. It is one reason I submit myself to God . He never demands my surrender. He loves me into it. A fitting message before Valentine’s Day.
Klaus Schwab, George Soros, even Biden, certainly Hunter, Trudeau, I see it in all their faces. They have power, they have money. It is insatiable, clawing. I’ve never been addicted to heroin or cocaine, but It’s like that. They only want more. They are never satisfied, never satiated.
The first clue you shouldn't listen to her is that she was conveniently on scene at the Boston Marathon incident to provide TV commentary there, too. What was unique about that other "terror" event is that they put the entire city and surrounding cities into lockdown and no one was allowed to leave their home! Everything stopped completely! So she is an old hand at this...
Wow, I had forgotten that. Thanks for reminding us all.
I can't watch her at all. Want to stomp on her face screaming shut up shut up shut up. It is so difficult to realize that most people can't even figure out her contradictions and lies.
I can't stand anyone who can kill so cavalierly our unborn. Talk about something that, from early indications, is going to come back to bite us in our rear ends. If what they say about the vaccines and fertility is true, live birth rates are going to plummet.
I find it very interesting that so many of the jobsworths that "they" have installed at the front lines to tell us when to jump, and how high, are Asians: Chinese, Indians. I have nothing against individuals from these groups personally but, 1.) I don't get the impression that these factotums either understand or value Western concepts such as "rights", the First Amendment, Second Amendment, Fourth Amendment, Constitution as a whole.. and 2.) I don't think they are as invested in Western societies as a Anglo would be. I think they perceive (probably correctly) a country in decline and are just here to pick its bones.
This is happening in the US, UK and Canada more than NZ & Aus. Murthy is our Surgeon General now, and they have Tam in Canada. In the UK, Zahawi and Javid. I don't think this is an accident. On the TV, Wen and Gupta.
The group of MIT grads who wrote that paper about how -surprisingly!- vacx skeptics actually knew a great deal about the subject matter (but -conclusion- they were to be ignored and dismissed nonetheless) came from outside of the West, almost unanimously. It's just a different way of looking at the world: where obedience has greater value than independence.
I wasn't going to say it. You said it perfectly. Americans are descended from people who don't take orders well. We are self selected mostly. We are different, as is our Constitution, and I agree the rest of the world just doesn't get it. Not in their history.
Interesting. I think you're right. the whole "Why aren't they obeying? We should mask them harder."
and that evil smile
It really is, isn't it?
Her entire face with that smile....screams political HACKETTE
Totally empathize. That's how I feel about Jacinda.
Blarg, pretty much same clip. That's what I get for not immediately reading you!
😆 Good to know! That saves me 3 precious minutes :-)
It makes me want to stamp my foot on my screen and yell SHUT UP YOU HACK....so loud the neighbors have to call the police.
How did she even manage an undergraduate degree? What a moron.
My favorite part about masks at the superb owl is that everyone will be puffing their soggy mask germs sideways at their neighbors.
First Super Bowl in history played during a state of emergency.
Just beyond absurd at this point.
These people are just unbelievable, really.
Who is old enough to remember in September of 2020 when Dr. Robert Redfield, Rochelle's rotund predecessor at the CDC, while brandishing a surgical mask no less, said that "masks are the most powerful public health tool we have", and then went on to pontificate that he "might even go so far to say" that the mask is more effective than a vaccine?!!!
Just mind-boggling how we could possibly have allowed ourselves to be under the thumb of such doltish clowns.
"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it."
~ Mark Twain
Oh WHERE did you come up with this quote....OMG just perfect. Writing it down and will commit it to memory.. Bless Samuel Clemens.
Encapsulates the entire past two years. And I DO remember Redfield saying this crap, thank you for not forgetting and reminding us. It is totally mind blowing how incredibly GULLIBLE people are...and you are right, what the heck is wrong with us (I am thinking of myself, because screaming at the tv does NOTHING to help) that we let this continue??
I think this clip along with your comment "just mind boggling..." needs to be tweeted, shown on TV, put on GETTR and TWATTER and everywhere...people need to be SHAMED, because obviously nothing else is working ....
Well Redfield was the one who was supposed to supervise the vaccine trials for safety. So maybe he knew the vaccines didn't work....
Another priceless quote!!
Mixed messaging and keeping the rubes confused is a significant part of the psychological operation. The messages may look like they are not getting their lies straight, but that may well be part of the operation. Just saying.
Think you are right
I’m constantly checking dates on articles because “it seems like I’ve read this before” aka déjà vu all over again.
No they are doing this on purpose...to create chaos so we don't focus on the root causes of who and why...
she is a bad actor, never forget, she is saving face (attempting to, too late)
Upside down world.
Since when did we sacrifice our children for the old and infirm???
Masking children is criminal.
I could make a list of the harmful effects, but you all know.
Stand strong brothers and sisters.
Bingo. Any time I hear parents or grandparents saying it will be great to have the kids vaccinated so they can see granny again, I am disgusted with their selfishness.
Protecting the kids is paramount.
Actually, if you look at that twitter thread, it is full of people asking for proof that masking is actually harmful. Like good clinical trial proof. Otherwise, how could we possibly know if masking isn't a good thing in general for kids?
Upside down world.
There are so many reversal of burden fallacies the average person asserts, it’s hard to keep track anymore.
Our school board listened to the teachers and the parents who observed and listened to the kids. Masks and in-home learning adversely affected their education, development and most importantly—their happiness. They unilaterally stopped both last spring. In the city near our town, they listened to “the experts” and the kids are still masked. Firsthand observations and common sense overruled “the experts.” The schools and teachers persevered through delta and omicron with a handful of in-home learning days. No hospitalizations or deaths for teachers or students.
I heard on the Titanic they gave priority also to the vulnerable and old. Least one to be put on the lifeboats were young women and kids.
She is a feckless clown and should never be allowed to practice medicine or be in any position of medical influence, ever.
This is getting a bit tiresome. Rachel “Two-Mask” Walensky is still banging on about “cases”. I suppose there is still the potential to milk this dead horse (or something) for the hard of thinking. And school kids. Debunking the nonsense is not what it used to be.
I think the intent is to cause as much confusion as possible, till people have no idea what's going on and are too mentally and emotionally exhausted to give a meow.
They are still asleep. Media helped big time with that.
I love the "hard of thinking"!
My mother was a claims representative for the Social Security Administration for 30+ years from the late 1950s to 1990. Part of her job was to interview the people who came in to enroll, which involved either verifying their age and work history, or determining that they were disabled. Most of her career took place before any workplace computerization, so this was all done face-to-face, and the reports typed or handwritten. Over her career, she delighted in collecting odd things about her clients -- weird names (more than one "Virginia" had a somewhat -- different -- spelling on her birth record for instance), odd mailing addresses (her area included southern Indiana and Kentucky, so it was not unusual for someone to receive mail simply address as "Up the Holler") and best of all, country/folk names for various disabling conditions. One woman in particular, who had come in to enroll her son, who had what we would now call a "developmental disability" described him as "He jus' be hard of understandin'."
Oh. that's adorable.
It’s epic
walensky the logical:
Original/alpha/delta variant "dangerous": appears everywhere without mask
Omicron officially mild: double the mask everywhere!
Well, yeah. Because this is their only chance at producing an absolutely cowed and compliant generation for the infinite future they salivate at. They've already produced a college generation of hysterics and the people we always hope will stand firm keep falling into the bear traps. I was so sorry when Joe Rogan apologized. That one little chink in the armor let's 'em smell enough blood to keep going. Once you accede to the fiction that there are any unsayable words, they will never stop trying to control your thoughts.
In our communities; with family, friends, acquaintances, officials--we should have only one retort, said with as much courtesy as we can muster: show me the data. Time for arguing is over. Be implacable.
Well said!
Unfortunately data can say whatever you want it to say.
Sure. But one must start somewhere to dismantle the hysteria.
The governor of California is currently "deciding" on K-12 public school Covid-19 rules which means he's asking his big donors at the teacher's unions what they want while pointedly ignoring families and communities. Then he'll package up indefinite masking at public schools as "based on The Science". I'll never forgive him and his ilk for forcing public schools to close for 1.5 years. I was a lifelong, loyal Democratic voter but no more. I didn't leave the Democrats; the Democrats left me.
They've been contemptuous of working people for many, many years now.
And its so in your face now. Im sick to death of the attitude. And the horrid sneering at us
Hey, I have a good idea. Just quit wearing the masks. Do not put one on your children. If all of us ignore them, scoff at them and refuse to obey, the spell is broken. Why let a crazy person tell you what to do?
Exactly. Just stop. But the children will be suspended. Yup. Time to home school.
Past time really.
Case counts has always been a worthless statistic. Anyone that uses this statistic should be removed with prejudice. The masks don't work and testing is a joke.
Case counts were certainly not useless--that's what this whole "pandemic" has been predicated upon.
And I thought I could not hate them more
The shock of only wearing one mask certainly causes heart attacks
CDC stands for Center of Disinformation Control
I feel bad for the children as they don't have much of a choice. As for us adults we do. As someone that lives in the state of Washington that literally just got rid of outdoor mask mandates (nobody seems to have known about) I walk in the stores all the time without a mask and nobody says anything. As long as people keep complying they're going to keep these ridiculous ideas in place.
maintain your slave status mask!
"...they gonna put you all back in chains..."
this has always been incredibly twisted
Yes, the Wuhan Tony (aka the BeagleMonkey Whisperer, Gain of Function) Fauci Diaper, and be sure to double up and wear the face shield also. Can never be safe enough during the Covidopalypse!
Why is the director of the cdc always the last to know……MASKS DO NOT WORK AND CAUSE SERIOUS breathing difficulties, anxiety and communication difficulties.
She’s not the last to know. She’s a master actor. She knows. It’s frustrating watching her justify the .gov positions. She does it soooo smoothly. But really while I consider her a lying criminal conspirator and murderer, I’m not as mad at her as the lynchpins. I think she just works for and is funded by them.
She is absolutely correct. Now is NOT the moment to drop mandates.
Two years ago was the time.
(applauding wildly)
She is mentally ill .
Sociopaths are mentally ill—they lack empathy
Do you wonder why she always looks so terrified? She has blown the message several times since she was put into office. She is confused because of the endless lies and coverups and she is a BAD liar. As most people are aware Fauci is a maniac with immeasurable control over the whole health care apparatus and she is terrified of HIM. This doesn't absolve her of responsibility but she is only the messenger, endlessly trying to keep up with 'Science Himself' lest she lose her head.
Yes Walensky always has that frozen terrified look. Not smart enough to keep up with her masters' messaging. Yet she chose this post. She chose lying. No mercy from me.
Next up: Finding out about the increase in heart attacks causes people to have heart attacks, CDC recommends keeping it on the down low.
Notice there’s never anything we can do about these mysterious symptoms and afflictions other than get more vaxxed. There’s NEVER talk about health, prevention, ways to combat myocarditis, ways to combat whatever other mysterious plagues they’re uncovering. They are attempting to brainwash us into being compliant victims. They’ve got about 60% of the US population so far.
Yeah... it's a big idiot test. And so many have failed ! This is all about ID'ing who their mind-slaves are. To see how many people are still so stupid and living fear. It's a test. People who refuse to accept that there are other treatment modalities besides being 'vaccinated' are terrified. Wallensky is double masked while she gives her press conference. This is real, not a 'SNL' skit ? Wow. I spoke with a friend in Germany. She said: 'I follow what our Government says.' Double Wow !
“High case counts”?? The case totals have dropped like a stone in the last few weeks. Question… did the CDC legalize marijuana use and only told their employees?? What is she smoking? 😆
She's burning your pension money in her fireplace.
There is no longer even a pretense of scientism in the narrative. The relinquishing of power, even pointless, arbitrary theatrics, is an affront to the sociopath's life-long driven purpose of control over others as an attempt at self-actualization.
I am really, really starting to detest these people.
I started detesting them years ago when I found out what they did with Lyme treatments and diagnoses. All politically driven.
The CDC makes money for Pharma. period.
How do they explain states like Florida Iowa and South Dakota where kids arent wearing masks? How about all the places that have school mandates, but the private schools dont? Its crazy…
They're never asked, so they don't have to explain. #JournalismInAmericaIsDead
indeed. Honest News Reporting is def dead. I was a news reporter for a long time. I started with NPR (I can't believe what I hear there now)
I just want to add that her one eyebrow there looks like a nefarious sperm.
Oh No! I've been staring at it for months but now.... bhwahahaha!
Eewww 🤮
maybe she really said "now is the moment to drop the mask mandate" She is double masked. It's hard enough to hear people with one mask on. j/k she isn't that sensible.
I’ve seen news reports twice now that women can actually die of heart problems from a broken heart. 🙄 From this woman’s perspective, women are typically resilient. Unless they’re Karen shot up with vaccines out the ying yang.
Looking at the comments on that thread, lots of cray-crays that want to keep masking up.
Not exactly. They want to make other people mask up.
Mask away, no one is stopping them.
May I suggest stop being surprised by contradictory messaging? Because, rule #1 of a mass propoganda campaign? "Create and nurture ongoing chaos." By knowing this, you stop wasting time and energy calling them idiots and instead helps us all focus on the who is behind the campaign, and the why. Let's move on shall we, before it's too late?
I wonder what the reaction would be if people started wearing motorcycle helmets? You know, the fully enclosed kind.
Maybe ditching the tracking device called smart phone, using cash and wearing a helmet would count as terrorism? Reflective visor says "FU" to facial recognition technology.
There's always that person who doesn't get the hint when the host yawns and says how late it's getting.
in case the CDC hasn't looked at their own data: COVID ISN'T THE GREATEST THREAT OF DEATH TO CHILDREN STOP THE ABUSE
Rochelle, Rochelle, Rochelle... did yer mammy never ye not to tell fibs? As is with all these pseudo-socialist regimes (Not-Liberals up here or the Dems to the south) the top requirement for any position is loyalty - mediocracy not meritocracy rules the day. Kind of explains the shit shows going on....... if the same philosophy was applied to the private sector, well, we'd be starving for starters. Go Free - Go Truckers!!!!
No absurdity is too far-fetched not to be sold to us as valid - they will stop at absolutely nothing. The terrifying thing about is that the majority seems to gobble all the nonsense up and even repeat it without question.
Yes, the lack of mask requirements that led to the current high case counts and continued hospital capacity issues make it clear that we need to...oh, wait...
Apologies. I forgot about the "It doesn't work, time to double down" rule.
Still mulling over the Lancet thing. I lack the stamina. So relieved there are cats out there willing and able to plow thru.
As for the masks, I am still waiting for the word from Dr. Jill
I still think she should have been appointed surgeon general.
Her first action would have been to ban Breck and Johnson and Johnson shampoo.
Wait. Does breck still exist? I am old.
If Breck needs to make a comeback, they could always start working on a vaccine. As I recall, their shampoo was safe and effective. (As for J&J: no more tears...until Mommy dies of thrombosis.)
Way to pour on the gallows humor Diana. You and I were undeniably separated at birth.
I know Flex was dust-binned. They always get rid of the good stuff.
Tried to hit Like - would not take. So, this is better: LOL. So, yeah, right, DOES Breck still exist - another oldster jes wonderin'
Alt take - they want to see if our truckers will rally like Canada.
The US trucker convoy leaves California on March 6!
Ah, smartsky Amurcan convoy-ers traveling in clement weather, whilst truckers and supporters in Canuckistan bravely braved (and continue to brave) a windchill factor of -479 degrees, when I am pretty sure all atomic motion stops. Man, it was cold - even for a Canuck - but, oh-so-worth-it. Yes, yes, we know the truckers were being directly attacked by eejit legislation, so they had to strike while the iron was hot (but, um, cold). But, sheesh, of all times: January when all the Sam McGees have their arms wrapped 'round their blazing woodstoves.
I can’t disagree. I’m sure they’ll be traveling 10 East, which goes thru the warmer part of the country. They are late, but they are doing it and I am not. So I can’t be critical.
I suspect the Overlords thought nobody would come out in that.
There is something about the element of spontaneity that I think helped the Canadians. Not so sure about broadcasting the date. I hope that's a psych effort.
I think that was just crickets from MSM. Not that they didn’t want their actions broadcasted.
It's the whole organization, top to bottom. Just saw an ad from them on the SuperBowl pre-game. Three lies in a row about boosters: that they prevent hospitalization, prevent death, and, my favorite, that your being boosted saves others from getting sick. And they claim Rogan is responsible for mis-information.
can i please get off the merry-go-round now?
Rochelle is such a tool
Are they totally insane? Or totally evil?
She double masked, so we could see and hear the evidence of what happens to your brain from lack of oxygen.
My like button for comments has not worked now for 2 days. Anyone else experiencing this?
Yes. I have to refresh...often. I'm trying not to feel like it's a bad sign.
me too... sporadically doesn’t work
Steve Kirsch recently posted this. These are two retired US Marines doing a pretty decent bioterrorism experiment with three different masks and bear spray. If you want a chuckle AND a lesson on what masks work, enjoy. Ps their point is that if bear spray can get through the holes in the masks Covid can easily do so.....
“Now” is exactly the moment. “Yesterday” was another exact moment.
What the number were shooting for? What’s the threshold below which masks won’t be required? Or maybe, just maybe, this a continuation of the fear required to get obedience to the coming totalitarian regime that Schwab and the WEF types are pushing.
They won't say. I asked our state reps what the parameters were based on, and they had no answer.
As a resident of commie New Mexico I love shopping at Sams because no one ever asks me to wear my mask. Become ungovernable. If you have to, strat wearing it on your head.
Why? Does it protect against 5G radiation? 🤣
only if you add tinfoil!
I tried that.... and it didn’t work 😂
Dang!! Maybe need a few more layers? 😆
She wears two masks? My @$$!
I'd wear two masks as well, if I were getting paid her salary…
only in public, I assume! ;-)
seems to on TV
I have no words for how disgusting I think this individual is. They should all hang.