I wish someone could wash my brain of all things COVID... and a few other things. For now my temporary brainwashing fix is wine on the porch.

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Thank the gods for alcohol!

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And weed :) (human catnip)

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Hate to tell you, cats are way too intelligent to have any psychobabble influence them and smarter than all of us put together.....

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Because they are strong-willed

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and exceptionally perceptive, they see through crap very easily.

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And any crap they don't like, they bury forever

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that's what we need--a huge litterbox!!!

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Just don't make me clean it out...

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So, are you saying that Dogs stand for Democrats, and Cats stand for Conservatives (Republicans in case of the US)?

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LOL. I would not insult any animals by labeling them with human nonsense!

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Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.

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ain't it the truth. we pay the mortgage for the cat and a dog will work the graveyard shift to help you pay the mortgage!

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It's a shame that masks don't protect from gaslighting. For that you actually need a sophisticated neurological information filtration system (SNIFS).

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Joe Biden wears no mask spitting saliva on the faces of his subjects in crowds less than 2 inches away, but makes sure to wear his mask while on camera :-) While Hollywood actors refuse to social distance or wear masks in movies they call republicans science deniers at the Awards cause masks are for thee but not for me. Narcissists think people are stupid, I think the right.

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Did you notice Biden in his meeting with the Pope? Everyone was unmasked, and Biden was blabbing away to the Pope with his face less than a foot from that of the Pope. What mask hypocrisy from this idiot. And I have yet to see a single word about it in the media.

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What people see has nothing to do with their eyes.

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Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to favor information that confirms their existing beliefs or hypotheses but for the angry narcissist-autistic their beliefs become facts.

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There's a lot of that going around!

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The the narrator of this video (Confirmation Bias in 5 Minutes) showed a photo of a republican-referring to him as a science denier, a perfect example of conformation bias. I could debate the issue with science and facts but everything I discussed would be rejected by someone with political conformation bias. Only a narcissist would be stupid enough to show his conformation bias making a video about conformation bias, you can't make this stuff up folks :-) Confirmation Bias in 5 Minutes https://youtu.be/0xKklLplngs via @YouTube

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What do you have against autistic people? They are not narcistic

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Narcissists are highly autistic only in a much different way. Narcissists lack self-awareness (the ability to see their stupidity-as others see them) so of course they are unable to see the stupidity in others. This is why narcissists are easily fooled by sociopath politicians Narcissist: Bumbling Fool, Incapable of Learning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jx3XaZykHY

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love it! thanks gatito bueno ;>)

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Hahahaha….. que chiste mongo….. pero me encanta !

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When the food dish is empty cats start hissing, biting and fighting with each other as if to say, its your fault there's no more food in the dish, cause you ate it all!

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What ever republicans do atheist-Democrats will do the exact opposite just to piss off the people they think are making them unhappy, cats to the same thing. Narcissists externalize blame & self hatred thinking others are the sole cause of their unhappiness.

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and what do you get? nothin'

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Don’t forget to tip your waiter!

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Can some please tell why this Fauci gain of function Wuflu pandemic hasn’t caused a huge spike in Worldwide deaths?


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My two kitties hissed and growled when I trimmed their nails.

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Narcissists-Democrats lack self-awareness-the ability to see their stupidity (as others see them) thus they are unable to see the same stupidity in others. This is why liberals are easily fooled by lying gaslighting politicians. Narcissist: Bumbling Fool, Incapable of Learning? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jx3XaZykHY

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love it...

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Tee hee!

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When the food dish is empty cats start hissing, biting and fighting with each other as if to say, its your fault there's no more food in the dish, cause you ate it all! :-)

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Can someone point me to the post with the Twitter post collage of that mom (EmilyJo) who posted proud and "thankful" when her 13 yr old son was vaccinated ... only to have him end up with myocarditis. It was one picture that had a collage of many tweets in one frame going from May to Aug showing EmilyJo's transformation. It was either here or on Alex Berenson's substack that I saw the picture/story I believe. Want my wife to see that picture of the collage so I can help keep her from wanting to have our kids vaccinated ... sorry to ask here but I looked through posts for over 30 minutes and can't locate it yet. Please help if you can. Thanks. Coach T

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the best de-stressor (besides purrrrrrrr vibration therapy) is the num num cat song...

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My neighbor’s cat can read my mind... sincerely, paw on heart...💕💕💕

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Try the veal. I’ll be here all week.

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Nice quick distraction on a Sunday evening.

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