They're both vaccinated (I assume, tho they were probably given the salt and vinegar mixed with H2o version) and yet STILL have to beclown themselves with the elbow bump. Give me a break. If anyone falls for this now, they've been lobotomized by the Party of Davos.

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The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, 'See if it weren't for the government, you wouldn't be able to walk.

Harry Browne

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#BareBackBuggered seems more their speed.

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I want to see polling data on how receptive voters are to this slogan, including the voters awareness that the building back was necessitated by state mandated shutdowns.

Crosstabs welcomed, including tabs for the Felidae clade

Will be watching to see how the UKs Spiked Podcast covers these two performatively elbow bumping (at least Boris is sentient and intelligent)

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their build back better is as appealing as they lock downs for your safety......

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This is the myth that politicians and bureaucrats “build” the economy, rather than private workers, investors and entrepreneurs. Central planning seems to be back, even though it has been discredited a thousand times over. Bad ideas seem never to die.

Even BoJo the clown is endorsing it. What would Margaret Thatcher say?

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I love how people thought Boris Johnson was the British Trump.

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Gato, pardon the topic change: heard about explosion / fire at San Juan power station?


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electricity here was just privatized (may 31). the new group, LUMA, seems to be under attack from the unions and former PREPA employees. there was a massive DDOS attack to prevent account transfers and website function. there is a lot of speculation this was deliberate sabotage.

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How many monkeys does it take to screw in a light bulb?

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Hola Gatito. China's latest port crisis is a gift to Bojo. Not sure on Biden. Though he is now worrying about the "Delta strain".


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