Yes, Gatito. Living in Arizona I can confirm this is their primary export. 💗

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Perhaps because Californians flee CA due to the deleterious effects of terrible policies they voted for, and then they vote for those same policies in their new homes.

Causal reasoning is evidently not taught in Californian schools.

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well mr montaigne, i think that maybe if these people understood causal reasoning then they mightn't have made such a mess in the first place.

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Florida hates Florida the most. LOL. Average July high temp in Miami: 87. We're open. Come to Florida to cool off.

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I am not surprised,I live in California and people here live in a bubble " but the weather is nice"... now I know why they have to repeat that over and over...

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That's hilarious. Sometimes I love people! (Thanks for reminding me!)

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As a Texan, may I suggest that the hate between Texas and Oklahoma is limited to the famed Red River Rivalry every fall when UT and OU play a lively game of football.

I know you can add Texas to the Hates California category and I have a sneaking suspicion that you could add Oklahoma to that category as well.

As others have noted in this thread, it seems that California’s public policies fail miserably causing people to flee the state in droves. Sadly, these people continue to vote for the same policies in their new states and the cycle repeats. Austin, Texas is the latest recipient of an influx of California voters.

We have always said Don’t Mess With Texas. This is quickly being replaced with Don’t California my Texas. I have to add that I do believe that hate is a strong word, but when it comes to hypodermic needles and feces in the street, the word hate is justified.

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Does this map mean Pennsylvanians hate New Jersey? So not true. Jersey has the best beaches and blueberries and tomatoes and boardwalks. We love Jersey, especially South Jersey.

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This is the human condition. Always hate your neighbors. In Argentina in the north they hated Chileans and Bolivians. I think it is partly because of differing cultures. Of course, with Californians it is because they hate freedom - except for the Californians I associate with here in AZ.

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Florida hates Florida surprises me, though probably because it's a big state and would be sample dependent. When I lived in Tampa, we hated Michigan and New York on a seasonal basis.

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Not sure about Cali but the rest is just college football,, which is well everything,, Ou and the four letter team to the south of Michigan whose name shall never be mentioned suck lol JS

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Florida hates Florida - lol.

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We all love you gatito!

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I don’t live there, but look at Tennessee: more neighbours than any other state, and only Kentuckians hate them.

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That’s a whiskey war.

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And college sports 🙂

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