Hey now… I’m an MPH (‘96) and can clearly see through all the BS that’s going on. Don’t lump us all together. I was fired for non-compliance with the Princeton University vaccine mandate.

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Agree! I’m an NP who also holds an MPH in Epidemiology. Camp Reality all the way for me. 😊 I’m also a part of the vaxx control group. 😬

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Thanks to all the people who have health care degrees for your reactions. As a non medically trained person it is good to know that people like you think alike, and make us feel better about our choice! Even common sense now and then hesitates LOL (specially if you have trained friends who insist the jabs are safe and effective!!!)

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RN here - not MPH - but there are a few of us out here. We are out here. It is just hard to find us. I suspect if this is ever over more health care workers will speak out about issues they were not comfortable with but not now. Not when it matters.

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Retired Med lab tech here. At 1st I thought "this isn't right. It must be really bad for them to be so afraid." Then Fauci owned up to mask noble lie #1, & the scales fell fron my eyes!

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We need to start a support group😊

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100%. There are 4 of us in our dept at work who remain unvaxxed. I don’t think most of our coworkers know. We talk quietly among ourselves. I also know several other nurses in depts elsewhere and we talk occasionally. My biggest support comes from online. So many people I don’t even know helped keep me sane. I am grateful.

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Exactly what i was thinking just then. The doctors and nurses here in NZ who have basically been fired in the last few months reckon that there's enough of them to staff a full hospital here. (our country's population is 5m).

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We are not all 🤪! I think many have been forgotten to question what and why we do what we do. To critically think.

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My wife is an MPH and she completely agrees with you. Saw thru it from day one.

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I am sure they mean the OTHER mphs. The ones that still preach the jabs and the masks and all that crap. One could say, the criminals by now, because they might have doubted at first, but now they should know!

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I was the ESH Director and for well over a year I was a lone voice in the room with senior management that had all completely bought into the narrative about masks and testing. There was some light at the end of the tunnel in early May when the Lab Director stated that he didn’t believe it was right to required employees to be injected with anything as a condition of employment. He had a meeting with the University President and was full on board the next day. I knew my days were numbered. It was heartbreaking getting calls from employees in tears that didn’t want to be vaccinated, but had to in order to just get by as they had no savings and were paycheck to paycheck. The University could care less… they knew what was best and it was the “right thing to do”.

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Please keep track of the names of those responsible. Nuremberg 2.0 may yet come

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University funding from grants is at the heart of the problem.

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^ This… No University wants the flow of funds to slow or stop. They collect massive amounts of “overhead” (30%-60%) on grants.

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I'm in New Brunswick. Let's hang.

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We left NJ for the South in early November. Waaay better down here.

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NY/NJ accent, but sporting a tan=Floridian. And God bless ‘em.

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I saw what you did there, Mark.

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Sorry, we're just a bit desperate for some thoughless, our bad, humor : )

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Hi! My MPH is from 97 but I went a different direction and not working in the field. Still, I remember the principles we were taught and so much of this just flies in the face of what we learned. But even more so, what they are doing is immoral.

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oh good. even more important for you to speak out. Do you believe in contagion?

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I believe the virus is real but the risks to those under 70 with limited co-morbidities has been massively overstated to stoke fear and exert control.

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Agreed but do you beLIEve in the germ theory/contagion?

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I’m in the miasma camp and it has served me well over the years.

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Then you're at a dead end.

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Thanks for the heads up…

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Princeton people used to be so smart (or others said they were?). So sad...

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Caption: "A normal, responsible, functioning adult (left) looks on as wild conspiracy theorists (right) threaten the stability of society."

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Ha! Good one.

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Perhaps those MPHs also need to address their degree title… “Master” sounds racist… 🤡🤡🤡

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Well, I'd recommend camps for anyone who makes more than 50% of their lifetime earnings from government employment.

This would a.) Require people to have some real world experience before going to work for the government and b.) Require people to quit and go back to the real world once they started bumping up against the limit.

Since most MPH's work for governments, they would be included, too.

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exhibit A: Biden

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And Fauxchi

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Out on the street, a sane person is following the science.

In the bar, a superspreader misinformation gathering of dangerous MAGA conspiracy theorists . . .

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Make sure you get the PhD’s too!

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Not too fast .. apparently PhDs are well represented in the skeptic group; especially the hard sciences such as maths, phycics and engineering. It's something of a bath-tub curve for skepticsm: it's high at the lower socio-economic/lower educational attainment levels (I don't mean this in any pejorative/negative sense) drops as you go up the socio-economic/educational attainment curve, stays there at graduate/post grad level and then goes back up for PhDs. The belivers are well represented in the middle lumpen; the laptop warrior, credentialed, class who don't genuinely have to think for their living, or step outside of their cozy homes

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One of my great disappointments throughout this whole escapade has been how bright people I work with in the hard sciences - maths, engineering, physics, chemistry- were and are so willing to accept the corona doom and all that goes with it. For example, at the start of a meeting there is the discussion of how strange and unexplainable it is that they had to cancel school because all the vexed teachers came down with COVID just a few weeks into the in-person classes, and they can't wait to get their kids vexed too; then we go into discussing highly technical engineering. It is the most amazing compartmentalizing I have ever seen.

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It seems at the small scale i.e. personal experience rather vs a statistical analysis of a large data set, one just can't tell who is going to be a believer or non-believer. I have had many tradesmen working in my house over the last 2 years (even during the height of the hysteria) and they have mostly thought that it's over blown; I suppose their experience 'out and about' (as they that's what they need to do to earn a living) was a) they had not dropped dead, b) they were not tripping over piles of bodies. Conversely, others that I'd have thought would be skeptics have proven to be the biggest bed wetters.

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Non-believer for them, believers for you - various clowns and malicious characters on Twitter and some in real life (I know personally of only one or two)

Believers - those who fear the consequences of not being.

Non-believers - neither of the above.

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Well, I was just referring to the public health PhD’s - and really thinking Fauci & Birx, etc. Other science professionals & medical types have been leading the way in opposition to the Karens and petty tyrants. Interesting that you note the bathtub curve. Hadn’t thought about it before. Very clearly bifurcates along political lines though.

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In other words the smart ones, socio-economic is only tied to the educational curve as well as attainment the difference shows up with just education, PhD's and those who are just as smart regardless of a piece of paper on the other end.

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Love your username. One of the greatest films ever.

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Anyone who tries to make a distinction between education and entertainment doesn't know the first thing about either.

Marshall McLuhan

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Why is the idiot in the bunny suit standing there staring at them? Wouldn't you want to get as far away from those evil plague rats as possible?

Does Dr. Choo stand around outside football stadiums sadly shaking her head for 3 hours amidst cheers of "let's go Brandon" from the stands so that everyone can feel sufficiently judged?

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There are some of your posts which I can't like. So it's good to get the occasional one which I can both laugh at and like.

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I'm like Indian food. You have to be in the mood for me, otherwise I'm a bit too much.

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I love Indian food. I didn't say that I didn't want to like them, only that I couldn't.

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My mistake. I took it to mean "can't bring myself to like because sometimes you're awful. "

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Dec 24, 2021
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I'll take it.

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I didn't say that I didn't like them....

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Dec 24, 2021
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Settle down, girls, you're both pretty.

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Dec 24, 2021
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Dec 23, 2021
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Smug superiority can keep him warm at night.

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I never speed by more the 5 MPH.

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https://www.bitchute.com/video/sqTd8LtViqI0/ perhaps the clueless MPH's should see this inspiring Christmas video....of people....falling victim....to the policies....of their sponsored jab.

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That one at 1:43 Bill Gates was talking about jabbing your kids (looks very much like he wants to kill them). And I looked to see if I saw any pullback from Melinda Gates and there was none. Just so that everyone knows.

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Pol Pot drove the urbanised intellectuals and intelligentsia out into the countryside and made them toil in the fields like peasants to teach them humility and reality of raw life.

I used to think what a terrible thing to do… now I’m not so sure.

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Some years ago PBS hosted a program in which a bunch of urbanites were supposed to spend some period of time in bucolic paradise (a month? A few months?) living off the land. They were pathetic trying to break virgin land with shovels. Most of the rest were whiny, lazy, freaking out at getting up with the sun. Who knew gardening from scratch was such hard work? The sun gets hot? the bugs bite? Growing your own food meant hard labor sunup to sundown? A few petty tyrants emerged, yelling at them to get up.

I think the experiment folded in under a week, lol.

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Yes! I know quite a few that I would love to see re-educated, as I can't believe they actually got a Masters with some of the crap they are spouting!

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Haaaa! This is awesome. I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way about MPHs. I was beginning to think I was a bit of a weird curmudgeon

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Just hilarious that Esther thinks she's the good guy in this picture.

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It’s the same kind of people that rush their little children to be lab rats and uninvite unvaccinated for any gatherings and worship St Fraudci.

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MPH Dropout here. Got As in Epi and Biostats. Couldn't finish my program because of mandate.

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It's a good program too. Learned all about the bell curve, Nuremberg, the importance of data, RCTs, confounders. So so much. But alas, I was being asked to ignore all of that to get my degree.

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this is a funny picture. All of those people having fun and that super masked doofus standing outside pretending to be virtuous? or being left out bc they are super spreaders hahahhahah

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Isn't "Master" a racist dog whistle?

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Finally a practical suggestion! Bravo! Bring them in from all over the world and keep there until we figure out the degree of gilt of each and every one. Inconvenient by design.

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OK, medical officers of health, as they are called in Canada.

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Master of Public "I couldn't cut it in anything else more rigorous or useful to society and it was either this or a journalism/communications degree". With apologies to those who legitimately obtained the degree for the right reasons and who also don't believe it confers upon them the right to lord over their fellow man.

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I think the believers mostly comprise non-believers which are cornered like rats, and as such, are beholden to their pay-givers. Call them pseudo-believers, as Rich Seager aptly describes below.

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Paypal is blocking all donations to the dissident thinkers, Organic consumers and National Vaccine info. I wonder how long we will still be able to come on Substack...

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great idea--this should have been done long ago!!!

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As Lawrence said just above "Master of Public Health. It's a public health degree. Worthless."

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Well, she was the one caught out trying to suppress a sexual harassment complaint in her institution (though she's a founder of Time's Up Healthcare and prominent in other advocacy etc. etc.) and is "exhausted" by white people...

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Maybe that fancy MPH person should step into the bar and talk to real people for once.

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We are the experiment!

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I hope he doesn't have long to wait for the train that takes him to the camp.

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No Doubt, Right ! Boo Yah !

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Dec 23, 2021
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Master of Public Health. It's a public health degree. Worthless.

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On Twitter, I've been forced to conclude that it designates "Mental Pathology Hopeless", with a few exceptions such as Mike above.

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Masters in public health

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