Yup that’s my Canada! Our charter of rights and freedoms is pretty flimsy on a god day and to top it off, I suspect our charter lawyers are likely muzzled given how much money their firms are making from the federal and provincial governments. Have been saying for many months now that the unelected “health experts” calling the shots in commonwealth countries seem to have embraced a zero COVID policy. Just look at the lockdowns in Canada, Scotland, Ireland, England, Australia and New Zealand. Heck Australia and New Zealand are locking down again with very few cases. Our bought and paid for MSM in Canada have cheered on tighter lockdowns at every turn and celebrate countries like Australia and New Zealand for their “COVID success”. We are a weak country on a good day and it now seems like we have become part of a globalist/UN agenda. I knew when the bad orange man was kicked to the curb that we were in a mess of trouble given that the radical Dems would run the same globalist playbook as our federal government over the last six years - all about climate change, divisive identity politics, build back better and statism a the expense of individual rights and freedoms. Sure enough, one of Joementia’s first executive orders was to kill Keystone. I have suspected that globalists/UN/Soros/China were calling the shots in Canada for years but who is running the US government? Obama? Susan Rice?

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Oh and WEF board member “Rise of Plutocrats” author and former Reuters news editor, Christia Freeland, is Canada’s Finance Minister. As an aside, she was earlier tabbed by George Soros to pen his autobiography. To sum up our Prime Minister is a former substitute drama teacher who appears to be stoned half the time, our Finance Minister is a former journalist with a Degree in European Literature and our Minoster of Health is a former graphics designer. What could go wrong here? It really is like witnessing a massive car crash in slow

Motion over and over again. Most Canadians are so brainwashed with all the platitudes and freebies that they are buying it all hook line and sinker. We are sitting ducks for a socialist takeover.

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I'm part of a little writing group on Zoom, and there's a lady who is from Canada. She's finally gotten around to admitting that she doesn't think the lockdowns are really useful any longer (she's only slightly annoyed though) and is eagerly looking forward to November when she said the restrictions are supposed to ease. Despite the constantly moving goalposts, it didn't even occur to her to suspect that the restrictions won't lift. Totally brainwashed, poor lady.

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Well the fact that public health and our politicians refuse to acknowledge seasonality of the virus has led your friend to believe that restrictions will be lifted this November. If she has been paying attention she would realize that cases/hospitalizations/deaths fell off a cliff last summer just like this summer and without the vaccines! I am embarrassed for my low information, brainwashed fellow Canadians. What a combination of little protection from our flimsy charter and a dearth of critical thinkers, while our Lords are aided amd abetted by bought and paid MSM. Former MSM journalist, Trish Wood, has been slaying it over the last several months with her podcast called Trish Wood is critical. For those of you like me trapped in Canada or for those looking for a refreshing look at all this propaganda and theatre, I encourage you to check it out. Here is a link


Im the last several weeks she has had on Robert Malone (mRNA inventor), philosopher David Thunder, Laura Dodsworth (State of Fear), Jeffrey Tucker amd Scott Atlas

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I will check out Trish Wood. Thanks for posting the link.

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Yes they are certainly going to lift restrictions in the middle of winter and the inevitable next "wave" of covid. She should continue believing that.

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I speak to several people a day like this woman. It is shocking to me how brainwashed and gullible people are after almost 18 months of this with no letup I’m sight even though our hospitals are empty

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Valerie Jarrett, spawn of commies.

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How many civil liberties "oopsies" do we have to witness in Canada before it starts to become a widespread concern? Anyone else miss the good ol' days when the only totalitarian regime we needed to worry about was the CCP?

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excuse me mr wesley but what makes you suspect that this was an "oopsie"?

because i think maybe they did it on purpose.

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Oh no they totes did it on purpose. The accident was when this guy said the quiet part a little too loud.

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how dare canadiana respond to the false shouts of danger in the polity?

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The good news is the injunction was lifted about a week ago. Also, a legal challenge against the injunction continues, despite efforts by the government to have the challenge dismissed.

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This is wrong. The dude clearly says "false information," which is confirmed by the captions.

Now, you can argue that he's wrong (which is easy, because he is), but the quotation marks around "unauthorized information" are false. The phrasing is clearly important, judging by the comments. But we need to criticize him for what he actually said, not for someone else's characterization of what he said.

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I'm glad there exists an "authorized" version of the King James Bible from which we can quote scripture; for example: "You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

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Dear Kitten - It's okay, nothing bad will happen to the nice man. In fact, major social media platforms understand perfectly the value of the nice man's kind of thinking, and work every day to prevent words and eyeballs from meeting in these dangerous ways. For instance, today Twitter froze my account when I forgot myself and recklessly suggested that knowledge development depended on intellectual freedom and that intellectual freedom couldn't survive if conditioned on third-party 'truth" tests. They have wisely required me to take my tweet down as a condition for having my account unfrozen. What trouble I would be getting in if Twitter and that nice man weren't there to keep us safe by keeping the preferred narratives litter-free. (No offense against litter, of course) Unfortunately, while not nearly as bad a cat as your associate, I can not bring myself to take the post down even though I know its the right thing to do. https://twitter.com/account/access

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Wrong think will not be tolerated.

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Not just Canada. Commiefornia too. This bill will be debated in committee tomorrow. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billNavClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB742

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