9 out of 10 hostages agree that their captors are treating them very well according to poll taken by their captors

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It originated with The Ferryman's Toll channel on Telegram and has fooled many people since yesterday.

The author uses this brilliant technique to put the lying media into a conundrum. Either stay silent, leading to the discussion we see here or come out and deny it, explaining why this isn't true.

He's done similarly with Air Canada, helping to get the travel restrictions dropped and later with Tim Hortons, regarding denial of summer camp to unjabbed children. It's brilliant info war.

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Sad commentary on the times we live in when such absurd items aren’t obviously recognized as satire. They are assumed to be legitimate precisely because the institutions have manipulated so blatantly over the past few year.

Thanks for the insight

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Considering that 🎶"freedom's just another word for you're a far right extremist"🎶 article, how would I have known?! (Reference: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/checkup/what-s-your-reaction-to-the-ottawa-standoff-and-the-border-blockades-1.6349636/why-the-word-freedom-is-such-a-useful-rallying-cry-for-protesters-1.6349865)

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Thanks for checking out my stack... trying to get it up and going... I’m no Gato, but I try 😎

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Tim Hortons is discriminating against unjabbed children?!

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Oh, yes. We're still well into the Rona hysterics here (varying by region).


Still can't visit parent's in care homes, enter hospitals, enter the country without a whole episode (knowing your rights & standing firmly upon them), until you've submitted to the toxic jab. The farce varies by province.

However, the crime state is in no hurry to surrender their new toys.

The info war is being waged on Telegram. That's where I believe people should be engaging. This entire comment string is an example of what's happening there.

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oh wow. I just hear from my father that he can finally visit mom at a care home without mask. Only a few nurses still wear them, he says, and only in the corridors! I suppose the virus is lurking in there LOL. (this is in Belgium, which I thought was nazi covid land too, but obviously Canada beats them)

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I'm happy for your Dad and Mom, though I'm sad that I'm happy that they have been given a basic human right back.

I worry that New Zealand and Canada may not come back.

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I can't imagine... US healthcare will never give up the masks, never. Good for your family, though! How sane and healthy for you all!

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This certainly puts Trudeau's obsession with disarming Canadians in clear perspective ;-).

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LIKE!!! (d**n button won't work!)

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Canadian law must be quite different than US law. In US law, an NDA that conceals criminal behavior is invalid (thus not enforceable). Can a minor in Canada enter a binding agreement without parent's consent?

I do like the defense argument: we was distraught, depressed, devastated by his father's death and so having sex with a student is OK. Not a character flaw, nope. So, if I'm bummed out I can break the law in Canada? Cool - apply this to dictator wannabe Trudeaus mandates ;-). Just claim you can't comply because they bum you out.

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I have to find another brand of coffee...

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Seems a drastic measure. When politics interferes with coffee and doughnuts, it's definitely gone too far!

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These people want to eliminate the non-compliant. F*ck them.

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thank you!

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On the other hand...where does the foundation get it's funding for the camps?

Wondering where the pressure originates.

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thanks for the info on the ferryman

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Is it real, or is it a Ferrytale? Not easy to tell sometimes! Jeremy Mackenzie (a friend of Ferry’s) is also brilliant. And, what about the meme country, Diagalon, that the idiots in the Canadian govt used to validate the EMA?

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Love it! I'll look into The Ferryman's Toll.

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has this anything to do with the old Greek legend of paying toll by the dead? I remember an excellent TV series of about 6 episodes called, Who pays the ferryman. Probably 40 years old by now.

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:-) I do vaguely remember that series! Thank you.

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And let's not forget the classic song by Chris de Burgh: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kNwvIEQsg0

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They probably called retired people living in the posh areas of downtown Toronto, but then they only got 9/10. That bunch would give 11/10 if they could.

god I hate the a-holes in Toronto.

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I'm 73, retired, live in downtown Toronto, and have zero trust in CBC? Please check your prejudices !

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Sounds like NYC

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I think more likely they excluded unfavorable responses as "outliers' until they found 9 respondents who gave the answer they wanted. That probably took all day to find those 9 so my guess is they got tired at that point and called int 9 out of 10 ;-).

Or even more likely, they just made it up.

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Boom 💥

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A poll on my popularity conducted just now shows 100% of those polled find me irresistible while I am holding a box of dog biscuits.

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With carefully selected target groups, kitty treats can achieve similar poll results.

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Of course. What was I thinking? I forgot where I was...

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Aug 10, 2022Edited
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Fair point. Why I avoided polling people ;-)

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Good one. CBC has become a propaganda news media nowadays.

From a 2021 article from the CBC: https://www.cbc.ca/news/editorsblog/editor-blog-trust-1.5936535


49 per cent of Canadians surveyed agree that journalists and reporters are purposely trying to mislead people by saying things they know are false or gross exaggerations.

52 per cent agree that most news organizations are more concerned with supporting an ideology or political position than with informing the public.

52 per cent of Canadians agree the media is not doing well at being objective and non-partisan.


And from Reuters (June of this year): https://theconversation.com/canadians-trust-in-the-news-media-hits-a-new-low-184302


Canadians’ trust in the news media hits a new low


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I'm 58 and live in Toronto. I think the survey at the top is probably correct. Believing the media is pushing an agenda when it comes to politics and societal issues is one thing. We expect that. But to believe the media would promote a nonsensical pandemic and experimental gene therapies with zero efficacy and enormous short to long term risks is too much for most Canadians.

I got into a discussion about Covid and the jabs with a coworker yesterday. He had by far the best defense of anyone in the last 2 years (,this guy got his kids jabbed). He said he and his wife discussed the jabs with several doctors and nurses and they all recommended them. He said he didn't have time to become an expert and trusted the decision makers even if they are eventually proven mistaken.

He said I was taking it all too seriously and likely probe to dying prematurely from taking things too seriously. I have to give him credit. He listened to me for a long long time banging on about the studies (which I'd actually read) and how this was likely a pivotal event in all of history.

The histerical conspiracy minded antivaxxers barking about snake venom or the non existence of viruses etc have really damaged our credibility.

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And the tenth one was unavailable for comment.

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haha ! indeed. It is like the FBI putting the FBI on the FBI wanted list.

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Kinda like when they investigated the "Plot against Whitman"?

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Wait... Scratch that. New poll taken: 9 out of 9 hostages agree now.

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* polling conducted on Ottawa government campus with a sample of 10 ministers; margin of error +/-90%

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As someone who works daily with MOEs ... good, very good

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9 said "sure" while rolling their eyes sarcastically. One responded "huh?" and fell back asleep.

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Oh, I see. CBC polled ten of its employees, and only one was brave enough to confess distrust.

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The one that didnt receive his/her bonus. 😂

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😆 Or is getting fired because of the jab mandate.

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Fired soon after.

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I read somewhere they polled people apply for jobs at CBC. Making it an “I want a job” biased poll. Idk if that’s true or not.

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That would be the now-former CBC employee ;-)

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I want to believe that's a perfect inversion of the truth, but I know too many Canadians for that not to strike me as at least plausible. There is no population more menticided this side of North Korea.

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Canadian here. Is this why I feel like I'm living in Invasion of the Body Snatchers?

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I have to disagree. Canadians are a nation of mushy middle rule followers. Just like NZ and Australia. Get on the box care for "safety"? They would trample each other to get in. Like when they introduced 3rd shots and people lined up for HOURS, outside, in the WINTER!

I am living behind enemy lines. But I proudly fly flags on my car and got Fringe Minority stickers on all my vehicles. I HAVE HAD ENOUGH. Being the only non-masked person in stores for months toughened me up mentally. I'm usually shy and quiet but F-that.

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The whole delay of the intro of vaccines was deliberate. Nothing like appealing to human nature with the Fear of Missing Out. I’m so disgusted with the majority of my brainwashed fellow citizens.

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Every time I talk to Canadians I feel like I just stepped off the crazy train into crazy town.

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As a Canadian, I share your pain. Now imagine how I feel having few options other than talking to fellow Canadians everyday. ;-)

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Ditto here. We live in a wasteland for independent thought. Canada's conversion to a cult is 90% complete. Irony is they thought they'd be eliminating the 10% with by not partaking in their little mRNA experiment which, of course, has turned into a self- extermination exercise. Their beloved CBC keeps them blissfully unaware however, convincing them that when they keel over, it's because of climate change. To borrow a line from dear leader, we are having to 'tolerate' fewer and fewer of ' these people'- and they are doing the heavy lifting for us.

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Agreed. I had a phone conversation w/a rep for an Ontario company that I do regular business with a few months ago, and when I asked her how she was doing, she happily said " great, getting used to the new normal, isn't it wonderful, we'll never go back to the old normal, but that's OK....". It was like she was reading straight from a Black Mirror script. I've never heard anything like it, and I live in San Francisco.

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It's people like that that are enabling this

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Stepford Wife stuff. How chilling.

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yeah. here too. The Abel Ferrara version


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You're partially right, but even this piece of drivel from the CBC is completely false. I'm Canadian and know many people who never watch or read this propaganda outlet.

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Probably depends where you live. Urbanites as always are the worst. There are obviously some who see through it - e.g. the truckers - but it seems to me that the majority are still firmly bought in.

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Then there are people like my FIL who have it on 24/7. I guess in the goode olde days it’s what he relied on. He’s had covid twice now (denies the 2nd time when sicker than the first and right after booster #2). The cognitive dissonance has him so angry all the time. It’s sad but also infuriating.

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At one time, the CBC was probably OK but never very good. I listened to the radio station on occasion years ago, not anymore.

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There has to be something in the water. I have family, from Georgia, that moved to Calgary in the '60s. They have gone full retard with the Koolaid up there. Oh well...

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And Calgary is much more on the deplorable scale than downtown Toronto or heaven forbid Ottawa.

But my informal poll of me did get more honks of my freedom flag flying F150 a few weeks back on my stay in Ottawa.

Around my parts....eh not so much.

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I have collogues living in Ottawa. We were conferencing during the truck driver/transportation worker protests - characterized by our US media as a full on occupation and riots. The host apologized in advance at the start of the call in the event there was background noise. Someone asked if the protesters were honking horns and being unruly. He responded "oh no, the judge told them not to and said 'please' so they stopped that" and went on to describe the scene as more like a block party, with live music, people grilling and handing out food (free), kids playing in a bouncy house and general good times as people came out in droves to support the truck drivers and transport workers.

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Eh.... still 9 out of 10? That is USSR/North Korea level stuff. But to be honest I've almost completely disconnected from Canadian MSM.

I do the National Post and Epoch with the *occasional* foray onto cbc.ca to see what the normies are up to. And radio is XM

I did see last week cbc reported on a VAX INJURY!!! So the Overton window is shifting, somewhat.


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My theory about that article - it's part of a campaign to make people think the AstraZeneca jab is the problem (and J&J in the States).

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Ditto Mikey. Almost completely detached fromCanuckistani MSM, save for watching the first 15 minutes of nonsense on the Corpse, LiberalvisionCTV and Glowbull, flipping constantly so as not to absorb the propaganda. The narrative on all three is the same, it appears we are all going to die of Covid/Climate Change/Conservatives unless we do what Big Daddy Gubermint says.

Even NP is a trash rag of Liberal mind meld, save for Black’s columns, though he has been aTrudeau slave fanboi too.

Canada is a lost country, especially when Charest is thought to be a viable “conservative” candidate. Even PP is a WEF member, though they are trying very hard to bury that fact.

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Survey question (multiple choice answer): Do you trust the government?

a. Yes

b. Yes

c. No, I prefer to be disappeared

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I think the fact that the respondents answered, “Yeah, right!” was misinterpreted by the pollsters.

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Exactly. 9 people responded sarcastically, and the 10th said "huh?" and went back to sleep.

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Replace CBC with BBC and you have the same nonsense in Britain.

Cancel your TV Licence folks . . .

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We stream old TV shows form the 50s and 60s. And Roadkill.

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Perhaps the CBC was summarizing the following study?

"Oxford study reveals Canadians’ trust in the media at record lows since COVID outbreak -- Only 39 percent of English-speaking Canadians say they trust the media, the study finds"


And the original study (see p. 119):


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That study reports 59%, check page 17.

Granted, I don't buy that number either but it's at least nominally more reliable.

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90% of Trees support deforestation, deforestation company poll shows.

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That's a bit like "Most Turkeys don't vote for Thanskgiving"? Other than in CBC "polls", of course. And "Opinion Polls" these days have become instruments to try to shape public opinion, unlike in the honest old days when tehy attempted to REFLECT public opinion. Corruption rolls on........

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100% of Turkeys surveyed did not verbally object to the tradition of eating Turkey on thanksgiving.

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Polls are magic.

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That is so funny. As a Canadian who hasn't trusted anything from the CBC for 19 years, but did trust it for a lot of decades before, I can say that I don't even know anyone anymore that listens to, or reads anything from the CBC. PS - we call it the Canadian Bullshit Corporation. That article from them is a masterpiece of bullshit.

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Or one can call it the Canadian Brainwashing Corporation.

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Air Farce would sometimes refer to it as the Canadian Broadcorping Castration.

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That was on the radio show long long ago. And CBC radio didn’t do anything about it.

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Be careful, if C-11 becomes law it will be a thoughtcrime to question the Ministry of Truth.

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That’s when I get my first voip

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What's voip got to do with it?

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To get around the censorship

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Second attempt: TPTB are very good at working with spoken language too.

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Oh. I wrote an answer and it instantly got deleted. I'll try again.

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Not sure that works. Companies like Apptek have developed realtime language recognition that can potentially pick up, monitor, record and alert authorities to any taboo words or phrases you may speak. So even speech isn't necessarily safe, any more than written language. I think that's why they've been data-harvesting so much from Alexa etc, to get AI very skilled at working with human voices. Worth bearing in mind.

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My car company recently installed Alexa on my car in a software update. I've written a letter of complaint because I loath Alexa and want it removed. Alexa only works if you set up a google(?) account which I have not done. Do you know if it can spy on you anyway?

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I don't know, tbh. I'd be interested if anyone else knows. Imo, Alexa will listen in if it possibly can because its function is data-harvesting. I recently bought a fridge - then found out it's bluetooth-enabled!! 😳 I don't know how these things can be disabled. Try Rob Braxman the Privacy Guy - he may be able to help with Alexa?

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Sorry, I still don't understand how voice over IP gets around censorship. Isn't c-11 supposed to censor the internet, err, I mean protect us from the evil internet?

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Maybe that was supposed to be VPN, used rather successfully in China to get around the great firewall.

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yes, probably.

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Hmm. I wonder how the pollster worded that question? "If a nuke landed outside of your window, would you trust the CBC to tell you the truth about it?". Yes.

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Fact check: the window isn't really yours because your landlord built the house.

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Sure, you don’t own it but you’re happy. Right?

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Ummm no, probably not.

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I'm not so sure they'd be honest about that, lol...

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State funded to the tune of billions - absolute trash organization that hands out hundreds of millions in bonuses. They apparently throw absolute wild parties which would explain all the sexual harassment cases - I don’t like the CBC

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I used to be with NPR

Now I can’t even listen to them. The stories are absurd and serve no one, just some agendas

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They hounded me for years when husband and I stopped donating. Every single time I wrote back that we dropped them because of their incredible bias and agenda and divisive tone. Never heard an actual response, just more canned requests for the money to keep coming.

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Didn't "i went to epstein island" Billy Gates donate 25 million to NPR.? You know, for "proper" journalism.

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Well, he got what he paid for.

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In spades!

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I can’t listen either, used to love them. After Hillary lost & they were all so emotional.. that was it.

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Do you remember Gian Gomeshi? I'm not sure if I spelled the name right. For our non Canadian friends, he was a big darling of the CBC who was accused by I think 2 women of non consensual lurid stuff. The CBC completely turned on their biggest star in order to virtue signal and show their political correctness. Mr. Gomeshi wasn't the kind of guy I'd want to get friendly with but he eventually was acquitted of all charges and very rightly so. However, his reputation and career were destroyed.

The story against him had holes in it big enough to drive a freedom protesting truck through.

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Dirty tricks. Hate this kind of thing

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Yup Gomeshi was a popular host and they torpedoed his career. He is a disgusting creep but he got more consent than most Canadians did for the vaccines: jab or no job, jab or no travel, jab or no visiting family in hospital, etc. Yet many Canadians still think that was perfectly fine “for the greater good”.

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I love it when the left eats itself. Though when your idea of a date is choking and smacking her around...eh not much sympathy there dude.

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Yes, the positive there was the left vs left.

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Wendy Mesley got eaten alive too, oh the joy!!!

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Sounds exactly like the BBC here in the UK but they have added pedophilia and necrophilia!

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Jimmy Savile (famous BBC personality and very close friend of Prince charles) into necrophilia as well as paedophilia and every kind of abuse. Many other examples of abusers involved with the BBC even to this day, it seems.

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Insanity. Says a lot about Canadians, if true. Although the same can be said of Americans who swallow the gaslighting 24/7.

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It isn’t true - the CBC is full of garbage people

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As with American media, I assumed so.

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You probably have to first listen to MSM in order to be polled...

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Yes, seriously, my initial thought was sample bias from an internet poll accessible from CBC.ca or something like that.

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How do you know it's true? Because it's the media who are telling you. And people trust the media, which means that the media are trustworthy. So it's got to be true.

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And you just described the majority of Canadians, who think that a person, dressed in a suit, or questionable Wymyns wear, with coiffed hair, reading from a prepared script, is……….HONEST, AND AN EXPERT.

These are just teleprompter readers. They are experts in nothing, but pretend to be, but are nothing more than “personalities” and very bland ones at best.

Frankly, it’s disgusting to see the pedestal that these frauds are placed on, that have done nothing more than, for some, speak well, and have decent looks. For the majority, I have no clue what qualified them to be in front of a camera, reading a prepared script. Secret society? Casting couch?

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It's almost as if the media is telling the people what they should think. This is why I love those "bias sites" that delineate the bias of media...while ignoring the fact that all bias sites are biased.

Most of the conversations online ended in a similar fashion where when I presented data different than the narrative, inevitably I would be asked to give the source. The source of course is not the source of the data. The data was the same data the CDC was using, but the source that aggregated the data was a "biased" source that was against the narrative. See how lovely that works out.

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