I cannot tell if this is real or a meme. You’ve ruined me.

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Is that Liz Warren's daughter?

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This will be a *very* intersectional and diverse remake. John Wolfe, Pocahontas's husband, will be played by Karine Jean-Pierre, and the Pilgrims will be played by members of the Black Hebrew Israelites, while the Native Americans will be depicted as Caucasian, to show what *should* have happened: POC colonizing whites. If history offends our post-modern sensibilities, the best response is to rewrite history.

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Obviously, she identifies as native.

This whole post is hate speech.

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Well she looks right ready to dance around the totem pole, if you know what I mean.

(This joke intended for an audience old enough to remember whena quip like that would earn you a cuff on the ear accompanied by a stifled snigger from you parent or significant other; if you are under that age or are experiencing symtoms of outrage, you may be suffering from VSbP, Virtue Signalling by Proxy. Please contact the nearest provider of suitable products for regulating your brain chemistry. Prolonged episodes may permanently impair or render inoperable your sense of humour, proportions and reality.)

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Miscultural appropriation? I'm bad at using their words.

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Looks like a Halloween costume from one of those stores that pops up for two months and then disappears back into the mist of corporate capitalism.

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How about "12 years a Slav"?

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I guess if this is true they’ll be remaking Little Mermaid/merman… Beauty/Bronny and the Beast… I mean we are living in virtual reality so sky’s the limit!!!

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it is amazing how that video got disappeared from the main interwebs... but still avail on vimeo :-)


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Lol Might not be appropriation at all, my Apache granma told me( long ago) “ sometimes we throw a ginger” when I asked why my sister had red hair.

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If Gwen Stefani represents diversity, I’m in.

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I'm about to join the fest, too: https://ratsays.substack.com/p/mermaid

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Being both Caucasian and Native American, its was always so difficult as a child trying to decide whether I wanted to be a cowboy or an Indian, and as a grown up, trying to figure out just how to coach my child into hating 3/4 of their genetics.

Now I know you can have it all!!

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I think it's kinda sexist that Pocahontas is always cis female.

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Should have used Tannis from letterkenny 🤣

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