It only took 4 years, 10 boosters, and trillions of dollars. Consult your local epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina, CDC director Mandy Cohen, and covid czar big pharma shill Ashish Jha for the latest expert science.

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Their "treatments", and prohibitions on the ones that actually worked are what killed 96% of the poor sods who died. I had two varieties of it and even though I am WELL over 75 and have heart disease, I survived just fine. And as my friends and allies the Israelis say, "NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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When I try to discuss with ppl the fact that covid was not dangerous to most ppl. They often cite an example of a rel younger healthy person who “died of covid”. I always then try to probe for details . Im a physician so I know many of the technical aspects. In most cases I find out that the person in question was feeling terrible and went to the hospital where they were admitted and died. I try to probe for details of . They are usually scare. But what emerges is this: ppl got a really bad flu ( i had covid in aug 21 and it was pretty miserable)

For any of these people, they were never so sick in their whole lives, and they panicked and went to the hospital. If it was an ordinary flu, they would’ve just needed some IV fluids and control of their fever and nausea but instead they got remdesivir and if they had any trouble breathing , instead of steroids and other standard historically proved protocols or hydroxychloroquine , they got early and agressive mechincal ventilation . The medical interventions killed them. It was a mass iatricide

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That's probably the most horrific scandal. It wasn't Covid that killed probably 97 percent of alleged Covid victims. It was the response to Covid that killed them.

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Which probably implies that they died of fear. People caught a 'bug', were told it was lethal, then in fear, went to hospital, died from 'protocol'? Am I being silly here?

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Not silly, VVV, just realistic. Which I understand is soon to become illegal in Canada.

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that's what happened .... x hundreds of thousands of people.

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Ppl think is wasnt intentional. Not necessarily. In the late 1700s and into the 1800s dr still practiced bloodletting for common ailments, like a bad cold, or the “grippe”

Meanwhile, there were newer, more modern methods being tried out by other people, but the old-school mainstream establishment. Medical guys dismissed the newer knowledge and kept up blood letting people. So when Covid hit, there was so much engineered, fear, and group think that a lot of the doctors in hospital administrators just caved into the pressure from the CDC. The hospital protocols killed ppl! Very few people have admitted this, because if they admitted it would mean that they are complete professional and moral failures. And very few people have that level of maturity and introspection that they can admit something to themselves like that.

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"Very few people have admitted this, because if they admitted it would mean that they are complete professional and moral failures."

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I remember reading about the Spanish flu and that many of the deaths were caused by massive doses of the new miracle drug aspirin.

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Never heard about that . Where did u read that

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Gato actually did a long form article about if I remember correctly...

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Karen M. Starko. Salicylates and Pandemic Influenza Mortality, 1918%u20131919 Pharmacology, Pathology, and Historic Evidence. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2009; DOI: 10.1086/606060

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Don’t forget the use of remdesivir. It was key to carrying out this mass murder.


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So why aren’t any of these doctors in prison? The ones who killed their patients. What is taking so long to bring them to court. Up next are ALL the doctors Nurses, Pharmacists and others who injected people with and unsafe and ineffective dangerous covid vaccine. Sadly, they must be held to account. People were injured and some died due to their actions. When will they be taken to court?

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There aren’t enough jail cells to hold the criminals, therefore they must walk among us.

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They have immunity under the prep and cares acts. Until they are revoked nothing will happen to anyone who deliberately killed patients.

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Any doctor who recommended the use of those unproven kill shots should have their license revoked at the very least. Many deserve much more serious punishment.

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Instead, it is the doctors who recommended against the shots who are having their licenses revoked.

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"and even though I am WELL over 75"

You don't look a day over 80, Mick.

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Today, I feel like I am SEVERAL days over 90...but, What? Me worry?

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Hey, no ageist remarks please.

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: )

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Why aren’t any of them serving time in prison for crimes against humanity?

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All hail science and our public health heroes! How would we manage without them?

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All hail!

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Sounds like some good traditional American names.

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Any name can be American. That's what makes us Americans.

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Wrong. Thinking otherwise is why there is longer an America.

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You seem to not understand what makes America unique among all other nation-states.

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There is nothing unique about America. Every nation-state is comprised of a people that used to be multiple peoples, but by a process of ethnogenesis came to regard themselves as one people. America mostly did that, but then we began importing people that culturally and genetically can never identify as Americans, and that real Americans can never identify as a co-nationalist.

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Anyone can be a real American. If we have failed in current times to educate people properly in civics that's on us.

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Careful, check out the name of the person you replied to. 😉

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Question: How many CDC employees have died from Covid in the last 4 years?

Answer: We all know the answer, but the CDC won't answer this question.


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Mar 2
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Yes. I did not buy the Iraq war from the beginning but my warnings fell on deaf ears except for Dems then. I marched in DC in 2007 and democrats were all around me. In a Chicago March too. I do not recognize the twisted dead body it is now. Or walking dead in reality.

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When Obama got into office, suddenly all our Middle Eastern conflicts were no big deal. Bush in office - Code Pink protests. Obama in office - Code Pink disappears. Trump in office - Code Pink returns. Call me cynical but I don't think Code Pink gives a crap about wars - just who's waging them.

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Yup. That is what woke me up to the fact that media is just propaganda and the liberals (for that topic) were manipulated by it. After all their screaming about Bush's wars, they suddenly didn't care anymore.

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Code Pink actually did care. The problem is that they were cynically tossed aside by Democrats once the desired party gained power. It was the same thing with Gitmo, which was portrayed as the worst human rights abuse ever, until Obama got into office and found out that it was far, far harder to shut down than he realized while on the campaign trail. All of a sudden, the constant cries of outrage from the corporate media disappeared.

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I call BS on that one. The Code Pink leadership are know left-wing extremists. If anything, they are tools of corporate media. It wasn't any harder for Obama to shut down Gitmo than it was for Biden to exit Afghanistan. He just didn't want the bad press and soft-on-terror criticism.

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Obama was a huge disappointment —from his first year. I even went to the inauguration. I’m sure he got “the talk” fairly soon. I was a democrat liberal until summer of 2021. But mostly out of activism during Obamas time. I didn’t see any point in it by then. The glaring inability to get anything done by either side turned me off. Just a dance with the 2 faced devil—that just takes turn “leading”. I’m old. I’m done.

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I see it now. We don’t have American bodies coming home. That is a difference. It’s easier to hide a war now. I used to have a sign in my yard with total soldier deaths I updated. Now the war is being fought on our homeland at many fronts—tptb lay them out within our very families and neighbors, states, communities, races, economics, politics —at our very kitchen tables and from our devices and TVs. How many see these battlefields yet? We just can’t lob a b0mb over them. We are not seeing body bags, flags and injuries as a whole from the evil bioweapons literally being shot into people and accepted willingly. I am sure most Code Pinkers haven’t a clue. We could use their passion and hutzpah but now, they may be hauled into some political cell for their passion. I’m sure they know that now. 🤷‍♀️take care.

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Mar 2
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A couple of thoughts, FECKLESS george w. bush, did prove that Afghanistan is The Graveyard of Empires once again. Gen. Smedley Butler was asked by our betters to lead a coup and depose FDR. To his credit Gen. Butler REFUSED!

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Sometimes I ask liberals suffering from trump derangement syndrome how many dead soldiers and innocent civilians did Bush put into graves compared to Trump in their first terms. Bush deliberately put them there IMHO. How do you start a conventional war and not know that is the objective. They aren’t ready to hear what their own boy is doing yet to fill graves. Even here right in front of them.

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The oligarchy is very well represented by both R’s and D’s. Many Republican congress critters pushed the narrative, most Republican Governors as well.

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Exactly. We should never forget this.

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i will never forget and will continue to speak up. sadly, i know far too many people of all ages who consume the mainstream narrative like the garbage that’s slung at mcdonald’s...and they believe and defend what they are told with an insane passion but without any questions. still smdh at the power of this psyop.

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Me too friend!

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Uniparty delenda est!

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Dr. Kory was the expert witness for George Floyd's family asserting that Chauvin et al murdered him and got them a $27 million settlement from the city of Minneapolis.

I ain't no doctor but I watched the entire tape of the encounter from beginning to end and read the autopsy report too. Perhaps another issue where common sense and basic observational skills may disagree with bought credentialed opinions.

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Even more damning when you see bodycam footagage of a prior Fentanyl Floyd arrest and he's pulling exactly the same routine.

"I can't breathe, officer, I need to sit down."

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That Stepin Fetchit routine to use with cops finally failed him.

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I f do isn’t know this about Dr Kory. I posted the link below for anyone who wants to read about it. What a huge disappointment in Dr Kory. I however applaud him on his stand on Covid/vaccine adverse reactions.

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I've been a little skeptical of the Frontline Doctors crew when I saw the list of supplements etc. in their recommended protocol.

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Thank you for putting this out, SCA--I had not known this piece, but was sure from the get-go that the "judicial decision' was a 'lynching'

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Karma isn't a gal to be fooled around with. From what I've read Chauvin was not a great guy and he had the bad cop's need to assert authority even after a suspect etc. has been subdued or otherwise rendered not a continuing threat. If he had only gotten up and let the EMTs deal with Floyd in a more timely way, Floyd's death would have been understood for what it was (even though the usual gang might've tried to sue for "contributing factors" etc. etc.).

More awful consequences result from a terrible lack of common sense than anything else, I think.

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Wow, I never knew

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I was pretty startled when I read it.

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Something something way past LD50.

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None of this is confusing when you realize they really don't mind killing us.

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Or when their clearly stated objectives include massive reductions in standards of living and population.

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Bow at the Alter of Malthus and Erlich, you Heathen!

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Who'd thunk the most malicious Malthusian minions would turn out to be none other than the billionaire class. All because middle school teachers in the sixties forced kids to read Erlich.

Actually, its my grandfather's fault! He made me read Kipling. And Conrad. And London, and H. Rider Haggard. None of whom gave much of a damn about Malthus.

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im beginning to agree that there are too many people on earth but they wont like who i have in mind for depopulation

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The world is too "dense", that's for sure

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Nah. Just make everyone pay their own way.

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Mind? That's their main goal!

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"Collateral Damage"

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Like I said in my article yesterday, somebody from the CDC should have gone to the CDC website, where they could have seen we could have ALWAYS treated it like the flu.


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It was those exact numbers that stopped me in my tracks from buying into the entire fear porn they were shoveling. I had more of a chance being killed in a car wreck than from covid!

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And this was evident by the spring of 2020

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Cool, where did you find that table? I'd like to show it (in its original setting) to my diehard Covidian friends.

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I literally pulled it from the CDC website pretty early in the pandemic. The updated page is at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/planning-scenarios.html#five-scenarios, with similar numbers (though now they are shown in DEATHS PER MILLION)

Edit: Clicking around in Wayback Machine, I found those exact numbers from Sept 11, 2020 -- the first day the age breakdown was available.


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The Truth is Out There

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Sometime quite far out.

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Far out, man

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Hoo Boy - the covidiots (at least the ones I know) aren’t letting go of it! I’m really enjoying asking (in my most innocent voice) ‘But what about the science?’

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plenty here too. It is so funny.

So many mentally damaged people. That is what this is. Mass psychosis

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And we've always been ar war with Eastasia...

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Highly correlated with TDS

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For Covidians, it's still not proof that it was never a dangerous pandemic.

"It was a novel virus...there was no way anyone could have known."

No one could have known to not do the exact opposite of every sensible thing? I'm not buying it.

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Well, you know. Lies, damned lies etc. And the grant money that seals scientists' lips, etc. And the journalists' terror of being taken off the best party lists, etc.

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Kinda make me wanna set them on fire, you know like tie each and every talking head to a stake and set them on fire. Always said it was a flu, no one was dropping dead around me until of course the shots came out. Wanna tell all of us who lost EVERYTHING now that its just a little flu! The f..kers need a hanging!!!

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You had me with setting them on fire, then you pussed out and only wanted to hang 'em.😁

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Tar and feather comes to mind, but then again, I’m old!

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I too yearn for the olden days - you know, when most people were sane.

Traditions like tar and feathers had much to recommend them.

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But mRNA got its lift off. That’s all that mattered.

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And Trump out of office

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And a huge transfer of wealth to the corporate masters.

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Trust me....I know...I own a business.

Next to children being openly abused for 2 years that pisses me off the most.

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I hear you.

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Sadly, true

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Just posted this on Facebook. Can't wait for the bitchslapping.

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You better slap em back! Stupid effing sheep!!

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Oh. I will.

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You’ll be okay, kittynana, as long as your profile pic has you in a mask!

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And she her

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Don't do FB. Hope to hear your results.

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Me either

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and just like that!

It is magic!!

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CDC, singing in the voice of Troy McLure, from the stage production of 'Planet of the APes':

"Ermagerd, we wuz rong

Was a flu all a-long,

Well at least you got a needle

Yes at least you got a needle

Well at least we got a needle into to you-oh!"

Now, for some nightmares, imagine a Covid-scare managed with the help of Gemini-like AI in charge of all the information.

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Oh, they’ll be using that for Round two, you know…Disease X!

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Yeah - Monkey Pox didn't sell to expectations and fell short of DEI-quotas, so they had to re-brand.

I'm really disappointed in "Disease X" as their choice. Whichever Ad-agency had that contract needs to be outed so others know to avoid them. "Disease X", what is this? Does it come with 3D-glasses and scratch n' sniff-sheets too? Is AI Vincent Price going to make an appearance?

"Disease X". . . It makes titles like "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" or "Return of the Killer Tomatoes" sound like artiste cineast flicks.

You want to sell a disease to the public, get Cronenberg and Lynch to write your marketing campaign.

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No, apparently it comes from too much “Twitter”, I mean “X”!

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I'm hearing "Pearly Shells" on the ukelele

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Thank you! 🙏🏾

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The CDC - Serving flu customers since 1946 - except for 2020-2023, the $cience years.

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Just wait til they get to the part about their garbage shots causing serious adverse effects!

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"But without the shot it would have been even worse!"

Tie a ribbon on that logic and send them to market, yes?

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Stay tuned. That will happen after Trump wins. Then they will blame him for Operation Warp Speed and Kamilla will remind us that she was against the vaccine.

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The irony, of course, was that every liberal/leftist loon was against the jab when it was Trump’s creation but as soon as it was under the dictatorial thumb of LGB-FJB it was not just fabulous but MANDATORY for the “greater good”.

Had that election not been stolen & Trump remained in office, virtually NONE of those dopes would have taken the jab once, twice+. So the karmic wheel turns on them for putting party & tyrannical ideology ahead of common sense, rationality, morality, humility & honor.

That said, Trump deserves to be blamed for warp speed & touting the vax to his supporters, especially. He’s never admitted - in the now overwhelming face of solid evidence - that he was wrong & that those shots are damaging & killing people now

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Oh, they’ll drag that out BEFORE the election! Right now they’re trying to blame Trump for the border policies! They’ll drag Operation Warp Speed out when than that fails!

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There are vast multitudes who still believe the "safe and effective" lie, and they absolutely REFUSE to consider otherwise. Very much a cult.

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I just read a comment from a doctor who has had 5 jabs, wears a mask everywhere all the time and has had 3 Covid infections and still thinks the jabs work. And most people who think like this believe they get infected by someone who hasn’t been jabbed…can’t figure that out. I’d immediately think that the jabs are worthless.

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Pharma made $50billion from the shot but $500billion from treatments for "vaccine injury".

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And will take in 10 times that for all the turbo cancers and all the prion diseases, etc.!

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It's a f@#$ing disgrace.

If they'd treated it like the flu or any other severe respiratory infection like they had always done, think of all the lives that wouldn't have been ruined.

Those culpable should commit hari-kiri.

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• Great Barrington Declaration, October 5, 2020: Treat this like we deal with the flu.

• The CDC, Fauci, CIA, FB, YouTube, WSJ & MSM: That's dangerous misinformation and we're having you de-platformed and de-funded!

• CDC & WSJ, March 1, 2024: Treat this like we deal with the flu.

Umm....You morons wanna borrow a pen? Try to keep up next time.

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