hmmm, better test my IQ 3 times a week in case i got dumber

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This is a case study in menticide—and by a physician, no less.

I prescribe a full course of my 12-step recovery program stat!

• "Letter to the Menticided: A 12-Step Recovery Program" (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-menticided-a-12-step)

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I like to see and eat with people too... But I don't test test test... I just, you know, do it.

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Brooklyn and pronouns. We can be sure she is incapable of hearing herself. I live among these zombies. I know.

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The "I got my Covid vaccine" sticker right above her photo looks like someone is holding up two fingers behind her head. Even the sticker knows she's silly.

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The self-owns on vaccines are so glorious!

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Someone translate for me, please: "...and most of my gatherings involve food or drink." How does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Is it the mask down element that she worries about (which, of course, she would know means nothing if she kept up with "the science" of late) or is there some more illogical fear that's causing her to link food and drink to "testing" (which, again, means nothing)? I don't understand her ramblings on even a surface level.

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It would save her a lot of time and effort if she'd just read the Wuhan study and discover that asymptomatic spread is a myth.

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Wait, her gatherings involve food and drink? Doesn't she know you can't get covid if you're eating or drinking?

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Good that it is mentioned "She/Her" - hard to tell :P.

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For crying out loud, I haven’t taken my temperature in 30 years. A Doc who doesn’t (obviously doesn’t) trust her own body - don’t trust yours to them.

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What kind of a pitiful excuse as a doctor is this lady? Those tests are not foolproof (no pun intended) and she definitely doesn’t believe in the vaccine helping her.

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How can you tell if your brainwashed?

Someone who is brainwashed rarely questions things that they're told by their leader or the person they look up to, and they often don't have their own opinions. Helping someone who's brainwashed can be challenging, and it can take a long time since their ideas are deeply rooted in their mind.

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she/her was a clue to the insanity that lurked behind that tweet....

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This is a “physician” y’all, absolute empirical proof you can be credentialed and stupid, ignorance can be fixed, being stupid cannot because you choose to be stupid. Based on that tweet I would not let her water my houseplant. I am 100% sure she is at least triple injected (I refuse to call it a vaccine) for a virus that you have to test yourself for everyday to know if you have it. This is what mental illness looks like. She should be seeing a psychiatrist instead of testing constantly.

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Do these people not realIze how ridiculous they sound? Some of the dumbest, stupidest things I've heard and read these past two years have come by way of physicians and paediatricians. They've completely jumped the shark. My Lord what a shrill, cowardly, and authoritarian bunch.

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