Ah the beauty of economic sanctions in the middle of a provoked war and engineered energy "crisis". Experts are baffled.

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Little typo there Rob. S/H/B "experts". Who, collectively, have an absolutely perfect record - wrong on virtually everything that mattered since 1963.

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It's a mystery...

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kind of like "the beauty of a mass vaccination program in the middle of a pandemic", eh?

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literally lol, it's the gang that couldn't shoot straight. No wonder they want to take away everyone else's guns.

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they'd be lucky to figure out which end to point at the bad guys in 4 tries.

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they just put a fellow in charge of alcohol tobacco and firearms who knows nothing about guns, never owned one and likely has no idea what they do!

typical democrat appointee.

ruining the country is a feature not a big.

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Not only does he know nothing whatsoever about firearms, he is a non-smoking teetotaler. Absolutely no knowledge of, or experience with, the areas under his management. Perfectly qualified as a demoncratic appointee.

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But he drinks and smokes! Two thirds there.

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Hell, they're the gang that can't even shoot non-binary.

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Their aim is true when pointed at their own feet.

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Would it were so, given that their feet are usually planted firmly in their mouths.

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Chortle! You are SO right. I had not thought of it that way 🤣🤣🤣

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I’m old. Whatever happened to “War is not healthy for children and other living things”?

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As a fellow person of the elderly persuasion, I believe I have watched that centuries old observation evolve into, "War is great for the politicians and their supporters in the arms industry".

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The ruble is rubble! Mission accomplished!

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fun chart of ruble vs "rubble"


after a brief jingo-pop, the euro has lost about 1/3 of its value vs the ruble just this year.

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Yeah, well let's just wait another month and see what happens!

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euro lost about 20% versus the us$!

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Wait until Germany has its "Wiley Coyote moment" when people here realize what an energy crisis really means. If Russia really cuts of nat gas supply, watch out below for the Euro. Germany has been the only thing keeping this junk currency stable. Without Russian gas, Germany will totally collapse this winter.

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Putin didn't try to kill me by mandating DEATHVAX

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I'm sorry but at this point my perception of this conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a proxy war for the United States and other countries are stupid enough to be dragged into this. A rather informative news site regarding this so called war can be found on Southfront News. You're wasting your time reading or watching anything about this war on mainstream news. I wonder how long it will take before these countries get tired of Zelensky calling the shots. And don't dare cross him. He has basically been insulting and critizing world leaders, ambassadors and politicians for not towing his line. Way too much power for one man. Watching Trudeau trying to justify sending back the repaired turbines for Gazprom has been delightful. Zelensky is not happy.

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I think I speak for all rational Mericans when I say, "Give them a break. They are trying really hard."

Ha ha...I was able to type that without simultaneously throwing up in my mouth and dying laughing.

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More like Tic, Tac, D'oh!

Who says war isn't profitable?

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Unbelievable, but I believe !

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Jul 14, 2022·edited Jul 14, 2022

They either know exactly what they are doing or have just lost tic-tac-toe to a drunken chicken… and want a rematch. Either prospect sends shivers down my spine. Gavin Newsom, the man who has turned California into a 3rd world country, was skulking around the White House today, so my money is on the later. Give the chicken another shot of vodka and pass the popcorn.

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You mean covering anything red with yellow and blue paint didn’t work?

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For Christ's sake, everyone. Stop drinking White Russians.

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Are Black Russians Ok?

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Looks like we’re playing Russian Roulette with a loaded weapon Guess who loses?

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Putin is probably hoping for more sanctions!

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Meanwhile, inflation here hit 9.1% on their very rigged scale. (So it's probably closer to 20%.)

Call me crazy, but I don't think this is working as planned . . .

Or maybe it is.

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