We're not all bad. We sometimes just need to be pointed in the right direction.

Knowing a little bit about what goes into the training of a detection dog- hint, it's a LOT of time and usually a lot of money- I'd love to know what the actual hit rate of a COVID dog is for a virus that has existed less than 2 years. I strongly suspect the accuracy of a COVID dog in Sept. 2021 is about as good as a PCR test.

Cats are better critical thinkers on average, to be sure. But there are good dogs, and you can't do much better than to have one fighting for you. They aren't as easily distracted by laser pointers and feathers on sticks. :)

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The dogs got 2 jabs or 3? What's the stats on dog cases/ hospitalizations/ deaths?

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They did something similar at a sports stadium just as things were starting to open up. The optics of this are chilling. (But Gato,I am a dog lover I must confess.)

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Early in the pandemic, someone did a big survey to see which activities best correlated with contracting COVID. Surprisingly, number one on the list was dog walking. Nobody seemed to be able to explain this. When I came down with COVID last fall, I was surprised for several reasons. I hadn't had a cold or flu in years, had been doing the quercitin-zn prophylaxis thing, and rarely went out, getting groceries etc. delivered. (am retired) BUT... I recalled that survey.. ah, ha! I take my dog out on a leash 5x/day, and we walk and walk. Still, I wonder how dog walking could be riskier in terms of COVID infection than grocery shopping, attending sports events, or going to a bar? BTW, I have had colds worse than C19, never stopped the dog walks (though I altered our routes to avoid people).

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That's how Napoleon (the pig) was able to pull everything off in Animal Farm. No pups--no oppression

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They are giving dogs a bad name.

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Dude, love you like a littermate, but gotta disagree strongly on this one.

Pretty much everyone agrees that someone who is actually contagious should stay home. The problem is hysteria about people who are contagious but don't know it -- "asymptomatic" spreaders. Unfortunately that's craziness we have to deal with.

We should welcome a mechanism for detecting those asymptomatic spreaders. Not primarily to exclude those people -- although that might be the sales pitch -- but to demonstrate to everyone else that they barely exist and that it's a largely imaginary threat.

The dog that does not bark in the night (or the airport), as it were.

Granted: I'm assuming that the dogs alert only when someone is actually contagious -- not, like some over-cranked PCR test, whenever they sniff some meaningless trace fragment of viral RNA.

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My B.S. meter is going off... I think the humans need to stop inventing stupid ideas.

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If you can, watch this interview of Dr. Richard Fleming by Dr. Mercola before it disappears in ~26 hours. Dr. Fleming just released a book alleging that the virus as a bio-weapon.


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all i could smell were pop tarts and nuggies in that fatso's pocket ...

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I think I have Covid in my knees... My dog keeps licking the back of them!

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Born collaborators!!! You are hilarious. When this is all over I hope to meet some of the people I have found via Twitter and sub stack. I’m thinking you all have a great sense of humor which is so much better than all the anger from the other side.

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But it will backfire on them when all employees are already vaccinated….Doh!

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Humans are cats best friends, especially the patriotic ones!


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This argument is iron clad. There was once a dog who thought Adolf Hitler was the greatest man who ever lived. Conversely, there was a calico cat who wiped her ass on Hitler's little mustache while he slept. Her name was.....Lilith. These are facts.

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Can’t dogs get infected? Are they not putting these dogs at risk and creating another spread vector? From drugs to explosives and now viruses, this seems like another intimidation technique above all.

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Serious question; can dogs smell a virus?

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So you would prefer that The Soviet Union of Faucierica just stand by and let her enemies develop superior Plague Dog Technology?!

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So true Gatito!

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