Conspiracy theory (n): a spoiler alert.

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conspiracy theory (n): tomorrow's headline news.

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First you're a conspiracy theorist for anticipating what will happen.

Then you're a conspiracy theorist for saying it's a bad thing.

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RemovedApr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022
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You can't weigh much at all, if you experience mass freedom, Kelly. Good for you!

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You win _my_ internet today! Thank you for cheering me up!

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sooper de dooper correct, John. You busted out a gem!

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Word games for the insane.. correct conspiracy theories were formerly known as facts, much like the asymptomatic carrier was once recognized as a healthy person.

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It's not insane. It's insidious. You take "healthy person" and make them "asymptomatic carrier," and suddenly we're all diseased. The same thing with the government designating any theory that makes them look bad a "conspiracy theory." You're trying to delegitimize those who show evidence that the government is committing wrong doing so that even if it's proven right, you can quietly sweep it under the rug. What they did here is say the quiet part out loud. That really only works if your manipulation of language doesn't become so obvious that "conspiracy theory" becomes an easily recognizable synonym for "spoiler alert" and "misinformation" becomes a synonym for "fact we don't want you to know." So the "journalist" here is really just warning those in power not to be so damned stupid that people finally figure out what they're doing.

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Absolutely not insane; calculated precisely. You know (?) "conspiracy theory" - launched by CIA circa 1965 to bolster the Warren Report on the JFK killing. They directed the controlled media to use the term as a pejorative against anyone questioning any aspect of Warren. The term stuck - now for almost 60 years. And for sure - "asymptomatic" case/carrier is the THE key aspect of this Covid Operation - people literally running in terror from each other on the streets. That one got its start 40 years ago - with the notion that "HIV positive" but "asymptomatic:" persons were sick (and required drugs that tended to kill them) and could infect others. - Same thing - works over and over again. Just ratchet up the mass psychosis to the desired level.

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just like that, the masses were made into sheep. I think it is getting worse and worse. In old times people grew their own food first as farmers, then as hobby farms in their back yard. Then everyone went to work in factories and relied on stores where to buy food. A great leverage for suppression. When everyone was self reliant, or mostly so, it was way harder to herd them, I think. I also noticed that in the US people are very needle happy. Even though Europe follow suit, usually they are less used to constant shots for this and that. Some countries have one or two obligatory shots for children, but no European so far believed me when I told them here kids get some 72 shots before age 18.

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It's a big topic - your points are important. For sure there have been vast occupational, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual changes since "old times". Dr Mike Yeadon, recently spoke (again) about the difficulty most people have in understanding, even accepting the reality of "evil". And, in the present instance (he thinks), that accounts for much of the compliance (baa, baa). Could it be that "they" needed to move the culture into a post-Christian position before they could pull off operations like this? If God is dead, then Satan is as well - and we are doubly defenseless. (That sounds too "conspiratorial" - obviously, it was probably more of "them" waiting, rather than moving.)

Very anecdotal evidence suggests to me that persons who retain a strong Christian faith have been most resilient to the current operation. I can't provide %s and charts. etc. Call that for now, a working hypothesis.

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Non-supernaturalist here though, and I never really bought into it, especially after the shutdown. I'd wager the difference is that only a few of the population have the experience of viewing the authorities as the enemy, and therefore have no prior immunity to totalitarian propaganda. Believing Christians are both source and sink of people in conflict with the secular government, but there are some other groups as well. As Ingrid suggests, organization-Christians who swim with the authorities haven't done any better than the rest of the secular world.

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thanks - that is a very good point "prior immunity to totalitarian" ... which is precisely why it was so damned depressing to see places like the Czech Republic succumb to the Covid psyop in the way they did. Distinguished history of throwing off the Soviet yoke - after surviving Hitler and the tail end of Stalin - barely more than 30 years ago - and they change the tune from politics to health and boom! - instant nation of sheep! Even the scale of the protests there - relative to e.g. Berlin, London, Amsterdam - was nothing.

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Unfortunately most churches showed little faith! All churches hereabouts closed. Even my hairdresser reopened sooner. Then they all had mask mandates, some still have advisory mask - only 3 weeks ago lifted the mandate. That shows no faith to me. Maybe you are right, but then we come to the discussion of what faith is. A hot wire LOL

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Entirely correct - major denominations were about as inspiring in their Covid response as the American Medical Association! I meant to cover your points by saying "strong Christian faith" - there is the Polish-Canadian Catholic pastor in Alberta: Arthur Pawlowsky who kept his church open until he was imprisoned; he ended up spending long periods in solitary confinement, naked, on the concrete floor of his cell. THAT is "strong faith" (He has since been released).

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022

Speaking of food - what are the odds of multiple food processing plants burning down at the same time? Those who are behind this are doing their best to ensure that if we don't die of their plagues and deadly "medicine", we will die of famine. The Four Horsemen are here among us. My man, who is not very religious (though very spiritual), tells me all the time that this is clearly a battle between Good and Evil, Darkness vs Light. But perhaps that is a discussion for another day.

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I actually think it IS the discussion.

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Yes, but I wrote this last night at midnight, and was straying from the topic which was vaccines. And now, here we are. Thank you, kitty.

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I am I Europe and I traditionally took the view of vaccines good. But seeing how many you get in the US compared to here made me question this (after seeing the covid "vaccine" con). How many of them are really necessary?

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Is this one of those trick questions like “how many politicians does it take to change a lightbulb?” LOL

How many booster shots are really necessary?


Only one shot if you are wanting to experiment on billions of people.

Two if you really want to disable them for life.

Three if you want to kill them dead.

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I mean how many of the traditional vaccines are really necessary? I had assumed all of them, but like I say why does the US have 30 while the UK only has 18? That sounds like 12 that are unneeded.

I avoid referring to the covid shots as vaccines as I am an old fashioned type who prefers that vaccines that give immunity.

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When people use the words "conspiracy theorist" with me - as an epithet, of course - I ask them if they believe that Oswald acted alone. They always, 100% of the time, say, "Of course not!" - at which point I smile and inform them that they are a conspiracy theorist. Naturally this goes over well.

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Thanks for the tip !

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Agreed on all points - a similar MO now as with HIV, as you pointed out - with AZT killing people with the "same symptoms as AIDS", so of course it could be labelled an AIDS death - in an otherwise healthy person who originally had nothing wrong with them. We'll unfortunately see the same thing now as the "treatment" actually makes people more susceptible with a deregulated immune system - so they either succumb to Cov (or similar) viruses and can be labelled as a Cov casualty (and very few will question why a "treated" person should be a victim to the thing they were treated against) - OR they will succumb to other existing health risks that are magnified by the "treatment" as it exacerbates inflammation or destroys cells or destroys the body's ability to cope and heal. Ironically with HIV the propaganda was such that those at risk actually "protected" the mechanism and people that were killing them and shouted down people trying to save them and reveal the truth, such was their brainwashing that the "treatment" was the real deal (meanwhile the proper medical interventions that could save millions were suppressed from the start) - here we are 40 years later repeating the MO.... because it "worked" for those with the intent to do harm

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Read Wikipedia’s current entry on AZT. It’s revealing of wiki’s current status as quoting the main stream narrative.

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Exactly. And the devil in disguise is still spewing poison. How is it possible that anyone still believes that man?

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

then they declare you a criminal against the state, a terrorist. The pot calling the kettle black. Or rather a whole shtload of pots!

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I have it on no less authority than the Prime Minister of Canada that I am not only a conspiracy theorist, part of a "small disaffected minority", but I am also a misogynist, and a racist. Who knew?

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And anti-science

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Coming from him - high praise indeed. So proud of you!

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So glad you take it with a bucket of salt

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It's both insane AND insidious that they can repurpose a threat arising from the very slight chance of substantial harm into a full blown machination of the human brain. Fear really is a powerful tool of authoritarian systems.

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Do editors not even read those headlines before they go out?

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They are from among people who lack any self-awareness and have had an irony bypass.

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I'm inclined to hope the editor was aware of exactly what the headline said. Like Soviet Russia, it's not easy to smuggle things into print past the censors...

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Hmmm... interesting--and hopeful--take on that.

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They think the majority of people believe as they do. That’s why there is so much bleating about “saving our democracy” (e.g. mob rule, cancel culture, “hate speech” & such) are what they consider their “democracy”.

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what democracy? Is there on left on earth?

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When I was in college in the 90s, the entry level wage for journalists, IIRC, was $4 an hour ($8.20 in 2022 dollars). What kind of help do you think that attracted?

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When I was at university in the 80s, I wanted to switch from biological sciences to the journalism school. My advisor told me that I was too intelligent to switch since I already knew how to write a complete sentence.

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What's an editor?

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“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” -1984

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I said this before but this is the most anti-intellectual cultural movement since the Dark Ages. The abject reliance on dogma and trope, the ferocious fear of the human mind straying from the four corners of their take or leave it structure tops anything else and that includes totalitarian regimes who, whatever else their failings, never pretended to be "free." Just incredible. Literal de-evolution.

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I had dubbed it the second Dark Ages at some point in 2020. Nothing happening since has changed my mind and only emphasized the title!

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I think our 100/100 score merits the moniker of “conspiracy facts” by now.

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Gonna have to look up that new word "facts". Not sure I know what it means.

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Mainstream media to public: stop telling the truth, dammit!

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Apr 22, 2022·edited Apr 22, 2022

We keep tripping over the truth when we get outta bed in the morning. Stop leaving it lying around in plain sight. Someone’s gonna hurt themselves.

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unfortunately, if you search on the ctv site, that article does not appear. another substack sent it out earlier this week. So while it certainly captures the idea, it is a meme that someone else created - it's not real, CTV never said that. Which doesn't mean it isn't "true" in the larger sense! But it did prevent me from sharing it with others.

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Thank you. I searched CTV in vain for this article.

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I tried searching the headline and also did an image search and found nothing. Does anyone have a link to the article? I'm thinking this might be shopped and not a real headline.

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yeah, did the same and thought the same.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who does this. One really needs to double and triple check everything these days.

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The replies just after yours said same. I feel real bad I sent it to two people I trust. Now I will have to put out s disclaimer.

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Yeah, I’m thinking the same. Unless someone saved it in the way back machine? I’m happy to be proven wrong, but this looks like photoshop to me.

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Recognizing a pattern before the NWO has been established definitely *would* be dangerous to those trying to establish it, yes!

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In addition to a photo, is there a link to the article? I keep searching for the article, but cannot find it.

I ask because that headline does not sound like anything you would ever see on Canadian media, speaking as a Canadian.

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What is says is that the swarm mind is far far greater than what the media can take on. Delighted about it.

Onward swarm!

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The difference between a "conspiracy theory" and reality...

...is about 18 months...

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Every time I think the clown show cant get any more absurd, I am totally wrong

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reality theorists

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reality terrorists? Ha

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This might be the closest. The only thing you can know for sure is the headline is wrong.

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As the joke goes, what's the difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth?

About 6 months (Nowadays 6 weeks)

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One could wish that line was in fact a joke. In the insane world we inhabit, its merely a wry observation on life.

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