It never gets old:

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength

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Apr 14, 2022·edited Apr 14, 2022

Censor me harder…

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Whoops, accidentally deleted my comment, so here goes again: people have very strange ideas about what democracy consists of these days. Justin Trudeau while viciously squashing a totally peaceful populist protest he'd previously refused to negotiate with insisted he was thereby defending democracy. Methinks some people have the concept a tad bit confused.

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I’ve been reading Neil Morton’s “Psychological Warfare and Deception: What You Need to Know about Human Behavior, Dark Psychology, Propaganda, Negotiation, Manipulation, and Persuasion,” and this logical fallacy should be the tagline for Covidianism:

Repetition & Ridicule Fallacy

If you hear something enough times, you will believe it. No matter how ridiculous, if you are presented with “facts” in a certain way, you are hardwired to believe them. This is known as the appeal to ridicule fallacy. Mocking an idea makes it less relevant. If you associate an idea, a person, or behavior with ridicule and shame, you will dismiss it. Alternatively, if a ridiculous idea is given gravitas and treated with reverence, it will seem more viable. Repetition is a powerful tool, and when teamed with a shaming technique, it can be effective.


On another note, I’d like to encourage everyone to help defeat the seven COVID tyranny bills up for vote in California over the coming weeks!

I’ve just published my public comment here:

• “Letter to the California Legislature” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-the-california-legislature)

I include instructions on how to submit your comments after the essay. You don’t have to be a California resident.

Thanks, all, for joining in the battle against medical tyranny!

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Max Boot: do you even read what you post, or is just your unfiltered stream of consciousness?

Democracy and content moderation (censorship) should not be in the same sentence, unless you are Goebbels.

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Remember the New Dictionary. "Democracy" means "everyone is Marxist and votes."

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The only way to ensure democratic free speech is suppress it.

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What is this Democracy? I live in a Constitutional Democratic Republic.

Maybe that’s the problem, I missed the transition. I guess anything can transition at a moments notice these days.

For these people, it seems our nations new pronoun is “Democracy”.

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I can no longer tell the difference between satire and reality.

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Christ. Max Boot—kindly fu$k off.

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He's got a Ukraine flag up so we must listen to him!

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So many people are afraid to live.

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LOL. He's actually saying, "For freedom to survive, we need more slavery." I think he must be triple jabbed, as it is well known that the toxic spike proteins are crossing the blood-brain barrier and causing neurological damage.

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Elon will be fine. He just has to add a Ukrainian flag to his profile and all these morons will be schtum.

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"Democracy" is double speak for Marxism these days. I want our constitutional republic to survive! For that we need open discourse and cogent arguments.

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While Orwell's gave O'Brien, 1984's grand inquisitor, the famous line "If You Want a Picture of the Future, Imagine a Boot Stamping on a Human Face – for Ever", we get the real footwear on the record.

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Aside from his obvious ignorance, period need to remember, America is NOT a democracy - it's a representative republic, and it is supposed to be one in which we have liberty including the right to freedom of speech WITHOUT censorship.

"Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech..."

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I began reading the WSJ around 35 years ago because my boss subscribed to it, and I noticed pretty quickly that Max Boot was an absolute moron. Time has merely changed the side he hysterics for.

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I guess MaxBoot needs to learn what democracy means.

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That hat doesn't make you look smart, Max Boot and you need a reboot to prevent you from spewing out ignorant stupidity. The freedom of speech issues put aside, he doesn't seem to know that the US is not a democracy and was never supposed to be.

Even I know that and I'm a deplorable "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic—you name it" from Finland.

- Alexander Hamilton: “Real liberty is not found in the extremes of democracy, but in moderate governments,” & “If we incline too much to democracy we shall soon shoot into a monarchy, or some other form of a dictatorship.”

Thomas Jefferson: “a democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.”

(Comment: This is what happened now except in reality it may be more like 1-15% of the people has taken away the rights of the other 85-99%.)

- James Madison: “(democracies) have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.”

- John Adams: “(democracy) never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”

In the US, there are not so democratic elements as:

Electoral College, which purpose is to respect and represent the states as sovereign entities within our federal system.

Senate is similar. It was even more effective before the enactment of the 17th Amendment in 1913 (which subjected senators to direct election by voters rather than by individual state legislatures).

Finally, the least democratic institution of them all - the Supreme Court - where the judges are given lifetime appointments by the POTUS elected via the Electoral College and they're subject to no democratic oversight or elections. The last gift the system gave us all was the pedo-peddler Ketanx Jacksonx

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We’re a republic. Democracy is mob rule.

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I find it reassuring that Elon Musk is frightening all the right people.

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"Among the words that the Woke have strategically manipulated in an important way is democracy. Of course, in nations like the United States and the other contemporary parliamentary democracies, we use democracy to enable republics, to which the Woke are generally strongly opposed. This isn’t the only reason for their incessant push for “democracy,” though, which is only comprehensible when you understand the relationship between equity (or communism) and democracy. To the Woke, if anyone or any group has any more power, money, or privilege than anyone else (as they see it), there is no equality, thus democracy is skewed. That is, for them, democracy presupposes equity (or communism)."

-James Lindsay


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Send Jackboot warmonger to moderate content in Mariupol asap

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We need censorship for democracy

We need secret vote counting to give people power

We need wars for peace

We need discrimination to combat discrimination

A few lies for good cause won't hurt

It is safe and effective

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‘We need censorship. Without it these damned Twitter people might raise questions about my latest war!’

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More like Max Bootlicker amirite?

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He's bootlicking The Overlords for a position as middle management for one of the re-education camps after The Great Reset.

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He misspelled “totalitarianism”.

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God damn these people to hell. It was irritating five years ago -- now it's a sustained assault.

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Saw this earlier on Twitter. I thought, "Must be a satire account." as I have zero clue who this person is. But no, of course not. And people agree with him! We're doomed...

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Bravo! Funny he should say something like that when he works for Bezos. Regardless, I agreed with him in the original Russian.

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I know this sounds like hyperbole, but someone who says what Boot says is a POS human being who is an enemy of democracy, and more importantly, an enemy of the republic and of freedom and liberty.

“As always, the best antidote to offensive speech is more speech. The Supreme Court could not be clearer about how fundamentally important free speech is to a functioning democracy." ~ the ACeffingLU got one right.

(Yes, I know, the SCOTUS and the ACLU were talking about *government* censorship, but the principles underlying those quoted comments are universal and undeniable.)

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gatito bueno, you are a very good speller. It is a skill few have these days.

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Is that ... JackBoot?

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First, I don’t want democracy to survive, as someone much smarter than me said “democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner”, America is a constitutional republic. If Mr. Musk does pull this off the first thing he should do is pull the blue check mark for all these so called journalists, if you are advocating for information suppression and censorship you are not a journalist, you are a propagandist.

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Unauthorized opinion alert! Unauthorized opinion alert!

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Mr. Orwell....paging Mr. Orwell!

We had to destroy the village to save it...

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No real person has ever said the phrase "I really liked what Max Boot had to say about...".

Even the impostors tend to avoid that one because it's such an easy tell.

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Why do I get the feeling these people don't really understand the meaning of the word "democracy"?

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One of the consequences of the swollen activist state where adult responsibilities have been outsourced (to the state) leaving a citizenry hollowed out and shrunken to that of infantilized grazers fearful of the concept of life without their "omniscient" nanny.

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"Our democracy" is the political code for "the collective".

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It's in his name, he wants Maximum Boot on the necks of the peons, at all time. For saftey's sake, of course.

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you have to follow stalin and mao to understand boots' and the liberals' "democracy"

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these people use the words that feel good to mask the horrible ideas they want to inflict onto others

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The mental gymnastics consistently performed by the left to justify their perception of reality is really quite remarkable…

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Hey Max, just start your own!

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The best argument I heard against free speech was by Contrapoints. Who argued even in a real town square you can't have absolute free speech, some more bellicose speakers, thoughts, and societal norms will silence more timid, delicate, or nuanced thoughts.

Somewhat ironically he deleted the video after transition operations and treatment. Someone re-uploaded though:


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Bizarro world!

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