We are all in the Big Pharma gulag, comrade.

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"Meh. Who cares? Give it up, Mass General. Covid is over."

To anyone who, like I did for a hot second, yawns and thinks policies like quarantine and isolation are irrelevant: No! This is how they wear us down. "First they came for Massachusetts, but I did not speak out, because I lived in Florida." Stay vigilant, act locally, keep pushing back, wherever you are.

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The only way that I know to escape what's coming, is to go into the forest, sit at the foot of a tree, and contemplate my life until I starve to death. This is seriously my last ditch effort to escape this evil reality. Humanity is so f'ked.

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What is the difference between a protest and an insurrection?

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We’ve made the leap from crazy into criminally insane. Time to start taking SOMA!

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What’s the difference between a concentration camp and an internment camp? Why, the accommodations, of course!

On a more serious note, fellow Substacker Dr. Carver posted the following haunting message (https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/serve-suffer-and-sacrifice/comments) about Washington isolation camps. Public comments close tomorrow. Please help prevent this totalitarian measure by voicing your concerns:

We are deeply concerned about the isolation camps.

On Jan. 12th at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM, the WA State Board of Health will discuss applying current infectious disease WAC codes to include Covid-19 for all WA State residents.

• To voice your concerns, register for the live webinar here:


• You can also dial-in using your phone for listen-only mode: Call in: +1 (253) 215-8782 (not toll-free) Webinar ID: 894 7406 4216 Passcode: 957396

• Location: 101 Israel Rd. SE, Tumwater, WA 98501

• Comments must be in by this Friday, Jan. 7th at noon. Don’t wait!


• Allowing local health officers to use law enforcement (WAC 246-100-070) to force an emergency order to involuntarily detain a person or group of persons (families) to be isolated in a quarantine facility (WAC 246-100-045) following refusal to voluntary comply with requests for medical examination, testing, treatment, counseling, vaccination (WAC 246-100-040). These specifics come from WAC 246-100.

• Including the Covid-19 injections as part of school immunization requirements using WAC 246-105.

DETAILS HERE: https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/MeetingInformation/2022/January12Online







Here's the public comment link: https://sboh.wa.gov/Meetings/ProvidePublicComments?fbclid=IwAR2GvuCSwNGNWI2eFQl4cdGDWHr5I5iRULZ0RVmw8H6YW-yO3OC0R9dfsxA

Here is a link to the meeting agenda- WSBOH-Agenda-2022-01-12-Final.pdf (wa.gov)

Agenda Item #9 has to do with “allows local Health Dept's to set up isolation and quarantine facilities. And, in certain situations, send people to those facilities involuntarily. Against their will.”

Agenda Item #11 “involves a suggested "recommendation"--not a law, and something never considered by the legislature--to require COVID shots for children in order to attend classes at WA public schools.”

DEADLINE for Public Comments - 12:00 Noon, Friday January 7

Public Comment instructions - Provide Public Comments :: Washington State Board of Health

Online Meeting - 9:00 a.m. Wed., January 12 - Webinar Registration - Zoom

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Missouri is so far ahead of most places that it's nuts. Yeah, our idiot Democrat mayors still have mask mandates that nobody pays any attention to. The rest of the state is almost completely normal except for a few restaurants and stores whose executives MAKE employees wear masks. Starbucks, anyone? Menard's?? Walmart? Morons! Anyway, I had to go to Siteman Cancer Center today for a checkup -- all is well -- and I was in a mood just thinking about it because I just knew my vaccine status would be a problem (2 vaccines only, because hubby begged, no booster). Lo and behold, they don't require ANY vaccinations AND they have just ONE sign offering boosters 'for the immunocompromised. My doc came in, asked about any aches or pains and I said an area near my right kidney had ached for about 5 seconds and I was worried because 'you know, the vaccines.' He said, " Yeah, keep an eye on it and let me know if it happens again." I was actually all primed for a fight but I think THEY GET IT!!

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I'd like to know how it is legal, in a constitutional republic, in a nonemergency situation, to quarantine healthy people who have had no known contact with sick people and are themselves without symptoms.

I ask this as an unvaxxed returning to PR in a few days who, given the impossibility of finding test availability anywhere within 2 hours of where I am in the States and anywhere in Puerto Rico, period, thanks to the rank stupidity and incompetence of Pierluisi, within 48 hours on either end of arriving in PR, will likely not get the required test, will be fined $300 (good luck getting it out of me), and will thus be required to quarantine. NONE of which I will do. But the question remains:

How the F*CK is that legal? Why the F*CK has that NOT been fought in court, all the way to the SCOTUS if necessary? There is NO emergency, and the asshole's declaring it an emergency does NOT make it so.

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Momentum is changing but not nearly as fast as one would hope. Covidians will be loathe to surrender masks, mandates, lockdowns, vilification of the filthy unvaxed and unboosted and all the other authoritarian controls that give life meaning and purpose.

Defeatthemandatesdc.com - January 23 DC. There must be rational voices that challenge the immoral, unethical and illegal arbitrary edicts, I mean “mandates”, if only to protect the next generation.

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Unfortunately the excerpt left out a third designation, "Toolshed." It's applied to people who have been thrice vaccinated and recently tested positive.

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Both can be considered internment though.... Just saying.

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government created self imprisonment

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Suggestion for ending this insanity immediately: Instead a of a swab up the nose, you get a swab up the backside in public without the swabber even taking you to dinner. The hysteria would end in 3... 2... 1...

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Clear as mud. And logical too.

A loved one who is in college experienced this absurdity first hand. Their institute of higher learning developed the following policy: if you test positive for COVID, then you must "isolate" by going to a special dorm, with catering and tutors, for 10 days. If you are exposed to said positive, but yourself test negative, then you must "quarantine" for 17 days AFTER YOUR NEGATIVE TEST in your dorm room with no support services save food delivery. So when the student in question's roommate tested positive, they spent a total of 21 COVID-free days in "quarantine" while the diseased roommate got out of "isolation" in 10 days with no subsequent restrictions.

Pretty absurd, right? But wait, there's more clowns in the car.

First, after 10 days, the previously isolated roommate RETURNED TO THE DORM ROOM IN WHICH THE QUARANTINED WAS CONFINED, but could move freely. Then, upon release from quarantine, said quarantine victim was summarily put on disciplinary probation for violating quarantine to go out for food, laundry, and to deliver homework! The disciplinary process included reports, a tribunal, a struggle session and a mandatory public apology for "putting the lives of others in danger".

This is the absurdity wrought by COVID bureaucracy. It's got to end.

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"Quarantine" is how we try to coerce you to get vaccinated. "Isolation" is a concept we are slowly backpedaling on because it no longer suits our agenda.

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Dishonest WAPA TV in Puerto Rico is dishonest. Whorish even. Words have meaning. Deaths According to The Narrative (shown less than half an hour ago):

5 unvakkxxinated

8 without boosters

1 with booster

Let's take them at their scary word for a second. That would be translated, by every thinking person who remembers their assurances mere months ago that the ClotShot gave you complete sterilizing immunity, as 9 vakkxxinated people dead. But wait, The Narrative wants you to change your mind yet again, and accept their dictum that if you're not BOOOsted, you are decreed as non-vakkxxinated. And the Noticentro "reporter" pushed that narrative ("What we're REEEEEALY seeing here are 13 non-vakkxxinated!!!111oneone!") like scorpions push their stings.

But, of course, "Schienze changes!" Today gravity pulls you in, tomorrow you may be shot into space before you can say "Danger, Will Robinson!" Believe in The Science (i.e. Believe in The Fauci).

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Here in France we, the unclean, are 'emmerder' thanks to Macaroon and election year... It's like this... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a360Afe267U

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In the past, they isolated SICK people, not those with positive tests. We know that someone - especially asymptomatic - with a positive test, is not necessarily (nor probably) infectious. In the past the WHO specifically established that quarantining someone just because they had been exposed to a disease was NOT RECOMMENDED (2019). Conveniently, the link to the document that established that, is now "inactive".

WHO. Non-pharmaceutical public health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza (2019)


They reinvented everything with covid...

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These are the days Lewis Carroll could have been writing about.

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Thanks for the clarification. Are quarantine camps similar to Gitmo? Or more like the 1/6 prisoners?

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Making it up as they go

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Ok, thanks for clearing that up. Because my workplace posts notices all the time about people being on quarantine because they tested positive. I've been asking my coworkers, well does that mean they are actually sick or does that just mean the test was positive? And of course we all know those tests are foolproof, just like the temperature scanner at my workplace entrance that says I had a fever of 109 yet allowed someone with active symptoms to enter because they didn't have a fever. Now I can tell them the difference.

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I literally can't roll my eyes hard enough at this ridiculousness. Dangerous, psychotic ridiculousness though it is.

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What will your job be in the gulag?

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Cat, please let us support you! I wish we could show our love financially.

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The Idiocracy: alive and well at Mass General.

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So if you are vaxxed and have covid, you only have to ISOLATE for five days no test required.. If you are vaxxed and not positive, you can come back right away, no test required. If you are vaxxed and still have symptoms after five days, you can take an aspirin/cold medicine and come in without a test.

If you are vaccine free with no symptoms, you have to ISOLATe for ten days plus get a negative PCR test to return to work. If you are vaccine free you also must test every 7 days. If you are vaccine free and are exposed to someone with covid, you must QUARANTINE for 10 days AND get a Negative PCR test to return. If you have symptoms and are vaccine free, you stay home until you don't have symptoms..(common sense).

Did I get that right?

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Our gulags will have WiFi, or at least they will as long as you don't try to write unfavorable Yelp reviews.

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Um... I'd call that a distinction without a difference. But then that's how bureaucracy works on just about every level.

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I'm a little queasy about Brandon's seemingly purposeful creation of a testing shortage despite entreaties from many in the health industry and the clear seasonality of the cases. Add to that, FauXi urging everyone to get tested, symptoms or not.

Looks like a planned shortage and panic.

The purpose? anyone?

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Twitter now blocking a member of the UK’s Vaccine Confidence Project. How ironic.


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kitten grasps the concept of nuance! Some would say, “Jail, prison—sheesh, they look about the same to me!” But Gatito is discerning enough to tell the difference! Smarter than your average kitty! Kudos!

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World bank's COVID - 19 project will continue until March 31, 2025. It means more "variants" more boosters, more injuries and death. The majority of people are under the spellThe evil TPTB are continuously mocking people while slowly destroying them. "France Detects New COVID-19 Scariant More of The Satanic Mockery": https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/france-detects-new-covid-19-scariant The Olympics Rituals of 1992/2012 "Predicted" The Corona Operation https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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great analogy, gatito! good grief!!!

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ABSOLUTELY. ridiculous!!

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Hubby had it. I still went to the gym/pool/shopping. No one got it that I know of because I wasn't SICK! :-)

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This is like the 3 blind men touching different parts of an elephant and describing what it looks like.

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The grand slam for tennis players.

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I wonder if we could use habeas corpus then. Seriously.

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