How strange that the unvaccinated live such a stress free existence that these same maladies haven't affected them at - or don't we have any stress, anxiety or worse from being marginalised, sidelined and villified?

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So, let’s see if I have this right- vaccine injuries were once a figment of someone’s imagination now the injuries are real but they’re caused by someone’s imagination?

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It's hard to take seriously a paper that has grammatical errors in it. But I suppose that's the state of education today; they can spout wokeness and nonsense with a semblance of erudition by using key phrases and buzzwords, but underneath is nothing at all.

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Wait . . . . what? So the people who got jabbed who were mostly NOT worried about getting jabbed (in fact many queued up round the block for their chance to be pierced by the Human Race Saviour Needle and then posted a pleased as punch selfie on Fakebook or Twitter) somehow suffered the adverse reactions attributed to panic, fear and stress in the antivaxxer science deniers who decided NOT to get jabbed and miraculously suffered no ill effects as a result! Wow, we're even more evil than I thought.

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I once stepped on a crack and broke my momma’s back too

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So, are they acknowledging that there are serious side effects?

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If the vaccinated would just BELIEVE HARDER, they could not be led astray by the unvaxxed.

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What a load of GARBAGE. Reads like a ridiculous cope panic-written by a marketing department. Any CEO with half a brain would fire those people immediately. The stupidity of these people is utterly confounding.

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The barrel is well and truly being scraped.

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And yet some of the #DiedSuddenly deaths have been hardcore vaccine worshippers with not the slightest bit of concern that the poison they injected into their arms might be a death jab. How can fear and concern of the vaccine be causing vax deaths when the naive vaccine sheep are oblivious to the risk they face?

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Covid 19 vaccine side effects are caused by fear that Covid 19 vaccine side effects are real. And that’s the fault of the facts demonstrating that Covid 19 vaccine side effects are real.

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I'm astounded that many in the medical community use the word "vaccines" and include the Covid shot in that collection of injectable products. I realize that RNA technology holds promise as a shortcut to an actual vaccine and there has been industry excitement, but don't sit there and tell me that a man-made RNA instruction artificially inserted into a strand is a "vaccine". What they unleashed on the world is NOT a vaccine - so much REMOVED from being a vaccine that every dictionary on the planet had to have the definition of the word "vaccine" literally changed.

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So why didn’t their 24/7 fear-mongering, psychological terrorizing, and torture-manual coercion strategies cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and other sources of sudden death pre-2021?

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Bahahahahah!! Another IQ test.......gads, so tiresome. Idiocracy has become a series as popular as The Simpsons, and on track similarly to roll on for many seasons into the future.

- This is as absurd as the "asymptomatic carrier", the "your myocarditis is proof that the vaccine is working!" and the "imagine how much worse it would be if you didn't take it!" lies that no living man or woman who still has the capacity to think would ever swallow. We have reached a new low in society. Don't worry, though, friends; in another year, the average IQ (along with the inability to work due to disability) of the population of cattle will have sunk so low that all of us will all be writing our own tickets as worldclass geniuses.

- Sorry to be so cynical, and I really wish it wasn't necessary.

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Definition of gaslighting

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Every time I think “Peak Absurd” has been reached, my naïveté is laid bare by yet another excursion into the bizarre.

Surely nobody could believe this. Please tell me nobody could believe this...

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