How strange that the unvaccinated live such a stress free existence that these same maladies haven't affected them at - or don't we have any stress, anxiety or worse from being marginalised, sidelined and villified?

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Being fired and barred from transport, shops and eateries is good for you! Very relaxing.

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I had a massive migraine after learning I was mandated by my employer to have the unnecessary, untested jab. I refused . Four stressful months of questioning, threats, humiliation. Now put in the do not promote lane.

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I hate upvoting comments like this because what you say about the way you were treated is horrible. But I'm with you 100%.

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All that stress and you managed to escape myocarditis??? Wow!

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The benefit of being a conspiracy theorist is you won't get myocarditis.

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My husband was nearly suicidal when his employer forced him to get it. I nearly had a mental breakdown because I was so afraid he was going to die. Eff anyone who blames the anti-vaxxers for their own bad decisions when they were the same ones laughing when others were forced to take the jab.

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Sounds like a case for a class action; they are coming I'm sure.

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I think we will start to see multiple lawsuits against employers who forced the vax on their employees. I know the vax companies are supposed to immune, but employers do not have that protection. I am not a fan of trial lawyers, but if I were injured by a mandated vax, I would sue my company's ass to hell and beyond.

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Yes, already happening. Can't wait for these company's to bleed $$

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Didn't OSHA carve out some exemption just before the mandate announcement, exempting injuries from employer mandated covid vaxxes (only the covid vaxxes) from workers comp.

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Hubs company is private and they can do whatever they want. If they fire him, some other person will line up to take his job. I have been praying that those boat owners drop dead from all their own jabs, but they live in Seattle and the powers that be have a vested interest in keeping blue voters alive.

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RICO statutes, both federal and state, allow, in addition to prosecution by governments, civil suits by individuals. Treble damages! In a class action, the damages could be a hefty sum indeed, with defendants with very deep pockets. That should be attractive to lawyers.

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I was too, but when Herr Biden announced his diktat. And my throat closed up, and for two months I couldn't eat anything unless I downed a couple double shots of Kraken rum.

No stress there.

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Sorry to hear he was coerced into taking it. Hope these help:

Covid 19 vaccine damage repair protocols:


The jab probably potentiates cancer, so:

Vitamin D for cancer:


Microphage treatment for cancer:


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Thank you for actually taking the time to provide some treatment options (whether they work or not). Most people (including myself) don't know what to suggest to the people who have / may have / will be injured.

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99.99% of the thanks goes to the researchers who did the work, I'm just aggregating them. Cheers!

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Check out the FLCCC protocol for vaccine injured. It's very good.

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The FLCCC has protocols for covid, long-covid, post-vax, RSV, etc. Very good info!! https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/

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They're on the list. : )

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As soon as I knew there would be no way out for hubs and he would have to get it, I got on m e r c o l a and ordered all the stuff that would negate anything. As soon as he returned to his room, I had him taking all that. This is from April of 2021 before anyone was talking about this. I spent a week looking for lawyers, lawsuits, statutes...medical exemption letters, but nothing worked. It was concentration camp stuff as they lined up on the pier, with matrons waving red flags and telling them where to go. He is an electrical engineer on a fishing vessel that is docked in Seattle and he was in port and given 5 days notice that they would be vaccinated. And...they were locked down on the pier, so there was literally no way out. I think his company got government money to have a 100% jabbed crew. And he physically signed NOTHING. Because I told him to put "Under duress" below when he signed the release form, but there was NO form!!

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OMG. This is criminal.

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This is shocking to hear. (I believe you - just shocking)!

So glad you were so proactive to help protect your husband. All of our prayers are with you.

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Wow. Hope he is ok. Lawyer up if not.

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Please keep us informed as to how these work out for you and your husband.

Very sorry to hear you're part of the recovery experiment, but with grace you will prevail, and help give hope and a way forward to others.

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Thank you. I put him on the FLCCC protocol immediately including daily aspirin, high dose D, C, magnesium, NAC, quercetin, zinc, ivermectin. Seems ok so far and still maintains most of this protocol.

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So sorry about that horrible stress.

I thought I was going to fired from my job of 20 years (in Healthcare) and had to take a month off due to acute anxiety. I found a work around, but not easy.

That "study" comment is beyond insane.

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Same story. Not suicidal though. I hate his employer!! I had very bad thoughts. But God has protected him and we are smarter than they are. So there is that. I am amazed at the fact that people didn't band together and go on strike, but all these big fishermen did was line up because their liberal ass wives turned them into wussies. I am down for a fight....any takers???

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We still need a vaccine control group. Hang in there.

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And they're still trying to get rid of us. I'm staying in the control group for 'science'.

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I’m in it, and healthy at 71.

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Me too and in a couple weeks 81.

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Hubs and I are in it at 73 and 76. Happy and healthy, never a problem since this crazytown all started.

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Be of good cheer, the vaxxed put ahead of you will drop dead soon enough, and you'll be promoted because there isn't anyone else left.

Or better yet, leave and go somewhere that isn't likely to go bankrupt b/c management has brain damage from micro-strokes.

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My thoughts as well

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You have Coercion Induced Stress Disorder. Sorry to hear that.

But at least you won't have SADS.

You were right to hold out.

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I’m sorry. But maybe you’ll be the last one standing.

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Same as Hubs. Forced to get the shot to keep his job as an electrical engineer on a fishing vessel on the Bering Sea. And....they are still running with that football and demanding masks be worn at meetings when the office people show up every week on the boat at the pier. If we were not so close to retirement we would have told them to stick it. Up theirs. It started in April of 2021 and is still going on. It is very stressful!!

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Very relaxing, spa-like almost, to be shunned by relatives, have to inhale paper fibers and titanium dioxide for years at work and be around spike shedding people, including spouses. 10/10 would recommend!

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well done!! love your style

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OMG....that is priceless. You are my favorite human of the day.

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I know you mean that in humor, but it may well in fact be true long term, as the "vaccines" continue to take their toll. Turns out that having the privilege to ride, shop or dine out are of little benefit when one is dead.

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Not being able to be part of society, not being allowed anywhere indoors last winter in Canada, losing our entire support network, having concerned people call us to say we were going to die and leave our then four year old an orphan, having to send said four year old to his swimming lessons with our neighbor (because we couldn’t take him, because the lessons were indoors).... Yup: extremely relaxing....

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I especially enjoyed the six weeks here when we were banned from grocery stores. So restful!

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You must be in QC. I live there and was banned from big box stores -- grocery or otherwise -- for approximately that amount if time. May our premier and his health Nazi apparatchiks burn in hell when their time comes.

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My family went through literal hell when my husband's company forced him to get the vaccine or lose his career. We both nearly had full-on mental breakdowns because of the pressure. Other people I know were suicidal because of being forced to take something that they knew may kill them or simply lose everything especially healthcare workers who knew the risks. THIS is what stress is. Getting the jab and then taking selfies for social media to show off to all your friends does not demonstrate stress.

I don't want to hear one effing word about how, I, one of the unclean and unvaxxed can't understand the plight and mental anguish all those poor little pro-vaxxies had to endure because of my unwillingness to take the jab because I happened to be smart enough to think independently and do my own research.

If you willingly and happily lined up for the shot while virtue signaling your compliance on Facebook and/or continue to line up for the boosters and are now vaccine injured, you need to get something through your thick-ass skull right now, it's all entirely your own fault. It's not anybody's fault but YOURS.

Also, to all the vaxxies who cheered when people like my husband were forced to get a shot he didn't need or want and one that could have killed him, you deserve your vaccine injured fate.

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I can’t argue with you. You are correct

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YES! THIS! ↑↑↑ Me too. Mike Foxtrots. Forcing this shit on us. Extremely stressful. I am so glad to know my story is not unique and we are not alone. Seriously.

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Now, just stop! Do you see what you did there….you used your brain and did some critical thinking.

That is not allowed!

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Ha! Good one Laura!

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Great question. Shouldn’t we be dropping dead at the same rate?

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At first, they said the Pfizer juice needed to be super, super cold (right up until meeting the syringe and your arm)?

Then it was like "Whatever."

During the EUA stage, they were meant to produce 100% pure juice, where the mRNA coded for the full-length protein. Actual tests showed it was literally 50/50 if you'd get that, or some other misfolded protein...

So they changed the requirement to 50%.

So the simple answer is that even when they try, they can't give everyone the same stuff - and it's quite likely that they didn't even try. Why would they waste the biggest experiment in history?

We know certain batches were far "hotter" than others. Now consider there were 3 main injection brands, and everyone is a bit different?

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Stress-free bliss navigating the last few years. It's a good thing too - we would have been refused medical care.

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True that

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So, let’s see if I have this right- vaccine injuries were once a figment of someone’s imagination now the injuries are real but they’re caused by someone’s imagination?

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Oh it's more convoluted than that. Because whereas before the injuries were only a figment of your imagination, there are now many strands at work.

1.) You are not injured and it is still a figment of your imagination.

2.) You are injured, but it is because you felt stress from the anti-vaxxers.

3.) IF you got the shot, are injured, but did not feel any stress from the anti-vaxxers, THEN your not feeling stress from the anti-vaxxers was a figment of your imagination.

4.) IF you got the shot, are injured, and you think this study is hokum, THEN you are really a racist, fascist, Nazi, white supremacist, homophobic, transphobic, member of the patriarchy, and a possible anti-vaxxer in disguise.

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This is my vote for Comment ofthe Day Thus Far.

There isn't a reward other than appreciation. 😂

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Also... if you died from a heart attack/ myocarditis:

- it was from sleeping in the wrong position

-it was caused by the heat

-it was caused by the cold

-it was caused by gardening

-it was caused by anything but the vaxx

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Here's one for you. A man I worked with years ago died in his sleep on a plane on his way back from a trip to France. I'm fairly sure he would have gotten the shot. People (Covidians) are saying "what a great way to die." I think I'd rather have gotten home and bragged about my trip for a while. Different strokes (literally) for different folks.

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Falling asleep wit the television on, braking the car, taking hot showers or taking cold showers. And don't forget the deadliest of all - the referee whistle! The vaccines make you vulnerable to so many formerly safe activities. ..

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Now you really got my head spinning! Thanks alot Duane!🤪

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You only imagine your head's spinning.

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sign me up!

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@Scu ~ Priceless!

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Nailed it. My injury for the past 10 months is just imaginary and all! A figment of their imagination. No one wants to be held liable, but I say they are all liable. Big pharma for cooking it up, the govt for knowing and still urging to get it, and then big corporate for pimping us out by mandating it for some cash. Too much blood on their hands.

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Yes there has to be consequences. Take a look at realnotrare.com

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BINGO!! Go to the head of the class!

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All the illnesses spread from the head. Except for one 😂

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It's hard to take seriously a paper that has grammatical errors in it. But I suppose that's the state of education today; they can spout wokeness and nonsense with a semblance of erudition by using key phrases and buzzwords, but underneath is nothing at all.

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Spelling & grammatical errors are due to climate change, silly!

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Or maybe from arterial constriction in the brain of the writer and editor, obviously caused by the unvaccinated. Not that this article wasn’t written to monger fear and be a scare tactic....

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Oh, yesssss!

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And Spellcheck 😂 That stupid program constantly corrects correct spelling.

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They are gold medalists in mental gymnastics.

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I'm starting to feel triggered.

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Quick get to your safe space!

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Read Dystopian Down Under on substack. Rebekah Barnett will tell you a bit more about this man.

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I wanna know if it’s double blinded and peer reviewed, and was there a control group? 😂

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Vote up on "It's hard to take seriously a paper that has grammatical errors in it."

Grammatical errors and misspellings are becoming more and more prevalent.

Discouraging--correct communication will eventually be lost if it all keeps up.

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Comment deleted
Nov 25, 2022
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Thank you, Cat, for the three links re one of our "esteemed leaders".

Your first link, to the thesis of Michelle Obama:

Yes, LOL! Quoting Christopher Hitchens: "To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be ‘read’ at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn’t written in any known language."

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Wait . . . . what? So the people who got jabbed who were mostly NOT worried about getting jabbed (in fact many queued up round the block for their chance to be pierced by the Human Race Saviour Needle and then posted a pleased as punch selfie on Fakebook or Twitter) somehow suffered the adverse reactions attributed to panic, fear and stress in the antivaxxer science deniers who decided NOT to get jabbed and miraculously suffered no ill effects as a result! Wow, we're even more evil than I thought.

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And powerful, too

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Yes, mass psychic projection of medical symptoms is now a reality.

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If only we could harness that power for good, we’d no longer need any vaccines.

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There’s actually a WHO study looking at sentiment on social media (Twitter) about the vaccines I was looking at the source paper above and clicked on a link that said “similar articles” to find other nonsense to laugh at.

Adverse Mentions, Negative Sentiment, and Emotions in COVID-19 Vaccine Tweets and Their Association with Vaccination Uptake: Global Comparison of 192 Countries


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I once stepped on a crack and broke my momma’s back too

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Momma saw you do it and then her spine snapped from the sheer stress.

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OMG, I just snorted...I'm about to make myself late for work because this comment thread is too good.

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I fell on the floor laughing at this stupid excuse for “science”, and in doing so hit my head on the coffee table. It’s Raymond D. Palmer’s fault.

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She should've been wearing a mask.

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Totally preventable!

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Devo nailed it decades ago. They even predicted the wokesters "Freedom of choice is what you got, freedom from choice is what you want."

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So, are they acknowledging that there are serious side effects?

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Slowly and grudgingly, apparently so. It turns out that working in one's garden, climate change, winter vagina, racism, white supremacy, "assault" rifle owners, MAGA and now most recently the "misinformation" spread by us anti-vaxxers are sufficient cause for all those curious health problems that are befalling the jabbed. Naw, it couldn't possibly be due to [censored]

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LOL. I made a similar comment upthread, but forgot "winter vagina."

Yeah. That causes heart attacks. Sure....

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Don’t be silly, its safe and effective.

It’s obviously not a side effect of the actual vaccine it’s a side effect of stressing about the side effects of the actual vaccine.

Completely different 😀

Watching Died Suddenly should carry a health warning for the vaxxed, the emotional damage will surely kill many of them.

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The BBC have done a hatchet job on that movie which makes me think there’s definitely truth in that film

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I don’t think they set out to make a truthful movie. It’s more a convincing movie with enough “truthiness” thrown in to make people think. Sort of how world Governments convinced people to get the jab. It’s propaganda from our side. Don’t get me wrong I thought it was excellent and highly recommend it.

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If the vaccinated would just BELIEVE HARDER, they could not be led astray by the unvaxxed.

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What a load of GARBAGE. Reads like a ridiculous cope panic-written by a marketing department. Any CEO with half a brain would fire those people immediately. The stupidity of these people is utterly confounding.

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Hey, when I'm not doing hypnotherapy I work in marketing - and that crap would never pass review! We'd be too busy laughing at it.

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Glad to hear you’ve got high standards! 🙂

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I think he is the CEO or director. Look him up, interesting back story. Follow the money.

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The barrel is well and truly being scraped.

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You’d think they’d have worn a hole in it by now.

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And yet some of the #DiedSuddenly deaths have been hardcore vaccine worshippers with not the slightest bit of concern that the poison they injected into their arms might be a death jab. How can fear and concern of the vaccine be causing vax deaths when the naive vaccine sheep are oblivious to the risk they face?

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Because the anti vaxxers make them so darned angry!

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yes the very act of asking a question generates exponentially explosive stress, brains to explode, and general mayhem. Thus inquiry must be suppressed for the greater good.

The science is settled and any debate will only cause more death and mayhem.

You may not share a dissenting opinion as your opinion harms everyone else. So you must be stopped. The greater good demands it! Public safety demands it! The fate of the known universe hinges on suppressing dissent! It's "science" ...

And scary part is way too many people will accepts this absurdly dodgy logic.

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Covid 19 vaccine side effects are caused by fear that Covid 19 vaccine side effects are real. And that’s the fault of the facts demonstrating that Covid 19 vaccine side effects are real.

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Yes, the article's aborted logic reminds me of Nietzsche's demolishing idealism. Unlike many of his writings, this concise chapter is (relatively) lucid:


(search for string "sense-organs")

Or perhaps he's wrong, and our bodily sense organs really are extensions of our sense organs?

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Tautologies FTW!

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Ouroboros ⭕️

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I'm astounded that many in the medical community use the word "vaccines" and include the Covid shot in that collection of injectable products. I realize that RNA technology holds promise as a shortcut to an actual vaccine and there has been industry excitement, but don't sit there and tell me that a man-made RNA instruction artificially inserted into a strand is a "vaccine". What they unleashed on the world is NOT a vaccine - so much REMOVED from being a vaccine that every dictionary on the planet had to have the definition of the word "vaccine" literally changed.

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"Holds promise"? mRNA tech has been rife with problems from the very beginning ~ and the current fiasco should be the death knell of this abomination ~ no matter what it is called.

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A veterinarian I do computer work for sure is excited about the disease-prevention possibilities. I'm thinking they should have probably perfected it on animals first. This vet, BTW, was Pfizer-double-vaxxed and freshly boosted late last year year when she caught Covid and had to be hospitalized. Still a believer, though!

My genius-level pharmacist wife has to not roll her eyes when customers come in and ask, "I just had Covid. How long do I have to wait to get my 2nd booster?" The people fail to understand the lack of logic that question shows.

I'll add this... my wife has to check existing patient profiles before filling Paxlovid for possible drug interactions with commonly-prescribed drugs. Keep in mind that this is a super busy pharmacy. To this date, ALL of the prescriptions she has filled for either of the two therapeutics have been for "vaxxed" patients. I'll say it differently - the only people coming in being prescribed Paxlovid or molnupiravir by their doctors are all "vaxxed and boosted". NO ONE being prescribed either therapeutic has a blank Covid shot record. Let that sink in.

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He’s excited about the extra cash it will bring in. All those vaxxed customers wanting to treat their pets just like themselves. I’ve heard in early testing it pretty much killed every animal it’s been tested on. I’m sure they got it perfect before injecting people with it.

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All the unvaxxed I know are just FINE, and have been just fine since early 2020. Some of them apparently had covid and did just fine. Others may or may not have had it, they don't really know. That includes me. HOWEVER, the vaccinated I know and know of haven't done nearly as well. And they remain mostly clueless about their current state of health and the injections. Quite amazing and sad to observe such a high level of human cluelessness and utter ignorance.

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I know someone who is in his 70s who is updated with all his C0VID poison death jabs. I found out a few days ago that he had cancer in his shin. Turns out... that's rare. Not a good thing.

When the injected I know are sick, I pussyfoot around and say something like "well... some people who have been vaxxinated have had problems with their immune system." Not sure if they'll ever put 2 +2 together.

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Yeah, a casual acquaintance is HIV positive. Got vaxxed. Keeps getting C0VID over and over again. A friend that told me the story never suspected that it could be the vaxx.

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I would have a VERY hard time biting my tongue and only giving approved answers to stupid questions like that.

To be fair, I wouldn’t expect anyone who stayed vax-free to be dumb enough to fill a Rx for paxlovid or molnupiravir.

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It's a pretty nifty chemistry experiment, though!

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Shame it doesn’t work as intended or does it?

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Both points of view are partially correct. Attempting a relatively unbiased view, I would say that mRNA does in fact hold immense promise. But it's also true that it's had serious troubles in all attempts so far, both in efficacy and safety. But that doesn't mean that safe(r) products are impossible. The worst problem with mRNA is that it is a huge current and future profit center for Pharma and others with vested interests. In pursuit of money (and, perhaps political goals) these products were authorized/approved disregarding all the old standards. Yes, they should be available to those who were reasonably informed of the risks and benefits and strictly on a voluntary basis. But to mandate them? It's one thing to innovate new therapies. But it's quite another to run roughshod over traditional testing and safety standards, medical wisdom and human rights all in the name of a fast buck. You will please note that the mRNA jabs are far from the first example of such bad behavior, but I suspect that both in dollar terms and the casualty count, it takes the blue ribbon.

Finally, how hair splitting do you wish to be about what is properly defined a "vaccine?" I can make an equally valid case that the name should only apply to the original vaccine against smallpox, the name being derived from the Latin name of the virus (Vaccinia).

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Before the mRNA transfections the term "vaccine" was interchangeable with the term "immunization" whether the substance was delivered w syringe as most immunization products are under the vaccine umbrella.

Calling these vaccines required CDC to change the definition to remove conferring immunity as criteria then leveraged public perception of efficacy tied to the term vaccine. Confusion around terminology for these transfections is part of the marketing/nudge/psyop overall plan the age old bait & switch.

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Great explanation...I hope Sen Rand Paul includes this change in definition topic when he filets Little Tony in January.

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Little Tony just testified, I believe in LA. His line was... "I don't recall." He didn't recall most of what he did during C0VID.


Expect this to be his tactic with Rand.

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But can you truly call a product that has to be given approximately every 3 months to prevent disease a vaccine? Where do you draw the line? When does a vaccine become a preventative treatment?

I get my teeth cleaned by a dentist less frequently than that. Is teeth cleaning a vaccine against tooth decay?

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Under the new definition. Separating the "immunity" part lets you.

The clear and present fraud is removing "immunity" from the definition of vaccine.

It is truly amazing how politicizing immunization has led to complete suspension of logic and observation. Just this week, 5 people I know claim to have "gotten COVID", all thankfully recovering, all received the mRNA treatment and boosters, and non will for a moment consider that contracting the disease suggests the vaccine doesn't do what they were promised it would do (prevent contracting the disease).

I suppose it's an interesting psychology. I was talking with a family member yesterday about "science" and the suppression of inquiry. Got an insight into "the science". The blanket statement "vaccines work" can be supported by examples of vaccines that actually work - immunize the patient against a disease. This leads to "we must accept the COVID vaccine works because vaccines work" twist of logic, because despite NOT immunizing the patient against the disease (as overwhelming shown by results) it is called "vaccine" and there for must work. This from someone without an MD, even. Amazing mental process!

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I can see the logic. Cars are safe, millions of people around the world use cars everyday with very few incidents. They’re tested to high standards by auto makers to strict rules set by the regulator. Therefore all cars are safe. Bye extension the Ford Pinto is safe. The exploding gas tank is the other drivers fault by Mr Palmer’s logic.

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A better example is if you put a wheel on a 55 gallon barrel half full of gasoline, with a fuse at the top, and wrote CAR on the side in big, bold letters. Anyone who hasn't suspended their own senses can see it isn't a car. But to those the must believe, the label is enough.

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What you describe is not far off what the Pinto actually was. 😀

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Yes, mRNA as a technology possibly holds promise....in the very distant future. The science just isn't there yet. The idea of a base technology to deliver cure and immunity for a great many things that ail mankind...yes, a hopeful idea. But still just an idea. It isn't perfected, it's not ready for prime time. After force testing it on billions of people around the world, they surely must know that now. Too bad about all the unsuspecting and sacrificial lab rats, though. But rest assured, they will keep trying with it. Lab rats beware.

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I made a similar point on another stack. This obvious failure will not stop them from continuing their experiments. They have succeeded on at least one thing, they now have a large army of willing lab rats that are willing to be subjected to the experiment.

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Find some very recent interviews with Sucharit Bakhdi (sp?) he’s all about the inherent and massive dangers from mRNA technology. Chilling.

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@Zefram ~ Excellent point.

Here's a good starting point for individuals who are not familiar with Bhakdi's passionate warnings:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/91bf7b52e203

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I try to make sure not to call it 'vaccine' in conversation. It is not a vaccine.

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Just refer to it as "the death jab". F*ck their feelings.

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So why didn’t their 24/7 fear-mongering, psychological terrorizing, and torture-manual coercion strategies cause blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, and other sources of sudden death pre-2021?

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Yes. And what about the terror they’re inducing with the specter of the world going up in flames due to “climate change”?

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🎯 Great point—stealing childhoods and all!

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Maybe climate change really is killing people or more correctly the fear of climate change is killing the vaxxed. You’ve just solved the excess death mystery. No need to investigate any further.

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Bahahahahah!! Another IQ test.......gads, so tiresome. Idiocracy has become a series as popular as The Simpsons, and on track similarly to roll on for many seasons into the future.

- This is as absurd as the "asymptomatic carrier", the "your myocarditis is proof that the vaccine is working!" and the "imagine how much worse it would be if you didn't take it!" lies that no living man or woman who still has the capacity to think would ever swallow. We have reached a new low in society. Don't worry, though, friends; in another year, the average IQ (along with the inability to work due to disability) of the population of cattle will have sunk so low that all of us will all be writing our own tickets as worldclass geniuses.

- Sorry to be so cynical, and I really wish it wasn't necessary.

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"- Sorry to be so cynical, and I really wish it wasn't necessary."

You're very blunt and funny. I like that.

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Thanks. We will probably all be there, at some point. Weathered veterans of a strange war....

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Definition of gaslighting

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Every time I think “Peak Absurd” has been reached, my naïveté is laid bare by yet another excursion into the bizarre.

Surely nobody could believe this. Please tell me nobody could believe this...

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