We mustn't let our tax-extorted dollars to go to waste—let's give Dr. Mengelfauci the remaining 93% so he can be the most safe-and-effectived experimental subject on the planet.
I wouldn't give him 93% because we need to divvy the remaining vaccines up equally among the globalists, including the WEF and Big Pharma and the mainstream media and the governments.
The fact that so few people are getting the latest ‘booster’ is one of the most heartening, encouraging signs of human intelligence today! People are waking up!
I’ve heard that only about 10% of Americans have gotten the new jab. But my local newspaper - heavily into the left-leaning official stance - is certainly not advertising the jab’s failure. Any El Gato pals have the latest accurate statistic?
My all of my relatives over 65 except my husband are all on the vax train for life. It's sad. The women watch CNN and are terrified, so they convince their husbands to go along.
I agree, I have a handyman business with a majority elderly widows. I know most are on board with the vaxx death shots. My service calls are rapidly diminished and I fear many are being damaged or killed. I've tried dropping hints here and there but I don't think I'm breaking through. It's so sad because I truly care about them!
When over 70–like I am, thoughts turn to the inevitability of actual death. It’s uncomfortable sometimes. But instead of getting naturally healthier most I know line up for the pharmaceuticals their “trusted” doctor recommends. In my group there has been several weird blood tests and 2 serious autoimmune diseases. No one has died yet.
I had this discussion with a friend the other day. A mutual acquaintance who is not in the best of health in the first place, had had C0VID again, even though he's injected multiple times.
I tried to say as mildly as I could "the injections seem to be damaging some people's immune system."
I’m hoping to find reliable data on that. For example, Fauci says 15% have gotten the new jab in America, but he’s probably inflating that by calculating from the number of people who are ‘eligible’ for the new jab - I.e. the triple-jabbed, not the percentage of the total population. So it’s actually maybe 7% of the population who have gotten the latest jab. Or less! Anyone know the latest figure?
And in Europe? What percentage of the total population have *voluntarily* gotten the ‘booster’?
no he wasn't. that's what makes his transition so shocking and sad. absolutely no one came as close to 'speaking truth to power' as he did at the correspondents' dinner:
Man, he sure went the way of the idiot. At one time, he could unload some hilarious satire. But I haven't heard him (when I have the misfortune of seeing anything of his) say something funny in years.
"We have a COVID vaccine and a booster that is matched very well to the circulating virus and yet only about 15% of people who have been vaccinated have gotten the boost, that is terrible," Fauci raged, like a pharma rep who failed to meet his sales quota. He raged like that because that's exactly what he is.
“So I’ll say it again here: Fauci has built a Scamdemic record replete with failure. None of the measures he prescribed and supported: lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates or mass scale 40 cycle PCR testing or shots has worked. Each has caused deep human and economic damage. Given such profound and pervasive failure, it’s ludicrous that Fauci thinks most people still value his opinion.”
Huh. I read the wuhan part has been extinct for awhile and the other almost is and will most certainly will be extinct soon as a world full of jabbed people running for more jabbajuice ramp up another variant.
“I want to encourage the young people here today but really throughout this country to reject a key ill that is currently tearing apart civil society,” he started.
“What I refer to as the normalization of untruths. Put more bluntly, the normalization of lies that we see all around us. Now, helped along by social media, facts and falsehoods now coexist as sometimes equals, deliberately sowing confusion and discord, and distorting reality,” he continued. “It is easy to become so inured to the ubiquity of misinformation that we simply accept it.”
I swear there are currently so many government and political leaders sleeping with a copy of Alinsky under their pillows. Hillary shrieks all Republicans have is to instill fear while taking fear mongering and gaslighting to a “nuculahr “ level....” I know that the GOP already have a plan in place to steal the 2024 election”....really? Do tell.......
The problem the Dems have now is when they lose what then? They’ve ratcheted this shit up to 11 and it will be extra embarrassing to have to say. “Welp we thought democracy would be over by now but it didn’t happen. Trust us though our new date for the end of democracy is when hale bopp comet comes back around in 4385”
Really good question..double down on the insults and degradation? I’m confident Hillary will be doubling her Chardonnay delivery, but other than that, who knows what their arcane psychology will be.
If there are blowouts in the house and suspiciously close senate races people will have questions. There’s never an explanation why counting the votes takes so long all of the sudden.
It’s like everything has been pure as the driven snow before this. I had a husband in Vietnam. I was so young (18). but i got that lie and I worried every day at what would happen to him. Lies got us into some pretty horrific planetwide situations without facecrap and twatter.
You mean the one that was shunned because it was found out he collected roadkill, stole dirty underwear from the communal laundryroom, and was always nearby when random fires started?
In Canada they are starting to make “veiled threats” about the poor uptake of boosters. They are berating people over it and hinting at a return to masking and mandates if the numbers don’t bounce up to their desired targets. How dare they chastise people! Treating them like children. Makes me sick. The bastards.
They want to get rid of the elderly asap with the jabs. And the veterans with MAID. Then there might be enough doctors left. But considering all the vax myocarditis lurking, doubt it.
It seems that the "5 Eyes" intelligence countries are the ones where they are pushing the scamdemic the hardest. The only reason it hasn't gotten bad in the USA is because of 2@.
You can still turn it around, it's far from over ! The real question is how many will be left to fight? Let's hope it's not as bad as we think it is !!
Canada, like many western countries, is completely controlled by the WEF. In Canada, it's so bad that the leader of the NDP, another WEF puppet, is supporting Trudeau so he stays in power until 2025. Here's Klaus Schwab openly bragging about it:
You guys better grow some stones and stand up to this shit. Cuz we're next and Canada can set the stage and hopefully USA will follow! We need all of you and we'll back you up! It takes all of us!!
Don't worry, after the elections the US will say "hold my beer!" Remember our bestie China and the US are the only countries still requiring a more than useless poison shot to enter the country. Mandates and masks will be back - you can be assured of it.
Mean me asks if it's terribly wrong of me to have thoroughly enjoyed his having covid - twice!! He isn't intelligent at all. A person with an IQ would never have taken the paxlovid.
But they will trick people into it now by combining with the flu shot.Evil. Pharmacists need to be named and shamed as the ones at the the corner box pharmacies are the ones doing the big time jabbing.
It's already starting. I was summarily booted off of Twitter (with no strikes, no warnings) for sharing this audio recording of a father ranting to the pharmacy about his son's vaccine injury:
Needless to say, Twitter was guilty of the very the thing about which this father was ranting: hiding the truth about the dangers of the C-19 vaccines.
Just say no to all of it. I’ve never gotten a flu shot because I didn’t think getting the flu was a big risk. Now I know it’s a lesser risk to my health than whatever they put in the jabs.
Depeneding how one looks at what Fauci said, he is actually telling the truth for once. People are not getting the boost because they are sick of the lies and misinfo that conned them into getting injected to begin with.
We mustn't let our tax-extorted dollars to go to waste—let's give Dr. Mengelfauci the remaining 93% so he can be the most safe-and-effectived experimental subject on the planet.
I'll add extra in my taxes this year if it goes to such a noble cause.
I'm on board with that!
A tidy and cost-effective solution, thanks MAA!
I wouldn't give him 93% because we need to divvy the remaining vaccines up equally among the globalists, including the WEF and Big Pharma and the mainstream media and the governments.
No! We can figure out something even better for those bastards!
I have a few DIY ideas.
Yes! I'm down with that too!😃
We need a few of his buddies to round out the trial size. Any ideas who🤔🤔. Will we use RRR or ARR?
Birx, Collins—so many to choose from! Let's do ARR since that data is absent.
I agree.
The fact that so few people are getting the latest ‘booster’ is one of the most heartening, encouraging signs of human intelligence today! People are waking up!
I’ve heard that only about 10% of Americans have gotten the new jab. But my local newspaper - heavily into the left-leaning official stance - is certainly not advertising the jab’s failure. Any El Gato pals have the latest accurate statistic?
Only took 33 months.
Yeah, people are absolute geniuses.
My senior compatriots have all lined up already or have appointments.
My all of my relatives over 65 except my husband are all on the vax train for life. It's sad. The women watch CNN and are terrified, so they convince their husbands to go along.
I agree, I have a handyman business with a majority elderly widows. I know most are on board with the vaxx death shots. My service calls are rapidly diminished and I fear many are being damaged or killed. I've tried dropping hints here and there but I don't think I'm breaking through. It's so sad because I truly care about them!
When over 70–like I am, thoughts turn to the inevitability of actual death. It’s uncomfortable sometimes. But instead of getting naturally healthier most I know line up for the pharmaceuticals their “trusted” doctor recommends. In my group there has been several weird blood tests and 2 serious autoimmune diseases. No one has died yet.
I had this discussion with a friend the other day. A mutual acquaintance who is not in the best of health in the first place, had had C0VID again, even though he's injected multiple times.
I tried to say as mildly as I could "the injections seem to be damaging some people's immune system."
That's because it is not mandated (except in a few retarded schools). Once it is mandated after the elections, the uptake will be 85%.
Well in Europe they still getting the boosters!!
I’m hoping to find reliable data on that. For example, Fauci says 15% have gotten the new jab in America, but he’s probably inflating that by calculating from the number of people who are ‘eligible’ for the new jab - I.e. the triple-jabbed, not the percentage of the total population. So it’s actually maybe 7% of the population who have gotten the latest jab. Or less! Anyone know the latest figure?
And in Europe? What percentage of the total population have *voluntarily* gotten the ‘booster’?
Wherever they get their figures from, you can be sure they'll never let us know....especially not the REAL figures.
Colbert has turned out to be quite the bag of scum, too. He's now an un-funny partisan hack and pharma shill.
He always was that.
no he wasn't. that's what makes his transition so shocking and sad. absolutely no one came as close to 'speaking truth to power' as he did at the correspondents' dinner:
Totally agree. My 72 year old sister is literally in love with that ass. Very sad.
Damn! You better have an intervention with your sis! It's worth a shot ain't it?
Man, he sure went the way of the idiot. At one time, he could unload some hilarious satire. But I haven't heard him (when I have the misfortune of seeing anything of his) say something funny in years.
Shrill and banal.
Oh how I loathe that man.
He makes my blood clot !That POS is the scum of the earth!
Typical partisan jerkoff! Can't stand the sight of him 😤
"We have a COVID vaccine and a booster that is matched very well to the circulating virus and yet only about 15% of people who have been vaccinated have gotten the boost, that is terrible," Fauci raged, like a pharma rep who failed to meet his sales quota. He raged like that because that's exactly what he is.
Saved from my file of other peoples’ wisdom:
“So I’ll say it again here: Fauci has built a Scamdemic record replete with failure. None of the measures he prescribed and supported: lockdowns, school closures, mask mandates or mass scale 40 cycle PCR testing or shots has worked. Each has caused deep human and economic damage. Given such profound and pervasive failure, it’s ludicrous that Fauci thinks most people still value his opinion.”
Fauci's record is one of lifelong, career-long FAILURE....except for the part about fattening his bank account.
What he did to the gay community in the late 80’s......heinous.
That reeks of textbook narcissist.
He's just a little bitch! F---k him! PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE LITTLE TROLL BEHIND THE CURTAIN!🤣🤣🤣🤣
No Maui for you Tony!!
Huh. I read the wuhan part has been extinct for awhile and the other almost is and will most certainly will be extinct soon as a world full of jabbed people running for more jabbajuice ramp up another variant.
“I want to encourage the young people here today but really throughout this country to reject a key ill that is currently tearing apart civil society,” he started.
“What I refer to as the normalization of untruths. Put more bluntly, the normalization of lies that we see all around us. Now, helped along by social media, facts and falsehoods now coexist as sometimes equals, deliberately sowing confusion and discord, and distorting reality,” he continued. “It is easy to become so inured to the ubiquity of misinformation that we simply accept it.”
Seems like projection to me
I swear there are currently so many government and political leaders sleeping with a copy of Alinsky under their pillows. Hillary shrieks all Republicans have is to instill fear while taking fear mongering and gaslighting to a “nuculahr “ level....” I know that the GOP already have a plan in place to steal the 2024 election”....really? Do tell.......
The problem the Dems have now is when they lose what then? They’ve ratcheted this shit up to 11 and it will be extra embarrassing to have to say. “Welp we thought democracy would be over by now but it didn’t happen. Trust us though our new date for the end of democracy is when hale bopp comet comes back around in 4385”
Really good question..double down on the insults and degradation? I’m confident Hillary will be doubling her Chardonnay delivery, but other than that, who knows what their arcane psychology will be.
But But But! What about Trump Trump Trump! He's a threat to our DEMOCRACY!!!! God if I hear that one more time I'm gonna puke!🤮
Obsession. I barely think of him anymore. Yay or Nay.
They wan't Rs to shutdown the gov and blame them for chaos.
If there are blowouts in the house and suspiciously close senate races people will have questions. There’s never an explanation why counting the votes takes so long all of the sudden.
“outages” how third world
And so it begins.
Eff her! She's totally insignificant! Her own party can't stand her anymore!🤣🤣🤣🤣
"The ubiquity of misinformation". Sure, ubiquity is a word but this kind of talk is starting to remind me of Spiro Agnew.
You mean, gobbledygook?
If Fauci eventually says "nattering nabobs of negativity" it wouldn't surprise me.
Haven't heard that one in awhile! lol
Ha! Yes! Good one 👍
It’s like everything has been pure as the driven snow before this. I had a husband in Vietnam. I was so young (18). but i got that lie and I worried every day at what would happen to him. Lies got us into some pretty horrific planetwide situations without facecrap and twatter.
Fauci is the uninvited guest who refuses to leave and insults the host whenever he's nudged toward the door.
He's that kid that none of us other kids wanted to play with.
You mean the one that was shunned because it was found out he collected roadkill, stole dirty underwear from the communal laundryroom, and was always nearby when random fires started?
He's the kid who we beat up.
So this is all your fault. Should have known...😂
and who voweed to get even!
Yes, but not because he was short, because he was a smarty pants.
He was probably the one getting all the wedgies! No doubt about it! They probably found him hanging on the coat hook in his locker every day!
Nice analogy. Seems like a lot of that going on. I am tired of being insulted and treated like an idiot.
And takes back the bottle of wine he brought as a gift for the host.
Oh jeez !
The turd that won't flush.
Very descriptive. And apropos.
This is funny funny shit! I really needed this!
That's a good one!
In Canada they are starting to make “veiled threats” about the poor uptake of boosters. They are berating people over it and hinting at a return to masking and mandates if the numbers don’t bounce up to their desired targets. How dare they chastise people! Treating them like children. Makes me sick. The bastards.
They want to get rid of the elderly asap with the jabs. And the veterans with MAID. Then there might be enough doctors left. But considering all the vax myocarditis lurking, doubt it.
In the US, the dollar is dying. They don't have the money to pay out SS to the retiring boomers. We've been hearing this for decades.
So... what's the solution? K*ll them off.
Canada has really proven to be a disappointment on the COVID front....I expected the citizens to be more independent, not compliant sheep.
Sadly, I had hoped that as well.
It seems that the "5 Eyes" intelligence countries are the ones where they are pushing the scamdemic the hardest. The only reason it hasn't gotten bad in the USA is because of 2@.
You can still turn it around, it's far from over ! The real question is how many will be left to fight? Let's hope it's not as bad as we think it is !!
Canada, like many western countries, is completely controlled by the WEF. In Canada, it's so bad that the leader of the NDP, another WEF puppet, is supporting Trudeau so he stays in power until 2025. Here's Klaus Schwab openly bragging about it:
Trudope is such a d-bag ,I still marvel how he acquired such power. He's such a loser! What am I missing here???? Somebody help me understand this!
You guys better grow some stones and stand up to this shit. Cuz we're next and Canada can set the stage and hopefully USA will follow! We need all of you and we'll back you up! It takes all of us!!
Don't worry, after the elections the US will say "hold my beer!" Remember our bestie China and the US are the only countries still requiring a more than useless poison shot to enter the country. Mandates and masks will be back - you can be assured of it.
Misinformation like: the vaccines are safe and effective?
Gain-of-Fauci clearly has absolutely no insight! Definitely has no empathy. What an arrogant little narcissist douchebag he is!
A sociopath to say the least.
Why stop there?
Psychopath is probably the most accurate diagnosis, given what we've seen of him over the years . . . .
He's killed more people than Mengele.
Exactly. Well said.
No wonder he gets along so well with his BFF Billy Gates.
He should be serving prison time. He shouldn’t even be walking around.
Everyone makes mousetakes
I am sure someone has misspelled his name Fauxi
I call him Fraudci
He said only 15% of idiots got boosted. He's really gonna be pissed when he finds out it's only 7% 😂😂
There is no way there is vax in those syringes. It’s all a show.
I wish we could get an independent team to test him for actual vaccine in his system.
Mean me asks if it's terribly wrong of me to have thoroughly enjoyed his having covid - twice!! He isn't intelligent at all. A person with an IQ would never have taken the paxlovid.
I doubt he took any of the drugs he pushes and receives royalties for.
Or maybe he didn't really get covid twice. He wanted to sell paxlovid, so the pretense goes on.
Pretense is nicer than rotten lying SOB, but both are true! He should be tortured extensively for what he did to those puppies.
Well, but his royalties from the manufacturer, Pfizer......
But they will trick people into it now by combining with the flu shot.Evil. Pharmacists need to be named and shamed as the ones at the the corner box pharmacies are the ones doing the big time jabbing.
It's already starting. I was summarily booted off of Twitter (with no strikes, no warnings) for sharing this audio recording of a father ranting to the pharmacy about his son's vaccine injury:
> https://www.oliviapierson.org/blog/rational-rage-father-of-son-with-myocarditis-unleashes-on-nz-pharmacy-that-vaccinated-his-son
Needless to say, Twitter was guilty of the very the thing about which this father was ranting: hiding the truth about the dangers of the C-19 vaccines.
People want the combo flu/covid shot.
When this first started a RINO friend of mind told me that it would be just like the flu shot; you'd get once a year, probably at the same time.
BTW... aforementioned friend is vaxxed and has had C0VID at least twice. His immune system is damaged.
Just say no to all of it. I’ve never gotten a flu shot because I didn’t think getting the flu was a big risk. Now I know it’s a lesser risk to my health than whatever they put in the jabs.
Depeneding how one looks at what Fauci said, he is actually telling the truth for once. People are not getting the boost because they are sick of the lies and misinfo that conned them into getting injected to begin with.
No one likes to be told their baby is “ugly”! 😹
How true!