You know it's true because of the word "expert" in the title.

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but there's only one them! - we expect more - it's always "experts" - as in "Experts Baffled"

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they didn’t even go with “experts”. Instead they could only find a singular expert.

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Apparently there’s only one human on the planet dumb enough to nod thoughtfully at that headline.

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Putin's Pericarditis! Europeans won't have any energy to keep them cool in the summers or hot during the winters, so that pesky climate change is going to claim even more lives.

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i think we're about 5 minutes away from exxon's eczema mr yuri...

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So “sudden adult death syndrome” will start including heat stroke from unknown cause. Well, maybe not fair but fair doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

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CDC says, “warning, reading too much truth in a day could cause sudden death”. 🤷‍♂️

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Right on Rick. Funny stuff man

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For once cdc us probably right!

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By any means possible

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Oh, this is why France is banning its citizens from assembling! To protect them from blood clots!

Man, I've been working in 80-100 degree heat almost every afternoon putting up pasture fencing. Why haven't I gotten any blood clots? Or any of my neighbors- you'd think it would be a charnel house around here.

Wait, how does heat and physical activity cause blood clots again?

God, I just don't know ANYthing. Such a shitbrain.

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Apparently the cattle are getting too hot… They’re dying off in mass… sounds fishy to me… We used to live in West Texas. It got up to 112-116 F. regularly. None of the cattle died off there from the temperatures. Poisoning? High energy weapons? Dang, I sure hope they didn’t give them the jab.

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Grew up in central Texas, and I recall a summer (late 70's, early 80's?) where we were over 100 degrees for around 40 days in a row. Don't remember my friends that lived on farms talking about animals dying. I do remember still going outside and playing every day pretty much from sunup until dinner time with only a minor break here or there, including lunch.

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Same here, growing up in Phx where it can still be 100 degrees @ midnight. In summer 1990, it got to 122 degrees & that was a tad warm even for a native Arizonan like me

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I don't like the rule in AZ, where when it's over a certain temperature you can't drink a beer on the golf course. Really gets under my skin

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Pour it into a nice, frosty Yeti & you’re good to go

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Funny. Im in FL and have one in my hand right now. True. Lol

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Or play in Flagstaff ☺️

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So long as the threshold temperature is 180F I'm OK with it ;-).

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I think y'all are exaggerating to frighten off the immigration from California ;-).

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Is it working?

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Modern millennial bovines.

Just not as tough as the old uns.

A while back we had a major cull of cattle due to BSE and another due to foot and mouth.

Several farmers I talked to, have stressed that there was no BSE until the farmers were ordered to administer a "treatment" to all of the livestock.

Sounds to me like the experts have always been full of shit.

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I bet you didn’t even have a water bottle…

If my children show up somewhere without their water bottle I’m afraid someone will call cps on me.

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Me too

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It all comes back to climate change. They're killing the cattle so they can reduce methane emissions...?

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In the UK an award was given to ZELP ( Zero Emissions Livestock Project) for designing a mask for cows to wear to reduce methane gas! I'm not sure how much more insanity I can put up with.

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is that true?!

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i think this deep recession we're going to face is going to wake up a lot of people.

They're just now seeing where it's headed. just now...

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Better late than never?

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Turning them over to the Reptilian aliens. Part of the deal.

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maybe they're half reptile and half robot: Reptdroids.

I feel like we've been swimming in an ocean of reptiles and robots for the last two years.

think about it?

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I love real reptiles, the ones here on our Earth, but not the icky ones from the fourth dimension of the Draco constellation. They're seriously bad news.

Robots...concern me.

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Likely you just didn't notice the past thirty years.

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A lot has changed over the last 30 years right?

the difference is they unpeeled their human suits and showed themselves for what they are this last two years.

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maybe Repdroids is better? dunno?

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I heard a rancher talking about it last night. It seems the issue was the night time temps were unusually high. While he said to rule nothing out he did confirm that the temps could have killed them.

It sucks for those ranchers (whatever the cause) but it’s about 1 hours worth of beef, if that.

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Sucks for the cattle, too.

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What’s worse? Being slaughtered or being killed by heat? I’m guessing it didn’t much matter to them:)

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They're making sure there are no more cattle around to affect climate change. And we aren't supposed to have any real food anyway. I mean, who do we think we are? A First World country? C'mon, man!

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Maybe drought/ dehydration? Otherwise makes zero sense. 🤷

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Cattle are tough… west Texas was unbearably hot. I don’t remember any bunches of cattle just suddenly keeling over dead… This whole story sounds “sus!” 😡

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O God

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Here is an example of the heat… When I was pregnant with my second child, I was eight months pregnant and the thermometer on our carport said 116°F. This was in May. Being big as a house and pregnant in that kind of heat I thought I was going to die! lol 😂 We were NOT originally from West Texas… Everyone kept on telling us, “But it’s a dry heat.” 😳😳😳. I told them, “My oven has dry heat also.” 😱😱😱

Those were the good old days… lol 😂

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Jun 17, 2022
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🤯🤯🤯 I wouldn’t put it past THEM…

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Me either

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Well, when we eat GMO we don't really know what we are taking in - something not found in nature. We have no idea what the long term effects are. So there are similarities, and a great many if not most people eat GMO foods without even thinking about it.

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Because you are not 65+, a heavy smoker, morbidly obese, have inherted a propensity for clotting, make sure to have a drink every once in a while, eat healthy, keep yourself fit, and doesn't live in an urban area with smog like Athens in 1985?

100F? I'd probably combust. I start mimicking the dogs when it creeps up to a sweltering +25C (77F), tongue lolling and even more slack jawed than usual.

The surgeon quoted in the actual text doesn't say anything untowards really. People at risk needs take care, stay hydrated, maybe avoid alcohol, tea and coffee, and be wary of early warning signs for bood clots.

As an aside, what kind of posts do you use?

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T-posts with drop-forged cattle panels. They're heavy as fuck but they keep the cattle in and the pigs don't undermine them. I didn't want to do an electric fence which would really be the only alternative.

I don't love the summer heat. I'm a fall and winter baby. But the work has to happen.

I understand your point, Rikard. I'm just tired of the lying to our face when everyone knows we're talking about vaccine injury.

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That is some heavy-duty stuff from what I see doing a search. I'd agree on the choice (though I'm no farmer!) for two reasons: real fence doesn't stop working when the power goes, and an electrical one doesn't really stop a heifer or similar from rampaging through it, say due to hundreds and hundreds of midges clustering in the eyes and ears. Happens here in some areas if summer is "two days humid and hot, one day rain". The rain soaks the ground and then pools and the biters, bloodsuckers and stingers breed like politicians.

Here, most people still use wooden posts and either wooden bars or a wire/mesh fence, sometimes with a live wire on the top/inside. Not lighter or easier, it's just that since some 75% of Sweden's land area is forested and all farmers onw forests, the material is easier to come by. Spitting, then digging and then driving a wooden post that's some 8"*8" and 6½' tall ain't no pick-a-nick either. That's after burning then tarring the end going into the ground. On the other hand, such a fence done right keeps for about 50 years, they claim.

About the "lying to your face" - been that, danced the tango, took the pay-check and ground my teeth to stumps holding it in. I know the feeling. I'll say "Don't let it fester" even though I know you already know that, just so it's said. Do you have that idiom in the US, "I'll say it even though I know you know just so it's said"?

Well, enough lollygaggin' from me. Got to feed the chickens, tend the hatchlings, finish the shed for the feed, water the plants, weed the beds, paint the house, re-seal the windows with new putty (none of the previous owners have done this so it hasn't been done since Carter was incumbent, and I do not approve of hoarfrost indoors), and... :)

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And so ... who gave those cattle coffee, tea ... or single malt?

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If cattle drink beer do they drink only Heferweizen?

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Where do you live? I’m in Phoenix and it’s regularly over 100F all summer. It’s a dry heat, though. I walk in the evenings—last few days it’s been about 104’ at 7pm. It’s lovely. Houston—now that’s a different story. Lived there for 13 years. It doesn’t even have to hit 100–the humidity when it’s in the 80’s is unbearable.

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Clearly you're one of those ignorant rural dwellers who'd been killed by man made climate change but is simply denying it.


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I'm not dead! I don't want to go on the cart!

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Thank you for the gratuitous Python reference :-).

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Nothing gratuitous about it, slim. 😊

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Thanks...no one has called me "slim" for a decade or two...

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I was at a cowboy shooting show at the time I texted, I guess I was feeling the spirit. :)

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I’m with you

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The tropics are a dead zone. Absolutely no one lives there. Antarctica, on the other hand....

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Cold weather in Australia winter also causes blood clots... Damn climate change again

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humans sure don't seem very adaptable to change, mr igor.

it's kind of amazing you all have lasted so long...

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Given that humans adapted to every biome on the planet with Stone Age technology- Eskimo in the Arctic, Polynesians on the most remote Pacific atolls, Bedouin in the Sahara, Inca at 13,000 feet elevation, Sami in northern Norway, Aboriginal in Tasmania- why do we think we can’t adapt to every biome with 21st century technology and transport? Absurd.

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amazing that climatization (too much air conditioning) helps to spread coronaviruses and create pandemics. we are screwed iff it’s too hot and if we seek refuge from it.

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Weren’t there articles about cold causing heart attacks?

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I'd believe it if it was from shoveling snow.

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Yes, of course. Australia's cold weather is simply a backlash from all the global warming that was there before so the clots are clearly caused by evil Americans driving SUVs and cow farts. It's ta science.

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I'm thinking the Dark Harvest begins when these Clots start blaming it on coitus?

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Damned if you do, damned if you don’t

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Don’t worry, we’re saved. Soon, they’ll be pushing Paxlovid as an energy drink.

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I shouldn’t have, but I laughed so hard at your statement, I snorted! 😝

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That happens a lot with this group.

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I won’t tell. 😁

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Ouch...bumped my head again laughing.

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Don't forget SADS (Sudden Adult Death Syndrome) 🙄

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This can be caused by firearms confiscation attempts ;-).

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True, might see a rise

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It's a well-known fact that going outside during daylight causes blood clots. True for all mammals. Nothing to do with experimental injections causing healthy, young athletes to have medical life-threatening emergencies. Can I get my next booster yet?

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Yes! A very high % of people who die from blood clots have been outside during daylight! with such a high correlation why have we not done something about this alarming, murderous sunlight?

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We need to find a way to block the sun. It will be a win-win for the planet. Firstly, it will halt climate change (although there may be a transition period that some may find a little painful). Secondly, it will reduce the number of blood clots that are so clearly the result of sunshine, and, per most blue-checked tweets, have nothing to do with experimental vaccines.

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Block the sun!? Are you insane!?

This is a crises! We need to blow the damned thing up right now! If it saves even one life it will be worth it.

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You're right, Dan! Think of the benefits! No more global warming...skin cancer will virtually disappear...we can let go of air conditioning forever, no more harmful gases...I'm sure there's more, just give me a moment...

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It will end mean tweets forever!

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Reasonable sun control, Dan. All we ask is for reasonable sun control.

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Thank-you for making me laugh out loud.

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AOC has volunteered to be aboard the first rocket to the sun. Don't worry, they're going at night.

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perfect. blah, ha, ha

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But didn't you know? Bill gates is already on it.

Marine Cloud Brightening, they call it.

They did it over my coast ALL last summer.


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What a relief! What an incredible academic, scientific, and medical background! I had heard about it, and I can't think of a better person for the job.

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don't worry. He's doing it all out of his garage with Paul Allen. RIP.

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The “experts” gave been otherwise engaged

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What if the CDC had just said; go outside and get boosted with some vitamin d?

"Whoever dies with the best tan wins", would've been much more compelling than, "We're all in it together".

I'm thinking the results would've been better for everyone?

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The FBI have been informed about your comment, and agents are closing in on you now. Sunshine, exercise, and vitamins? Traitor!!!

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I'm semi prepared for them

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Did you suround your house with a wall of clearly labeled copies of Hunter Biden's laptop? Their brains will perceive it as an invisible forcefield. Gets em every time.

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It's like kyrptonite

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They aren't even trying to be coy now! The CDC "guidance" on investigating porn, or deploying mutual masturbation, as an alternative to having sex with a partner with MonkeyPox, fits right in with the science currently in-vogue.

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Please, please, please tell me you made that up.

Even if it's true, tell me you made it up!

Our tax dollars at work....

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Alas, I cannot admit to making it up: https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/specific-settings/social-gatherings.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fpoxvirus%2Fmonkeypox%2Fsexualhealth%2Fsocial.html

They did not mention "porn" so I guess I did make that part up, but standing 6 feet apart to masturbate is actually in their "guidance." As they say, #YouCannotMakeItUp !

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