Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

Everyone who wants to wear a mask, wear a mask.

Everyone who wants to have a lockdown, stay home.

Leave the rest of us to live our lives.

You can go play your covid theater by hiding in your bedroom closet, no one is stopping you.

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"what if we built a big wall around davos and turned it into a quarantine camp for failed fascists?"

YES and PLEASE with a cherry on top!!! 🍒

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Harvard invited her to speak at its graduation ceremony to inspire another generation of WEF female horse hitlers.

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We had that which you ask about until the mid-nineties.

It was called borders and sovereign nations.

But from the mid-nineties onwards the ridiculous notion of open borders, multikulti, that migration is a right, and the rest of all that corporativist dross was dictated as objectively good. Which of course required the transfer of power from national parliaments to global non-democratic and non-elected bureaucrats recruited equally from business as from politics.

And all opposing opinions and facts were branded objectively evil.

Because ever since the nationalist movements of the nineteenth century succeeded and brought about democracy, the banking clans and the biggest richest capitalists have ever strived to remove from the people said peoples' rightful power as arbiters of their own lives.

Doesn't matter if your totalitarian flag bears a dollarsign, the hammer & sickle, a swastika or the shahadah. Fascism is fascism no matter how you doll it up.

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shes right (only time i'll say that) it is all down to misinformation, hers and her bs 'scientists'

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What a coincidence she went to the WEF Young Global Leaders program with sweet, sweet Trudeau. Think there's any connection in their behavior? Couldn't be.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

*Rhetorical* why do “reporters” not ask the commonsense, logical follow-up questions, i.e. Ardern’s references to “misinformation?” How is our side misinformed? This is a common fallacious tactic: STRAWMAN, i.e. When did you stop beating your wife? these people think they’re clever. They think they can divert our attention to defending ourselves against their strawman. We must never allow them to divert us with common fallacious arguments.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

They took people who wanted nothing more than to be left alone to work to create a slightly upward trajectory for themselves and their families, who didn't dream of power and riches, who dreamt of family dinners and watching their children smile and hearing them laugh at play, and they kept poking and poking and prodding and prodding. They took away all the small pleasures that made the drudgery of daily life melt into the background, crowded family dinners where lore and laughter were traded, weddings celebrating the beginning of the next generations of their family, funerals where they could find solace in one another over the passing of the previous ones.

They took away any possibility of self-directed improvement of life, any dreams of travel, or entrepreneurship, or continued education. When all hope and dreams have been stolen, what remains is bitterness, resentment, and anger at the thieves. The populace then begins, whether knowingly or not, to ruminate on quote that they probably learned as children.

“Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them?”

And they find that suffering is no longer the nobler choice.

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People aren't protesting misinformation, they're protesting senseless government restrictions. Even if everything these gormless leaders like Jacinda believe WAS true, it STILL doesn't justify their actions. "But we have good reasons!" Just doesn't cut it. No reason is good enough.

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Jacinda is pure evil.

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As long as we call it a jail - because that’s where they belong - I’m good with it.

Can we also ensure they all get a Moderna booster, the real stuff, every 3 months?

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When this is over - and it will be, but not without violence by some states - we will have to ask ourselves why we waited so long. Why did we not protest immediately in the summer of 2020, when the pandemic obviously was not that bad, while the infringement on our liberties got more and more.

The longer we wait, the harder the fight.

Except for our kittenish host, we should not behave like cats: cruelly playing with the mouse for hours, before ending it with one swift motion.

The last two years have not been fun, much was destroyed. We should have never played with those people, but should have smacked them hard right in the beginning.

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Holy crap, that protest chant is terrifying. Just leave em alone already, They sound fixed to topple an empire!

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That 'lady' is nothing of the sort in my estimation. Not sure it's even human.

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The British (and every other early explorer) were always terrified of the Maori and would give New Zealand a wide berth.

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She IS right that there is too much disinformation out there. The irony is that she doesn’t get that it’s her and her I’ll that are spreading it.

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She doesn't look scared to me. That's just her anxiety-ridden, bossy, midwitted self.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

From a psychological perspective, they don't think they are wrong. I think the ending of the recent Netflix movie "Don't look Up!" - in terms of the elite's fate - is excellent.

What is interesting is in her language, you see continued "we need to deal with.." This was prevalent early on with the slogans. So we went from the leadership having words, now the language will go forward towards "we."

I would expect the "we need to do something (about the unvaccinated)" to grow in some countries like NZ, CAN, AUS.. as some countries loose their grip on the plan, some have hold and need to finish their task.

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YO! Love me that HAKA!

Yep--as good Salespeople--they ought to lock themselves up behind a Davos walled compound and prove their point--have a total "Jab-A-Thon," social distance, and spread no misinformation. It's called "proving the point" in sales.

Old Jacinda--phew! She sees the end game here--her "Visiting Team" is getting whupped pretty badly by "Home Team," and she knows what lies ahead 'off-the-field' back at the WEC/Soros/Globalist locker room. Time for the showers, Jacinda!

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

Next Jacinda will claim the Maori are white supremacists. This is a hard needle to thread for the wokeys given New Zealand's treatment of the original inhabitants of the islands. What's a globo-fascist to do?

I still want to punch her in the face every time I see her ugly mug.

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The world slowly waking up to the evil exercise that Gates, Fauci, our intel community, media (old and new), and willing government and corporate pawns have put us through. Anyone not already familiar with the 5 virus catastrophe role playing scenarios they used to plan this over the past 5 years should be: MARS SPARS XCLADE CRIMSON CONTAGION and EVENT201. It sounds like sci fi but it turns out just to be the Hobbesian monopolist leviathan on the loose wrecking our society, as they have long done.

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Well... Though I agree with the intention, but I disagree personally to give away the beautiful Grisons/Graubünden city of Davos to these people. I'd rather they shift their meeting place to somewhere on the space station Mir or wherever else (Martian colonies would work, too) and stay there for life >:-]

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It really is astonishing how many words it takes a politician to say nothing. At least from the protestors, the message is clear.

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‘Disinformation’ and ‘misinformation’ - everyone is wrong only Jacinda can be right?

(Borrowing from Oliver Cromwell) Jacinda, Jacinda… I beseech thee, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.

And all those horrid people behaving so badly! In the words of the great Rylan Givens (Justified): “If you go out in the morning and the first person you meet behaves like an asshole, they probably are an asshole. If everybody you meet for the rest of the day behaves like an asshole, then it’s probably you who is the asshole.”

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Let's import a few truckloads of Kiwis and have them lead a haka around the House of Commons till the whole bloody place falls down. Anything left can be Davos 2 as per the suggestion of our fearless leader el gato malo.

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Davos. Soon to be a new parking lot.

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Not sure why these people that meet in Davos think they deserve this position. They are not elected. They are essentially just wealthy people who want power. Why don’t we just disband it.

I always think of that scene in avengers where Loki is making all the people kneel in front of him. Loki essentially says you want someone to rule over you. But then the one guy stands up and says no! At first it seemed like no one was standing up against it but now many are and it gives me some hope.

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I love who people are making the links to the World Economic Forum. Once just an event of A-list business, politicians, philanthropist and celebrity influencers like Bono from U2, the Forum has turned into a global influence peddling operation. Notice that all of the white European Western world has followed the same path on Covid, knowing full well that their vassals in Latin America, at least, and the new EU nations of the old USSR would follow the "sophisticated, educated Europeans".

The WEF has given us Davos Man and Davos Woman, now they are so big, they have a group of pilot fish around them: call them the managerial elite, the "Party of Davos" (as Steve Bannon calls them) or the Davos Universe (as I call them).

I even created a substack about it, but have no time to really do anything with it.

Instead, I wrote this back in October: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/why-davos-man-scourge-earth

Davos is the scourge of the earth.

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You haven't seen the Swiss haka? You should (Swiss) WATCH it, it's amazing and involves chocolate, yodelling and cuckoo clocks.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

These "misinformation" ass-clowns are exhausting. They have all assumed the same two term talking point, asserting misinformation and disinformation as the whole problem. They blame the anger from those who oppose mandates on this and only engage on those terms in the abstract. It's only misinformation because they say it is and they will never actually engage in any debate or reasoned argument in order to validate their assertion.

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Jacinda cares for the poor, the downtrodden, the huddled masses.


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Ok, so the demonic has jumped from the ruling class to the people…. Not good!!

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I would be willing to donate for that wonderful cause…

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They are my heroes today, I am going to learn the Haka, now that would be a head turner at the local school board meeting! Or a swift arrest 🚔

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Not to mention WEF Young Global Leader, Chrystia Freeland having a panic attack yesterday after announcing they will be freezing the bank accounts of anyone at the trucker convoy:


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Yet another aspect of ideological derangement, the intense desire to unify under a common societal narrative. They're willing to forego their personal allegiance to objective reality tor some fleeting feeling of connectedness and unity and anxiety relief. They're truly desperate, and we should be taking this quite seriously.

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Concur that she looks frazzled, maybe becoming desperate. She is convincing no one. Harping.

A gnawing unease comes from knowing how deep are the pockets of those supporting her and telling her what to think and do.

It is possible that she’s anxious because of some trigger that must be pulled in order to protect the Globalist gzillionaires we all wish ill upon. Maybe she still retains enough humanity to give a damn for the people of New Zealand. Or maybe she’s afraid for her own wretched skin.

Me, I’m afraid for Western civilization and for the world itself.

What dreadful times we are living.

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

The HAKA! Yeah! Powerful Medicine. Covid Antidote.

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Christia Freeland looked messed up yesterday too

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The kiwi PM looks like a man in drag. Sorry. That's always been my reaction to pictures of "her".

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Feb 15, 2022·edited Feb 15, 2022

“Misinformation” is the only refuge of the shallow

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They don't care if people are taken-in by lies, they just get upset when it's not their lies.

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We can only hope that if they were all locked up together they would kill each other.

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So pretty sure that losing your job/your business, having your kids' socialisation & education compromised by mask wearing & school closure & enforced online learning, and being coerced to take an experimental medical procedure can't be simply dismissed as "untrue"!

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She's a snowflake who always got her way

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Another from the crop of Schwab-Jugend pushing tyranny.

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I used to quote her too. Tells you the power of marketing. To a point. Seems we are now at the "pull back the curtains brick wall" stage

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Wow! That Haka thing is powerful. Love it

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Love that HAKA. give em a big Ole NY/Texas hug

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Those Kiwi's are excellent what a cool thing!! I wanna go when can we get our freedom of movement back!!

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