That's the problem with "mis, dis, and mal" information. It doesn't really mean "lies." It simply means "things they don't want you to know or notice." And get away from Twitter if you can. It is a cancer that can easily be starved.

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The left must not be mocked!

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It’s confirmed, America now has China’s social media and media standards.

Anyone think this ends well?

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Welcome to Substack Defiant L's, where you can get paid for your work.

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Just posted about this and Zerohedge getting their 'unsafe' warning.


Over at the Ministry of Truth, the list of wrongthinkers continues to grow, as now Twitter is issuing a ‘warning’ on links to Zerohedge.

Eventually the blacklist will be everybody without a .gov email address.

Edit @ 10:12 am Feb 16: Defiant L has been banned from Twitter.

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There is no greater badge of honor and trustworthiness than a Twitter ban now.

Kind of like how there is no better warning to dismiss a piece of information than the phrase "experts say."

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Why does anyone still use Twitter? Seriously, why? Everyone knows it's censored up the wahoo. Everyone knows the majority of Twiter's userbase are bots and paid trolls. What's the point?

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“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

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I wonder how Berenson will behave on Twitter if he wins his lawsuit to force them to let him back into the treehouse. Will he get suspended again within minutes, or (more likely) will he figure out how to thread the needle and thereby become infinitely less impactful but achieve his dream of being welcomed back to the table by his northeast liberal elite colleagues?

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I think Defiant L's were banned because they are about to embark on the next wave of hypocrisy where they can begin posting 3 posts in each box. 1)Would be when they were anti vax because Trump was "rushing it 2)Vaxes ned to be mandated or else grandmas will die and you are selfish and now it's going to be 3)I was always against this vax- we weren't given enough information!

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At some point will they realize that censorship is like waving a giant red flag proclaiming “TRUTH HERE” for all to see?

Every person I now look to for truth I found BECAUSE they were censored or de-platformed

In their ignorance and arrogance they are causing that which they seek to contain to spread like a wildfire.

It’s basic human nature to seek out that which is forbidden.

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We've reached the point where simply documenting leftist hypocrisy is "misinformation".

Clown world.

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crazy but typical! The Left have no sense of humour, can't meme and are generally sad. This is actually hilarious, like you say, all Defiant L was doing was putting two tweets from the same accounts in each of the posts, nothing else. This actually says a lot about who is running Twitter 'law'...well, we know anyway, they are such failures.

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who cares what these fringe propagandists say

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Juxtaposition is a thoughtcrime.

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Their fragile egos and puny sense of self ( along with no mommies to keep them safe), cannot handle any pushbacks !


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In theory, this should be the actual Rubicon for the people on the left willfully denying that there is anything wrong or strange going on with Big Tech fascism.

An account is now censored for literally showing two things people (who are not censored) actually said- without commentary, addendum, alteration, or advice.

Literally displaying what indisputably, objectively IS has become MDM.


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Follow the account on Gab, where it won't certainly be censored: https://gab.com/DefiantLs

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Blame it all on the deadly virus they made.


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Yeah, it's like Twitter and Facebook and the WashPo and the NYT and the MSMNBCBS are all part of a governmental system which openly admits to lying to people for its own reasons, and accuses others of spreading lies - and those alleged lies turn out to be true. And that same system is doing everything in its power to coerce people into being injected with a vaccine which neither protects against disease nor stops spread of disease, unlike any vaccine in history - and lies about that. And that same system has exempted the makers and providers of the vaccines from liability for any harms or death that these vaccines which are not vaccines cause. And that same system is doing everything in its power to coerce people into carrying a document which attests that the bearer has received the requisite number of doses of this vaccine which is not a vaccine, in order that the bearer will be able to travel, or to buy or sell, and since the document can be forged or lost or just get wet and fall apart, it's easier to just inject a microchip. And the churches which get a tax exemption from the government which deceives people, actively admits to the deception, and keeps on doing it, while falsely accusing people who, as it continues to turn out, are telling the truth, of telling lies - these same government-supported churches also are herding people into getting these vaccines which do not vaccinate, and refuse admittance to those who do not possess the document - and, in the future, may just have a chip reader at the door... and they're a part of the system which deceives, too.

And I've heard of such a system doing such things before, a system which lies, which scares people, which herds people, which deceives people, which requires people to receive some alteration to their body, in their hand, in order to buy or sell... The Revelation of John the Apostle, the Apocalypse... So not taking the vaccines which do not vaccinate, or being chipped, the system which lies and deceives and the people who eat up the lies and persecute those who do not believe the lies, all of this was foretold in a very short manuscript written very nearly 2000 years ago. And that's very interesting.

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The peasants are definitely not allowed the point out nudity in the royals. They must at all times openly and loudly admire the royals’ fine clothing.

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The Ministry of Truth smites again.

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Perhaps the time has come to begin educating the entire world how we all managed to survive, flourish, eat, socialize, drive, communicate, get married, have kids, get divorced, work, live, play, and even die, etc. etc. etc. sans big tech or whatever the hell you call of of this crap. Unless, like so many of us, who've never partaken in any of this, you'd see it as a no-brainer. How many years of your life are you wasting and throwing away addicted to all this BS? A cyber attack is just what the doctor ordered. There's still cash and landlines and as anyone over the age of 75 will tell you doesn't use a computer or smart phone for anything. Automation has been the greatest detriment society has known. I don't think the baby boom generation would be alive today if it weren't true.

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I'm surprised they didn't ban Defiant sooner Tbh.

Did I mention I'm defacto banned? There was some US Senator bragging about a bill to drop age of consent for vaccine down to 12 so I replied "ok groomer" and was immediately hit with a "routine" verification thing, which was clearly a phone number harvest op. So naturally I sacked Twitter off.

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Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022

Well it is Twitter - and birds are caged and cages are not synonymous with freedom, so. Twitter cannot suspend me, I got out of that virtual lunatic asylum years ago. Which brings up: why do people complain about it yet stay on it?

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Apparently, exposing people's hypocrisy and idiocy is "disinformation". Now I understand why people are getting suspended.

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Still on gettr. Actually just discovered Mr defiant yesterday and following.

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Samizdat Nation! (Pigeon breeding coming to a rooftop near you...)

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Still alive on Instagram (for now): https://www.instagram.com/defiant.ls/

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Perhaps Class Action with Berenson.

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That is manic!!!!!

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It's MISS Defiant to you.

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none of this was ever about health!

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Gato, this Twitter string (https://twitter.com/euniqueje/status/1494006936701964288?s=21) says to show video of three blood samples: Normal, double-jabbed and triple-jabbed. I don’t know what I’m looking at. Is this legit?

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YouTwitFace is junk-information.

It plays the same role in the information diet, as the central aisles in supermarkets play in the regular diet.

It does the same thing to dopamine, as sugar does to insulin.

In general, people who get tetchy about being banned from one of the YouTwitFace platforms, are actually indicating that they want as large an audience as possible: either they want to monetise that audience, or they get their own dopamine shits from having 'influence' - but they want the audience to be there to be harvested.

The current situation is somewhat different; the stifling of counter-argument in the most pressing issue facing Western civilisation (the current failing mass-inoculation experiment) is a crime against humanity, and being 'de-platformed' in that context is a good reason for cries of "À la lanterne!!"

Still, it has red-pilled a LOT of people. Red-pills are achieving critical mass (which only requires 2% of the population: 2% of committed non-compliers will bring down a system).

I've been BLACK-pill on Pharma/med, media, and the State since late last millennium. It's the only weltansschauung that has any hope of giving the bearer a chance of getting a heads-up on the intended end-game of the parasite (political) class.

It's practically a super-power: I am never surprised when a policy fails to fulfil its STATED objectives, because my prior us that its ACTUAL objective is the funnelling of vast amounts of wealth to a group of cronies.

We live in a kakistocracy. It is time to tear it up by the roots. Anyone who is identified as a WEF stooge must be barred from holding any role in State institutions - and any time their names are mentioned "WEF stooge" should always be appended.

No surprise then, that I've been banned from Twitter since well before it was cool - since before this failed US bioweapon was a twinkle in Fauci's eye.

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Lol, screw Twitter. Just subscribed on GETTR

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"He who controls the past controls the present, and he who controls the present controls the future."

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

To claim otherwise is a thought crime.

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Why does twatter still enjoy section 230 protection when they are clearly an editor? They are the technology version of social victimhood; they want all of the privileges and none of the responsibilities as they feast on the wealth of a civilization they are intent on destroying.

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The collusion between Shitter, the MSM, and the Left is completely transparent. What a joke. I don't miss any of them.

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Dr. Epstein and Joe Rogan interview weeks ago on surveillance and manipulation through our devices, also see myprivacytips.com

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They also suspended the US government's early warning pandemic system - PREDICT. Hmm I wonder why?


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it's all relative to who controls the del key

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