The people in favor of this are downright evil. Not just abusive. Evil. I fear for this generation....

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Must we forgive them, for they know not what they do?

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Forgive the "innocent" if there are any, for they know not what they do, BUT do NOT condone or assist them in their efforts.

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These people are so warped mentally.

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Indeed they are! Romans 1:19-32 and Isaiah 5:20 are ever present in my mind these days.

As are Ephesians 6:10-20 and Revelation 22:21-22.

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That pediatric Drs. are putting crap like this up in their offices- if I saw it I would rip it down. While waiting in the dermatologist's office yesterday I was bombarded by "advertisements" on a large ipad on the wall. Most were about vaccines and proper mask wearing. I turned it off. Horrible that our health care system is jumping right on board with bad practices. Not even bad...I will think of a word to describe it later.

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It makes more sense when you stop thinking that a vaccine was made for Covid, and start thinking that Covid was made for a vaccine and passports and the Great Reset. And masking children is acceptable collateral damage.

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Exactly, I have been saying this all along. #TruthBeTold MERS-COV trials were well under way in South Korea before the emergence of SARS-CoV-2. The mRNA and DNA "vaccines" were ready to go, they just needed to release the engineered virus which they had been working on for over a decade, to push the need for "EUA" and now the FDA former commissioner Stephan Hahn (who authorized the EUA ) works for Moderna (he was hired by the parent company Flagship Pioneering) his predecessor now works for Pfizer #Plandemic

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How to turn Princes into frogs, boiling them along the way.

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Again, because it can not be said enough these days >

"adult humans can be one of the most oblivious, self absorbed creatures even to walk upon the green grass of earth. it’s important to remind them that you are a sentient creature with your own wants and needs, not a status marker and virtue signaling accessory."

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Child abuse is a terrible thing.

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The rise of atheist collectivism. I think it was GK Chesterton who said "an enemy is not present until he is omnipresent". This might be early conditioning. What's more unique (thus individualistic) than the human face. I'm waiting for someone to slip up and suggest requiring all masks be black.

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Our faces also contribute mightily to our communication between each other!

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True. It seems atheist collectivism isn't very interested in humans interacting. Socialism is anti-social.

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This is similar to how we desensitize a dog to a muzzle.

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Reminds me of last year around this time here in San Francisco when I saw an entire family with little kids and their dog in masks walk by. The dog was wearing a muzzle covered with a mask. At that point I knew we were doomed.

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Did the kids have leashes on too? Seems like the type of family that puts their children on leashes.

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I expect nothing less from a state which doesn't require its high school graduates to have any provable academic proficiency.

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Like breathing through industrial grade masks/chemically treated fabric all day is really healthy....not!

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Cat rules!

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Maybe "grooming" is more accurate than "desensitizing."

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I'll admit to going with the flow with indoor masks and recommending the same to my kid. Unlike cats, us city humans do need to make the best of living in a herd. I mean, sometimes I'd rather not wear pants either, but peer pressure needs to be accommodated.

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Which is exactly why some places are now in the "get jabbed or get out of society" phase.

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I wouldn't say "exactly why." Despite going with the flow on masks, my resistance to getting the vaccine is pretty high.

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This is both cute and insightful. Thanks.

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Smudgie’s Getting up and walking away works very well on me.

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