SW Pilots: "No more mandates."

SW Airlines: "it's just bad weather."

The MSM: "it's just bad weather."

Brandon: "it's just bad weather."

Palmer Report: "tHe UnVxEd aRe KilLiNg uS AlLL!!"

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it's fun how hard it is for these frothing loons to remember not to say the quiet part out loud.

that's the problem with echo chambers. you lose all perspective.

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Frothing Loons. Oooh! My new favourite insult, positively Shakespearean.

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Next up: unvaxed cause global warming

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Forgot to add:

The weather report: "clear skies."

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Not sure how an employer forcing an experimental medical treatment on their employees is not the one terrorizing.

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the karens say: the smart people protectingthoer health from the vax profiteers are ruining their careers, not that the vax profiteers are nazis enslaving the people..... and harming those who elect freedom.

remember apr 19 1775!

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Exactly. When are the people going to stop allowing the Powers That Be blame the powerless “unvaccinated” and begin to hold Pfizer & Moderna et al accountable for a “leaky” rushed to market “vaccine?

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And looting and burning cities was peaceful protests. Orwell saw all this coming. Amazing.

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I posted a comment on Alex’s Substack, but it bears repeating. Once they start calling you a terrorist, they are trying to figure out a way to kill you.

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Yep. The evil "other". Hitler and Stalin worked it. They fall in line with their mentors.

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What a ridiculous time we live in. This is the time to stand up if we're going to make it through this and not be in a 1984/China style police state. Let's go Brandon!!!

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"Domestic terrorist" is the Americanized form of "enemy of the state" or "enemy of the people."

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Or simply someone with conservative Christian values

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“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.” – Attributed to Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn

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Very appropriate quote. The most simple (perhaps wisest) people recognizing that ppl are catching, becoming ill and dying With Covid *post* Vax. “Houston, we have a problem”.

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Keep the pressure on as it’s the only way out of this mandatory vaccination policy.

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Thank you Southwest Airline Pilots ! Hopefully its a template for many other unionized employees. Thanks for posting Ms BadCat...

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Wait until they begin to blame antivaxers for all the food shortages.

Imagine the hate associated when we blamed for their inability to purchase food.

They will say we prepped and stored food so we could purposely shut down the supply chain and starve everyone else.

Anyone who has prepped will be targeted. Wait for it.

No fingers will ever be pointed at the government, at the real culprits behind the shortages occurring across our nation.

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History clearly shows how far this can go. The age-old ideological rivalry is collectivism vs individualism. As it usually is, anxiety ridden collectivists, no longer able to handle reality, have given themselves over to a new "reality", a better one, one in which they have full control. Who dictates this reality? I'm not sure. It's like trying to determine what directs a school of fish. I just know that (actual) reality becomes the enemy, and by extension, those determined to live by it. Your comment is spot on. I choose not to live in fear, but a person or group who creates their own "reality" should be watched very closely. Who knows what new "reality" they'll come up with, especially when the goal seems to be to increase fear... and hate.

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Exactly. Just started watching this interview someone posted on Alex Berenson's Substack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLDpZ8daIVM It's with a clinical psychologist in Belgium who also has statistics in his background.

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That guy is spot on. I think we're finding that, for many, this collective hypnotic state of fear (& hate) is preferable to what they had before covid. The alternative might be feeling isolated w/ depression (feeling nothing) or isolated w/ "free floating anxiety". Either way, a vibrant collectivist movement (to lose oneself in) could be far preferable. Better to feel inclusion and guided in a "school of fish" than isolated, aimless, and depressed (or anxious), which is where (I suspect) high-tech devices have left many. As individualists, it's hard to relate. Thus, it's made no sense from a conventional approach.

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Agreed. Our entire culture has been prepped for this. I'm hoping he will have some ideas on how to break through the hypnosis. I still have a lot of the interview left. Watched a short one this morning - 11 minutes - from the Academy of Ideas YouTube channel about The Gulag Archipelago and Solzhenitsyn. Lots of echoes of what we are seeing now. I agree about not being able to relate! The suggestion early on about giving these people good alternatives to the old normal is the only nugget I've heard so far.

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Clear has a historical precedent, whereas anyone resisting the hypnotic state of the collective should be persecuted as "enemies of the state". Scary stuff, and how do you stop it? This is the stuff for clinical psychiatrists, although many of these types seem to be caught up in the hysteria. A high level of education doesn't appear to offer any resistance.

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This is informative as to how genocides happen. Human nature is what it is. Longterm fear, stress, division, gaslighting, hardship, permission by officials to blame and be cruel to others; leads to a dark places throughout history.

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The vax religion / propaganda is so strong, my wife's friend who has never vaccinated her children, and recovered from covid, convinced herself to get the jab. Crazy ass world out there.

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The agit prop by the medical establishment to Vax pregnant women is quite stunning. Are they not aware of the heightened risk of miscarriage or is that potential outcome a worthy sacrifice to the Cause?

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yup...I've seen that here in Oregon as well. Lots of crazies incapable of discerning thought.

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Boy they really are getting quite comfortable deeming fellow Americans as domestic terrorists aren’t they?

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Complaining about being called a terrorist - that's now terroristic. No thinking. Certainly no saying the obvious truth. Truth being relative of course. Better be on the correct side of that relative truth by not God.

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Anti-vaxxer to domestic terrorist?! The pilots are neither, and the accuser’s just another clown to ignore.

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To be honest, I actually prefer unvaxxed pilots. Less likelihood of heart attacks while flying. ;-)

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It’s a no-brained.

If a progressive does “x”, it’s a constitutional right, a peaceful protest, his duty as a concerned citizen, yada , yada, yada. (Quoting the comedian Jerry Seinfeld.)

If a conservative does “x”, he’s a domestic terrorist and you need the DOJ, the NSA, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. (Quoting the totalitarian King of Siam.)

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I'd never heard of the Palmer Report (not a relation, so don't blame me), but I just DuckDuckGo'ed it. Even liberal Wikipedia calls the Palmer Report "fake news". :) LOL.

"The Palmer Report is an American liberal[2] fake news website,[11] founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer.[12] It is known for making unsubstantiated or false claims,[17] producing hyperpartisan content,[18] and publishing conspiracy theories,[19][20] especially on matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia.[26] Fact-checkers have debunked numerous Palmer Report stories, and organizations including the Columbia Journalism Review and the German Marshall Fund have listed the site among biased websites or false content producers.[27][28]"


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Yet they still get to have a Twitter account while our own Bad Cat isn't. Clearly, The Palmer Report is serving The Cathedral quite well.

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Just wait till truckers go on strike. Palmer will exceed his litter box capacity

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Funny. One could also say the attempt by evil world leaders bent on a great reset wherein they consolidate their power and money and thrust their boot across the nation's deplorable citizenry's neck by shutting down the world - THAT it is a very short distance from benevolent, caretaking pseudo-masters of the universe to totalitarian jack booted thug terrorists.

Just sayin. Pffft.

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We were also told that refusing to work was a perfectly reasonable choice and not at all due to high unemployment payments. https://news.yahoo.com/americas-unemployed-sending-message-theyll-213557936.html. I'm kind of confused--that choice not to work is ok but this choice is not ok?

I guess what The Palmer Report is saying is that the choice to force people to work belongs to people like them not the public at large. Where else have I hear about something like that? Oh I know! https://www.zwangsarbeit-archiv.de/en/zwangsarbeit/zwangsarbeit/zwangsarbeit-hintergrund/index.html

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The lefties are all the same. They resort to hysteria when someone disagrees with them. They are tyrants who abhor patriotism and personal agency. They do not believe in the tenets that made America great.

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And yet the clown show Biden administration is likely welcoming a cadre of “international terrorists” from Afghanistan & the southern border. But a Columbus soccer Mom who dares to exercise her God given and unalienable right to free speech? Lock her up! What a mass psychosis.

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The logic, or lack thereof, is really quite impressive.

No word if the people sitting home this whole time instead of going to work are ALSO terrorists.

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You know what Southwest should do? Hire some Pinkertons. That'll show those domestic terrorists. Bust some heads. Right, "liberals"?

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They really want people to believe that terrorists were ever at any point scheming like "Ohh we're gonna cripple their air travel so bad, they won't get any airline service from this one company today! It's definitely not about the fearmongering or the body count.. just about inconveniencing peoples flights"

And if anything, the terrorists in that analogy would be the ones injecting clotshots into pilots so that they stroke out mid-flight, and masking air traffic controllers so that they can't properly communicate time sensitive information.

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Hmm I wonder what they would call the bus boycotts of the '60s or the labor strikes of the early 20th century? Seems like there's a lot of domestic terrorism to go around if we're using this definition

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There are lots of short distances. From “two weeks to flatten the curve” to home imprisonment, to mandated and forced medical treatment that is unnecessary for many and possibly very dangerous to society as a whole, to police beating people and shooting them in the back in the name of protecting their health. How are those little distances not “terrorism”?

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Since I'm not on any of the socials, I'd never heard of Palmer Report until this now-infamous tweet.

This is a pretty intense dude. For him, the war has already started, it seems.

Fine with me.

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This is despicable

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I love that people in America are perfectly fine with firing Doctors Nurses firefighters, police, but DO NOT FUCK with their airplane rides, damnit, NOW you've gone too far...🙄🙄🙄

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Ok, mark but how about not posting your own article 15 times on someone else's blog

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This was a great article!

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Thanks, Sophia. Please share it. It will help smart people to know they're not crazy.

Unlike Big Pharma, I don't make any money from it.

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Already shared! :)

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From Wikipedia: The Palmer Report is an American liberal[2] fake news website,[11] founded in 2016 by Bill Palmer.[12] It is known for making unsubstantiated or false claims,[17] producing hyperpartisan content,[18] and publishing conspiracy theories,[19][20] especially on matters relating to Donald Trump and Russia.[26] Fact-checkers have debunked numerous Palmer Report stories, and organizations including the Columbia Journalism Review and the German Marshall Fund have listed the site among biased websites or false content producers.[27][28]

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All those likes... yikes.

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1. I mandate you be vaccinated!

2. I mandate you be fired for not being vaccinated!

3. No wait! I mandate you come to work!

4. Return to step 1...

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It’s a very short distance from vaxed to fascism.

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I am afraid this type of messaging may not be completely random. It is too early too tell, but it is worthwhile watching this type of talk as potentially part of a strategy end the binary concept of war and peace. This has literally been mentioned in the UK Department of Defence strategic papers - partly called the "Integrated Operating Concept" (https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1014659/Integrated_Operating_Concept_2025.pdf).

You can see a very good discussion of this issue on the UK Column (independent news site) - watch the first 15 minutes or so of this news report: https://www.ukcolumn.org/index.php/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-24th-september-2021

Thus: ongoing war against enemies far and wide, imagined or real. Whether it is war on difficult citizens or foreign enemies. Like vaccine boosters, it makes for a very good income stream to Pharma-Military-Industrial players.

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So if this is how we're defining terrorism now, what do we call the bus boycotts of the '60s or the labor strikes of the early 20th century or the violent protests in Portland that went on for a year or or or or or or...asking for feathered friend

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totalitarian liberals always use the violent criminal to denigrate the truth of the opposition.

the nugatory value of the old, sad, fallacious propaganda is tiresome.

if the pilots were terrorists their airplanes would be flown into congress.....

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Thr palmer report is TREASONOUS. We're fighting for our country's freedom...

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The left has the perfect leader in the wh. They are all Alzheimer patients unable to remember anything g but what they had for breakfast. I keep thinking I’m going to wake up from this nightmare.

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Why aren’t teachers Terrorists then?

Frankly they are usually the first station on the Radicalism train, that’s not even satire.

Pol Pot was a teacher.

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Is domestic terrorist is the new deplorable?

How'd that work out?

Can't remember where I saw it but aren't some employers denying PTO moneys to non-vaxed at termination?

If that was how my employer/state was treating non-vaxed, I'd probably find a way to use up as much PTO as possible.

Just sayin'

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take a page from 2020; "mostly peaceful protest of working conditions"

....and not 1 police precinct was burnt down in MN 😊

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Oct 11, 2021
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Bat guano! Perfect! I'm stealing that. 😆

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