Unfortunately, it’s working. Unbelievable how many people have told me that no one ever said the shots would prevent spread. Those people are all suffering from the shots (long Covid).

Maybe they are breeding the gullible out?

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I know people wno STILL say the jabs prevent reallyreallyreally bad covid.

And many of these same jabbering jabbed jabbers have been down with covid several times.

I don't know any unfaithful unwashed unjabbed who have ever had any issues with covid.

On another note, I had to travel to the states (FL) last week. I was surprised how many *still* mask up. Of course, they tended to be the typical angry, clipped-haired, post-menopausal, divorced feminist types, like the masks were some sort of symbol of the anti-patriarchy or something. There was a cabin attendant (stewardess) who had a mask on so thick you could not understand her instructions...and walked around pi$$ed off because paying customers, including ~moi~, kept asking her/him/zir to repeat what was said because she/he/ze sounded like Kenny from South Park.

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I am in the hospital and a number of techs and nurses still wear mask and it ‘s arbitrary which means it is also probably voluntary.

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"and a number of techs and nurses still wear mask"

This is pretty much the most disturbing thing from the whole Covidapocalypse: That medical and public health professionals continued to mandate masking for every twisted ankle, every three days of headache, every well-visit-for-a-physical, as though masking was credible, that it made any difference at all.

We depend upon them to give us the best medical advice and now we're supposed to respect their opinions as Scientist-Adjacents who, largely, never questioned any of it. And now we're just supposed to move on and go back to respecting them.

Wait til they tell you about your BMI...

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My adult son went to a new doctor last week for a physical. The dr came in wearing an industrial type mask. My son said he Purelled his hands no less than 8 times in the 15 minutes he was in the room. He made my son HOLD HIS BREATH whenever he had to be near enough to actually examine him.

He tried to pressure my son into the jab (which absolutely was never gonna happen), to which my son replied, “You’re fully vaxxed and wearing a mask and obviously still worried about getting it, so it can’t be much of a vaccine, can it?”

Obviously he’s never going back to that quack.

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FANTASTIC ANSWER! You raised him right!

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Thank you! We sure tried!

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your son is super cool

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Thanks! We like him. ;-)

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Most days, LOL!

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great answer

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Jul 26, 2023
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Unfortunate and true!

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It’s surreal. There are nurses and techs that come in that are masked and put on gloves to deal with me, then other techs and nurses unmasked and will touch me bare handed. Those are the professionals I do trust. Medical protocols sadly are like zero tolerance policies and the worst part is they lead to little or no thinking. There is a near catastrophic deficiency in thinking.

When I first got here at the hospital I was treated in isolation protocol which meant nurses gowned up snd masked around me because the facility I left had bed bugs.

After about a week of this they realized they didn’t even have to do an isolation protocol. Bed bugs are not deadly, but the infestation is costly to eradicate. Once they got rid of my clothes and showered me, the bed bug problem was solved.

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I hope you escape the hospital soon. sending prayers

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Dag. Bed bugs doesn't sound like any fun at all, on top of whatever I assume has you in their care.

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I fell in the new house I was moving to and hurt my stump, I am a recent amputee.

The bed bugs were an annoying nuisance.

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Q: What do the call the clown who graduates dead last, just barely passing from medical school?

A: Doctor.

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Diplomas all hang the same height on the wall.

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I think it's the top of the class who are the most brainwashed. They didn't have to struggle and generally think their shit doesn't stink. A professional who had to really work to get into and stay in school usually appreciates the opportunity. They're still above average but just not as far out on the right side of the curve.

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Bada-bing! Two servings of blueberry heaven pie for the PI Guy! And throw some whipped cream on there!!!

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Body builders have a very high BMI

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Right! Because they still have a high mass-to-height ratio but they're body composition is very dense - essentially a high muscle-to-fat ratio.

BMI's too simplified for discern the variation in fitness levels of meso- and ecto-morph body types.

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*takes Two Servings of Blueberry Heaven Pie and some Sweet Topping out of Petty Cash*

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I think it’s geographically dependent. Less than 1% of nurses wear masks. Heck, we’ve moved on to not following any contact precautions. Although I do have a hospitalist that double masks and wears a face shield. I judge him and do not trust his medical decision making.

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I bumped into a couple former coworkers, IT Guys in a pretty big engineering firm - 1500 people, with offices from PA down the East Coast then west to some hotspots in AL, TX, and OH (at least...) - so they work with people in all of the offices and often made site visits.

They noted that, while there were only a few people back in the Philly and Cockeysville, MD (just north of Baltimore) offices - and some of them still mask - the Houston and Tampa offices pretty much never stopped coming to the office.

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In Georgia it’s a purple state so results are mixed. At least I have yet to run into any nurses like 18 months ago who are masked and face shielded, you could barely hear them.

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In addition to, I think ... North-South geography there's also a Urban-Not Urban correlation as well.

I once read a pre-COVID study summary - can't put my finger on it now but I'm sure I didn't come up with it on my own - that read , "Vaccine hesitancy increases proportionally with your distance from a Whole Foods."

Here in Year 3 in the Year of COVID, I'll betcha vax hesitancy now correlates better with your proximity to a Buc-ee's or Tractor Supply store.

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Vaccine hesitancy…there is very little hesitation. Most hesitancy is “speaking the truth hesitancy “

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on my travels I go to Whole Foods for items I can't get where I live. In NJ Whole Foods, the masks abound

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The wonderful thing is that they have labelled themselves.

if your dr or nurse is wearing a mask when you're not or even worse, insisting you wear one as they do.


they are medibots with bank accounts for hearts

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I don’t know why they wear the mask. Is it voluntary? I know the hospital policy has changed because they used to require patients wear them out of the patient rooms. I don’t think people are idiots for masking, but instead rely on institutions to do their thinking for them. This is worse by the way. Not having the capacity to think can be excused. I’ve done the same though for every war I’ve supported, or every policy that was predicated on a lie.

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Intellectual laziness. They refuse to think because it requires effort.

Or, in some cases, might show them truths that will require actions they'd rather not take.

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I think that was what I recognized also in all this, intellectual laziness. I understand it because I am guilty of it. The sad thing about intellectual laziness is the amount of brain power it takes to maintain it. Masks ARE easy and it is precisely because they are easy they should be suspect. Doubly suspect if any mask will suffice.

If masks worked, wouldn’t it matter which ones were best? And so the rationalizations begin. Certain masks were not pushed because that would mean doctors and healthcare workers would not have access to them,

So wait doctors and healthcare need N95’s more than regular civilians? So why when I was at the hospital did I rarely see N95’s worn at all? I saw some staff in double surgical masks, but most only wore one.

The answer could have been because most healthcare workers are young, the risk of getting Covid was negligible, but that would bump into the narrative that it could affect anyone at anytime. This would affect the bottom line that this was a dangerous virus that could kill any of us.

Intellectual laziness requires a lot of work on the back end, and s lot of tactics to maintain it. Like labeling pesky information that is true as misinformation and once the truth is common knowledge, that by that time they simply deny the falsehood ever existed to begin with.

The real kick in the head is that now that masking is obviously ineffective it leaves behind the unintended consequences (or intended) and that is true believers because for them nothing has changed. There are still cases, there are still vulnerable, and people will still die from viruses.

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I still work in a large retirement community (in the skilled nursing unit) and a lot of the staff are still wearing it despite that it’s no longer mandatory. S&M much?? Thankfully there are residents and their families who aren’t wearing them but one is too many!!

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The true believers I. The mask will continue to wear them until they admit the narrative was wrong. After all there is no off-ramp to it. What has changed from the narrative?

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the mask is wearing them, so true!

If I see a mask on someone, I'm wary of them. They may be full of a variety of drugs and jabs and spikes or they may be about to commit a robbery

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Some medical staff wears masks here (I mean in situations where masks aren't helpful), due to it making patients feel more at ease.

They of course take them off if asked to, or if they realise the patient isn't a hysteric or neurotic.

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I am affable, don’t wear a mask, but don’t ask the nurses and techs who wear one why they do. The nurses at the front desk do not.

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Hmm I see masks where I live on predominantly young adults.

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Kitty, I'm tempted to point out that far too many "young adults", today, are significantly overweight. Therefore require a lot of prep prior to cooking. Perhaps shift your menu to older, or younger, varieties.

Never could resist temptation.

When I am forced to leave our rural paradise, to visit one of the benighted "urban shitholes", I too have noticed the few remaining masked tend to be "young adults".

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lol "prep prior to cooking." I had to reread what I wrote to see if it could be interpreted as being about cooking. IDK why but I think that these younger people wearing the masks are afraid to take risks and are perhaps afraid of dying. But not enough to lose all that weight 😂

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AndyinBC yes I pointed this out to a work colleague when she was asking me about taking the dart’s, I told her it wasn’t my job to provide protection for the fat and lazy, they could always cut their risk by half by just shutting their gobs and not eating so much.

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Extremely sad. I see the young maskers in SF/Bay Area a lot.

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I ask such people to please remove the mask because I cannot understand them.

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There’s a teller at our credit union who sits maskless with her coworkers behind bulletproof plexiglass that only has a small slot at the bottom to slide money through, and whenever a customer approaches her, she masks up. I think it’s incredibly insulting and refuse to go to her window. I wait for a teller who isn’t a psychopath.

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Me too! I especially hate it when anchors and others on TV wear masks while talking. Like viewers have nothing better to do than try to interpret their muffled mumbling.

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Back during the meatier portion of the scamdemic, I visited my Brother in FL. I was absolutely shocked at the number of masks. Goes against any belief that FL, due to the stance its governor took, is inhabited by science mavens or freedom lovers. TBH, given all the people who escape NY to visit and/or live in FL, maybe I should have been surprised I did not see more!

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If you live on the coasts, most people are from up north. The snow birds are the worst. Even most of the full timers still act like they live up north. 😎

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hahaha! so much to love in this post esp Jabbering jabbed jabbers

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And yet in the same breath they will tell you they got the vaccine to avoid natural infection. According to them natural infection is like a tornado and a vaccine is seeking shelter. Whereas the virus is actually wind and the vaccine would be like placing yourself in an artificial wind tunnel to simulate the wind.

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Most of us have handed over our thinking and decision making to authorities at some time. It's just that some of us do it all the time, and the all-the-timers seem to be in the majority these days.

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According to them, we can only have opinions if we are experts.

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Good thing we’re all experts : )

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It’s true I talk to people who also aren’t epidemiologists about these things and they say I am not allowed to have an opinion because I am no epidemiologist.

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neither is FauXi

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Epidemiologists study patterns. As far as I am concerned we are all able to study patterns. You are an epidemiologist in my mind. Welcome, you are an expert. : )

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By that logic only MDs could hold opinions about the stuff described in the Nuremberg trials.

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Exactly, this also exposes a flaw in their thinking. Shouldn’t economists know if closing down businesses is a good decision?

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well, we're all the experts about what our own damn opinions are - so there :)

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Looks like my post was redundant. O well

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Reinforcement always welcome

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Whoa... talk about redundant...

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Not redundant. Reinforced.

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Meet the expert in post redundancy 😁

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I am still waiting for someone to tell us what "perts" are, and why so many of them are quitting, i.e., ex-perts.

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An ex spurt is a drip under pressure.

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I found the PERTS. excuse the 30 seconds of 4:3 ratio


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You get it right? They are Fluffy Idiots - as the commercial shows.

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It used to just be laws that we had to obey, such as slowing down to a creep while passing a school when every single child is inside. We may think it’s stupid and pointless, sort of like genuflecting to the school building, but we have to do it or we get cited. But now it’s all pronouncements and decrees and wrongthink. Only scared sheep obey those.

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Dr. Mengele was a licensed, fully credentialed expert.

Just because they know more than we do doesn't mean they're honest and have our interests at heart.

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Well said!!

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"Maybe they are breeding the gullible out?"

No. They are not. Doing what you are told, despite what should be contrary evidence, has a high societal value in the USA. Somebody that a mask-hole trusts said, "Mask up and stop the spread!" They will believe that edict for the foreseeable future, period. More depressingly, there are also ostensible trusted sources who support masking. I heard a "health podcaster" on YouTube, with a large following, say (paraphrasing) that, "bandanas or masks made from tee shirt material block covid by about 60%." So, you can rob a stagecoach or stop the spread, with the same handy tool!

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This ⬆️

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"I want to put on my my my my my

Boogie shoes

Just to boogie with you"

Thanks for a great earworm! (Sorry, I'm from the 70s. [I'm not really sorry.])


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I ‘m your Boogie man, that’s what I am.

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That's the way uh-huh uh-huh we like it!

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I hear music every time I see your alias 💕

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🎶 That means it’s working!

Shake, shake, shake, shake your Bootsorourke!?

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Yeah baby!

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More like making the sheep "non-breedable", assuming they survive their modifications. But our future is that most of them have only got a few more years before their bodies are done for w/ all that spike protein damage and then we will have a largely deindustrialized world culled of most of the sheep. It's the culmination of a long planetary-level siege on humanity. And frankly, most won't make it, even us unjabbed - but for other reasons. The remainder of us bad cats have to hold out, somehow, and be ready to wrest what's left of the world away from the trans-humanists and rebuild a fully human civilization - sort of 2nd Renaissance, once all the dust settles (ashes to ashes, dust to dust). We're just one good Carrington Event away from the trans-humanists losing most all their of toys and weapons and the control grid those things provide them. Light a candle and some frankincense and say a prayer to Sol Invictus or Amon Ra. Every damn morning....

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Being able to remain and survive outside those prison cities is what matters.

No digital ID. No income dependency on the global state.

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Not only a Carrington Event. How about one of those wandering balloons releasing EMPs over our cities?

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As far as losing the electrical grid goes, would be best for the entire world to lose it to Sol, rather than just a single country to a man-made EMP. The damn trans-human globalists would win even faster, in that scenario. Not the preferred outcome. Certainly zero chance for a 2nd Renaissance of a fully human population. And the suppression of zero-point and other alternative energy sources would continue, along with the global slavery system...

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my feelings too

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I had a friend who was 74 and reasonably healthy until about 2 weeks after the second shot, when he got sick, was hospitalized and was dead in 3 days, start to finish. They claimed it was covid, but every death from covid scored the hospital $38K, so it was pretty obvious that it was the vax.

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I had a friend died days after the shot.

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Dull thinking and mindless obedience were pre-existing morbidities, though no doubt the shots have made the condition even worse. It's the zombie apocalypse now. It will tend to breed the gullible out, but do you think that was the intention? Maybe the "elites" are as insane and dull witted as their followers are.

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Perhaps, they want the "useless eaters" out and cheap labor in but don't seem to realize that might not work.

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They may figure they can use overt violence against the minority who resist.

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Selective memory.

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Wikipedia: "Winston Smith works in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth, where his job is to rewrite historical documents so they match the constantly changing current party line." They are doing exactly this.

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“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.”

― George Orwell, 1984


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And if I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture-

Ken Kesey

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When I could no longer google an article by a major news outlet concerning the hefty settlement paid out to victims of the swine flu vaccine NINE years after they were injured here in the Netherlands, I knew we were in trouble.

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wow that was a very damning article. and yet here we are... informed consent has worsened instead of improving. ugh.

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oh right it happened in 1979 too! I was actually talking about the 2009 debacle...

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You wouldn't believe the numbers of people in the UK who firmly believe that the current recession and 'cost of living crisis' (ie our rapid slide towards 3rd world country living standards) is all SOLELY BECAUSE of .... wait for it ... Liz Truss. The woman who was our Prime Minister for less than 3 weeks. And whose policies were reversed almost entirely as soon as she was removed, coup style. This was all almost a year ago. Not the trillions of printed monopoly money, not decades of reckless banking policies, not the idiotic energy policies, not the imbecile 'support of Ukraine'... none of that matters at all. Their economic suffering is solely because of Liz the lettuce Truss. If only she didn't cling to power for those 3 weeks we would still be living in the land of plenty. You really couldn't make it up.

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It was Churchill who said that on occasion man will stumble over the truth, but that usually he will pick himself up, dust himself off, and continue on as if nothing had happened.

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Nat I’m here in the U.K. most people don’t have a scooby doo about money creation.

When I’ve said to customers who have made comments over price increases everywhere, that you can’t print money when you’ve nothing to back it and the country is shit down not producing anything, most nod with a blank stare as they don’t understand.

The minute my husband come and told me they’d announced first lockdown, I said then that it would make the 2008 crash look like a picnic. Folk were not bothered though, they got paid to sit home, sun bathe and get drunk. Like millions of others I got to work, there should be an opt out button for us lot.

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That's amazing!

But we have people who intend to vote for the hollowed our shell of the previously rapey corrupt nasty Brandon

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They are also failing to notice that petrol stations/ oil companies are raking in record profits .... a totally forced and false situation. As usual the ordinaryperson suffers ...

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3 weeks is plenty of time to ruin a nation's economy for centuries! She received her pension for being the excuse of the centuries.

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Well they didn't lock down anywhere in the world. And if they did, they didn't do it hard enough. I mean you weren't welded in Chinese style just threatened with thousands of dollars of fines and possible arrest. It's not like they closed beaches or put police tape around playgrounds. That's not the same!

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I should have taken more pictures!

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We were close enough to that here in Spain for a couple of months. Grocery shopping or essential workers were the only reasons you were allowed out. Made no difference.

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Grand-dad had a saying that was likely first established when the first railroads were under construction.

“Don’t believe anything you hear, and no more’n half of what you see.”

This is a long-standing human problem, the slinging of horseshit.

Not to be confused with bullshit or chickenshit.

Anybody who actually knows me, understands that I know my shit.

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🙉🙈🙊🐵evil is exactly what we living

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Jul 25, 2023
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We need to do a bit more than bring ‘em back. We need to start heeding them.

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Things that happened never happened. Things that never happened happened.

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It's like an abuser telling the victim it's their fault they are bruised all over their body and what they think happened, never happened.

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It is textbook gaslighting. When you realize your country is an abusive narcissist.

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or just Washington DC

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“The things I saw beggar description,” said Eisenhower. “The visual evidence and the verbal testimony of starvation, cruelty and bestiality were so overpowering as to leave me a bit sick... I made the visit deliberately, in order to be in a position to give first-hand evidence of these things if ever, in the future, there develops a tendency to charge these allegations merely to ‘propaganda.’” Eisenhower on visiting Dachau.... Not a comparison of course... But a plan of action...

Keep up the pressure and NEVER let them breathe again... Hound them into hiding never to show their faces... And most of all NEVER comply...

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This is what it's like to work in a public library where one's helpful reminders are woefully underappreciated. 😤

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Retired librarian. So many stories. I quit in 2019. Some people I will never miss. Ever. One mother excoriated me because I wouldn’t search to find all the references for her daughters COLLEGE coursework. Daughter didn’t have a clue how to do that herself. 10 minutes before closing. I was hounded out in 2021 by former workmates because I wasn’t wearing a mask (after all them were fully jabbed up). I barely engage anymore there.

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Our librarians during Covid were absolute tyrants. They sat behind their plexiglass windows, fully masked and gloved up, suspiciously eyeballing anybody who dared to walk into the building. I suggested that one of them should perhaps do a little reading since they were actually librarians to understand how ridiculous they were being. They threatened to ban me from the library forever. Cincinnati public library. Total bitches

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I had a former workmate nanny order me to pull my mask up further over my nose. We closed until sometime in the summer and then able to pick up holds on a cart OUTSIDE. The director made employees mask up until this past spring. 3 YEARS! One employee still does—the one who hounded me out. I rarely talk to her at all now—no small talk or anything. We used to be the friendliest library in the county but they still have screens up. No fun now there.

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Yes, those self-appointed hall monitors were quite frustrating to deal with. I am still irritated by the mask wearers--most of them young people are so knee deep in virtue signaling and victimhood it is sad. And you are right, you really can't talk to them--it would be an exercise in futility. Our librarians have mostly done away with the masks because now they are currently focused on their WOKE agenda to indoctrinate everyone on the importance of the alphabet people agenda and converting children. I used to LOVE going to the library; now I rarely visit, and only to quickly pick up the books.

When I think of the craziness of what is happening in libraries, I am reminded of how they say these people have infiltrated all levels of government and organizations. Yes, indeed they have.

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I wish Klaus Schwab would fly them off to a giant island somewhere since they enjoy what regular humans have always considered torture. Dr. Evil could have not one but tens of millions of mini me's to amuse himself with.

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She’s just a masked human I don’t know.

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Did you lose a lot of friends due to your mask apostasy?

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I actually didn’t. One friend told me to stay away quote”because you might kill us”. No apology and we are still friends but she moved away. I got thrown out of an outdoor rummage sale once. I just walked around Walmart just as smiley as can be. Only one dude said something nasty and I told him F off. I’m 75. I don’t give a rip anymore.

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I had a debate with a family member at a holiday gathering about masks in late 2020, we were both maskless at the time so her hypocrisy was definitely showing. I was never thrown out of anywhere. The most surreal experience was voting. Outside in line, socially distanced about 75% were masked in November of 2020. Once inside the voting facility, I was the only one who did not mask.

When all the mask signage went up in 2020 I stopped going to any store that put up the signage for about a month then said f it and no one threw me out or said anything to me.

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I put google eyes on the signage... :-) It was such a joke!

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This outrageous vandalism is affectionately called eyebombing I believe 😁

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OMG. I’ve got a box of those things. I hope I don’t have to but I’m going to do that. Brilliant!!

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It was a joke, very little enforcement. Krogers had a security guard wearing a mask who waved me through.

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ooh! tell me more

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I love you!

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I wish I'd seen that

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Can't decide which I like better: mask apostate or mask infidel....

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Mask heretic?

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I think infidel is best. Apostate means you once believed in the cult, but then broke away from it. Heretic means you believe in a different version of the cult.

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My very first job as a 16 year old was working in a local library.

Even back then (circa 2006), librarians were mostly all Obama liberals. They were so proud about promoting censored books during “Banned Books Week,” but I think at least some of them were actual free speech absolutists.

Still, I wasn’t surprised in the slightest when I saw that librarians everywhere turned out to be some of the biggest Branch Covidians ever.

Ironic for a profession that’s supposed to be about the preservation and promulgation of knowledge.

They’re all just quasi-academics bitter about choosing a poor-paying career, so they’re totally drunk on the victimhood narrative.

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Were I not about 15 years shy of retirement age, I would have too. I'm fortunate to live in a state with some of the fewest restrictions so they didn't get away with the mask nonsense/covid theater for long. We had a state mandate for a couple months and then our governor reversed course and made it illegal to mandate at all in public spaces. The library would probably still have its own mandate if not for that. 🙄

I feel you on the hand holding too. A 3 year social worker grant is about to expire and I'm kinda terrified that when it runs out and the city decides not to fund the position we'll be inundated with people who've come to rely on her for just about everything. They already throw a fit when she takes a day off. Idk, I've yet to be convinced it's helping more than it's ultimately hurting. It's like in all areas we're teaching people to be less resourceful.

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Smart play.👍🇦🇺

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I appreciate you

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Is there any easier job than librarian?

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Not sure what you mean, Mark. At our small library we all wore many hats. I ran children’s programs and events coordinator plus be at the desk. Summer Reading Program was entirely my responsibility. It was like having a birthday party for 200 kids that lasted 6 weeks. But I loved it. Run a craft class with 45 children of all ages see how easy THAT is. 😁. During the meltdown many out of work had to transition to applying on line for jobs with no experience doing that for their factory work. Then, many had no computers, smart phones or internet. We had to help these very worried people do all that. Customer service could be a hassle sometimes 🤔🙄 Libraries are still relevant. I’m sure you visited libraries. It has changed though. It was a very fulfilling job that gave me a pension and many good friends. Covid ruined much, sadly. Perhaps you mis-phrased that reply.

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Covid didn't ruin it.

awful stupid corrupt people did

They are worse than a virus

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Speaking of libraries and research ... I'm still investigating the Taboo Subject - "early spread." In my recent effort, I show that school closings in America spiked BEFORE official Covid. Approximately 100 school systems in at least 14 states closed due to illness in the months before "official Covid." To me, this is more evidence early spread was happening.


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I got into another ridiculous argument on Twitter about early spread yesterday. The person asserted that the first case was the first reported case and that most infection and transmission occurred in hospitals.

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That is a "ridiculous" POV - but it's the "official narrative" so everyone (who matters) accepts it as gospel. I don't.

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Well, you know Pluto only existed once we discovered it.

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Good analogy - reminder!

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It's amazing how some people "know everything" without ever doing any research

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True and it’s amazing how being certain about being uncertain makes others of us a conspiracy theorist.

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Remember how breaking news relentlessly alerted viewers that Arizona, Nevada, and Texas are extremely hot in the summer. 😁

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I’m in Southern Utah this week and it’s really hot. But my sister has lived here for 30 years and it’s always hot in July. 🤷🏼‍♀️

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It’s hot in Texas in the summer?! What? You don’t say.

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oh yeah apparently this "unusual" weather here is something I never experienced in the last 50 years in Az. Pfffft.....

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“The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”

― George Orwell, 1984

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“No, you don’t because this never happened.”

These illiberal trolls have discovered a sophomoric rhetorical trick that their little minds think is so very clever. I see it all the time now and makes me gag a little. If you dare to make a statement and use a little hyperbole to emphasize your point, valid hyperbole because, for instance, you couldn’t stand the idiocy of one-way shopping aisles or masking while surfing or having to mask at a restaurant unless you were seated at a table, and this made you feel virtually locked in your house because the world outside has become so stupid, then the troll will say “this never happened.” The troll thinks he’s won because while 98% of what you said was 100% true but 2% was exaggerated for effect (“we were shut in our houses.”)

It’s a child’s argument and shows us just who we are dealing with.

And what’s with the useless comma in his dopey response? Surely an artifact of our covid education system.

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Exactly.. and no, he's not rewriting history because there's no pens or paper involved!

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Heads spinning daily and it’s challenging to not become numb to it. That’s the point - please don’t fall for it.

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Walker is a lying piece of 💩 and everyone knows it…

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I am a middle aged Orthodox Christian mom and this gaslighting makes me have positively murderous impulses. I read that and my first urge was to want to STRANGLE the ”it never happened” idiot.

The most infuriating thing I’ve had to come to grips with over the last few years is our general culture absolutely lives by lies and I just cannot abide it.

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That Walter Bragman either has a wicked sense of humor or he's -- oops wrong pronoun-- it's-- a government bot. Alas, I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people believe the whitewashing, since a lot of people who totally should have known better dismissed natural immunity and believed the nonsense aka "science."

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Please remember that science is humanity’s hope for survival, and that politicized science is not science at all.

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That science is dead. And the internet is chock full of AI bots pushing an agenda.

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Well propose something workable to be done about that.

Science will always remain, science. Your issue is with politicization.

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