She's also pro death of the US and despite studying Hungarian Lore she is a trans inclusive activist. Gee what a shocker, a useless person became an activist for something that has nothing to do with them.
That’s what i thought it said but I think it’s claiming she’s from “pro-death USA, sadly”.
Why would a woman choose to adopt the “cis” bullshit prefix? Bunch of people without strong identities are finding a cause within the tiniest and most obnoxious, pushy and loud of communities.
They chose this path. This is the life they want. This is what they want to believe.
I will give the people hooked on c0vid vaxxes a pass because they have literally been brainwashed in a psyop. But teachers and all the other wokians? No.
You made my day ! So we will all drown because a man is not allowed to compete against women? LOL we can swim too you know. We don't need a man to jump in the water to be able to! Can't believe they printed that !
I have two stepsons. One attended college, one didn't. The college graduate had to be deprogrammed. The other one got red pilled from life experiences.
Thank you. They both came to their decisions on their own (both jab free), but I did help the older one along. I credit "Joe Rogan" and "Russell Brand."
"LOL we can swim too you know." My mother could swim, as could my sisters, and my daughters. When this insanity surfaced, I asked my youngest daughter, a competitive swimmer in her university days, what she thought about competing with a guy. Her response was, "A sick asshole like that would be all by himself in the pool".
Dr. Mellis is also a cohost of the End of Sport podcast with Drs. Nathan Kalman-Lamb and Derek Silva. They interview athletes, critical sports journalists, and fellow academics to explore all the ways that people use sport to harm others - i.e. through racist mascotry, the NCAA and higher ed’s exploitation of Black and Brown college athletic workers, sexual abuse and harassment, transphobia, and more.
By the way, "racist mascotry" is my new favorite woke term.
And your tax dollars support them. Without the government's student loan program and attendant "forgiving" of said loans that is currently in vogue this b would be working in a shoe store.
are u saying that the professed radicals of academia spend all week denouncing American culture and society, its government and citizens, and then collect a paycheck every week from the same govt/people they supposedly hate and want to overthrow?
That would make them the biggest hypocrites in all recorded history!
I had a professor in an unnamed liberal arts college that a certain former President attended. David James. Professor James got positively wet when poet Jack Hirschman came to the school and delivered a stirring, poetic monologue about the evils of capitalism. Then he went to Spago.
You can bet she/her/it/what was not referring to the actual workers. You know, the ones who get out there at 6:00 AM to line the gridiron, drag the infield dirt, put the lane lines in the pool, etc. She/her/it/wtf probably thinks all those things just do themselves.
The good news is that because of inclusion you can live in denial. So instead of being a drowning man, you can identify as a woman who is oxygen challenged.
ok, I went to this lady's twitter feed. OMG. back and forth between university people. it will make you sick, angry, confused. these people (not just trans but the affiliated as well) are cray-cray. they operate on some hallucinatory planet. as they talked back and forth I thought I was visiting a schizo ward.
That "academic" was likely one of the people who pushed for public swimming pools to be shut down for covid, summer of 2020. A move that ended up shutting down swimming lessons for countless kids across the country, even though kids are more likely to die from drowning than from covid.
Hahaha, what a clown.
Drown in what, tears of laughter?
Real women float.
As always, this crazy person is free to donate all her time to teaching people how to swim........
She's also pro death of the US and despite studying Hungarian Lore she is a trans inclusive activist. Gee what a shocker, a useless person became an activist for something that has nothing to do with them.
That’s what i thought it said but I think it’s claiming she’s from “pro-death USA, sadly”.
Why would a woman choose to adopt the “cis” bullshit prefix? Bunch of people without strong identities are finding a cause within the tiniest and most obnoxious, pushy and loud of communities.
She implies that USA is pro death. That surely is true of the "Jane's Revenge" crowd.
Ah you're right I don't know which is more cringe
What an incredibly sad life. I honestly feel sorry for them.
I would feel sorry for them if they didn't purposefully pollute and destroy so many young minds.
Good point. Makes me even more thankful I didn't have professors pouring crazy juice down my throat 24/7 back when I was in college.
I would like to feel sorry for them but I don't.
They chose this path. This is the life they want. This is what they want to believe.
I will give the people hooked on c0vid vaxxes a pass because they have literally been brainwashed in a psyop. But teachers and all the other wokians? No.
Did you catch this wonderful young Harvard student's speech? It does give me hope. How sad, though, that she received zero applause. But not all that surprising.
I've never heard of such a thing!
You made my day ! So we will all drown because a man is not allowed to compete against women? LOL we can swim too you know. We don't need a man to jump in the water to be able to! Can't believe they printed that !
The logical contradictions are glorious. You absolutely love to see this. 😁🤣🤡
The inmates are running the asylum.
I have two stepsons. One attended college, one didn't. The college graduate had to be deprogrammed. The other one got red pilled from life experiences.
knowledge does not come from books alone! Glad you got both to see the truth though. Congratulations !
Thank you. They both came to their decisions on their own (both jab free), but I did help the older one along. I credit "Joe Rogan" and "Russell Brand."
"LOL we can swim too you know." My mother could swim, as could my sisters, and my daughters. When this insanity surfaced, I asked my youngest daughter, a competitive swimmer in her university days, what she thought about competing with a guy. Her response was, "A sick asshole like that would be all by himself in the pool".
my kind of girl ! congratulations !
From her bio on the Ursinus website -
Dr. Mellis is also a cohost of the End of Sport podcast with Drs. Nathan Kalman-Lamb and Derek Silva. They interview athletes, critical sports journalists, and fellow academics to explore all the ways that people use sport to harm others - i.e. through racist mascotry, the NCAA and higher ed’s exploitation of Black and Brown college athletic workers, sexual abuse and harassment, transphobia, and more.
By the way, "racist mascotry" is my new favorite woke term.
academic leftists are the ambulance chasers of oppression
And your tax dollars support them. Without the government's student loan program and attendant "forgiving" of said loans that is currently in vogue this b would be working in a shoe store.
are u saying that the professed radicals of academia spend all week denouncing American culture and society, its government and citizens, and then collect a paycheck every week from the same govt/people they supposedly hate and want to overthrow?
That would make them the biggest hypocrites in all recorded history!
I had a professor in an unnamed liberal arts college that a certain former President attended. David James. Professor James got positively wet when poet Jack Hirschman came to the school and delivered a stirring, poetic monologue about the evils of capitalism. Then he went to Spago.
"College athletic workers?" Does she mean "athletes?" Arghghgh!
You can bet she/her/it/what was not referring to the actual workers. You know, the ones who get out there at 6:00 AM to line the gridiron, drag the infield dirt, put the lane lines in the pool, etc. She/her/it/wtf probably thinks all those things just do themselves.
I am now going to sign with she/her/it/wtf when I have to correspond with them/they/that/
Just shorten it to s/h/it. Covers everything.
I think we'll need svreenshots of that. Yes,indeed.
The same people who state earnestly, "food comes from supermarkets", or "electricity comes from that thing on the wall". No conception of reality!
Kinda sounds like "sex workers." Dontcha loooove leftyisms?
Many with a scholarship. Oh the horror of oppressive western culture.
The good news is that because of inclusion you can live in denial. So instead of being a drowning man, you can identify as a woman who is oxygen challenged.
Their pronouns are help/gurgle gurgle
I prefer blub/blub. Gurgle/gurgle seems so binary. Or cisgendered. Or misgendered. Or mis-cissed. Or some other word whose meaning I can't determine.
Mis-cissed ....I'm dyin'
( and no. Not via H2O overdose)
I think their pronouns are both "BS."
Her amazingly tenuous argument is what’s drowning.
Obviously just something—anything—to support a position that defies reason and destroys women’s sports.
Cause trannies aren’t women.
At all.
They are medical/surgical curiosities.
Most don't even get the snip. Most are mentally ill porn addicts at least and disturbed predators at worst.
Yeah. Just a perverse mental fixation. Legitimized by the Left. And inexplicably accepted as legitimate by millions.
Taken advantage of by the left.
I'm relieved, I figured any new things would be blamed on climate change?
ok, I went to this lady's twitter feed. OMG. back and forth between university people. it will make you sick, angry, confused. these people (not just trans but the affiliated as well) are cray-cray. they operate on some hallucinatory planet. as they talked back and forth I thought I was visiting a schizo ward.
actually you were : sad point? All these literally crazies are indoctrinating kids !!!
Parallel education people !!!!
You were!
This is the Twitter Mob for you.
Illogical fuck-wits.
I could hazard a guess as to whether this person displays such alacrity in identifying unintended negative consequences of COVID policy.
It seems like a lot of PhDs are being awarded in stupidity nowadays.
exactly. it is to point that if someone says they are phd, md my bs filter goes all the way up.
As a fella once said, "A BS is just what it says, an MS is "More of the Same, and a PhD is "Piled Higher and Deeper".
The problem here might not be with the swimming pool but the gene pool.
Imagine believing “an academic” strengthens validity
That "academic" was likely one of the people who pushed for public swimming pools to be shut down for covid, summer of 2020. A move that ended up shutting down swimming lessons for countless kids across the country, even though kids are more likely to die from drowning than from covid.