Or maybe they sit back and think, "All those people with consciences are so stupid. I get a paid to do this and I don't give a shit whether it is true, moral, or even if it is toxic and deadly to society and human life. Being a sociopath makes me superior."
"We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn toward those who disagree with us" -Lenin
"Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When "obstructionists" become too irritating, label them as Fascist, Nazi, or anti-Semite. Constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will, after enough repetition, become 'fact' in the public mind."
Unfortunately it’s neither insanity nor stupidity. It’s a deft application of double standards, and all done with a shamelessness that’d make an SS officer blush.
The woke mob has become so accustomed to riding the slippery slope of “all roads lead to racism” they do not even bother getting out of their pajamas at this point.
Our educational system has spent years dumbing down Americans, so now when the government or "woke" say up is down, left is right...the dumbed down say "You're right" without questioning it because they don't have the skills or knowledge to question anything.
It's a deliberate action to divorce rhetoric from reality. If they say it enough times in a calm "of course, you agree with us" voice, they will get people to agree.
They are not bat shit crazy. They are messing with people's heads. It's a tactic and part of a larger strategy. Mattias Desmet covers this in his interviews. Eventually, people are so broken, they will believe anything, even nonsense.
IMO, our reacting (or overreacting) to this is part of their plan.
Neither! - it all makes sense: the "Replacement Op" in a nutshell; frankly, (most) brown and black people are far more "comfortable" with tyranny than (many) white people.
How many new arrivers have you seen at the Euro protests? - I am receptive to counter examples: there are reports of a considerable number of Sheiks on the right side in Ottawa.
They suffer from an almost complete lack of self-awareness, so I doubt they ever sit back and think about much of anything... especially their own limitations. Most kittens have much more self-awareness than these 'journalists.' As do most puppies...
I'm starting to think a lot of these big pieces at big legacy media outfits are manufactured by people other than the journalists actually writing them.
Like I wouldn't be surprised if the subtext of instructions given to journos at these places (by whoever their paymasters really are) are things like "find a way to link dissent to white supremacy of you're fired".
At some level, if they're smart enough to read and write, and have a career in journalism (regardless of how debased that profession has become), they must know that they are making fools of themselves.
They're desperately holding onto a base of mentally ill, intellectually stunted and maniacally vindictive and insecure covidians who actually lap this crap up. Even that crowd is quickly vanishing, I figure, as people look around and realize that being a covidian isn't quite as trendy as it was a minute ago.
i dont know how much time u spend with under-30 liberal arts graduates, but they do not need any bribes or coercion to consider something 'white supremacist' or 'racist.'
anyone under 30 w a college degree in anything humanities-related has already been socially conditioned to consider everything they disagree with or that offends their highly strung sense of justice as "racist" or ''white supremacist." (and this includes all of western civ from plato and socrates to hitchock and hemingway etc, and especially america and its founding fathers and founding documents.)
america may well be (as far as I know) the first country in all recorded history to turn over its transmission of art, culture, civics and history to people who openly and passionately hate and want to destroy all those things.
it's only now that we're beginning to see the results...
Unfortunately, they may be crazy and they are also following Saul Alinsky's playbook (the 12 rules for radicals). In this case, it is: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” What's totally bizarre is that Alinsky organized the poor, the downtrodden, and the working people against big government and corporations. Now, the government and big corporations are using it against those that are standing against tyranny.
The people who write this stuff are doing it on purpose. The stupid people are the subscribers to that paper and the people who vote for politicians with similar campaign speeches.
I couldn't believe my eyes, so I headed over to ProQuest, where I can read the Post for free thanks to my library, and searched for this piece.
Friends, it is worse than I imagined. I think I should have stuck with the kittengarten screenshot. Then again, a search for the author of this opinion piece reveals that her Twitter, LinkedIn, and grad school bio seem to have been deleted. I almost feel bad for her at this point because what are the chances this white woman isn't canceled and consumed by her own (despite the fact that the rest of her piece parrots the party line instead of parodying it).
Yes, Taylor Dysart (the opinion piece's author) quoted Stovall (and seems to have been highly influenced by him). He died in 2021, but it sounds like she's been heavily influenced by his book "White Freedom," but she takes his (not historically outlandish or indefensible) ideas and makes a huge misstatement here that, apparently, no editor was kind enough to help her modify.
It is truly remarkable to watch the left turn freedom into a dirty word. I once heard Ron Paul speak, and someone asked, “Dr. Paul, why do you love freedom so much?” He said, “Well, because I hate slavery!”
I registered as a republican so I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary that year. Sadly, Ron Paul did not have the necessary juice to force his way through the Media Squelch operation they ran on him. For that , we needed Trump, who did have the juice, and pretty much single-tonguedly thrashed all opposition and brought down the FAKENUZ Temple to its present day rubble status. Kudos also to Project Veritas in this process as well, particularly the exposure of Bob Creamer and Scott Foval. Whatever failings Trump may have later made, he did perform this admirable service, which was HUGE.
I mean, DNC strategy (outlined in the Wikileaks emails) was to focus media attention on Trump during the primaries. They wanted him to win the nomination because they figured he was the only person less palatable than Hillary. They underestimated most of the world’s revulsion for her.
We’ll never know whether Trump would have made it under the same media blackout as Ron Paul.
But much to my surprise he ended up doing a lot of good things in office. He was the only president in my memory not to start a war. That counts for a lot.
Fun thought experiment....if racism is when one group is disproportionately affected by something...and black people are vaccinated at a lower rate than whites, then vaccine mandates and passports are racist and the 'anti racist' thing to do would be to fight them...like maybe with a protest against the government enacting them...
It's almost like the NYC mandates were specifically designed to make our man Kendi look utterly foolish, which is quite something when he does it himself almost daily.
To the kittens? That’s just wrong. I swear I wouldn’t send kittens to college anymore. I’d find an electrician or plumber and arrange an apprenticeship.
Hmmm, that's a really good idea - one could pay a tradesman/woman to teach, train and mentor a not-college bound young person just out of high school to learn a valuable, practical skill that would actually earn them a living and support a family for a fraction of what it would cost to pay for leftist ideology indoctrination training.
'logic' is a heterosexist transphobic white-supremacist plot to inscribe the power knowledge of the ruling class onto the bodies of the marginalized...didnt u get the memo?
A white woman in graduate school who exploits the struggle indigenous Amazonians for her personal profit and career advancement in her PhD project exploits the working class struggles in Canada to write silly nonsense about “white supremacy” in the newspaper to further advance her career in the loony world of modern academe. Do. I have that about right? Elites gonna elite, I guess. Get rid of the student loan racket, and this sort of nonsense stops. Defund the universities! (I am being serious)
See that, you non-whites? You don't believe, and never did believe, that you are entitled to be free! So you turned yourselves into slaves. It took white supremacist Abe Lincoln to force freedom on you. Don't you worry, tho. We white non-supremacists will set things right again. Now just shut up, mask up, take your jabs & get back inside!
And I refuse to fall for their crap. Racism is a choice. Even liberty is a choice. I choose liberty for everyone. I don't give a damn what color they are. This "racism" argument is so passe' I really don't get why they keep pulling it out of their bag of tricks. True racists are such a tiny minority of the population. In the U.S. I've lived in the west, the deep south, the north and the great plains and I think I've only met a handful of actual "racists" in my entire life and I stayed far far away from them, as I'm pretty sure every single person here has.
That’s something I’ve noticed too. So we’re supposed to be color blind but everything WE say is supposedly white supremacist, just because we’re white? Huh? What? No, just no.
More than that...they are totally obsessed with race. That's all they think about. They see virtually everything through the lens of race. It's sick, and they are the real racists through and through.
That's because democracy is not freedom and freedom is not democracy. I've said this before but it's actually freedom that dies in darkness and democracy that thrives in it.
WaPo has no interest in freedom. That's why their moniker honors mob rule, not liberty. And that editorial demonstrates that perfectly.
Democracy is the proverbial 9 people go out to dinner and the majority gets to determine who in the minority gets to pay for it. Democracy is the process of voting yourself the property of others. Voting is just an advanced auction on stolen goods.
The framers feared democracy. They warned about democracy. There's a reason the word doesn't appear anywhere in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence of Bill of Rights. Their clear and stated intent was to achieve good government, not popular government. And good government had only one purpose, to protect the liberty.
Freedom is the highest virtue. Democracy isn't a virtue at all. We used to understand that as Americans. But somewhere along the line that got completely turned on its head and both major parties now have bought into the lie that "saving our democracy" is the top priority....when the USA was never even a democracy to begin with. Almost none of them even talk about the supremacy of liberty anymore and even fewer actually behave like they understand that.
Protesters in Vancouver were treated to a wonderful speech by Ms Anita Krishna, a Canadian of South Asian heritage. She spoke about being fired from one of our private news broadcasters for a blog that was sympathetic to the protesters. https://youtu.be/M3kWnV76kPk
You are not using the newest edition of the Newspeak dictionary. Only whites can commit racism. Due to pressure from the benigh... eh enlightened, the Merriam Webster fictionary* agrees.
... and since then also agreed with the redefinition of "anti vaxxer". I hope they will add my definition of anti-fooder, soon: Anyone who does not like Wasabi-mustard-cherry icecream sprinkled with barbed wire cutlings.
Thanks a honey bunch of oats for ruining my bowl of cereal with that ice cream description.
Made me recall a Zippy the Pinhead strip from simpler times, in which a "stunt chef" is "injecting a duck burrito with a mango-mustard marmalade".
No one under 50 would lift an eyebrow at that phrase nowadays. But when it came out three decades ago, everything in it was preposterous: duck in a burrito, mango and mustard together, and the affectation of the indefinite article before "mango". It elicited a spit-take out of me at the diner counter, as I remember.
That reminds me of my favorite zippy the pinhead scene: zippy’s ravishingly beautiful girlfriend rings his doorbell. Zippy comes to the door in his standard clown suit attire, grinning as he is carrying a second ravishingly beautiful young woman in his arms. When he opens the door there is a moment of stunned awkward silence as the two women meet each other in shock. Zippy looks at his girlfriend and says, Uhhh…Uhhhh…I can explain!
That was my thought, but the woke crowd has taught me that correcting grammar is racist and ableist so I'll just keep my freedom-loving white supremacist comments to myself
I have a close family member that pays to read this BS. Also pays for NYT and LAT. believes he will die from corona or at least get long Covid and waiting impatiently for the fourth jab. Believes everything that is said in those papers as utter truth and everything else is racist, republican, evil, anti science misinformation.
I suppose one could postulate that freedom is a matter of White Supremacy it being an innate Right held to be supreme by White people but not others. Certainly in Africa when the British arrived, tribes people were the property of their Chief, enslavement of people from other tribes was widely practised and accepted. Same with the indigenous tribes of the Americas. In Asia the peasants were the property of a war-lord or land-lord and slavery was endemic. And, stupidly, it was the British who taught the supremacy of freedom over all else to the people in their Colonies… thus ensuring the Empire would end as people demanded what was theirs by supreme Right.
Do the people that write this WaPo shit think they are free? Perpetuating the false narrative is a form of enslavement. To the WaPo, NYTimes, LATimes and Bloomberg journalists I say: “being a whore to the message is not freedom.”
I think they honestly have been brainwashed to think freedom is bad. You do what you’re told because experts decide for you. Or you get questionable jabs for the ‘good of society’ just like nazis doctors force sterilized ‘undesirables’ for the benefit of society. They fail to see the connection 🤦♀️
The Branch Covidians, they never stop, do they? Until eventually, perhaps years from now, they'll wake up and realize that for a decade their brains had simply been switched off.
This is all part of a plan (illegal immigration, two-tier justice system {1/6 vs Floyd rioters}, open hatred of white people/Western Civ). This will always lead to genocide if left unchecked.
Do you think the people who write this stuff ever sit back and think, “I might be batshit crazy.”
Maybe they are not batshit crazy. Maybe they are just plain stupid. To think that the idea of freedom has anything to do with a particular race.
Or maybe they sit back and think, "All those people with consciences are so stupid. I get a paid to do this and I don't give a shit whether it is true, moral, or even if it is toxic and deadly to society and human life. Being a sociopath makes me superior."
nailed it, imho
And many are just not able to see an obvious scam.
...and even more are a PART of the obvious scam.
"We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion and scorn toward those who disagree with us" -Lenin
"Members and front organizations must continually embarrass, discredit and degrade our critics. When "obstructionists" become too irritating, label them as Fascist, Nazi, or anti-Semite. Constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will, after enough repetition, become 'fact' in the public mind."
From whom is the second quote? It can't be Lenin, since Nazism didn't exist in his time.
Unfortunately it’s neither insanity nor stupidity. It’s a deft application of double standards, and all done with a shamelessness that’d make an SS officer blush.
The woke mob has become so accustomed to riding the slippery slope of “all roads lead to racism” they do not even bother getting out of their pajamas at this point.
Our educational system has spent years dumbing down Americans, so now when the government or "woke" say up is down, left is right...the dumbed down say "You're right" without questioning it because they don't have the skills or knowledge to question anything.
It's a deliberate action to divorce rhetoric from reality. If they say it enough times in a calm "of course, you agree with us" voice, they will get people to agree.
They are not bat shit crazy. They are messing with people's heads. It's a tactic and part of a larger strategy. Mattias Desmet covers this in his interviews. Eventually, people are so broken, they will believe anything, even nonsense.
IMO, our reacting (or overreacting) to this is part of their plan.
SCAMDEMIC from Day 1.
no, they are batshit crazy...
batshit crazy AND stupid are not mutually exclusive. I vote for both.
That's what I was going to say! Why not both!?🤣
At some point, they’re the same thing.
<insert why not both meme here>
I would add a caveat: neither of those needs to be true, if they are a psychopath with malicious intent.
Maybe they are also ungrammatical because grammar is white?
Liberals are mindless and socially destructive.
I was just watching Trudeau blathering on in a press conference. He really does seem remarkably stupid, below average bulb wattage for sure.
They are neither batshit crazy nor stupid. They are riding the wave of woke half-assery that provides with notoriety and income. #SameOldStory
Neither! - it all makes sense: the "Replacement Op" in a nutshell; frankly, (most) brown and black people are far more "comfortable" with tyranny than (many) white people.
How many new arrivers have you seen at the Euro protests? - I am receptive to counter examples: there are reports of a considerable number of Sheiks on the right side in Ottawa.
Lol. That made laugh out loud.
Sometimes I think "shit maybe I'm the crazy one" then I see stuff like that from WaPo and go "nope, they are ".
WaPo has jumped the shark.
I think the term we're looking for is malevolent. Or diabolical. The agenda proceeds apace.
They would have not to be batshit crazy to think that.
Probably right
They suffer from an almost complete lack of self-awareness, so I doubt they ever sit back and think about much of anything... especially their own limitations. Most kittens have much more self-awareness than these 'journalists.' As do most puppies...
I'm starting to think a lot of these big pieces at big legacy media outfits are manufactured by people other than the journalists actually writing them.
Like I wouldn't be surprised if the subtext of instructions given to journos at these places (by whoever their paymasters really are) are things like "find a way to link dissent to white supremacy of you're fired".
At some level, if they're smart enough to read and write, and have a career in journalism (regardless of how debased that profession has become), they must know that they are making fools of themselves.
They're desperately holding onto a base of mentally ill, intellectually stunted and maniacally vindictive and insecure covidians who actually lap this crap up. Even that crowd is quickly vanishing, I figure, as people look around and realize that being a covidian isn't quite as trendy as it was a minute ago.
i dont know how much time u spend with under-30 liberal arts graduates, but they do not need any bribes or coercion to consider something 'white supremacist' or 'racist.'
anyone under 30 w a college degree in anything humanities-related has already been socially conditioned to consider everything they disagree with or that offends their highly strung sense of justice as "racist" or ''white supremacist." (and this includes all of western civ from plato and socrates to hitchock and hemingway etc, and especially america and its founding fathers and founding documents.)
america may well be (as far as I know) the first country in all recorded history to turn over its transmission of art, culture, civics and history to people who openly and passionately hate and want to destroy all those things.
it's only now that we're beginning to see the results...
> I'm starting to think a lot of these big pieces at big legacy media outfits are
> manufactured by people other than the journalists actually writing them.
Indeed, per sources like Udo Ulfkotte's book, that appears to be the case.
Unfortunately, they may be crazy and they are also following Saul Alinsky's playbook (the 12 rules for radicals). In this case, it is: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” What's totally bizarre is that Alinsky organized the poor, the downtrodden, and the working people against big government and corporations. Now, the government and big corporations are using it against those that are standing against tyranny.
The people who write this stuff are doing it on purpose. The stupid people are the subscribers to that paper and the people who vote for politicians with similar campaign speeches.
Batshit crazy and blind ideologues. Not sure if you can be both but maybe they are the same 😂
Mike....isn't it holy shit crazy that they don't!!??
Unfortunately, no.
Black American slaves were just black faces of white supremacy. I bet you thought Larry Elder was the only one!
LOL, of course
I think writing idiotic editorials is white supremacy. Ha, so there - checkmate!
Reads exactly like Orwell's doublethink
I couldn't believe my eyes, so I headed over to ProQuest, where I can read the Post for free thanks to my library, and searched for this piece.
Friends, it is worse than I imagined. I think I should have stuck with the kittengarten screenshot. Then again, a search for the author of this opinion piece reveals that her Twitter, LinkedIn, and grad school bio seem to have been deleted. I almost feel bad for her at this point because what are the chances this white woman isn't canceled and consumed by her own (despite the fact that the rest of her piece parrots the party line instead of parodying it).
***almost*** being the key word
Was this a recent editorial in the WP?
Feb. 11
Yes, Taylor Dysart (the opinion piece's author) quoted Stovall (and seems to have been highly influenced by him). He died in 2021, but it sounds like she's been heavily influenced by his book "White Freedom," but she takes his (not historically outlandish or indefensible) ideas and makes a huge misstatement here that, apparently, no editor was kind enough to help her modify.
Or perhaps some editor modified so that it fits the required narrative?
It is truly remarkable to watch the left turn freedom into a dirty word. I once heard Ron Paul speak, and someone asked, “Dr. Paul, why do you love freedom so much?” He said, “Well, because I hate slavery!”
That man is an American treasure.
I registered as a republican so I could vote for Ron Paul in the primary that year. Sadly, Ron Paul did not have the necessary juice to force his way through the Media Squelch operation they ran on him. For that , we needed Trump, who did have the juice, and pretty much single-tonguedly thrashed all opposition and brought down the FAKENUZ Temple to its present day rubble status. Kudos also to Project Veritas in this process as well, particularly the exposure of Bob Creamer and Scott Foval. Whatever failings Trump may have later made, he did perform this admirable service, which was HUGE.
I mean, DNC strategy (outlined in the Wikileaks emails) was to focus media attention on Trump during the primaries. They wanted him to win the nomination because they figured he was the only person less palatable than Hillary. They underestimated most of the world’s revulsion for her.
We’ll never know whether Trump would have made it under the same media blackout as Ron Paul.
But much to my surprise he ended up doing a lot of good things in office. He was the only president in my memory not to start a war. That counts for a lot.
RON PAUL 2024!!!!!
Fun thought experiment....if racism is when one group is disproportionately affected by something...and black people are vaccinated at a lower rate than whites, then vaccine mandates and passports are racist and the 'anti racist' thing to do would be to fight them...like maybe with a protest against the government enacting them...
It's almost like the NYC mandates were specifically designed to make our man Kendi look utterly foolish, which is quite something when he does it himself almost daily.
What an interesting pretzel shape Tyler Stovall twisted himself into! Do they not teach logic in college anymore?
No. They teach dogma.
To the kittens? That’s just wrong. I swear I wouldn’t send kittens to college anymore. I’d find an electrician or plumber and arrange an apprenticeship.
Hmmm, that's a really good idea - one could pay a tradesman/woman to teach, train and mentor a not-college bound young person just out of high school to learn a valuable, practical skill that would actually earn them a living and support a family for a fraction of what it would cost to pay for leftist ideology indoctrination training.
Mike Rowe even has scholarship money for it.
Great idea! They would also learn a good work ethic from a hardworking tradesman.
It's called Technically College. Or did I not catch sarcasm?
Absolutely right!
Only puppies should be sent to learn “dogma”…Ha!Ha! 🐶
And surely we could change the definition... pups deserve better!
Logic is an artifact of the white patriarchy
Indeed: insisting 2 + 2 = 4 is racist.
No. Just ideology and cancel culture.
'logic' is a heterosexist transphobic white-supremacist plot to inscribe the power knowledge of the ruling class onto the bodies of the marginalized...didnt u get the memo?
I did but I discarded it because it wasn’t logical.
A white woman in graduate school who exploits the struggle indigenous Amazonians for her personal profit and career advancement in her PhD project exploits the working class struggles in Canada to write silly nonsense about “white supremacy” in the newspaper to further advance her career in the loony world of modern academe. Do. I have that about right? Elites gonna elite, I guess. Get rid of the student loan racket, and this sort of nonsense stops. Defund the universities! (I am being serious)
See that, you non-whites? You don't believe, and never did believe, that you are entitled to be free! So you turned yourselves into slaves. It took white supremacist Abe Lincoln to force freedom on you. Don't you worry, tho. We white non-supremacists will set things right again. Now just shut up, mask up, take your jabs & get back inside!
They can’t win unless we are divided.
And I refuse to fall for their crap. Racism is a choice. Even liberty is a choice. I choose liberty for everyone. I don't give a damn what color they are. This "racism" argument is so passe' I really don't get why they keep pulling it out of their bag of tricks. True racists are such a tiny minority of the population. In the U.S. I've lived in the west, the deep south, the north and the great plains and I think I've only met a handful of actual "racists" in my entire life and I stayed far far away from them, as I'm pretty sure every single person here has.
I think it is quite racist of people who categorize people by their skin color first, something the woke seem to do always
That’s something I’ve noticed too. So we’re supposed to be color blind but everything WE say is supposedly white supremacist, just because we’re white? Huh? What? No, just no.
More than that...they are totally obsessed with race. That's all they think about. They see virtually everything through the lens of race. It's sick, and they are the real racists through and through.
Alinsky Rule 8: Class Warfare.
Democracy dies in darkness. Two sentences later....freedom is a key component of White supremacy.
That's because democracy is not freedom and freedom is not democracy. I've said this before but it's actually freedom that dies in darkness and democracy that thrives in it.
WaPo has no interest in freedom. That's why their moniker honors mob rule, not liberty. And that editorial demonstrates that perfectly.
Yes if 9 out 10 people vote for vaccine passes, that's democracy but not freedom.
Democracy is the proverbial 9 people go out to dinner and the majority gets to determine who in the minority gets to pay for it. Democracy is the process of voting yourself the property of others. Voting is just an advanced auction on stolen goods.
The framers feared democracy. They warned about democracy. There's a reason the word doesn't appear anywhere in the Constitution, Declaration of Independence of Bill of Rights. Their clear and stated intent was to achieve good government, not popular government. And good government had only one purpose, to protect the liberty.
Freedom is the highest virtue. Democracy isn't a virtue at all. We used to understand that as Americans. But somewhere along the line that got completely turned on its head and both major parties now have bought into the lie that "saving our democracy" is the top priority....when the USA was never even a democracy to begin with. Almost none of them even talk about the supremacy of liberty anymore and even fewer actually behave like they understand that.
Protesters in Vancouver were treated to a wonderful speech by Ms Anita Krishna, a Canadian of South Asian heritage. She spoke about being fired from one of our private news broadcasters for a blog that was sympathetic to the protesters. https://youtu.be/M3kWnV76kPk
Isnt that like racist?
You are not using the newest edition of the Newspeak dictionary. Only whites can commit racism. Due to pressure from the benigh... eh enlightened, the Merriam Webster fictionary* agrees.
... and since then also agreed with the redefinition of "anti vaxxer". I hope they will add my definition of anti-fooder, soon: Anyone who does not like Wasabi-mustard-cherry icecream sprinkled with barbed wire cutlings.
* I borrowed that word from Matthew Crawford
Thanks a honey bunch of oats for ruining my bowl of cereal with that ice cream description.
Made me recall a Zippy the Pinhead strip from simpler times, in which a "stunt chef" is "injecting a duck burrito with a mango-mustard marmalade".
No one under 50 would lift an eyebrow at that phrase nowadays. But when it came out three decades ago, everything in it was preposterous: duck in a burrito, mango and mustard together, and the affectation of the indefinite article before "mango". It elicited a spit-take out of me at the diner counter, as I remember.
You deplorable anti-fooder, you! Admit it! You want *children to starve* !!!!!11
Give Eric M just a moment to respond please, he’s choking on his hot dog.
That reminds me of my favorite zippy the pinhead scene: zippy’s ravishingly beautiful girlfriend rings his doorbell. Zippy comes to the door in his standard clown suit attire, grinning as he is carrying a second ravishingly beautiful young woman in his arms. When he opens the door there is a moment of stunned awkward silence as the two women meet each other in shock. Zippy looks at his girlfriend and says, Uhhh…Uhhhh…I can explain!
You forgot the glyphosphate oat
" intervention" post Zippy
Am I evil for wanting to see the vid of that if it exists? Yeah...ok.. I'll just go sit ..over here.
A vid of the Zippy comic? It was a strip in the paper. I did a quick search online before posting and couldn't find it. Sadness.
I saw it in the underground comix days, before it was in the “newspapers” as we used to call them.
😂 Thank you for checking my privilege InfoHog.
Oh, it was a privil... D'OH!
Crawford is doing good work. If it has had no other virtue, this power grab ( covid) has awakened many and brought many fine minds to bear.
I'm an anti-fooder!!...damn those barb wire cuttings!!
What the actual F@&K am I reading right now?
Just more propaganda to divide us and justify the Trudeau-ing of America.
Lol, it's not even a complete sentence!
That was my thought, but the woke crowd has taught me that correcting grammar is racist and ableist so I'll just keep my freedom-loving white supremacist comments to myself
what isn't?
They live in the world of the virtual reality, we live in the world of physical reality.
Their truth is information, story telling, and control.
Our truth is reflected by what is actually happening in the world .
We are connected to the physical world : nature and people .
They are connected to the virtual world
of ideas without connection to physical reality
Nuff said……
Does anyone still read the WAPO? I mean other than in a National Enquirer kind of way?
I have a close family member that pays to read this BS. Also pays for NYT and LAT. believes he will die from corona or at least get long Covid and waiting impatiently for the fourth jab. Believes everything that is said in those papers as utter truth and everything else is racist, republican, evil, anti science misinformation.
You mean like not being able to look away from someone making a fool of themselves?
I suppose one could postulate that freedom is a matter of White Supremacy it being an innate Right held to be supreme by White people but not others. Certainly in Africa when the British arrived, tribes people were the property of their Chief, enslavement of people from other tribes was widely practised and accepted. Same with the indigenous tribes of the Americas. In Asia the peasants were the property of a war-lord or land-lord and slavery was endemic. And, stupidly, it was the British who taught the supremacy of freedom over all else to the people in their Colonies… thus ensuring the Empire would end as people demanded what was theirs by supreme Right.
Slave trade = white supremacy.
Ending the slave trade = also white supremacy????
If “democracy dies in darkness”, it seems the Washington Post is trying damned hard to pull down the shades.
Do the people that write this WaPo shit think they are free? Perpetuating the false narrative is a form of enslavement. To the WaPo, NYTimes, LATimes and Bloomberg journalists I say: “being a whore to the message is not freedom.”
I think they honestly have been brainwashed to think freedom is bad. You do what you’re told because experts decide for you. Or you get questionable jabs for the ‘good of society’ just like nazis doctors force sterilized ‘undesirables’ for the benefit of society. They fail to see the connection 🤦♀️
The Branch Covidians, they never stop, do they? Until eventually, perhaps years from now, they'll wake up and realize that for a decade their brains had simply been switched off.
Presuming they had brains in the first place. At least functional brains.
Functional enough to be filled with tripe and do the zombie herders' bidding.
This is all part of a plan (illegal immigration, two-tier justice system {1/6 vs Floyd rioters}, open hatred of white people/Western Civ). This will always lead to genocide if left unchecked.