Principle of Pandemia: "Misinformation" doesn't mean the information itself is wrong. It just means the wrong person said it.

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It sure is a shame that those who were saying this from the beginning were deplatformed, censored, othered, sued, persecuted—by the people who are now saying it simply because it can’t be hidden any longer.

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I'll never get over people rushing out to get tested for something they don't have symptoms for just so they could go home and be terrified in front of their CNN/Fox feeds for 14 days. And I'll never get over the colluders who voluntarily get tested so they could go on a cruise or travel for vacation. And I'll definitely never get over people I know who purposely got tested over and over again hoping for a "positive" so they could have 14 days off of work.

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World wide gaslighting has commenced. Fauci said we 'misinterpreted' that the Vaccines work & walensky said science is not black & white.

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Far too little, far too freaking late.

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...for two years I would start my day by taking a test to check if I was sick. Straight thereafter I would go to the cemetery to check if I was dead...

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Same thing would happen if you tested for the flu like they did for Covid. Media convinced everyone to test even if you weren't sick. THAT is the sad part!

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I am a little slow on the uptake sometimes, so it takes me a while to ponder things. Just this morning it dawned on me that we have, in fact, been testing primarily for a version of the common cold these last two years. My reasoning?

The infamous PCR test looks for particles or ‘strings’ of viral matter. If it finds a string that matches what is assumed to be sars-cov2, then it shouts bingo. Problem is, not only is the test picking up old virus, dead virus or very non-infective virus, it is also picking up non-sars-cov2 if the string matches. And since we have two closely related human coronaviruses that are known to cause the common cold, my guess is that in mild or so called ‘asymptomatic’ cases that is exactly what the tests have been doing in the majority of cases.

As someone else explained by analogy: looking for evidence of sars-cov2 by PCR test is like looking for evidence of a brand of car by parts in a scrap yard. Finding an isolated car part does not tell you the whole car was ever there, nor even which whole car it came from. The same 2.0 diesel engine is used in a Ford galaxy, a Vauxhall Safira and a VW - finding just this isolated engine in the scrap yard does not conclusively prove which of these three types of car it was used in.

Hence my guess that since the common cold coronaviruses share common strings of dna with sars-cov2 (after all, humans share 90-something percent of dna with cats), it’s likely this is what was being picked up all along.

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Will we finally be permitted to know the truth in the new normal?

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Liars will be exposed, but hopefully they will be punished.

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Why are they publishing two years old news? :)

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I’m guessing the propagandists are now saying things like this as a calculated move to salvage credibility? So that they will be able to keep foisting their nefarious programs on the public?

Outside looking in, it’s like watching the decomposition of a dead dog.

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Gee... ya think? I knew the PCR tests were garbage at the start. Imagine the frustration of those of us who got that 'cases' was a bullshit term used to foment mass fear and create the illusion of a pandemic where none existed? It's been exhausting.

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Arrest Fauci.

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I have been arguing this since day 1. The PCR has many problems with false positives, due to its ability to detect insignificant fragments of supposedly viral RNA. But even if these problems with the PCR did not exist, the fact that they did tests on everyone, regardless of being sick or not, was a recipe for grossly overcounting "cases". This is something that had never been done in medicine. Diagnostic tests for acute diseases are supposed to be done only on people who have symptoms of the disease. Any test done to people who are not sick will give you a high percentage of false positives. It is a disgrace that the "experts" who have led the "pandemic response" - who certainly know this - have chosen to ignore this so fundamental principle of public health.

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The historians will have a field day with this era...

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Got banned three times for asking this question on my local newspaper forums...couldn't get answers of course, but kicked out for suggesting that there "may be some problem with false positives". sheesh....smh

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And yet, my physician friends still don’t believe it. “No evidence in that article….”

They discontinued PCR tests!! What more do you need?

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More and more skidmarks from wild U-turns.

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Meanwhile, while the 'narrative' is changing, I still work for a company that is demanding that I take the clot shot. When is the "mother of all bombs" dropped that destroys all of this?

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Misinformation: misleading information, created and/or disseminated without manipulative or malicious intent.

Disinformation: deliberate often coordinated attempts to confuse or manipulate people by giving them dishonest information.

Misinformation then is what ordinary people might spread on blogs, videos, Tweets, etc because they are mistaken, or uninformed.

Disinformation is what Governments and their acolytes do, with malevolent intent.

The correct approach to misinformation is not to censor it, but to challenge it and explain where the error arises. This gives everyone an opportunity to understand better.

Of course, if you cannot explain the error because, well, er, um… there is no error and it is ‘misinformation’ because the ‘error’ is to dare challenge disinformation, then it must be censored.

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So, should I report the author of this “provocative series” (see byline in pic), to Dr Vivek Murthy for spreading misinformation?

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Nick Hudson said that the difference between conspiracy and fact was six months, it’s been more like two years!

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I thought it wasn’t news when it happened two years ago. “Newspuppets” indeed.

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The PCR tests are not "flawed". They were made for an entirely different purpose.

But now the branch covidians want to claim innocence, blame the PCR, sing in choir "We only wanted to do good, we are SO sorry" and expect us to believe it- of course, why not - so they can do it again.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

This is what I have been saying since March 2020 when I did some quick math on the back of an envelope and wondered why my infection fatality rate IFR projection was vastly lower than official projections like the immensely stupid Neil Ferguson of Imperial College. Why is he still employed and I’m not! Lol

Also why “cases” which previously required symptoms was conflated/fused/merged with positive pcr tests of mostly asymptomatic persons.

My statistics and experimental design professors would be aghast.

Also what about flat wrong data, mis dys and malinformation itself? Garbage in, garbage out … and garbage induced hysteria and panic.

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What a shame that Kary Mullis, who won the Nobel Prize for his work in developing the test, died in August of 2019. Listen to him on YouTube talk about Fauci and company. His death proved quite convenient for them.

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Below I have listed 108 examples of what are listed in the CDC Provisional Mortality database as “Covid-19 Deaths”, coded as U07.1 (Covid-19)

Not one of these deaths listed below has anything to do with a viral event being the actual cause of death.

These are not exceptions they are representative of THE ENTIRE database.

I could literally do this all through the evening and scarcely begin to get through the listing of these 900,000+ deaths.

There were, for example, over 14,000 accidental deaths as of Feb. 2021 that were listed as “Covid Deaths.” Not the largest category of fraud just one of the more egregious.

30 years -X70 (Intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation and suffocation)- there is 1 of these in the 30 year old age group.

31 years X44 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances)- there are 12 of these in the 31 year old age group.

33 years -X44 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances)- there are 9 of these in the 33 year old age group.

33 years -X42 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified)- there are 5 of these in the 33 year old age group.

33 years O96.1 (Death from indirect obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery)- there are 10 of these in the 33 year old age group.

34 years -F19.1 (Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances, harmful use).- there are 3 of these in the 34 year old age group.

38 years O96.1 (Death from indirect obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery)- there are 11 of these in the 38 year old age group.

47 years K70.3 (Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver)- there are 15 of these listed in the 47 year old age group.

48 years X44 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances)- there are 7 of these in the 48 year old age group.

54 years I21.9 (Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified)- 21 of these listed in the 54 year old age group.

54 years K70.3 (Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver)- 12 of these listed in the 54 year old age group.

75 years-F54 (Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere). There is 1 of these in the 75 year old age group.

75 years-F10.1 (Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol, harmful use). There is 1 of these in the 75 year old age group.

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I originally posted this on Medium in 2020 and they censored it.


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so the media had nothing to do with it, nor did corrupt health officials or governments shutting everything down - it was the PCR test all along. Got it!

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No worries in anticipation of the rollout of infant and toddler mRNA shots the media today screams about the dramatic uptick in hospitalizations of youngsters with omicron. Croup! The horrors. (My oldest had croup with hospitalization back In the day. It wasn’t scary. They just don’t send steroid treatments home). This media frenzy tells me they’re far from giving up. The baby shots must get out asap. And they will approve it in April no matter how shitty their data is.

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I think you've confused the headline for actual journalism.

Only approved topics are written. Questioning the PCR test is now part of the narrative. Sowing confusion is part of fomenting the mass formation effect.

How many people died from covid and not with covid? How many people that got sick or diagnosed with blood clots within 2 weeks of injection had these complications due to covid? Or due to the injection? How many people actually had covid? Or did they have flu? Common cold? Allergies? Asymptomatic and tested false positive for any of the above?

"I'm so confused."

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does anyone trust the msm from any country anymore? it's just hard to wade through the quagmire.

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PCR is a DIAGNOSTIC test not a screening test. diagnostic tests are used to confirm a clinical suspicion of a disease based on the presenting symptoms of a specific patient. If I have a sick patient in front of me and I think he has influenza , I order an influenza diagnostic test and if it is positive I have a case confirmed positive influenza test. If it is negative then it might be a false negative, I might repeat the test or look for something else that is wrong.

If one takes a diagnostic test that has a high sensitivity and not so high specificity and uses it as a screening test in a population with low disease prevalence ( not many people have the disease) you will get a high percentage of FALSE POSITIVES. ANd thats exactly what happened.

If a test is 98 percent sensitive and 92 percent specific and you do this test on millions of people with NO symptoms and very lose disease prevalence, you will get many false positives.

THere could have been 50 % false positives in the beginning. And this was used to justify lockdowns. It is an utter catastrophic failure of the public health establishment that they didnt recognize this.

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Example #5231 of the mainstream media catching up with what "right-wing conspiracy theorists" were saying two years ago.

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Mar 17, 2022·edited Mar 17, 2022

Of course the MSM did dip its toe in the water on 8/29/2020 yet somehow this did not gain any traction:

"Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be."



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Kinda reminds me of the headline from the NYT about how PCR blew things wildly out of proportion: "Faith in Quick Test Leads to Epidemic That Wasn’t".

*From 2007*: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/01/22/health/22whoop.html?msclkid=b682526da5f511ecb5f7cda687f05028

Quotable quote:

"At Dartmouth the decision was to use a test, P.C.R., for polymerase chain reaction. It is a molecular test that, until recently, was confined to molecular biology laboratories. “That’s kind of what’s happening,” said Dr. Kathryn Edwards, an infectious disease specialist and professor of pediatrics at Vanderbilt University. “That’s the reality out there. We are trying to figure out how to use methods that have been the purview of bench scientists.”

The Dartmouth whooping cough story shows what can ensue. To say the episode was disruptive was an understatement, said Dr. Elizabeth Talbot, deputy state epidemiologist for the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services.

“You cannot imagine,” Dr. Talbot said. “I had a feeling at the time that this gave us a shadow of a hint of what it might be like during a pandemic flu epidemic.”

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🙄🙄 they think we are stupid…..

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What's next? Rewriting history and sending the evidence down the memory hole?

Since we are all about 1984 today.

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I love the way they headline their admissions. Could it have been the PCR test? Could it have been coding? Could it have been the Russians?

Well then, we shall correct this immediately and sigh in relief that we, your saviors, caught it before it became an issue! Double good us!"

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One of my favourite albums fits perfectly right here:


I knew it well as a teenager but only got reintroduced in late summer 2016. I’d been seriously, life-threateningly ill & then there was the “after” time. Day by day, I’d be struck by the thought that I wasn’t about to die (it’s not easy, living day by day, with a creeping sense that you’re not going to make it).

Then if you’re fortunate enough to have that lift, I recommend a long period of quiet reflection. Perhaps the most magical few weeks of my life. Everything looked benign. The light, the gentle breeze, the smell of oils & solvents & polishes & metals (I spent a lot of time in my workshop of old motorcycles).

And this music (plus a few others).

Especially the second side (if that concept is still around).

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Must! Laugh! to let out the...rage!!

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After I got kicked off Twitter, I followed Dr. Erickson and friends....

What they said often was very logical.

Why were they being silenced?

That is always my big question, and eventually complete break with msm , ms science. And Ms tech, which I could only read... never comment on as ENEMY of the State

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Timing is everything!

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Did you see on gatos link it says “section approved by doctors” 🤣

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Every time I say "Trump was right about almost everything" I have to add "voted-for-Obama-twice-yes-twice-voted-for-none-of-the-above-twice-yes-twice" and when I say "I am unvaxed and against vax mandates" I have to add the above plus "do-not-follow-any-dogma-and-demand-a-secular-civil-society-though-I-myself-believe-in-what-for-shorthand-I call-God." Gets tiring...

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