There's nothing quite like a track record of failure to inspire confidence.

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I've been saying this since 2020. Why don't we listen to the people who have been correct instead of the people who keep being wrong but politically motivated? I'll happily put my record up against Fauci's, and I'm just some idiot who can read Hope-Simpson.

The virus is seasonal and nothing we do changes that, unless the vaccines actually make it worse.

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Hilarious. Read the article. Essentially writer snobbishly says listen to my experts (curated by the super honest elected politicians he supports) but don’t listen to the other experts. It’s this arrogance and condescending nature of liberals in media that is driving former Democrats like me to the Republican side.

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“The experts were all wrong. Here’s why that’s a good thing.”


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These experts fraudulently circumnavigated the regulatory system and the regulatory system experts allowed them.

Project Warp Speed warped the regulators


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Perfect headline from the Atlantic. I expect nothing less from the worst publication in the country.

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They *are* experts—at detonating the economy, at perpetrating democide, at covering up corruption, at Ctrl-Alt-Deleting the world …

Oh, and in response to, “We still have to trust them.” I don’t usually use profanity, so forgive my unladylike language, but this merits a, “NO, WE MOTHERFUCKING DON’T, YOU FUCKING FUCKFACED PROPAGANDIST.”

Sorry, I’m a little rusty on my slurs—this is where I need Guttermouth to come in and make up for my deficiencies.

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They are not experts if they are not allowed to be questioned.....better description is stooges.

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There's also this... "trust the experts" is just straight up mentally lazy, sloppy thinking. Reality has a funny way of rewarding sloppy thinking with poor outcomes.


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I just read the whole article. I wish I hadn't. It literally made me a little sick to my stomach. (Just a little.)

What a disgustingly weak and cowardly human being he is. I do not consent to such spineless creatures deciding how I should be governed or how I may or should act.

Nichols is free to lick as many boots as he would like. But he can kiss my tattooed ass.

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I've been coaching basketball for 20 years, teaching kids how to be successful. This is literally the opposite of a successful strategy and instead of instilling self-confidence and the ability to think on your feet, seems to be preaching that people are helpless and should not rely on their own judgement. Incredible. A textbook recipe for continual failure.

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We're becoming experts in finding fraud perpetuated by the experts at this point.

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I can't imagine any logic that could require I implicitly trust a stranger with my health, my rights, and my property.

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Muahahhahahhahahaha. 🤪 muahahhahahahahaa. No Mister Tom, when ‘experts’ have a bad year did it occur to you that maybe they’re not experts???? 😛

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Experts are regime bootlickers. Just say no to them. Thought you'd enjoy the cat memes: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-say-no?s=w

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Experts are usually paid liars that hide deceit in complexity

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