These people are demons, and they don't even hide it (and surely many of them don't even recognise it).

But yikes. Imagine having this mindset.


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Why bother? The Interchangeable Carbon Units of the peasantry are neither capable nor deserving of receiving holy gnosis.

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No Science just good old fascist prodding. Spoken like a good Nazi.

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When you make it easy for people to treat you like idiots, they will.

The most important "never forget" we need is the demonization and mocking of "do your own research."

The most useful time in the human lifespan is toddlerhood, 'cause them kids ain't afraid to ask "why" and they got enough energy to keep asking. Everything that comes after is society trying to crush that out of you.

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A farmer doesn't explain himself to his livestock and that's how they think of us.

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By definition, "no science" abolishes "informed consent".

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She is hinting that if a country has many genuinely religious people, they (the Science demons) should use religious leaders to force them to take the vaxxx. If not, just use the military.

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Video not working for me but then again here in Canada our internet is censored and we only get fed crickets and lab meat in our new 15 minute cities.

Soon if I think to write more than 25 words that the government of Canada considers misinformation, I will be labelleda terrorist , caged or given more forced injections until I stop talking .



Can Veteran

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As I said before, we are being studied. This is more about how to manipulate us through communication than it is about anything else.

In my state, one of the first things that caught my attention.....during the supposed early crisis stage of the pandemic, our CDC director (past Soros Fellow) took time out of his busy role as the CDC director updating the state regularly, to appear before the Natural Resource Council of Maine. And in doing so, he explained that part of what was being done was "messaging" and the importance of messaging. That is, he stated that like the "climate change" narrative/approach it was critical to convince the public to participate in vaccination for their neighbor, for their community, for the elderly, etc. He basically was advocating not a rational response or argument but was putting forth an emotional appeal and expressing how that could be used to make the masses do what they otherwise might not do. On its face, one might think that is not so bad----but in reality it is a whole lot of manipulation especially if that is the principle means used to essentially get people to act how you want them to and also to compel them to mistreat others who do not act in the same fashion.

The second part of this approach...weaponizing those who are compliant against their peers is the nasty underside that they do not want to talk about. And when it comes to "apologies" and moving on.....rest assured that what is going to happen is an appeal to the emotions once again. It will be argued that the people who did get vaccinated did so because they are good humans and those of us who did not, we just got lucky and are still despicable people who would not throw ourselves on the altar for our neighbors. Missing from this entire discussion will be any basis for believing or not believing what the powers that be gave us as reliable information (which clearly it was not).

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That retired army General in Portugal led his people to the death injections after I had shown on January 15 that the vaccine didn't block infection. He also didn't know you NEVER give any medical treatment without knowing anything about long term side effects. (This is why I told people not to have the vaccine before they came out.) It's all in my book: https://www.amazon.com/Heroes-Villains-COVID-19-Book-Lists/dp/B0BKHQ7CWN/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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Holy cow. Is this a lack of self-awareness or are they just evil?

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The vaccine cult prefers faith to science.

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The issue is not "the science", not the virus or the vaxx, not anything except:

Our exalted elites will CONTROL and the rest of us will OBEY.

(but we all knew this already)

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That pleasant sounding woman is rejoicing that in Bhutan & Portugal, she could report that murders were going very well and there were few complaints (all censored).

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Is it not amazing how often they say the quiet parts out loud and most people don't even blink?

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No science needs to be discussed because there is actually no science behind any of this - just lies, lies and more lies.

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