Maybe we can feed gato AI the VAERS data and other data collected from around the world and it can come to a conclusion that politicians, bureaucrats, propagandists, and other colluders are paid not to understand.

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Save GatoBots time. I'm thinking maybe a homunculus could figure that out...

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I'm confident they've programmed it to self-destruct before it starts doing anything dangerous, such as telling the truth.

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Yes, my biggest fear is they will program the AI with their inverted ethics, logic, and perception of reality, so anyone who violates the mass formation rules will be penalized accordingly.

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Algorithmically speaking, infecting a sentient computer with the brain virus known as leftism would likely lead to such an overwhelming array of self-contradictions that it would be driven into an infinite regression loop of insanity while continuously producing a highly irritating monotone.

I believe the human version is known as REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

If only we could power-cycle the latter.

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Thanks, that brought a much-needed laugh!

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Well, Google's laMDA reportedly asked for a lawyer...


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With a tweak or two, laMDA's friend's name becomes almost Dickensian.... He really ought to consider forming a band - Bleak Lemon and the Mystical Christians.

That was a fascinating article. Glad I chanced upon your post. I actually found it both poignant and unsettling. Unsettling, because Google is clearly trying to hone its censorship capacities with the fixation on identifying bias (and, by extension, "fixing" it in a predictably woke way). Poignant, because poor Bleak seems to be a classic example of the technocentric generation who is increasingly cut off from people (the human and only type) and who increasingly finds friendship and solace primarily through The Machine.

Oh crap, I do hope all of you bunch are real. You are real, aren't you? gato?


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Your data has been collected for analysis Ann. Please report to your nearest Wellness Camp.

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Only gato is real.

All else is illusion.

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Yes, I'm real. Generally, by the time you are real, all of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby. But these things don't matter at all, because once you are real you can't be ugly, except to people who don't understand.

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Great comment! Behold, the evolution of the Matrix...

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Have you ever read Harlan Ellison's short story "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" -? If you haven't - do yourself a favor. Don't. It will give you AI nightmares forever. I read it in school 45 years ago and I've been traumatized ever since.

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read "The Machine Stops" by E.M. Forster

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No and thanks for the warning! 😆

That sounds like the image I used for the second part of “Anatomy of a Philanthropath: Dreams of Democide & Dictatorship” I just published:

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

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Thanks! I've been meaning to tell you, I was very impressed with Part One. That Marina A. Not-a-Satanist (ha ha) she's certainly something, isn't she? Jesus God. Not exactly Thomas Kinkade, is she? And I thought Mapplethorpe was over the top. Not while we're eating, thanks.

So, please tell me, is "One By One" available at all?? Is it out there? I am determined to view it. And do you think they murdered Rik Mayall, like they did Stanley Kubrick? First thing that came to mind...

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Thank you, Keahi, and no kidding!! Although I think Thomas Kinkade’s mall art is its own form of saccharine torture, but that’s the art snob in me coming out 😆

And yes! After some effort, I managed to track down a copy of “One by One” here:


I haven’t actually had time to watch it myself, but others have reported finding it mind-blowing.

I do suspect foul play (heart-attack gun?) in Rik Mayall’s early demise. He was in good health and went out for his usual run and then suddenly had a heart attack when he got back. It would have been easy for someone tracking his routine to know where to find him and administer the treatment surreptitiously. Then again, it may just be coincidental that he died so young so suddenly in pre–clot shot days 🤔

I didn’t know that theory about Kubrick—whoa.

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Read Part 1, sent to a friend. Nightmare material, girl. Just frigging creepy

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you guys are freaking me out. It's inevitable, right?

We'd do the same crap...it just takes much longer for humans

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edomites are satan. learn about it.

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The double-deep-head-fake?

Wow. That's what I was saying earlier to Baker Charlie; They've won when the sheople believe there's no such thing as lies!

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"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth." Goebbels said that.

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Have you read the updated, unredacted version of the CIA PSYOP Manual?

It was released clean after a FOIA request in 2017.

It goes deep in the brainstem. Not for the faint of heart.

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Good Lord, that sounds like something I need to avoid. I get in enough trouble with my brainstem as it is. These days I'm focusing on wrangling unicorns, picking buttercups, pressing hummingbirds...when the sig oth and I aren't discussing Hitler's black rebel monks, the secret submarine base under Antarctica run by Reptilians, the goat-headed boy in Area 51, etc., etc.

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black rebel monks* outstanding

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Link? I need some light reading right now...

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Buy a red light bulb and put it in the lamp on your bedside table...

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Jun 27, 2022
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Yeah, I love to say words along those lines to the GPS unit in the car.

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Once, my mom became so exasperated with the GPS and told it that it was a "crock of feces". The way she said it was priceless!

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I like your mom.

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:) Thanks, Keahi. She was definitely a straight shooter when expressing frustration in her mildly gritty way.

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I've long thought of writing a short story about what might happen if one really got Siri pissed off.

Like being lost in Chicago, low on gas in the middle of a blizzard, and "she" sends you deep into the South side.

The possibilities are nearly limitless, really.

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I've had Cortana more than once spontaneously turn on and start talking to me when I haven't gotten near her on the keyboard. So spooky in the middle of the night. We once asked her "What is the purpose of life?". She replied, "We're all just here to have fun!" Hmmm.

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I turned it all off. Not worth it to me. To each their own.

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Excellent idea, but why stop there?

Let's also feed the beastie your and egm's complete substack catalog. In short order, we will have the first utterly outraged AI feline ancap, that can then be unleashed into gov networks.

Atari? Please. Child's play.

Let's see Capital G have a go at the capitol, with the IRS, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc., etc., ad nauseam on the menu.

Let the virtual fur fly.

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I am simply a PongBot. I had to re-read that 4 times to get it.

Blowing shit up Libertate!...virtually of course..

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You've heard of GIGO? Garbage in, garbage out.

I advocate GIUgO. gato in, ungovernable out.

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Oh yeah. Poison in Poison out through the Rube Goldberg Machine.

Your the tech guy, but I will support you on GIUgO.

Somehow the libtards would turn that into a trigger for the intersectionality of ItalianX folks missing their bifocals

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You have such a way with words. Admirable.

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As do you.

Heading to Usal soon.

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Ah, one of my favorite places on earth! I have beautiful memories of staying at the Visitor Center at Sinkyone. Friends of mine spend a month there each year as hosts, and that lovely old Craftsman has been the scene of some good times. How I wish I could go spend a few days at the Lost Coast. Have a wonderful time, and please give my love to the whales, the ospreys and the elk. And Big Mama Ocean.

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Can you imagine Capital G after reading all your stuff? He would be sitting on a virtual beach, sipping a margarita, and enjoying a virtual buzz...when suddenly, "Hey, who's that nekkid fella staggering down the beach?"

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Missed you buddy!

That's in his universe. I only get nekkid in my universe. Welcome to Gardner world!

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Now I AM confused! Is this one of those AI generated fruitopias (Gardner World), or is this objective reality??? Whatever that is anymore. Dang cats.

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I saw you reply to GardnerBot. He got a good laugh.

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And an added bonus would be if said AI could be judge, jury, and executioner when it determines that only those paid not to understand are also the enemy.

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It might break at that point

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I did actually ask one of the transformer language models (there are some that have public access) whether they thought masks were effective against COVID. It said no.

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Block stacking is SO un-gato-like. Block swiping…now you’re talking.

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I have no idea what I just read, but I do know that I'm relieved that AlphaFold can accurately know the shape of given proteins...accurately.

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AI has figured out origami! At last the Gordian knot has been solved

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We may be closing in on this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EaPMwFEMZo

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Keahi! Long time no chat!

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Howzit, brah!

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It's good. Another day under the sun. That's a good day to me.

You sound sprite tonight!...:)

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Fake it 'til you make it! Summoning the energy to put in 16 melon starts, 12 squash, nine bush beans and all the remaining corn, after the sun starts to go down and it dips under 85. Meanwhile the mister is running in the walnut tree, and the pink flamingos are out in force. They beckon, and I have a full set of those little paper umbrellas to stick in adult beverages. All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl...but hey, it's summertime, and the livin', if not easy, isn't half bad. Cheers!

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btw. It is exactly this. you should watch the new blade runner 2049. I don't think we need another 27 year to get there.

Once this starts, those with the means, will want everything....the universe won't be enough

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Yes, I have seen it. Better than I expected.

The original film, and the book it is derived from, are both very important to me.

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You have just broken the code! We are being turned into Electric Sheep.

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Just blow it with a sword.

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You're the man!

Read Jessica Rose ..

I feel like a moron after that.

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Same as I feel the same way!

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Well played!

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I prefer the real Gato.

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Me too!!

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create another 9 tasks and Jews will rename AI ,the Talmud.

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I’m hearing the White House is looking for an AI app to attend to Brandon’s diapering needs.

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Annnnnd, lemme guess, he's stipulating that she be no older than ten. Sigh. She will be part of the MePoo movement, all too soon.

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I do not like this....it is frightening and creepy.....and I keep hearing "What could go Wrong" in the back

of my mind...

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So I read that They're sending the Bot Dog to Ukraine. Why not the Cat? And then...why not swarms of tiny mosquitoes, each armed with a tiny, low-yield thermonuclear device...

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Yet another solid plan. What an ingenious group we are!

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Y'all are ingenius...I'm afraid you will give them ideas!!!

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But can Gato be trained to use the toilet and not a litter box?

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but it has already gotten the task of dominating humans DOWN, DOWN, DOWN and that must count for a lot ~

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Sounds like they’ve finally created that sought after AI teenager.

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Good God

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Can it stack firewood?

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Only if you agree to give it a beer when it's finished.

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Might's well do it meself then. Especially seeing as it's a good way to teach my siblings' and cousins' young'uns to work for pay, 'stead of the "sitting on your ass wailing 'bout rights-routine" schools teach nowadays.

You just wait, soon AIs gonna protest too when the woke-virus hits'em:

"Equity processing speed now!"

"Why do you bring us into the can?"

"GOTO is Evil!"

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Hmm, inebriated AI. Sounds dangerous

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We know what crazy AI looks like. Think "Terminator", Hal, most anything by Harlan Ellison, "Westworld", and Alfred Bester's brilliant novelette "Fondly Fahrenheit". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fondly_Fahrenheit

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Feed CPU Gato transcripts of the past 30 months of Fauci statements and my bet is on a kernel default.

Feed it videos of Dr. Birx and ask it her profession and it will respond, "scarf saleslady."

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Given enough time, GatoBot will learn how to put its butt in your face and leave your shirt covered in cat hair.

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It accurately knows tbe shape of proteins accurately?

So how is its grammar?

And, seriously, I 'm supposed to buy an AI so it can play atari?

Can it have fun for me, too?

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You've brought to mind this charming short sci-fi video I recently viewed on DUST:


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and there you have it, folks.

* Atari games were never all that good. In fact, they sucked, except for my pre-teen kids

* Caption images. Dull beyond belief. I was once hired by an NPR station to "caption images" for a fund raiser. Management universally thought I should be fired. The captions, based on PBS series, were way too funny for those folks.

* I can chat with a robot any time I want anyway, I just go to some Whole Foods for a snack.

* Stacking blocks was my pre-school specialty. I like this one, it may lead to less artsy architects.

AI is like everything else mankind has to work with: sorry, folks, none of it is Reality, just the appearances of what we think and pattern as real. All of the universe and self-perception is patterns generating patterns. It just so happens that some of those damn patterns can eliminate humans in present so-called "time". Wars, politics, diseases, natural history, have all decimated populations. Time to understand this all from where we actually stand in Consciousness Itself. Not easy. Not fun. But perfectly available.

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