Have a funny feeling that when the average German / European is suffering with energy blackouts and tired of being cold and hungry this winter, the Davos leaders will still be eating caviar. Having lived in Europe for five years, I know the people will still just demand more answers from government and the wheels of the bus will go round and round.

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And re-elect Macron...

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Or did those all those ballots for Le Pen that were manufactured with a little cut in them so the reader would reject them, did that re-elect Macron?

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Sadly, I don't know enough about French politics to answer that one (I observe world politics from the Southern hemisphere - never been so grateful to live in the developing world as the past two years)... But I do think a Le Penn's victory was always going to be dicey and add a war in Europe... Macron was gonna win, no matter how many protests there were just a few months earlier. We forget quickly and we are ruled by fear.

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It was probably the same as in the US. Choose between 2 bad things is not really a choice. That is what demonstrators shouted, too. Why not have a broader choice platform?

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When the left engage in mass protests in the US we say they are not the real silent majority and are really the minority so the 2020 election must have been rigged.

When mass protests happen in France we then switch to believing they are the majority and the Macron result must have been rigged.

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And Russian caviar, at that!

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Caviar and blini can be very warming. Perhaps the Kremlin will cut back that supply too.

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THIS … is why they elites are exterminating you https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/35548 https://youtu.be/HMGPC3AgDG8 https://t.me/TommyRobinsonNews/35572 https://youtu.be/sEGKvqldZoQ (he gets skinned alive if the military doesn’t step in…)

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May 15, 2022
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I think that's what Brandon had in mind when he asked the Europeans to freeze Russian assets and stop trading with the Russians. Good joke to those morons...

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As someone living in Germany I can assure you it all sounds just as stupid in German as in any other language… and the stupidity knows no boundaries


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Does the average fellow German think the same though?

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Unfortunately not but I will not give up hope that at least some will eventually wake up and see what is happening right before them in plain sight

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as someone also living in germany it's depressing how retarded the average voter is. i think it's gunna get bad

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I am afraid you could be right

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Belgium very sleepy still, too. Whole family seems to hibernate. All got sick but waiting for a fourth jab and things like that. Bitching about the government but still voting for the same old crew. And when they block the party that won, and gathered all the other parties so that one could not govern, no one protested. Everyone is so dull. No one reacts to the injustices.

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I am afraid that a large part of the world population are caught in this mass psychosis - more in some countries than in others. I also believe that more people are beginning to come out of it than we assume (at least that is my hope). I have said it many times and I will happily repeat it.

Good is stronger than evil! Love is stronger than hate! They just need longer to prevail as they do not work with violence. In the end the good and love will get the upper hand again.

It may sound a tad naive but I want to believe it and I do believe it.

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Trump tried to tell them. I have no sympathy.

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You had an article ages ago about how the problem with the supply chain in the US is because of policy decisions (trucking and ports were the two focused on)... This is exactly the same! Different commodity, some "silly" policy decision to achieve the same goal - energy insecurity, resulting in inflation, to wreck the world economy. All roads lead to the same end goal - NWO with a single world currency.

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One World Government, One World Monetary System, One World Religion as written in the book of the Revelation of John, the last book in the New Testament. We're moving along now toward that system. The beast system, the anti-christ when none can buy or sell without the Mark of the beast We are experiencing some of it now. Digital money will do nicely for a start. First they wreck our money and force digital "money" on us which they control. Like they force us to buy cars that they can shut off at will.

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He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose. Jesus is a sure thing, but the things of this world, will pass away!

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Millions will starve to death over years and years and when the time is just right the NWO will step in and save us all. Can you imagine the gratitude? Throw in a lot of fake media and presto! Reform.

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Yep, and in time it will happen.

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“Soon after, however, he [Chancellor Schröder] cultivated close ties with Yeltsin's successor, President Vladimir Putin, in an attempt to strengthen the "strategic partnership" between Berlin and Moscow, including the opening of a gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea exclusively between Russia and Germany.”



“Only a few days after his chancellorship, Schröder joined the board of directors of the Nord Stream joint venture.” 😁

I distinctly recall many people at that time warning this was a bad idea, and many unheeded warnings since… and by Trump (Hiss Boo!) who said: ““It’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia,” Trump said. “Where, you’re supposed to be guarding against Russia and Germany goes out and pays billions and billions of dollars a year to Russia. So we’re supposed to protect you against Russia, but they’re paying billions of dollars to Russia, and I think that’s very inappropriate.”

“Germany is totally controlled by Russia because they will be getting 60-70% of their energy from Russia and a new pipeline, and you tell me if that’s appropriate, and I think it’s not,” he said while addressing NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

“Trump approved sanctions to deter the completion of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, which would allow Russia to bypass Ukraine to get gas to Europe and served as a major geopolitical win for Russian President Vladimir Putin. Upon taking office, President Joe Biden revoked the sanctions, only recently putting them back in place following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.“

And by what convoluted mental processes does an obsessively ‘Green’ Country avowed to stop using fossil fuels, building a gazillion wind mills, then decide to rely on a single fossil fuel from a single supplier for its energy needs - Oh and build new coal fired power stations using brown coal, the dirtiest type on Earth?

And now having ‘weaponised’ economic sanctions against Russia, Germany is surprised, shocked, aghast, that Russia weaponises economic sanctions against Germany and the rest of the sordid bunch of galoots in NATO.

These folk ARE mentally ill.

I feel I am trapped in a lunatic asylum with no exits.

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I would still argue inter-dependency is a feature not a bug of a more peaceful world.

But like that human chair circle, we all have to sit at the same time. Sitting too quickly like Germany or not sitting at all like Russia fucks things up!

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Absolutely right. 👍

Specialisation and division of labour makes us dependent on one another for goods and services and you are right that interdependence does help bring about peaceful, stable prosperous societies both internally and externally. If goods don’t cross borders, armies will.

Unfortunately we have politicians.

And although it is unwise to be dependent on one source for any crucial resource - lots can happen, natural disaster, internal crisis, and of course international crisis - its worth noting Europe is at Russia’s mercy not because Russia made it so - they like the money - in this instance it’s the behaviour of European Governments, actually the USA Government whose lapdogs the European Countries evidently are, that has caused the problem.

This is why the Eco-idiots who think a Country should grow all its own food to stop CO2 emissions from importing it, are wrong because adverse weather, pestilence, disease, other unforeseen factors can easily bring shortages without other sources.

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"...more peaceful world" goes against every human instinct. So much hope when the Common Market was instituted. That sure worked out great.

People sort themselves out into micro-neighborhoods everywhere. It's only the genius of the Founders in envisioning a federal system that's enabled us to maintain a nation-state and to have forged a national identity, but in reality we're many little countries forced to co-exist. And here we are, frayed to the core.

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I tend to agree, but when Putin or Xi is your partner it is inherently unstable

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Biden stable? Are any of them stable - I offer last two years and Green ruination as Exhibits A & B?

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Are we in the looting stage of empire collapse, where all restraints are removed? To hell with the consequences, as long as I get what I want? It sure looks that way.

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The smart ones are looting. The stupid ones are leading.

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They are certainly looting in America (money to big pharma, money to weapons manufacturers)

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And then the money circles back to politicians.

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40 billion to Ukraine… okay kids, can we spell MONEY LAUNDERING? 🔥🔥🔥

I would sure like to know where Zelinko’s multi-million dollar mansion in Florida is… anyone know? 🔥

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Yep. Grab everything before the house of cards comes tumbling down.

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100%. It's all looting and what I am trying to study is the long-range plans of the big corps. I don't have a fully formed theory yet but I see a lot of a) going for those government subsidy-type programs, wherein the plebs who can't afford a certain good or service CAN afford them b/c the gov't steps in and offers a rebate, or a free version and b) stasis. No one is innovating as if we had another 50-100 years of 7+ billion 'consumers' on this planet. (For example, the whole VR thing is a smoke-screen. No way can that tech make it to as many peeps as have cel phones; we're at the outer limits of too many component resources. It's just something to do to look busy until the apocalypse hits.) Either TPTB are planning for depopulation--whether that be from vaxxes, famine, war, and/or the coming micronova--or are aware that oil already peaked and further expansion-as-per-usual is not just folly but impossible, and planning for the chaos of an increasingly desperate 99%. So, better to get for oneself and maybe one's kids while the gettin's good.

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Despite this, history provides hope. The tyrants have never won in the long run. They will not this time either. We humans have an infinite ability to innovate and improve....this is another bump along the road. The west has given us a true taste of freedom unprecedented in history, and humanity will not return to feudal slavery, Despite the elites evil desires. (I hope)

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I remember they laughed out loud when Trump gave speech warning about this scenario

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Can you link to it?

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Bruce, here is one of the videos. I am trying to find the one that shows them laughing at him I saw it one a link on a twitter post but don't know where i put it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaBUNqVTkCs

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The west is not led by serious people.

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They seem pretty serious to me. I just see them as trying to destroy it.

So far they're getting an A+ from the WEF.

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I disagree.

The west is led by serious globalists.

Very serious.

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I agree and I agree about the serious globalists. However, when you hear government officials talking about their environmental schemes it is like they are all 12 years old lacking the most basic knowledge of physics and chemistry.

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Well, consider that their intended audience has a 10 y.o.'s grasp on the same topics.

Gubmint attracts the idiots and most evil among us. I am convinced the primary reason gubmint wants to dumb down edumacation is for themselves to look more intelligent...kinda how the most average man was seen as a genius in Idiocracy.

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I’ve never seen such a whirlwind of bad decision making at the highest of levels across the board. It’s like something else is going on but no one is talking about it. Hmmm…

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I think there is lots of talk about it, but just on blogs like this. The MSM are still captive to Government propaganda and supporting The Latest Thing.

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And some media platforms are literally deep state ops. Deep state marketing.

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Logic is such an underrated skill.

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And commom sense is not so common.

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I remember when my daughter did her Master's thesis on the economics of energy. One quote from a German economist was that "the minimum net reliability of solar and wind is zero." At that point the US was on the verge of becoming the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas thanks to Trump. You have to ask yourself if Angela Merkel was really that stupid. Anyone capable of reason could see that "Global Warming" was a scam without any scientific basis. Perhaps the greatest living scientist at that time, Freeman Dyson, pointed out that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was highly beneficial to the earth with only a small contribution from fossil fuels. Is it possible that this is just another form of mass psychosis?

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I think the intent was deliberately to put Germany in a bind.

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Freeman Dyson, who some called the father of environmentalism, was an especially effective and knowledgeable critic of environmental computer modeling

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Sure was. A real climate scientist, Mototaka Nakamura, tells the truth about simplistic models: Confessions of a Climate Scientist.

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Carbon tax.

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I mean, next in kittengarten they'll be teaching the felonious feline mind that they can't make solar power at night nor wind power every single day!

Imagine considering the thought that handing one's Post Industrial keys off to the competition is like slitting one's own throat! - Boulderdash! Hogwash! Gibberish ,I say!!

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Ah but we will have those fabulous batteries to store the energy - real soon now. Sadly the greenies wanted the conversions faster than technology provided. Technology isn't like ordering from Amazon.

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say whaaaaat?

All these years they told us they were better, smarter, and much more caring than the USA

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I wish they’d TAKE Jussie Smollet

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Is THE RULING CLASS this stupid? Or this evil? OUR DEAR LEADER HERE IN CANADA 🇨🇦 is proving to be both.

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Are they stupid and incompetent or intentionally malevolent? And which is worse?

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Good question

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Both all over. They are very sure they will escape and will be fine forever, not like the rest of the people. That is not possible, they will have a huge surprinse.

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