Like the “ if you die with one piece of genetic material from a high threshold PCR test within 45 days you are Covid positive and well give the hospital an extra $80k”

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Here's another scandal that is certainly not getting any air in US, as CDC reveals that, in one week

"This week’s data for 12- to 17-year-olds show:

-4,740 total adverse events, including 117 rated as serious and four reported deaths among 12 to 17-year-olds. The youngest deaths reported include two 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918 and 1242573), a 16-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1225942) and one 17-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1199455). There were other reported deaths in children under 17 that could not be confirmed or contained obvious errors.

-635 reports of anaphylaxis among 12- to17-year-olds with 97% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 2% to Moderna and 0.31% (or two cases) to J&J.

-40 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis (heart inflammation) all attributed to Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.

-16 reports of blood clotting disorders, all attributed to Pfizer."

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This is actually the data analysis from last Friday. OPENVAERS will update later today. Children's Health Defense usually updates by late afternoon.

Yesterday, I listened to most of an interview with Dr. Simone Gold of America's Frontline Doctors. She said CDC has a program called V-Safe that is not public. They are suing for the data through FOIA.


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Where can I listen to this interview?

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At least Germany still has investigative journalists who want to get to the truth about things. U.S. take note. Please.

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Everything responds to incentives

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And fear

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I heard this argument over and over again: ‘ICUs are about to be overwhelmed, so we need to lockdown’. This enthymeme leaves much to be desired as a piece of logic…

It’s generally not a good idea to give in to hysteria and hype. Nor is it wise to listen to the conmen who cynically exploit a crisis to profit themselves and augment their own power.

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Have you seen OttawaHealth’s latest? Canada has lost it. https://twitter.com/ottawahealth/status/1402973646184976389?s=21

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As far as I can see we don’t actually know either of those events had anything to do with racism.

I even saw an article about the guy that killed the Muslim family having a Muslim best friend that went public saying he’s not a racist and was having car problems.

Not sure if that’s true or not though …

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Yup Canada is a leftist lap dog doing the UN/WEF’s bidding and is 5 years ahead of the US on the wheel of wokeness. Canada’s MSM is dominated by a pravdaesque entity - CBC - and a collection of other media outlets that have all taken federal bailouts and are now earning healthy advertising dollars from the feds to promote the vaccines and lockdown orders. Everything in Canada is about gender and identity politics, systemic racism, zero carbon footprint etc. We Canadians get to enjoy this shit sandwich while our flimsy charter of rights is ignored because you know, there is a pandemic. Prime Minister Blackface and his merry band of grifters are hell bent on rewriting any distinctly Canadian history and culture and promoting all the cool shiny objects. Check out bill C10 being rammed through right now to create another level of censorship on social media, somehow under the guise of shovelling money to a bunch of Canadian “cultural icons” that Canadians could care less about but are forced to support with hard earned tax dollars. This bill is specifically designed to shovel hundreds of millions of dollars to French folk singers and circus performers and in exchange, the crooked Quebec separatists will back the federal government’s ability to censor Canadians on social media. So if your “conspiracy theory” makes it through Zuck and Jack’s woke fact checkers, you will still need to make it through the government’s own fact checkers. Sound a bit Orwellian? You think the media would be all over this to protect free speech? Nope, not a peep from the Canadian MSM. Can’t see much changing because over 50% of the population is so brainwashed and incapable of engaging in even a small amount of critical thinking. After 5 years of this clown show, I need to get off the ride.

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I truly feel your pain. I’m not Canadian but our family has property we’ve enjoyed every summer since 1959. I’m not sure we will ever be able to get there again as Trudeau changes the goal posts every month. I’ve watched Canadians become ever more passive over the last 15 yrs or so. Too many don’t even seem to realize they have Charter rights. It startled me when some Canadian friends called me their ‘forthright American’. Darn tootin! If we don’t speak up and take a stand, freedom can never be won back because they won’t be given once taken. About 80% of my family don’t see what is happening which has caused some heartache for sure.

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Thanks for the kind words. Although O

Was born in Canada, I grew up in a border town and spent quite a bit of time in the US, attended college in the US and worked and lived for some time in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago before returning home in the mid 90s. With every passing year, I watch Canada move further and further left and now that there is no MSM “stenographers”to keep this socialist clown show in check, our lords have used the pandemic to increase their power like never before. We have had scandal after scandal with this government but as quickly as they come, they are more quickly buried and now that the government have been shovelling our tax payer dollars to millions of able bodied folks so that they can “stay safe at home, they have even more power. The smugness exhibited by our politicians and journalists toward the US and the Trump administration made me so angry on daily basis that I have stayed away totally. In addition, I can no longer associate with some friends and family because I can’t take how they just mindlessly repeat CBC, PBS and CNN propaganda. Not sure who Make me more angry - the MSM, politicians or fellow Canadians who are sleepwalking through this massive power grab and shift towards unfettered socialism for everybody but the elites. Pray for us please

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Art I pray for Canadians daily; I really do. It’s so sad. Other countries responses to this pandemic were more authoritative than Canada’s at first but now I think Canada has first place in how bad government can really overreach and react. There are no metrics supporting what has or is happening to support any of this. 🙏

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Yes we are gaslit daily through constant platitudes like “we follow the science” “we all need to do our part” etc. Never ever any data to support any and all of these decisions. We have a well respected hospital like Sick Kids in Toronto pleading with this unelected science table and politicians to get kids back to in person learning and unfortunately the politicians in my

Province of Ontario the teacher’s unions are running the show and parents have been told In person learning for will not take place until September. Teen suicides are up 300% year over year and fatal drug overdoses are up over 200%. Eating disorder hospitals and clinics are overrun and these stories are never printed. I am so sad about the future of this once fine country

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Yup, sounds familiar

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And then there was Andy’s protocol - first admit to ICU and then send patients to long-term care residences

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And then get an Emmy and a book contract as punishment for your crimes.

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Hell is 🔥

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Sounds very similar to Nazism; it's the same mentality perpetrated by lies at the SS and Einsatzgruppen level. It was about money then and it is about money now. Of course, anti-Semitism is at an all-time high internationally. Just follow the money.

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According to CDC...596,059 C19 deaths since the pandemic began.


Also according to CDC...184,865 C19 associated hospitalizations as of June 5.


So..411,194 people died of C19 outside a hospital? Does that seem plausible?

Guess we know why the docs and nurses had all that time to practice their video dance routines.

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