Of all the places in the world where this could have happened! And leave it to the germans to repeat the mistakes of the past. Its like the 20 th century made no difference, noone learned anything. So depressing

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I took a look at the news, and it looks like it's not official yet. So, there's still some hope, although it's hanging by a thread.

I've been thinking about this. Respect for individual freedom is a relatively new concept in continental Europe, and it's mostly an English (or American, but the US is an offshoot of England) import. Being a recent import, it doesn't have very deep roots. One "shitty little virus" (as Alex B. called it on Joe Rogan) turned out to be enough for the whole human rights edifice to go poof. The UK and the US may possibly recover from this mess (in terms of respect for individual rights, that is), though even that is not a given. In continental Europe, we're headed toward totalitarian technocracy. Does anyone actually think this stops with COVID vaccines?

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Vax Macht Frei

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Everyone Set their clocks back to 1942.

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote about "stupidity" as Germans/Austrians stood silent during the rise of the Nazi party:

‘Stupidity is a more dangerous enemy of the good than malice. One may protest against evil; it can be exposed and, if need be, prevented by use of force. Evil always carries within itself the germ of its own subversion in that it leaves behind in human beings at least a sense of unease. Against stupidity we are defenseless. Neither protests nor the use of force accomplish anything here; reasons fall on deaf ears; facts that contradict one’s prejudgment simply need not be believed- in such moments the stupid person even becomes critical – and when facts are irrefutable they are just pushed aside as inconsequential, as incidental. In all this the stupid person, in contrast to the malicious one, is utterly self-satisfied and, being easily irritated, becomes dangerous by going on the attack. For that reason, greater caution is called for than with a malicious one. Never again will we try to persuade the stupid person with reasons, for it is senseless and dangerous.'

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Poor eugyppius! :(

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That's terrifying. I'm really scared that the Czech Republic is next... At least I have my COVID recovery papers (until mid-April), which buys me a bit of time. But this is truly terrifying.

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WTF happened to early treatment...? Time for Nuremburg 2.0. Disheartening!!! I'm still fighting this stuff, but I'm glad I'm old.

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Plus ca change with a vengeance. Deja vu all over again (thanks, Yogi Berra!). Well, now we know fer damn shure just exactly how all those good (not mocking, the straight truth) people seeing it happening in the late '20s/early '30s felt. The terror, the earthquake under their feet and the quick--any, instantaneous transformation of their educated peoppe-of-quality friends and colleagues from urbane intellectuals into slavering wolves happy to dine on your liver, thanks for the good meal!

I tell you, in this climate the Rittenhouse trial jurors must have had nerves of steel and souls of rare courage, and I don't think this is off-topic. Courage and cowardice are both bred from times like these, so there's hope. People managed somehow to keep their humanity, humor and endurance even in Siberia, so there's hope.

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Yeah, this is not about safety and vaccination. It is clear this is about DOMINATION of citizens. Are they going to hold their citizens down in the street and jab them with a needle? And how do you know what they will put in that needle? Punish the protestor by spiking the syringe with something to maim or kill. This is unbelievable. In spite of the protests, they will not hear or listen to their citizens. This is beyond any sci-fi horror that I can grasp. They are scared of their citizens because they see the backlash and will punish them for protesting. Get ready, time to purchase guns, tasers and anything for self-defense, this is really real.

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Da fuck is wrong with people?

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I have been reading about this on 4Chan and Godlikeproductions- German citizens are saying that this is being proposed by various functionaries but not official yet, e.g.:

"The country's tourism czar Thomas Bareiß said the worsening situation meant compulsory jabs was "unavoidable"."

"Bareiß told DPA news agency: "It is politically no longer justifiable that entire industries, retailers, restaurants, clubs, bars and the entire cinema, cultural and event scene live in a state of crisis prescribed by the state for 20 months and are faced with great existential fears, while others are concerned take the freedom not to vaccinate.

"So far, historical measures and sums of money have been able to save many companies. That doesn't work in the long run."

The country's health minister Jens Spahn said he wouldn't rule out an Austrian-style full lockdown."


I am certain though that this will become official policy (at least long enough to ramp up the fear factor and coercion). This is almost certainly coming to France as well. It looks like I am going to have to flee my home and become a refugee. This is insane.

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I just talked to my mom today (83 and in good health). She was complaining about not being able to walk last week, that her legs had suddenly given out. I asked how she was today, and she said it had been getting better all week. And THEN, told me she had the Moderna booster a day before her problems walking showed up for Christ's sake. She assured me she would not have shot #4. I hope she remembers in about 6 months. Point being: everyone knows they have been sold a pup with these things, either through direct experience with their failure to prevent the spread of covid, or through any number of mild to severe adverse reactions. This globalist vaxx or else! move is going to fail spectacularly as people increasingly say, "yeah ... no." 2022 will be a year of unbelievable political upheaval, and I suspect the EU will be unrecognizable in a year.

Another datum from my mom. She is in Texas and simply finds it bizarre that people are still freaking out about covid as it is not much of an issue there any more. Expect more of this sort of thing to spread from these zones of liberal freedoms also in the next year.

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AU here. To help these idiotic governments understand that it is NOT the unvaccinated causing these 'waves' of covid and making people so sick they have to go to hospital, but that it is in fact the vaccine causing all sorts of immune and inflammatory problems in the vaccinated and making them end up in hospital (!), I would be willing to stay at home (getting food delivered to my front gate) for a whole 8 weeks, just to show this. Possibly many people who think like me would also be willing to do the same. After all, this would be proper science at work!

However, in light of the craziness in Austria & Germany (and most of the world...), no doubt any government would change the threshold of the PCR tests in those 8 weeks, and lo and behold, they would say "It IS the vaccinated causing everyone to get sick!" because cases would go right down due to the figures being fudged/goalposts being changed - and then the masses would have the Jewish, sorry, Unvaccinated, people to hate (and we'd have to forget that the hospitals would STILL be full of a range of very sick, vaccinated people...).

It's like we're living in 1938 now...and we're damned if we do and we're damned if we don't, people. So we HAVE to hold strong, we HAVE to keep on fighting and we must NEVER give up on our ideals! We KNOW we are right (and the actual Science shows this, not the media-peddled crap), so we have to stand up for what we believe in.

Even if it means we have to walk away into the mountains, or anywhere far from a city, and wait it out if it gets really nasty, so be it. Because dying for those idiots out there is not worth it. The life that 'society' can now offer you is failing fast. If most people choose to be poisoned, get sick and die, that's their prerogative. I'm not going down on their sinking ship!

Make your escape plans, people, and be willing to execute them.

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Is anyone surprised? Does anyone think this is not coming to the USSA shortly after Thanksgiving (and the cold front)? Does anyone still think ADE Season won't happen?

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I like the meme I saw recently that said:

“If you wondered what you would have done in 1930’s Germany, now you know.”

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we’ve put so many resources into “remembering the holocaust” (something I’m obviously in favor of) but have become so squeamish about drawing parallels, not between strict outcomes necessarily (such as death camps), but in general social tendencies, that it makes all those efforts to “remember” seem pretty pointless.

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Watch cases really skyrocket now…

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Positively desperate to get rid of the control group. So what's it going to be... soldiers showing up the door with a needle and a gun to your head?

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Feels very bad to like this post :(

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May tyranny implode on the evil that is sweeping the globe. NOW

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They're not even offering the "...macht frei" portion of the equation. It's just "Vax or else!"

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Let Nuremberg be the place where the first person is tied to a gurney and injected. That would be Germany sending the 21st century a message: We have not forgotten the humiliation, nor have we forgiven.

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Lemme guess, Germany will implement the policies in an even more insane manner than Austria. Then, just to be sure, Germany will send its people to Austria to make sure they're doing it properly...

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Dear god, they have gone insane. We must NOT COMPLY.

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So who’s going to tell Sweden and Florida they’re doing it all wrong?

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Simply saying that Germany is tone deaf int his situation is an understatement. Honestly, you've got to wonder if they are even teaching History there anymore? Remember, they were actually promoting YELLOW circle badges a couple of months ago to identify themselves as "Vaccinated". It's abject stupidity and full on dangerous now.

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I'm really sick of this stuff. I said a long time ago this ends with them physically forcing the injection on people, against their will. Won't be long now...

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Wonder how much coyotes charge Europeans to "emigrate" to the US?

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Let's check the numbers in South Dakota and Sweden: S.D. is having much lower cases and deaths than 12 months ago. Sweden's number of daily deaths has actually declined in the last couple months.

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I live in Germany. I am toast. They are coming for my kids ...

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Can't we find someone with common sense who is supposed to be making these important decisions? Because I haven't seen but a few.

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It appears that Austria and Germany have been ignoring what is happening in Gibraltar and Waterford, Ireland.

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Pfuck Pfizer & Pfuck Pfauci.

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Could they be trying to get everyone susceptible to ADE reaction and vulnerability to SARS Covid 3 (currently being brewed somewhere)? I feel paranoid saying this but a whole world would be held hostage to someone with that new virus?

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Is this our future?

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I am optimistically hoping this is merely Dickensian-- fine them and then throw them into prison if they cannot pay! (How can that be, if not the best case scenario, vastly superior to the obvious alternative here?)

Then again, Austria and Germany are not the U.K.

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This time, Germany and Austria, there is no USA, UK and Canada to come take out your oppressors. You will have to do it yourselves. If you want to.

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Apparently its just 1 politician mouthing off. Hopefully will stop with him.

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Reverse Anschluss.

Set the alarm when they get to Poland.

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Unavoidable. As if it’s out of their hands.

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“Ein Vax, ein Reich!”

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This has nothing to do with 1930's. This is democratically chosen politicians with no obvious fascist or communistic tendencies power tripping madly because of the "greater good"-fallacy and ending up behaving like in a fascist or communist police state. They really believe that you must sidestep the democracy for "greater good".

It just shows the power madness and tyrannical overreach are not restricted to extremists, it can happen also among so called "normie" politicians. It is actually worse than some extremist grabbing power like in 1933 in Germany or 1917 in Russia.

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Resist as best you can. The OSHA "mandate" didn't work. This isn't destiny either.

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Two vax updates:

1) Franklin Graham (a big Christian vac pusher), 69, just had surgery for pericarditis.

2) Dan Ackyroid's brother just died. Cause not yet released.

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All for a 0.2% fatality rate from a virus that was circulating for a year before anyone noticed? Sure, there is no conspiracy at work.

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Austria…Germany… something seems familiar.

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In the past, US intervention helped bring NAZI perpetrators to the Nuremberg Trials. Unfortunately, the US medicocracy is complicit in and cheerleader of this worldwide evil, and there appear to be no heroic countries. We individuals must find each other and stand up to this.

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